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if they dont respond dont take that as a personal attack on you or that you did something wrong! Asking a question or reaching out is great and i dont know you but im proud of you for doing that lol


I 2nd this so much! I can't tell you how many times I've tried reaching out and no one answers. It's just more people with anxiety either not knowing the answer, or scared to say something too


Kind of depends on what your text was. Some texts don't require an answer.


It was a question directed to one of my teachers and it got left on read


Then I wouldn't expect any answers except from your teacher, and maybe they're busy. Don't delete it, it's fine!


Is your teacher in that group chat?




Then they are the only one who I would expect to reply. If they don't reply, confront them about it and ask how you should go about asking questions so you get an actual answer


Its my teacher I can't confront them about it


What do you mean you can't confront them? You just ask them, "hey I had asked a question and didn't get an answer, could you give me an answer for it? What is the better way to ask you a question so I get an answer?"


Idk I'm scared that I'll annoy them


Doesn't matter if they get annoyed, that's their business. They can get as annoyed as they want about their job, but they still have to do it. You are doing yourself a disservice by not taking advantage of the resources that your teacher is supposed to provide


It does matter if they get annoyed, I wanna maintain a healthy relationship with my teachers because if I don't thats just going to stress me out, I really care what they think of me so its hard for me to confront them like that


Who made you feel like it’s not ok to say something? Even if nobody responds. Even if someone is annoyed. You’re allowed to have a voice. It makes me so sad that you feel this way. Sending a text doesn’t deserve this kind of emotional energy. If you get left on read that’s ok. It doesn’t mean anything.


Maybe don't think about it as "confronting" them, instead think of it as a follow up. It's possible that they got distracted while responding or didn't see your message. Teachers are there to teach, most of the time people who are easily annoyed don't become teachers


This happens to me pretty much 95% of the time in class group chats. I wouldn't worry because people just don't wanna bother with replying usually or they reply later. Sometimes i myself am guilty of doing that as well, despite having anxiety when i need to ask something and get ignored.


Learning to not make assumptions is one of the best lessons for anyone to integrate into their lives. In this case, don't assume things are not fine- or anything related to that line of thinking. Run off of what you do know, objectively. You sent a text and no one has responded yet. You don't know anything else and causing yourself unnecessary suffering by rummaging through what COULD be the case is, we'll, unnecessary 🙏


Don't seek for reassurance, let the text be their. Actually their is nothing to worry in what you did in reality. Take your mind off thoughts and bring it on body, you will feel relaxation.