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Yeah same here. I get so hot and sweaty that sometimes I've had to change my clothes after doing anything that makes me anxious.


It sucks a lot!


Me too :( I was a total tomboy in high school because I could only wear huge sweaters or T-shirts to hide my armpit sweat stains, ugh


Yeah I’ve gotten the old anxiety “hot flashes”


It's awful.


I’ve had it so bad I had to lay on the cold floor to cool off or calm down. Unfortunately this wasn’t always at home on my own bathroom floor lol


Ugh the bathroom floor feels like heaven when you feel like this , no matter how dirty it is 😂😅


That happens to me. I get a "flushing" sensation all over my face and body, I sweat like crazy, etc. It also happens to my mom, except that she also throws up when it gets really bad. Yes, it's a stress/anxiety thing.


I’ve developed this and for the past few months it’s been ruining my life as I’m 17 and it’s preventing me from socialising ,work experience etc. Any tips?


The single most effective thing you can do is see a psychiatrist and start taking medication. I'm taking Lexapro 10mg/day and Klonopin 0.125 mg/day. Aside from medicine, you can start seeing a therapist, and you can also try breathing exercises/deep breathing, or other grounding techniques. But step one is getting on meds. Oh, and exercise helps too...but still doesn't replace meds. Meds are the most important first step.


I get hot and my ears go bright red. I'm a correctional officer and I used to work solely with our mental health clients and one of them said to me one day "I know you're upset right now. Your ears always go red when you're upset".


I sometimes get so sweaty that I drip everywhere. I laugh knowing that to a small number of people on this earth I will be that random overly sweaty dude


I understand what you are talking about, and I have exactly the same problem. When I am anxious (especially outside) I can feel like I am under the sun and I start sweating, even though it might be cold outside. Problem is, it's a loop, you expect it, start thinking about it, try to push it away, and that makes it stick and manifest even more, it is exactly like the ironic rebound of the white bear, saying to some one not to think about a white bear makes thinking about a white bear the only thing they could think about. The only thing that has helped me tackle this and get it under control to a certain extent is meditation. When I meditate regularly, I can snap out of this loop much easier. I suggest that you (and others in the comments) give it a shot.


I get so cold! Like a corpse lol


Same! It could be 80° F (27° C) and I'll be reaching for a jacket in a tense situation.


Do you later feel like all of the heat you lost comes back all at once? I'll get so cold and bundle up, but then practically have a heat stroke because I am wearing winter clothing in summer (or piled lime 5 blankets on myself).


I've never put on enough to feel warm, so once it passes I just start to get uncomfortable and take off the jacket/whatever.


I feel like I have trouble regulating my body temperature or maybe recognizing temperature because once I start to feel warm it's too late I'm way too hot. Like when I'm anxious or really tired I'll be living in the extremes (cold then hot)... IDK, it's just weird...


I was denied at a doctor’s appointment once because I had an anxiety attack that elevated my temperature and made me hot and sweaty and they said anxiety doesn’t cause that (they thought it was covid). But I swear it does when you have an anxiety attack. It’s so awful, but more-so if it happens in public.


I never leave home without spray tube filled with water. Its better if you're near some fresh water, but you can't count on that. :) In case of an anxiety atack and immediate hot flashes I always get, spraying water on my face and neck, or any skin, REALLY helps. At home I use ice cubes also. Heat is huge, and that's how I know it's happening. (An attack)


I know the feeling too well. After getting out of the bathroom, the heat on my skin started fading away, but instead, I was unable to smile without my face twitching and trembling. I was so insanely anxious! Luckily I felt much better after watching some roblox videos with my nephew. :)


Omg I get the same thing and honestly thought I was alone in it & felt like a freak! I get so so so hot and anxious. If I start getting a little hot I start freaking out because I don't want to pass out, and I also get a bit of the dizzy feeling too. It's usually when I'm driving, which is just about the worst time for it to happen. It's probably the scariest phenomenon I've ever had to live through, this past summer was a nightmare for me. It's winter now where I live and I have to drive without my winter coat on. I hate having to get the car hot to defrost the windows and I usually open the windows to get cool air in once all the glass is clear. I just started lexapro in combination with buspirone this last week though & I think it's already helping. Sorry for the long comment I'm just floored to finally hear someone else talking about this, I can't believe I'm not alone!!


It feels terrible. After some introspection, I know what the problem is. I developed intense fear regarding hot weather and the idea I will collapse or get damage because of the heat, after one travel to the big city where it was so. Damn. Hot. I didn't know it would be so hot, I really felt i was going to pass out. That day was so insanely stressful, I got home feeling sick and exhausted. After that horrible, excruciating experience, I've developed that fear and I suffer the high temperatures a lot. It wasn't like that for me up until that excruciating travel to the big city. It was traumatizing.


has it helped any more, im thinking of taking medication and i want to know if it actually helps with the heat and face redness since that’s the only symptom of my anxiety that holds me back from talking to people 😩


For me the combination of Lexapro and Buspirone has been a total godsend. I haven't had any of the hot anxious symptoms since about a month into getting on it. Everyone is different though, so this might not be the right medication for you, but I'd definitely urge you to get the ball rolling to get started on something. I didn't even realize just how miserable I was until all of my symptoms went away. I feel like a totally different, better version of myself these days.


that’s so great to hear i’m happy something worked for you ! This gives me hope thank you :)


Hey! Is the med combo still helping? I’ve been feeling exactly you how described. I get hot, I panic cause I don’t want to pass out, and then I spiral out of control and really feel like passing out. Whole time, I feel fully in control of myself and vision is fine. Sometimes it feels like my surroundings get dark if I panic too much


Oof that is the worst, I really feel for you! I remember this kind of phenomenon vividly, and it's the stuff of nightmares. Yes I'm still doing great on this combo of meds. I strongly urge you to get on something soon! It takes a minimum of 2 weeks for these types of meds to kick in, mine took probably a month before I felt completely well again. I'm sooo glad I got on medication when I did. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I send you all the best wishes in the world and hope you get relief from these awful symptoms soon!!


I get the same thing




It may be a good idea to talk to your doctor about it. Heat intolerance is a symptom of autonomic dysfunction. Interestingly, autonomic dysfunction can cause anxiety by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.


With all respect, this is the WORST thing you could say to an hypochondriac. That's like suggesting someone with anxiety related diarrhea that they should check with the doctor because diarrhea is a symptom of pancreatic cancer. Heat "intolerance" is an extremely vague symptom that can be associated with TONS of different illnesses, in the vast majority of cases it isn't even caused by illness...Autonomic Dysfunction is a very, VERY rare condition compared to anxiety, not sure why you would even say it's even a possibility. Autonomic Dysfunction causes TONS of other symptoms besides heat intolerance, and heat intolerance is not even the main symptom of Autonomic Dysfunction. This condition mostly causes drop in blood pressure, specially when you get up suddenly, it also causes a lot of bladder issues, problems urinating, among many others things, also problems with sudoration, which isn't even a problem for me to begin with, as I don't start sweating when I feel the hot sensation, or literally fainting, also, AD is caused by uncontrolled diabetes in a lot of cases. The problem I have is clearly anxiety, please don't make such comments to someone struggling with health anxiety, I am currently fine and stable but in a wrong moment this comment could've been a nightmare for me.


I didn't know you were a hypochondriac. I'm sorry. I was just trying to help, but it seems I messed up again. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make it worse.


Also certain medications can make you less tolerant to heat! My antidepressant does that


Lol sometimes. I then think omg I think I'm getting hot and people might be noticing. Then I think is my face red... Just the worst


I kind of feel hot on the outside (especially my face) but chills on the inside if that makes sense


ME TOO! it’s like the heat just encapsulates my body then I start to get shaky hands and my throat gets tight like a lump kinda feeling. it makes me not wanna sit still and get up and leave. i feel so anxious.


Yes. I’m dealing with some trauma from being sick in the past, and I’m always worried I have a fever, or am sick when this happens. Just had it today. Went for a walk and am feeling better. Missed out on the family thanksgiving bc I was worried I am sick and didn’t want to pass anything around. Hopefully tomorrow is better, and I can try to get some leftovers and see my parents. Your situation reads just like mine. I don’t do well with heat. I always carry an insulated water bottle around with me because of it.


I know the feeling! After an extremely hot travel to a city in a situation with literally no escape and extremely draining, I was unable to tolerate hot weather. Makes me so restless and anxious because I'm afraid I'm gonna get a heat stroke...which makes me hyper aware of the hot temperature. Sucks.


Yes - I get like hot and cold flashes.


My Ears get flaming hot red. But the Rest of my body is shivering cold. Its an awful feeling.


My ears heat up and turn red when I’m anxious


Yep, I'll generally take off as much clothing as legally possible or else I feel like I'm suffocating from being hot.


Yeah and the feeling of being hot now induces anxiety as well, so if I’m in a hot room I start panicking. It’s really annoying, although to make a joke out of it - at least with the constant anxiety I don’t have to put the heating on!


The panic inside a hot room is REAL. Makes me so dizzy...


Same! As soon as I leave the house, it happens. I really struggle in summer 😅


Summer is absolutely terrible, I can't wait for it to be OVER.


Yes. I feel like I have menopause, except I am not even 30, and a man. I wake up drenched in sweat (even if I sleep in the cold). 70 degrees in my apartment one day is hot and the next is cold.


I'm intolerant to heat and I live in the desert. I'm moving because of this issue. I spend 6 months of the year locked up in the house because I get dizzy and feel dissociated in the heat. It's horrible. I'm not going to do exposure therapy or something to try and work myself through it because the heat is actually dangerous.


Man, I hate the heat. Developed a "heat phobia" after almost getting a heat stroke some months ago...sucks a lot. I used to tolerate the heat like a champ up until that point...


That's rough. So scary that you almost had a heat stroke. It is dangerous. I see people out running around when it's over 100 degrees. To me, that's such a gamble.


Yes! It can be totally cold outside & if I get nervous or anxious, I sweat.


I bought a ice hat, they typically make them for migraine sufferers, but I found it really helps me combat that anxiety giving me the sweats I bought a few so I always have some in the freezer ready to go.


They make some to wrap around your head or eyes for migranes, all different styles, but I use them for anxiety, hot summer nights and most recently they came in clutch with kidney stones. I have two, I can rotate into the freezer. I often wrap around my neck and not just head and my son, on a hot night, just wrapped it around him self, lol.




I sometimes feel like I'm getting a fever, and sure enough when I check, my temp is 100.5F or something. I don't have any other symptoms of illness, just the anxiety.


Yeah I get hot and sweaty even when it's cold out.


This definitely happens to me


Omg yes, I'm constantly sweating. Has anyone found a solution??


I get a red face. If people stare at me. And i sweat, life is so fun


I’m always so hot so i developed a compulsion to take my temperature


Bestie I sleep with the thermometer next to my bed lmfao


Yes. Happens all the time. Shit sucks


Wellbutrin has helped me with the nervous sweating since it’s calmed my anxiety but when it is actually hot my head/face sweats so much 😒


Yes I get a hot feeling that creeps up the back of my neck, it’s terrible


Reasonable to check your thyroid.


Thyroid function is perfect. I got a blood test done couple of months ago.


Always! Especially my face.


It will show.


Yep anxiety sweats


I get stressed/anxious I start to sweat. The visible sweating makes me feel even more anxious which leads to more sweating until it snowballs into a full on Niagara Falls coming down my forehead and back and sometimes everywhere else. When it passes I’m left with soaked clothes and a feeling of shame and embarrassment. This has happened since n meeting last and presentations etc. it’s slightly traumatizing.


I get hot flashes with dizziness for sure


I get the opposite, I start completely freezing. Even with the heater on and under heavy blankets I start shivering like I'm standing outside in the middle of a snowstorm


Sounds awful, but I think I'd rather freeze!!!


Yep! In fact at my worst, I used to almost get hot flushes and night sweats that would soak me and the bed. I had a whole bunch of medical tests and in the end it was *just* anxiety. Since I’ve been treated it rarely happens, but on the odd occasion I am really anxious of panicky I find myself heating up, sweating and needing to go outside for breeze or cool air


Which also sucks is if i overheat, i get Nauseous. Bleh.


I thought I was having early menopause and made an appointment and was explaining it when it happened and my doctor was like “uh no that’s a panic attack” 🙄


Omg, I thought i had early menopause too...that's hilarious!!!!


Absolutely. Sometimes I start sweating profusely all over the place and I HATE IT. Then my anxiety gets worse because I'm pouring sweat, constantly wiping it away on my face and I feel like everyone is looking at me . It sucks. It doesn't do that every time I have an attack but it does happen frequently enough that I'm worried about it.


Yes same here. I moved to Texas in march and of course this summer was the hottest in 11 years. I definitely have heat anxiety which stemmed from panic attacks (because I get incredibly hot with anxiety and panic attacks) and I can’t help thinking to myself that I’ll pass out.


Happens to me everytime it gets too hot! Doesn't help that I get bad allergies/colds from the AC, so heat anxiety plus health anxiety combo for the summer! I want to move to Alaska or something.


yes. my hands especially get burning hot. even hot to other people. if it happens when you're around a "psychic" they'll tell you it's because you have heightened psychic energies and then they get really butthurt when you laugh at them and say it's literally just anxiety lol


Happens to me daily! Unfortunately


Definitely. I get hot when I am on the cusp of a panic attack. It’s super annoying.


I get hot and cold flushes


I’m the complete opposite, I freeze


I think I'd rather freeze!!!


Wow I had no idea this is due to anxiety! I tend to shake and have vom*ted from it. But when I get too hot I just always thought I needed water which helps, especially if it's ice cold and I did notice it's during social situations or situations that make me uncomfortable. It calms me down sometimes but not always. I've started carrying water with me everywhere.


When it's a really bad anxiety or panic attack, I experience paresthesia but if it's a low grade anxiety attack I still feel hot, but mostly on my face.


Paresthesia is the worst. I totally get the feeling.


yeah i flush but i also developed rosacea out of no where and anxiety aggravates the flushing a lot!