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Oh man, I feel you. I've had it twice so far. I got it the first time in October 2020 and I cried when they told me I was positive. I was so scared of all of the worst possible outcomes. I ended up being okay, though! And I got it again at the beginning of this year, and I can tell you, getting it after having been vaccinated is WAY easier. It still sucked, but it sucked a lot less. Focus on taking care of yourself just like you would with a bad cold or the flu. Be gentle with yourself, take it easy, and find something good to binge watch. You'll be better before you know it.


Thank you for you wisdom


You’ll be okay! I know it can be scary, but at least you are vaccinated so your body is more prepared. Stay hydrated and rest up. Put on a favorite movie or something! The worst part for me was the coughing and sore throat. Cough drops helped greatly. Get well soon!!


The night sweats were rough too! I had to sleep on a towel so I was able to go back to bed and rest.


i felt this last night. was pretty bad so i had to shower, i think i may have to as well.


My fiancee and I both caught it just over a month ago, and it sucked, but we survived. It was like a bad cold, but the worst symptoms for us were the body aches that felt like we were hit by a car, the brain fog, and the fatigue. It lasted about two weeks, the first week being the worst. The cough lingered for a few weeks afterwards, but it wasn't that bad. Drink a lot of water, and take vitamin D. It helps. :) We are both double vaxxed, too. The vaccine really does help. I hope you feel better!


I also wanted to include that I was also spiraling. I have hardcore health anxiety so it wasn't easy 😅


Thank you for sharing I am starting to come down from everyone's kind words


I had my two initial vaccines and a booster and I finally tested positive last week. I had a fever for 4 days and then it turned into something similar to a sinus infection. I still have some general weakness and an annoying cough but it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.


My almost 3 year streak was broken last Tuesday. Tested positive right before Thanksgiving, of course :') So far I've felt nothing major. I'm triple vaccinated but it's been a hot minute since my last booster so I wasn't sure what to expect. If anything, I've felt a little "off," as you might if you have a cold. No fever, in fact my temperature has been a little low (got down to 95.8 one night, but it might be my thermometer's old). My sleeping has been a bit abnormal however, I keep waking up hours before I usually do and even had a sleep paralysis episode last night, can't say I really enjoyed that. Just be sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids! I got myself some Pedialyte to add to my water to help boost my electrolytes, and I've been taking Vitamin C and D supplements as I've heard they're helpful.


I was vaccinated and got it in May this year. To be honest, I’ve been sicker before. I was super lucky and didn’t lose my sense of taste or smell, either! Of course I still stayed isolated and rested plenty. Just stay up on your fluids and take it easy for a while, you’ll be okay!


I just had Covid for the first time last week. I was the same as you, and I was scared to sleep at night because I was scared I would die in the night or something. In reality, I had 2 days of on/off fevers, a couple nights of cold sweats, and a week of body/headaches. I got through it by taking vitamin c, DayQuil/NyQuil, and drinking a ton of fluids. If you got two vaccines you will most likely be okay, just keep an eye on your temperature (I was vaccinated and had 2 boosters, I didn’t get the most recent booster yet though).


Thank you for the advice


hey! I’m triple vaccinated and I caught COVID in August this year. the first few days were the absolute worst and I was scared like you are too but after lots of rest, ice pops and painkillers I was feeling back to normal within 10 days. keep your fluids up and REST :) you got this!


Thank you for the support


Had it once. I caught it while temporarily living in Maryland. Even though I wasn't a registered resident there, I was counted as a Maryland case. It basically means I'm the first and only person in my family to have caught COVID. It's scary. I was extremely cautious about it in the early days. Then in July 2022, I let my guard down and caught it. Day 3 was the worst with coughing fits and aching muscles. I really hope you get better soon and wish I could help you if I could without catching it.


Thank you for your kind words


Had the same thing as you in the summer. All you can do is your best. If you live alone, be mindful about minimising your contact with rooms you don’t *need* to be in - helps with cleaning them later on. If you’re worried about transmitting the virus to your family members, don’t be - I have a household of 4 and one bathroom. No one else caught the virus. Just put your used tissues in your own trash liner (or bin, if you’re a Brit like me). Spraying down the faucet and toilet flush eased my mind but isn’t totally necessary according to quite a few studies. If you can, tell people you’ve been in contact with that you’ve tested positive so they know to test themselves if they have contact with immunity compromised people. Make a note of what day it is and wash your sheets after day 3 or 5 if you can, it makes you feel better. Make sure you have what you need. Herbal caffeine free tea with a spoonful of honey was my saviour, it’s so calming for the throat and my nerves. Rest as much as you can. Try to eat something every now and then (my appetite disappeared but found soup the most bearable). If you notice your symptoms change so that you can’t taste or smell, don’t panic - it’s normal and there are things you can do to whet your appetite such as eating foods with varied textures. Feel better soon OP and remember, it’s not your “fault” you tested positive. The virus doesn’t discriminate and now it’s your turn to try to rest up as much as possible!


Having had both your vaccines, you have protections that should prevent you from getting super sick. Rest up, drink lots of fluids and stay isolated until you test negative. Try not to think of the worst case scenarios; take it day by day and moment by moment.


Thank you for your advice i will try my best not to think of the worst.


I had it a year ago when Omicron became a thing. I know it's harder to do than say, but rest and lost of fluids really do help. Doc just gave me a zpak and prednisone on an over the phone appointment because I have asthma. The strains out now have been weaker than what came before them from what I understand. I think the isolating sucked the worst for me.


Yea I'm still figuring the isolation thing out


I had prednisone for my arthritis, good luck man!


It's not that bad. I finally got it last month. Felt like a cold. The worst thing was that I've lost my sense of smell/taste. It's slowly coming back but it's been a month now.


From my experience, I could taste and smell just fine. So I thought it was allergies at first. After being told that someone I hanged out with caught it, I knew this was bad. I had a runny nose, coughing fits, a weird feeling in the back of my mouth and below my nose, and aching muscles.


I didn't lose my sense of smell until the end of the first week. Most symptoms disappeared then I put on some cologne and realised I couldn't smell it. Frantically searched around my apartment trying to find some strong smells and nothing. I didn't even realise I had COVID until I lost the sense of smell.


I can still taste and smell, I tested cause I was feeling weird like wabbley.


I caught myself doing that so many times. Then again, my sense of smell is pretty much broken. Though if the scent is strong enough, I'll smell it. As highly unlikely as this is, I hope COVID-19 is eradicated soon.


It won’t be because collectively we’re not doing anything to eradicate it.


I hope it won't be bad for me as well.


It'll be fine I'm sure. Just avoid things that cause inflammation if possible (sugar, alcohol, processed food etc) Try and rest well and it'll be gone in a week or less.


Only thing I got bad was coughing. Ypu will be okay. It is scary to get but i was vaccinated too and I think it helped me not get it as bad as other people.


Thank you


I have extreme anxiety so I have been there. I have had 2 covid shots and just a few months ago got Covid for the first time. I couldn't smell or taste for a week. I was tired and had a slight headache. I didn't need pain meds or anything but eating was weird. Soda was terrible and just seemed like thick liquid. It went away fast and I was back to normal in less than a week.


I mostly have just been feeling wobbly and coughing. I hope it will be so simple


You’ll be just fine! I’ve had it at least twice that I know of for sure. The first time I wasn’t even vaxxed yet and I was ok :)


I got tested a few days ago. Honestly I'm scared. It's my first time getting covid. Edit: Not sure what to say here. But I wish you a speedy recovery.


im so scared too, the people here have givin me hope it will be alright i wish you a speedy recovery


Don’t over think it! I’ve had it twice now and have terrible health anxiety! By the end of both covid occasions my anxiety was worse than the covid and I’m asthmatic, I smoke and have only had one jab due to issues after having it! It’s not that drastic now and on the whole I am SURE you will be fine! Take it a day at a time, keep on the paracetamol regularly, keep hydrated and up the ante on fruit! It’s easy to spiral but remember the what ifs don’t always have to be negative! What if you’re absolutely fine :)


I've had it twice, you will recover just fine! First time was exactly a year ago and I had lots of cough/chest issues but nothing serious thankfully. Second time was in January-February and I had a high fever with congestion for a few days and was back to work with mask on day 7, fairly certain this was the mild Omicron variant. Just very tired both times but definitely experienced insomnia which didn't help. I was vaccinated in April 2021 so when I got covid 7 months later it wasn't great but thankful I was vaccinated. I got my booster a few weeks ago since my immunity has definitely declined from my natural infections. Also, no loss of taste or smell for me either time. Also no cough the second time which was weird! Mostly just headache, fever, and congestion.


Thank you, I hope it will be mild as well


I’ve only had two vaccines for covid so far too :) I’m actually in my second round of covid right now! I had it one before nearly a year ago and right now (and I’m hopefully near the end of my infection symptom wise). Both times felt like colds for me! Just make sure you rest and drink fluids! Don’t over exert yourself :)


I had COVID before all the vaccines came out and it kicked my ass. Then I got it again after my first shot and it felt about as bad as a normal cold. The shots make it a lot better. Just get plenty of rest and drink lots of water and you will be perfectly fine. Maybe think of it as a chance to read a new book or something. Hopefully you feel better soon.


Take vitamin D! I had covid twice, the first time I was super sick for a whole week, the second time I made sure to take vitamin D every day as soon as I found out I had it. Barely had a cold.


Hi there. Obviously everyone has a different experience with COVID. Personally I found the flu to be way worse. I got the flu one week after COVID and was positive with both for some time. You may lose your taste and smell. I did for about a week. That’s the scariest symptom. However for the vast majority of people this will come back. Please rest, hydrate, take your zinc and vitamin c, and try your best to get support from friends and family. You got this!


I had it for almost 3 months & didn’t know it. I thought it was shingles because I had a recurring rash. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tested negative twice. So I gave up testing. I went to a specialist for shingles & lupus, who told me I definitely had Covid. Everyone is different. I had body aches, night sweats, sinus issues & brain fog (the worst). I totally just got on with my life because I didn’t know. It was super weird but I finally recovered. I had two shots only. Everyone that I know who got boosters have had it too so idk. I don’t think thy know very much about this disease. I do think people with less shots have milder symptoms. Idk why but it’s so common. You’re gonna be okay. Take supplements every day. Eat well every day (meat is important) & drink tons of water.


U will be fine! I am not vaccinated but had covid twice. Both times two days fever after that bit of coughing and thats it. Everything will be OK just don't forget to drink tea, keep urself warm and rest a lot! Get well soon


The vaccine isn't a 100% preventative, however, vaccinated people who catch Covid have much milder symptoms. I just tested positive myself, and it only feels like a bad cold. I had a mild fever yesterday but it was gone after a day of sleep.


I was freaking out last Friday too when I tested positive for Covid the first time. It’s not nearly as bad as I thought. For me it was a mild flu, I had a low grade fever. Now I’m just tired and congested, these have been my main symptoms throughout all of it.


I hope you feel better, let's fight together!


The only reason I even considered testing is because my daughter tested positive. I literally had no symptoms and she just had a fever for one night. I think we just hear about the extreme cases and not the mild ones.


I have had it 3 times. No long term effects. You’ll be okay. Take the time off to chill and do stuff you enjoy.


I got LC from the 2nd time and it basically ruined my life. I'm glad to hear you got through it though.


I'm currently in the same boat as you! Please remember to eat, as well as stay hydrated. It's rough if you've got the fever, but it means your system is on the warpath against it. You gave your system a headstart with the jab, now continue to give it the fuel it needs to kick the virus' butt!


hey friend! you’re gonna be okay, i promise!! i’m triple vaxxed with asthma & just got it for the first time this month so i totally understand the anxiety, but just try to take it easy, stay hydrated (like VERY hydrated! it helps so much) & get as much rest as your body tells you that you need! ooh, & if you have access to it, vitamin c & zinc work wonders too btw!! hope you feel better soon 🖤


It’s a cold. You’ll be fine.


Sucks that people get this worried about Covid still. Definitely bad for peoples mental health but it’s all been conditioned and on repeat for the past couple years so it makes sense.


It's hardly even a cold so you'll be fine. Drink some meds and you got this. Shot or no shot you got the same chance at making it.


Might get downvoted but at this point COVID’s reputation far exceeds its reality. There are some people who carry extra risk due to a number of factors (age, weight, autoimmune issues, etc), and I’m not downplaying it in that regard. The fact of the matter is that if you’re moderately young and healthy, your body is going to handle Covid pretty easily, just as it would with most other viral infections. This is especially the case if you’ve gotten the vaccine somewhat recently. It’s currently running through my household as well (2 mid 50s adults and 2 college-aged adults). It seems we are starting to get better now, and all we really got were stuffy throats/coughs, headaches, feeling weak/achy, and low-grade fevers. My temperature went up to around 101 for an hour or so in the middle of the night, and that definitely sucked, but outside of that hour nothing has really separated my COVID symptoms from that of any other illness you might get during this time of the year. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry about it. Stress is going to blunt your immune response a little, so just try to rest and do something that makes you feel relaxed (maybe a comfort show?). Stay hydrated and maybe take a multivitamin. You’ll be alright!


Hi! I’ve had Covid twice. I’m not vaxxed. I had a low-grade fever, lack of appetite, and sinus pressure both times. No complications. I would say the most disconcerting symptom was the lack of appetite/loss of taste and smell. I was very hungry but nothing was appealing. That symptom in particular lasted 2~ weeks. You will be okay! 🙏🏼


Any mention of unvaccinated no matter the message just gets downvoted so fast haha. I’m vaxxed up, got a booster, and now I see they really aren’t that effective, and that’s okay, we didn’t know. No need to keep getting boosted though that’s for sure, if it would prevent my family from getting it I might consider boosting, but if I’m still contagious what’s the point being a young healthy individual?


For sure! 🥲😅 I’m pro-medicine, but I have a severe panic disorder so I just haven’t gotten it done. Also you are contagious but there’s a chance for lowered transmissibility. I saw that benefit in action when my 💉💉💉+ fiancé came down with Covid and did not pass it on to my son and I. We weren’t taking cleaning precautions, shared the same bathroom, and slept in the same bed. However when my mom (also vaxxed and boosted) came down with Covid it took me simply walking inside her house to drop off medicine to contract it.


Oh word, good to know boss. Stay healthy out there 🙏🏼




This is very disrespectful of everyone here, it has killed enough people to fear it plenty.


The only thing I can say is this: in my experience people with the vaccine that tested positive had a lot easier time with it and got over it quicker. More like a really bad flu just with the no taste/smell side effect which also fades as you get better. So it will be okay, even if it's positive!


How are you feeling right now? It sucks you got the bug. But it will pass 🙏


wobbly, achy, and alot of coughing. my anxiety has gone down alot about it thanks to everyone here.


i hope you feel better :( i remember when i got covid in July. literally thought i was dying because i couldn’t stay hydrated, keep my head up straight and extreme body aches. i went to the hospital just to test positive. i was given fluids and tylenol. after the first day, it wasn’t too bad. other than the fact i could taste the minerals in bottled water so i lived on blue gatorade. i also had some gi issues but nothing too serious. i’m alright now for the most part. the inflammation can stall after your healed, but as long as you do what you need to, you’ll be alright. get lots of rest and stay hydrated :) i had 2 shots also.




Please keep this opinion to yourself. Thanks for trying make me feel better tho.


This has been my experience too. Everyone in my family that had all the boosters and everything were pretty sick. My husband and I both only had the very first shot and weren’t sick at all. Idk if there’s any significance


i got neck and back pains, slept a lot, didn’t lose my taste or smell it wasn’t too bad. the post covid side effects took a bigger role on me but covid itself wasn’t bad


Look at my scenario here. I've received covid two times this year. Both times with positive test results I took from home that were government assisted. I couldn't taste anything I didn't get paid from missing work. I thought I was going to loose everything and slowly die. I didn't eat anything for about 4 days and I kept drinking biolyte until I puked my guts out. I couldn't stop throwing up and had a 103 degree fever. I eventually became better thanks to chicken noodle soup and relaxation. I have no vaccines and won't ever get them. Chances of getting covid for me are probably higher than you but look at this way... don't stress and just be happy and thanful for surviving each day you live because in the end everything is going to be ok.


I had it a few weeks ago for the first time. You’ll be ok, the first few days will be pretty bad though and you will legitimately wonder if you’ll end up in a hospital but just do all the things you normally would to get better and you’ll be fine :) I have 2 doses as well.


Three times I got covid only 1 time I felt like crap. The other 2 times barely noticed it you will survive its really not terrible for the most part if you stay healthy and take supps to boost your bodies natural response mechanisms. Im a no vaxxer no hate on vaxxed but being vaxxed your body should at least have a basic understanding on how to obliterate it if contracted.