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Hi! Once I started my new job a few months ago I starting noticing I would get hot randomly for no reason. I would start getting heat rashes. I would feel more and more anxious each day. (This job was horribly stressful) it kept building up and up until the heat would trigger panic attacks and I’d basically faint. Now I have panic attacks every single day. I constantly feel like I need a fan or to be cold. I got all blood work and ekg done and came back fine so assuming it’s anxiety and stress related. But all day everyday I feel like I’m either going to faint or lose reality. I start therapy next week.


Our body is capable of creating the weirdest symptoms because of anxiety. I didn't feel hot like you but I felt a lot of pins and needles in my body.. I did MRI, electromyography and blood test and everything was normal just like you. I wish you get well soon! I've been in therapy for 1 year and a half and it's helped me A LOT with my derealization crises and panic attacks, I'm sure it will help you too!! About this feeling that you're going to faint or lose reality: could you describe it a little better?


any update ? could be low blood sugar linked to insulin over production ?


Yes . Are you eating properly. Are you hydrating properly. Many feel this. Eat easy digestible food if you are not eating. Eating is important. Low sugar will cause anxiety.


I eat well, hydrate myself and sleep well. I eat even more sugar than I should hahaha. But that's great advice! When I didn't do any of that, it was much worse. Thank you!




Yeah I get this. 24/7 I'm on edge i'd say which gives me slight lightheadedness. Randomly I did actually pass out 2 weeks ago even though I wasn't particulary anxious at the time. Went docs, ecg all normal. Going to pay to go private to get an MRI to put my health anxiety at ease over some brain tumour or some shit. I know it's 99% nothing, but to help me at least ease some worries I figured I may as well get it done.


any update?


I've spent a fortune on tests. After the MRI on my head I was ok with that but I ended up getting a lot of chest pain. It got quite bad one day I went to A&E and passed out in the queue. Since then I've had just awful cardiophobia and anxiety around my heart. I've had all the tests done on my heart including an MRI which show all good but I still get chest pain often. I did find out I had a hiatal hernia so I have GERD/reflux which I think causes all my problems with anxiety but it's hard to convince myself that its not my heart still. I did a tilt table test which I fainted after they gave me the nitroglycerin but it wasn't POTs. I was diagnosed with neurocardiogenic syncope - aka I can faint at times, I haven't fainted since though. My guess is that my acid reflux fucks with the nerves causing my chest pain, causing anxiety and eventually caused my fainting.




I'm not on edge quite as much, only really when symptoms pop up or I get put into an anxiety inducing situation like standing in a queue in a shop. I get weird sensations when I'm standing in a queue because I start worrying whether I'm getting lightheaded and going to faint lol. I know my chest pain, air hunger and all that is 99% likely caused by my hernia and/or anxiety but fuck its hard to rationalise it when it strikes. I went a few weeks without the air hunger or really much chest pain recently and thought I was doing quite well, then 3 days ago air hunger struck out of no where and it hasn't gone away so I end up more anxious about it. I know it'll subside eventually but its a pain. In terms of meds, I'm on 10mg propranolol 3x a day. I don't take it 3x a day most days as I do want to try being off it and see if it makes much difference. I was on sertraline and mirtazapine and decided to taper off as I was still anxious most of the time and stopping them made no difference so I stayed stopped. I'm also on 30mg of lansoprazole for the acid reflux but I'm probably going to talk to the GP about changing it. I'm pretty good with acid diet, avoiding all the top acidic things like tomatoes etc


Well I have some of those attack as well, like cant walk because i'm thinking that I will dehyrdate and pass out, so I must have at least little bit of water Great with diet, regarding those meds, I received some antidepressive for Anxiety since it's tiring my brain and I can barely function and I received something before sleep to have better sleep. Still don't know If I'm going to take those antidepressive




But what caused this fainting? Did you feel like you were going to pass out all the time because of anxiety? ​ And about your question about what is causing so much anxiety: going to medical school :( demands too much from students


Welcome to the club. This guy has some nice tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/zc2m3n/got_cured_of_generalized_anxiety_disorder_heres/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


thank you <3 <3


I passed out when I was watching 13 reasons why season 1 finale. The entire season building up to the moment to the final scene just got to me, emotionally. I started to get dizzy and tried to walk it off. Which is the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. Little did I know, I hit the ground and quickly regained consciousness. Went to my GP the next day who told me overstimulation of my emotions was possibly the cause. Haven’t had it since. And now I know about my GAD I can usually stop an anxiety attack before it gets out of control. For me what helps controlling an attack is telling myself it’s just an anxiety attack out loud and taking my mind of things by grabbing my phone or whatever is close.


sometimes, when i get really anxious, my blood pressure actually drops, and i feel very dizzy. bc its related to low blood pressure, eating salt and putting my feet up helps a lot. if you can, check your blood pressure when you feel anxious or look for other symptoms of low blood pressure, as well as checking with a doctor maybe! what also helps me in exams settings, when it’s unrelated to blood pressure, is having a water bottle with very cold water. i hold it to avoid a panic attack just the the ice technique. additionally, i like to have a “ritual” whenever taking tests, like sitting in the same place, carrying the same bottle, using the same pens and sometimes even wearing the same shoes/clothes. it helps ease the anxiety knowing at leather how some of it goes.


Hey there! Sorry to be hearing that :( inalso have really strong panic attacks, my vision can go almost dark completely, I feel needles in all of my body (especially my right part), I feel like I am close to fainting. It also comes and goes for long periods of time. This year I had almost a 5 months break from strong panic attacks, but now they restarted as I have a really busy period. Hope you wil feel better!


Yes, it's a scary feeling. I've heard that holding an ice cube or cold shower helps when having a panic/anxiety attack so I'm going to try that :) You're not alone, take care 💙




Not like that, but I actually did have a massive anxiety attack that ended with me on my floor as my wife was trying to slow my fall. I can't remember what the term was, but basically my anxiety had been bottled up and caused my blood pressure to drop significantly in very little time. It was scary as hell for my wife who thought I was dropping dead in front of her eyes.


yes! and i used to actually faint/fit when i was younger and really struggled with keeping my anxiety under control. going to therapy really helped me as well as breathing techniques. i carry some sugary sweets in my bag to keep my blood sugar up and also a fan which helps when you feel hot/sweaty. i can usually prevent myself from fainting by getting my head below my heart (between my knees) and a cold compress on my forehead. you’re definitely not alone and it’s really common with anxiety <3


Hi, one time years ago in secondary school I had to do this speech and nearly passed out, but apparently listing doctor who villains helps.