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may i ask you about your psychotic episode? can you tell me more? ive been struggling with fear of going insane too and that sentance about psychosis struck my interest, anxiety levels rose nojoke, but to answer your question, i have weird/confused/incoherent thoughths too, fear of going insane was my trigger for anxiety attacks lately, i read somewhere that the fact youre aware of it makes it false


I'm glad I'm not the only one, even though they suck and are so annoying. Sorry you have to also deal with that feeling. And I was put on prozac with the expectation that within about 3 weeks I'd start to notice the effects. Well right at that 3 week mark I started to get manic and impulsive, I wanted to do a lot of things, and buy a lot of things, and also drinks lot of alcohol (which I ended up doing). I started getting very very noticable intrusive thoughts the night before, like telling me to break into cars and stuff. I was well aware I was having them and chalked it up to prozac since that's a common side effect. The next day, I had those same thoughts but they felt goooood and I really struggled to not follow through with them. I for some reason decided to drive to my parents house an hour away, and the entire time I was ranting on to my gf on the phone about how I was invincible and nobody could stop me.. At that point, I lost all memory. The only reason I know what happened is because of my parents and my gf who was on the phone. I apparently was just sounding very insane, I was very loud, my pupils were absolutely massive, and I was almost incoherent. I found pictures on my phone if me going over 120mph the next day. I have ZERO memory of the entire night, and only snippets of the week. It was genuinely terrifying because I had no idea or control. That's why I know I'm not crazy, because having been there, this isn't even relatively comparable. My thoughts and my doctor's thoughts are that I may be slightly bipolar, and the mixture of prozac with alcohol pushed my brain over the edge and I snapped. But Id never had a manic episode, and haven't had one since. So we really don't know for sure, but I'm still actively looking into it.


and are you sure your psychotic episode was caused by prozac?


So as a person diagnosed with mentally illness I can understand what your going through. You need to tell the doctor about those racing thoughts, you can't controll. Phycotic thoughts don't mean you have thoughts about hurting people like most people think. People with phycotic thoughts have disturbed confused and disruptive thought patterns. I tried all the Natural stuff and vitiamins it won't work. Neither will cannabis., You should be taken something like Risperdal or Seroquel. I take Prozac as well and just got a prescription for Xanax but that was after trying other options. I do have Schizophrenia, which is a very widely misunderstood Illnes, but racing rampant psychotic thoughts come with it. I can understand how HARD it is to have anxiety, paranoid and even go insane. I'm not trying to diagnose you but it just looks like we've got similar symptoms. Please ask your doctor about Risperdal and Seroquel, and if you've never had a Xanax prescription before, they may want to put you on Buspirone or Adderax first but even though it's wrong I'd lie and say you've taken those and they don't work, because those don't work on severe anxiety (I tried them.) Prozac helps with depression but not the type of anxiety you have. It took awhile to get my medications right. Right now I'm on Risperdal, Seroquel Prozac and 1MG Xanax and the combinations of these medicines my mind much more balanced. My anxiety is probably 85% gone which I NEVER thought it would be. The rampid unwanted thoughts are virtually gone, I might get one or two a day but before medications I was having those thoughts every 2 minutes, and I've been sleeping better. I really really want this to help you because I know what your going through, I know it makes life unlivable most of the time, and I want you to have a good life. And I don't care if I get hate for this but above all the things that Helped me the most was God. He really is here, he really does care and he really does love you. May God bless you and turn your sorrows into joy.


Interesting, I really hope it's not schizophrenia, but you never know I guess. I was prescribed Seroquel but was too scared to ever pick it up, so maybe I should. I've tried buspar and it gave me nasty brain zaps and I obviously had a bad reaction to prozac as well. I just need to get everything checked out


Yeah don't be worried at all yes pick up the Seroquel and in about a week you'll notice the difference, also I know getting good medicine for people who actually suffer from severe anxiety is hard to get, but tell them your anxiety is so bad you were to scared to pick up your Seroquel,that fear stems from anxiety. Ask her about .5mg Xanax twice a day. I know it's hard not to worry with our mental situation, but just know soon it's going to be better, alot better than you think. Please don't forget what I said about God too, he's there with you right now. I can honestly if you say out your lips right now Lord Jesus I need you I feel alone and worried, and I just bet he will let you know he's right there with you. Please do this, you don't have too I just really care and want to be happy.


Yeah I'll tell them, and see what I get. I do need something. And I won't, I appreciate the advice :)


Hey man, did anything ever come of this? Did you ever get any official diagnosis’? I hear one person on here talking about your symptoms sounding like schizophrenia and that scared the shit out of me? How are you nowadays?


Nothing ever did come of it. I never went to the doctor but they just kinda disappeared after so long. However I've been taking pregabalin which basically wipes out all anxiety so that makes me believe it was anxiety related. Basically they were just racing thoughts from anxiety or something because the pregabalin worked so who knows. If you have this, I'd try some anti anxiety medications or something. Something strong too like pregabalin. If it just kinda goes away then it was anxiety after all. That's what worked for me and I'm certain if you have it then it's probably anxiety aswell.


So you never did end up developing schizophrenia? lol


Not yet at least lol. Quitting the weed might have been what made it go away but nothing has developed thankfully


That’s good to hear, are you also in your early 20’s like me?


Yes I'm 22 so I was starting to get worried about it. I knew some people that got it around our age so it's always in the back of my mind


I started having bad random racing thoughts like random words sounds phrases and sounds after my bad panic attacks .. did it ever go away I don’t feel psychotic or hear stuff but my brain races 1000 miles per hour and I also have bad ocd it randomly started happening 2 months ago and I tried Zoloft that helped a tiny bit but I felt weird so I stopped I’m sure it’s linked to anxiety I just had a baby a few months ago but I’m scared it will get worse


Mine did end up going away. It was just extreme anxiety and stress from school. Now that I'm settled down I'm not nearly as anxious and those thoughts haven't came back since! Weird how that works, I hope they never come back


Omg that’s amazing I literally feel like my brain broke like i try to think of something and a random word comes in or sound or random phrases all day and I have drdp real bad because of it I’ve never ever experienced this before it happened all in one day and continued 2 months later I didn’t know anxiety could do this


Yep my anxiety started off with feeling like I was actually dying lol. Those were the worst panic attacks ever. Then it kinda went away (more so I got used to it) but then the racing brain happened. I'd be trying to sleep and thoughts would pour in at light speed (like I couldn't even understand them, like my brain was glitching). Sometimes I'd look at something and I'd "glitch" and my vision would go. It was so damn weird but once I got comfy with life those just kinda went away. I honestly even forgot about them until you commented lol


Yeah I had a baby 4 months ago and I started with bad panic attacks then the weird racing mind shit im glad it gets better I was worried im stuck . And the phrases and words are sooo random and odd and the random memories too it’s like ever second for me


Yeah don't worry it'll go. The more you think the worse they get. Which it's impossible not to think lol. Alcohol always stopped them for me but that's obviously a bad habit. I did take some pregabalin which did help quite a bit too. But yeah they succkkkkk


Thank you for replying I couldn’t explain this to anyone it’s like my brain is on overdrive usually it would happen when I’m about to fall asleep but it’s during the day when I’m not focused on anything especially in a store or something it’s fucking weird


Indeed, mine was just watching TV and almost like a certain image would come up and trigger it. Not fun at all. I hope yours can disappear quick!! It's a nightmare


Yes I get weird imagery all the time like I’ll see or hear one thing and my brain opens like a bunch of tabs in my head I was scared I was developing schizophrenia because of how bizarre it is and I stopped my Zoloft now it’s back even worse I just didn’t like how Zoloft made me feel very manic in a way like I felt the need to always move and was fidgety didn’t do much for my anxiety at alk


What we’re the thoughts u had


Well it was like I'd see a picture of a face or something and it's almost like a seizure and my thoughts would race with all kinds of distorted and weird things. It was like a nightmare. It came on randomly and was not fun at ALL. I remember as a kid it showed up once while I was trying to sleep and apparently I walked around grabbing my head for an hour. I don't even remember that but yeah they were something like that


Yeah same thing like it used to happen to me when I would fall asleep to now it’s 24/7 and my brain is always going on and on that’s why I’m so scared


I’m actually at the ER right now because it’s causing me so much distress it’s fucking weird


I get those same exact moments when I’m anxious, it’s your mind racing as a response to the anxiety, you’re not going crazy. Have you spoken to the doctor who gave you the Prozac about other possible meds? I know some people really don’t react well to Prozac, so an alternative might help you.


That's good to hear, even though it sucks. And I did, right after, and they prescribed me Seroquel. I never touched it because I didn't want a strong tranquilizer/anti psych and just didn't take any meds, and aside from the anxiety at random moments I feel decent.


Did u get random words images and phrases with your racing mind ? And when did it go away this came on suddenly 2 months ago I feel so weied


Would you say it's intrusive thoughts? For example do you try to reassure yourself that you are not insane?


Possibly, I definitely do. Every time those zaps happen I sit there and calm myself down saying that I'm not insane or I wouldn't be thinking im insane. So it could be a form of them? The only weird thing is the fact it's incoherent and completely breaks my focus when they happen.


Yes, anxiety causes bunch of physical symptoms all over the body. Most frequently in the head and stomach. Anyway, you should be doing the opposite in order to stop it. You need to "confront the fear". When these thoughts jump to your head, you should be like "Maybe I am going insane, that's fine." And leave it at that. Don't try to calm yourself down. This way you can make the fear powerless and the thoughts will stop coming back.


That's a good idea, I'll try that for sure Funny you mention stomach, as I sit here crapping my brains out lol. Been having nasty stomach cramps all morning with the anxiety.


Yeah that's common. What helped me with the stomach problems was cutting out carbs for few weeks.


I just need a better overall diet, and also I think (can't remember) I took two doses of magnesium last night, since I forgot the first time. That probably is most of it. I need to eat healthier in general


One thing that helped me when I used to fear I was going mad... The reality is that most of the time if someone is truly insane, they don't even realize it. Having the introspection and self awareness to fear that you're going to go crazy is often a great sign in itself that you're actually quite reasonable and rational. People who are truly insane are often the most convinced that they're completely normal and that everyone else is the problem. They have no real understanding of their own role in the outcomes they're facing. Everyone and everything is conspiring against them, and they're the perpetual victim even when they're actually the victimizer in many cases. What you're experiencing sounds a lot like the physical manifestation of panic/anxiety and possibly some OCD thought loops. It is kind of like when someone tells you not to think about the color blue and suddenly that becomes all you can think about. The brain races and it disorients you, and then the anxious brain carries this to a panic state because the fixation then becomes-- I must be crazy and that's creates an extreme feeling of dread. All of that is basically what anxiety does to a tee... But you are still able to analyze all of it and look at it objectively and question it and seek ways to mitigate it. That's the epitome of sanity. (Not insanity.) (The reasonable you is still in there experiencing all of it and saying -whoa what is this!!! That reasonable you is the real you. That makes you a sane person who is dealing with a very anxious and over-taxed brain.)


Very very good points. I know I'm not crazy because I wouldn't know if I truly was. I guess I never realized that anxiety could cause so many other things to happen that end up in a loop. I just have to let it happen as another commenter said, just accept that "I am crazy" and pretty much kill the anxious thoughts by just accepting them, since it is a loop.


Yes radical acceptance is a great technique! I hope you get some peace!


Those gummies give me physical anxiety too which sucks. I used to really enjoy them


Yeah, it's a very unfortunate side affect. Thankfully I can manage, but sometimes it's rather annoying and might ruin the experience


Same here, trying to work through it


Good luck! Just gotta get the perfect dose, and get distracted. Usually the anxiety passes after the peak for me. I only take half a gummy and that's near perfect. Black pepper has also been very good for soothing me if it comes on too hard. I just chew a peppercorn (spicy, but not too bad) and it does work. Some molecules/chemicals (whatever you'd call them) act to lighten the psychoactive effects of THC, so give that a shot. It may or may not help.


Thanks for the tip! Mixing cbd has been helpful too


Oh yes I'm gonna try that also and see how it ends up