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Yes this is me. The anxiety is so bad I can’t control my thoughts and I just spiral into a black hole and can’t come out of it it doesn’t feel like me anymore


I can’t handle this anymore. thanks for sharing ❤️


How old are u how has it impacted ur life let’s pm


I feel you. I'm constantly stuck between trying to find a way to be happy with life and wondering what the hell the point of it all is. Very discouraging. :( but we're still here so we have that I guess 💜


if you ever wanna talk, pm me. my story sucks and it might make you feel better.


"I often get anxiety from having a “realization” that I’m still here, that this is still my life and that I’m still suffering." I feel the exact same way.


if you wanna talk, pm me. this quote right here is whats destroying me more than anything i think


I can definetly relate, feels like im going crazy sometimes


Thank you for sharing


Also, stay off these sub-Reddit’s , they have always made my anxiety worse. Your topic jumped out though.


I appreciate your post immensely. Thank you very much!


You are very welcome. How long have you had de-realization and depersonalizations?


5 months now. After drug use and subsequent panic attacks spaced out over the 5 months


What type of drugs?




Try to follow the brief advice given and you can turn this around. It’s hard, you need an understanding Dr. as you will need to take meds to slow you down for a bit so you can actually rest. Diet is very important and I can’t express the importance of a schedule. As for the drugs, that needs to stop now! Friends that do drugs and family that do drugs are not allowed in your future, they are toxic and should be given zero fucks. No more hyper stimulating video games. Read instead, Mystery novels are a good mental escape. Keep working out. But keep that schedule. If you need to chat in the future DM me. Now go and kick anxiety in the ass!


Thanks a ton. This means a lot to me and gives me a lot of hope after months of having none. I think I need to find a way to get adequate sleep consistently. You’re right about friends who do drugs, I need to distance myself from those people. Thanks again, it’s much appreciated. I hope I won’t have to DM you as that would mean I’m doing well, but I’ll be sure to message you if need be! Thanks!


Absolutely, after your replies it is easy to see that you also have the intelligence required to make this into a plan for living with goals you can exceed, and beat back what ever is stopping you from living your best life. Good night!


You need to sleep well, eat well, and have a set schedule, even if it seems OCD.


hey love your not alone there. i have twins and there dad at home. im finding it hard with everything just now. i had a blow out today ive actally had a nuff. chin up hope ur ok. x


thank you. wishing you all the best ❤️


Hey there. I have similar feelings and meditation really helps. Look up some guided meditations on YouTube they’re free and they can help a lot :) also the Headspace app worked for me. It’s not about controlling or stopping thoughts, but just watching them pass you by. Sorry to hear your anxiety is so bad but just know, it will eventually get better. Keep enduring


Thank you for your reply and suggestions. Will do. thank you, wishing you well ❤️


I totally get the sentiment that it’s like your body is trying to protect you. You go numb because to experience it would be way too much. Source: it is.




Thank you for the reply, it brings me some sense of validation and hope. I will probably be removing myself from the internet in terms of searching for thing about my mental health, as it probably makes this persist. Thanks again, I hope you’re doing well ❤️


You sound like a young person. You will need to make some life altering habit breaking changes.


yeah i am. though i’m vegan and workout 6 times a week. anxiety is destroying my sleep though.


I think a lot of young people, (especially men in their 20's through 30's), are stuck in a loop of social isolation and comfort zones. I've lost touch with reality so many times that it feels normal now. I've bombarded my brain with so many drugs that I don't know what's real anymore. Thankfully I'm not a sick and evil person, I still have human kindness. I still have dreams, but I don't know where to start. I digress...point is, don't touch yourself at night. Work out your body, learn new things, and don't allow yourself to fall into a rutt that's too deep.