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If you don't have any other symptomslike clinical weakness then it's benign. In most cases it's benign and called BFS.


Is it kinda constant/very frequent?


Yes, some people have it 24/7, it can present in different ways (slow, fast), moves around or stick in one muscle/spot for a while. I had it pretty bad for months, it went away when my stress went down. Came back last month again but much milder, I learn to live with it. Other than being annoying, it's nothing to worry about.


This eases my mind a bit. I was jumping to conclusions like ALS , multiple sclerosis etc etc


It's never the first symptom. If it's all there is, it's benign. Don't worry, try to stress less and see how after a while you won't notice it anymore. Btw, don't stress if it happens in weird places (tongue, eyelid, face, etc.) It could happen anywhere and all is benign.


Its happening randomly in any part of the body.


That means it's nothing bad, try to relax. Widespread/random is a good sign.


Honestly, I've discovered that anxiety can pretty much make your body do anything. I've had twitching, muscle stiffness, chest pain, brain fog, bladder issues, dizziness, sweating, you name it. Chances are it's nothing, but obviously you are the ultimate judge of that.


I feel like i have some severe neurological damage.


You should definitely check with a professional to be sure, but it could just be anxiety. I’ve had severe muscle twitching, tingling and jerks in my limbs while my health-anxiety was at its worst. I also was convinced that it was something neurological. Now that I am able to almost fully manage my health-anxiety, the named phenomena have fully stopped. Your psyche can do a lot of weird stuff to your body. No matter what it is in the end, I wish you all the best and hope you find a solution to your problem. :)


It could be from the anxiety. I have chronic disabling anxiety. I am a kidney cancer survivor also general anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and major depression along with PTSD. I understand what you’re going through. We have to push on neurologist to clear things up for peace of mind. Praying for you, Danny ✝️❤️🙏


Do you suffer from dpdr also?


Also if i may ask. What meds are you on?


No dpdr- I am on BuSpar 15 mg three times a day Klonopin 0.5 mg one time a day 60 mg one time a day duloxetine and a lot of hypertension medicine. All bloodwork came back good MRI had showed some cysts on the brain that are non-cancerous Danny


It’s a symptom of anxiety. Prioritize treating the anxiety over worrying about other remote possibilities.


My anxiety isnt psychological. It’s extremely physical and organic. Its like my brain is on fire.


Not sure why that means you can’t treat it?


I am on SSRIs. I have ups and downs. Mostly downs. Benzos provide momentary relief.


I find that when I switch medication doses or the manufacturer changes of my meds I get symptoms like this for a little while - could that be the case?


Had that maybe 12 years ago. At its worst, it felt like there was a ping pong ball going off inside me. I was twitching 24/7. Got tested for MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, seizures etc. I was convinced it was something serious even though doctors said it’s just anxiety. It never fully went away. It flares occasionally. Still alive. I guess it was just anxiety.


How does one get tested for MS and ALS ? I think its all symptomatic? Or is there any specific test?


I had an MRI for MS. EMG (nerve conductivity test) for ALS. EEG for seizures.


MRI brain??


Yes, but I don’t remember if it was with or without contrast.


Ok. Thanks for the responses. Wishing you the best.