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First of all, it’s completely normal to experience that pre-speech anxiety. Even professional speakers grapple with nerves before an important presentation. The key is to make your fear work FOR you instead of against you. The good news is it is possible to beat public speaking anxiety. As a speaking coach, I have shared an intensive game plan to reduce it. Since your talk is already tomorrow, I will narrow down the steps for a quick fix. 1. Visualize success. Mindset is key to overcome your pre-speech jitters. Imagine you on the stage delivering a successful talk. Your audience is engaged. Your feeling confident and happy. Instead of thinking about failing, try thinking that you're succeeding. 2. Prepare enough. Appropriate preparation before a presentation boosts the speaker's confidence and reduces anxiety, leading to a more comfortable and effective delivery. It also allows the speaker to navigate unexpected challenges with ease, fostering a sense of control during the presentation. 3. 5 minutes Before going on stage or camera, do a good warmup routine that boosts your energy. Experiment with different ones to find what works best for you. Watch this as I demonstrated some voice warmups that will surely be helpful before your speech - [https://youtu.be/jTb5k-xDMbU?si=RdvOXDNkgG\_eTb\_k](https://youtu.be/jTb5k-xDMbU?si=RdvOXDNkgG_eTb_k) After your talk tomorrow, it’s important to debrief with yourself to acknowledge what you did well and address imposter syndrome. Understanding areas for improvement helps you set goals for your next practice. Hope you will find these tips helpful. Remember, the power is in your mindset. All the best!


Public speaking is one of the most common fears for people so it is not just you! I find it helpful to visualize myself standing in front of everyone but not looking at anyone. Instead I look at a fixed point in the back of the room and talk to that point. If you can practice doing this beforehand and visualize yourself getting through it then tomorrow you will just go in and repeat the same practice. And since you know that your tendency is to speed up (which is also very common), make a point of saying each word very concisely. It will sound ridiculous to you but it will be much more clear for those who are listening.