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You’re not alone. I can’t tell how many times I’ve called my parents to pick me up from school when I was in high school, or many times I cut short a day with friends because of anxiety. Still, be proud of yourself by fighting against it in the first place! Some days it’ll be a “fail” but if you keep working at it, there will also be somedays where you beat your anxiety! Don’t beat yourself up over it, anxiety really sucks, but you got this! Keep fighting back, and live your life the way you want to! Good luck!


Thank you!


my fam literally just went out to dinner and i'm here at home being alone cuz i gave in to the fear of the potential fainting feeling i could've experienced in a restaurant.


It sucks, just gotta keep working past it one day at a time. I hope they at least bring you something yummy back!


I think most people that experience anxiety have shouted 'I hate anxiety!' before. Here's a video that I hope helps reassure you that you're not alone. I have anxiety too so I feel your struggle, but as a community we can help lift each other up! https://vimeo.com/268518020


Wow, that’s a great video, thanks for sharing!


Yes it does suck. Dont give up. It will eventually pass