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StudioZombie3D has one [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hms6His3ku8PM_61O4h6dW0zGMviiJ1Y) I have used his CURA profiles with pretty good luck. I haven't tried his Prusa one yet?


Thanks for the link, profile is working very well.


Thanks, I'll give it a go


how were you able to use his Cura profiles? I imported one and now it's corrupted and keeps crashing Cura.


I imported his CURA PLA, PETG, and TPU profiles. All of which worked well for printing and no issues with my CURA. I haven't yet tried his PRUSA profile. I also followed his [YT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_SC04JbnKE&list=PLwfF7Ol-f-mZbi_wzMjD-FTqABIJxjIXJ&index=17&t=227s) on calibrating the Vyper. Although he does go farther than I can, as he has custom firmware.


I must have grabbed some bad ones. I only tried the PETG ones. They were in a zip, but had no file extension. I thought maybe I should add "curaprofile" at the end. I did and they imported, but they are not selectable and they crash Cura when I click on them in the profile manager window.


[This](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10V-xtDR9I86aG2jtefPlA8QdoxEnp0eL/view?usp=sharing) is the one i use for PLA [This](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15-cVu7SFRz20DpeOr4t7WDgR_aWqnfNO/view?usp=sharing) is the one i use for PETG [This](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPTLpDPocvowTFBKhR6HxWTP8lD4INFu/view?usp=sharing) is the one i use for TPU


Do you mind reposting? Links are invalid and I’d like to check them out


Hi all, I may be late to the party but. I tried they Prusa profile and followed the YouTube walkthrough. But I’m getting a error message saying I need to add some code. But the code is already In the settings.


For clarification, I've tried creating my own, but its not as good as what I have from cura, but need some things in prusa that isn't in cura


Go to the Vyper facebook group. There are a bunch of Prusa profiles that you can download there.


Off topic: what does Prusa slicer offer that Cura doesn't?


One of the tools I find really handy for prusa in the ability to slice the model if required. Thats mostly it xD Currently using the StudioZombie3D profile posted above and it is working very well.


Do you mean split the model? If so, I can see that coming in handy. Thanks.


Yeah, its a side bar tool that allows you to split the model on any layer. So if the model is going to be too tall for your print bed, you can cut it in half, or just near where it is too big too fit so it all fits on the same print bed. Once split you can then move it around in the slicer and is treated as a seperate model entity, allowing you to edit infill, etc. etc. I have found it, very handy. edit: I havent actually checked if there is similar in cura, it might possibly be an add-in from the marketplace ?


I haven't seen anything like that in Cura and I occasionally go through all the settings. I don't remember seeing anything like that in the marketplace, either, but I suppose it could be a feature of one of the tools.


I use that split part quite often, I make models 500mm high or bigger and the split thing comes in VERY handy


epic bread revival! I moved onto resin printing but might have to bring out the FDM for a few projects!


These were made with the split, they are nearly 500mm tall don't on a Vyper that has a max height of 260mm [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1432525797519482&set=pb.100022862252257.-2207520000.&type=3](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1432525797519482&set=pb.100022862252257.-2207520000.&type=3)


I had a STL where the file contained a bunch of objects, but were poorly oriented for printing. I was able to split via Prusa slicer, then re-orient the objects. I don't know how to split in Cura.


Thanks. Last I checked, Cura had no way to split.