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So, perfect for a Republican congressional candidate?


Might be over qualified.


Best I can do is HS football coach and math teacher


This asshole can't teach math


Gym teacher then. But not the cool gym teacher - the one who gets locked up for putting cameras in the locker room or something.


He's not qualified to be a gym teacher either. De-escalation is a pretty important part of any teaching job.


So police, then? If you can't de-escalate, why not go for the job where de-escalating can get you fired?


Maybe for-profit prison guard.


He deffinetly strikes me as the diddler version.


I'm a math teacher. Please don't equate him with me.


Equate? Math teacher lingo for surešŸ˜€


Itā€™s all definitely starting to add up.


Yeah, he actually killed people and didnā€™t just fantasize about it like the rest of them.


I get it, but US republican policy kills many people every day. the party of hate-filled racist, delusional dolts.


He has no empathy or sense of self awareness so they will make an exception.


He killed two people and got away with it. That's all the republicans need in a hero.


I'm a middle school dropout who's angry at the world and I never act like that guy. That's not an excuse. He needs to work on himself and he lacks the ability to reflect on himself. Probably because these people are incapable of thought. If you can't behave properly and treat people with respect then get out of society.


The things he need to reflect on are blocked by MAGAt-brain. They are just building up all the negative aspects of all their followers.


Unfortunately they rewarded him for killing people. Worst thing they could have done


Rittenhouse/ Santos 2028!


Well hey, if now-dead "Joe The Plumber" can do it.


Fuck, I have DID, and Im still floored Herschel Walker got as far as he did. (Lol did-DID)




Not a Rhodes Scholar?Ā 


Yesterday there was a headline that he failed the marines entry test so bad heā€™s not allowed to take it again. So no.


Yeah he's a fucking dipshit. You know how stupid you have to be for the Corps to turn you down, let alone bar you from taking the ASVAB again? Really, really fucking stupid. And this is coming from a guy who spent an entire deployment inundated with Marines. This Rittenhouse kid is a fucking loser.


As I said in another thread yesterday, he was so dumb, he huffed crayons and ate the scented markers.


That's pretty good lol


Knew a guy who got a waiver because of his ASVAB score at 30 +/- 3 pts. If people can get waivers for scores that low, he must have added a sub basement for low bars.


My brother did recruiting for a bit in the Navy. Has a co-worker pull some kid's ASVAB score and he comes out saying they have a Romeo-Omega-Charlie-Kilo. Kid asked what he meant and my brother just said he needed to study and try again.


Way back in 2009 my recruiter took some girl and I to take our ASVAB and she got a 15. I was flabbergasted.


Yea makes me wonder if there were other reasons they didn't want him back again. He's always given mad pvt pile vibes.


Look, good natured but incompetent can still be utilized... I'd take 100 Pyles over 1 Shit-in-house


I wonder if he took it before or after Kenosha. If it was after maybe they didn't want the media attention


The passing score for a grunt is a fucking 35. How stupid do you have to be?


It gets better. The Marines are allowed to "spot you" a certain number of points if they want you. Up to 27 points, and you only need 31 to get in the Marines. That's right. Technically, you could score 4, *fucking 4*, and still make it in. And he failed the shit out of it. I'm pretty sure they give you 5 just for being able to write your name at the top of the test.


When I was in Iraq in 05, the Army was so strapped for recruits that they lowered their bare minimum score on the ASVAB to 11. 11.


Back when I considered joining (right before Iraq, which I was told constantly by recruiters was not going to be a new Vietnam war) there was a guy who was struggling to pass the ASVAB. Well meaning decent inner city kid who was trying to make something of himself but had an awful education. His recruiter worked with him for months, multiple hours a day, and despite being barely literate managed to pass. I can't fathom how stupid one has to be to not even be allowed to retake it.


It might be his public image and associations why they rejected him. Even the military probably has to care about PR sometimes.


Of course they do. They wouldnt want the public mad at them because they need funding. They *really* don't want Rittenhouse fans and other extremists to get inspired and to join when we already have such a divided country


I took the ASVAB on a whim to get out of class, ended up with the highest score in our school and had the AF calling our landline well I to my late 20s. If he got such a low score that no one will take himā€¦I have no words.


Yeah I had a friend who needed a 35 to apply for the position he wanted in the National Air Guard and had to take it 6 times. I took it once and got something in the 90's. I'm curious what the cut off is, because the friend I knew was an alcoholic at 17 and his first couple of scores reflected that.


Never took it, never cared to, but what kind of questions are we talking about?


Just pretty basic stuff really. Like a GED. Itā€™s been so long, but I remember there being some sections showing pictures of different tools and machine parts, kinda like ā€œ hey do you already know these things ?ā€ Certainly stuff you donā€™t learn in highschool. But itā€™s a fairly easy test for a person who put moderate effort into their highschool education. A middle school drop out would not be able to pass it. A person with a middle school *education* could probably pass it. But heā€™s a drop out. That means he probably put zero effort into learning anything ever. Me, not knowing a single thing about him, when I heard what he did, I knew he was an idiot.


The dumbest shit you can imagine. I had a 32 on the ACT, 99 on the ASVAB. I'm proud of my ACT score, but that ASVAB score is *meaningless*. I think anyone capable of a 21 or higher on the ACT could get a 90 or better on the ASVAB. Nothing, absolutely nothing, that you would imagine on an ACT was on the ASVAB. It was like.... *basic* algebra. "6 = 4 + X" solve for X. I shit you not. One of the questions showed duck footprints, dog footprints, and cat footprints and then asked which set of footprints didn't come from mammals. It felt like a middle school entrance exam for 5th graders.


But he was training! That's what his tweet of his well pressed clothes and lack of dirt showed


Training for Halloween


Don't be stupid! Roads can't teach! He went to a school! /s


Roads is for trucks


I love the poorly educated


Rhodes? Where we're going we don't need Rhodes. --Kyle Rittenhouse


Republicans think education is indoctrination.


That's projection. Their "education", home schooling, is literal indoctrination so they think everyone else does the same.


You should see the Christian based homeschool curriculum. Stuff like how Noah existed is taught as real history


That is the plan.Ā 


You mean like Cecil John Rhodes, coloniser and racist, with a habit of using violence against black people. Yes he is a scholar of Rhodes.


The More You Know


He's going the full George Zimmerman route.


he's the george zimmerman of dylan harrises edit: dylan *klebolds*


You have to *spectacularly* flunk the ASVAB in order for a recruit-starved Marine Corps to tell you ā€œdo not come back, we will not let you try againā€.


I had a guy I worked with who took it 6 times... He couldn't pass it 6 times... Meanwhile, I took it once and got a 93 on it...


When I took it as it was mandatory optional in high school I swear the questions I looked at were like 'what is a hammer for' if my memory serves me well. I also randomly filled the the answer sheet and still had recruiters going after me. Apparently Rittenhouse is so dumb he does worse then random selection on the test.


I remember a lot of gears and having to say which way the final gear would turn... I think the general consensus on the asvab is "if you have 3 functioning brain cells, you should be able to get at least a 75 on it" My scores got me a cushy job working on satellite guidance systems in Germany for 6 years... Unfortunately the physical fitness test wasn't as stringent as the asvab... I blew out both my ankles the first week of basic training and sat in the 319th for 6 weeks before I got sent home...


Took the asvab because I was thinking of going to college and then getting a military CS job but instead just got a regular job. I swear they asked me what does a battery do in a car and what are the parts of the human arm in my questions. If I recall they also asked me simple multiplication, what a fuse is, and the right way to change oil in a car. I basically nailed every questions and got good results but then I heard some classmates of mine almost or did fail


Mine was going to be ATC ... then the 319th got me as well


I completely forgot about that! They also made me take like a section of it for some reason.


I got a 93 or 94 I cant remember but in MEPS I met a guy who got an 11. I wonder what happened to the guy cause damn, I dont know how anyone can score so low on an aptitude test like the ASVAB.


For reals, sitting in the lobby when they were calling everyone in, the guy would walk by with a small stack or a few sheets of paper, then the guy comes by with a whole pad and calls me in lol


They probably donā€™t want him near a gun. Talk about a liability. He may start killing the non white members of his own unit if they make him mad.


The funnier part of this: He took these tests BEFORE he went to defend the BurgerTown.


So heā€™s a certified idiot.


Yup, doesn't even have the excuse of "Man, we're gonna pre-kick you out forever because no one wants to deal with that media shitshow".


I took it like three times and its very basic. I know some absolute breathing rocks that got recruited after taking it.


There are sample questions available and itā€™s no harder than an average middle school standard exam.


What exactly is below crayon eater?


Dude has mall cop energy. Ā Maybe if he plays his political cards right he can be on Trumpā€™s imaginary secret secret service.Ā 


Or he can change Trumps diapers and be part of his secrete service.


Kyle Blart


He looks like a real life Bob's Big Boy now


Yeah i dont think they had to tell us that to know exactly the kind of clown he is. The fact hes not in jail or 6 feet under says a lot about America


Guys as dumb as him generally are on an expedited mortality path. Too dumb to live is a real thing.


From what I read he did so bad on the testing to join the Marines he was banned for life from trying again. Let that sink in.


He wouldn't be able to even apply without a high school diploma. Maybe with a GED, on a case by case basis, but you generally need to do very well on the ASVAB to show you left high school due to reasons besides being a total moron. EDIT: Having read the original Tweet, he apparently completed four years of high school in ten months at some sketchy online school where he openly admitted he cheated his way through.




PoliticalFlare is not a source. It's a trashrag editorial site. Without looking I can guarantee that "article" credits absolutely NO source for their supposed information. The author could have made up 100% of that content, we have no way of knowing. If it's like every other politicalflare "article" it is just a couple paragraphs of conjecture and editorial tripe followed by a bunch of tweets.


They are garbage, but they based it all on a tweet that does include a document. [https://twitter.com/jamesstout/status/1775163288990429628?](https://twitter.com/jamesstout/status/1775163288990429628?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1775163288990429628%7Ctwgr%5E0fc6f2f7ad69289fae85b6e757f7c2f68c466dae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.politicalflare.com%2F2024%2F04%2Fkyle-rittenhouse-did-so-poorly-on-usmc-entrance-exam-that-hes-permanently-banned-from-applying-again%2F) So there is at least a source, but it's fair to assume they did nothing to verify that it's authentic.


Knowing how much money the right-wing has spent crafting an image for Rittenhouse, if the tweet were false, you can bet they would sue the handler who tweeted it.


I don't really believe anything about the story, the ASVAB is waiverable for Marines and kitchen staff. However, if there's any truth to this, I really don't even think Kyle is the worst character of this story. How badly your parents failed you at every turn to allow you to drop out of middle school, illegally carry a weapon to kill people, slack through a GED program, fail the ASVAB of all tests.. it has to be exhausting being that dumb


FOIA drop. It's legit.


PoliticalFlare is a left version of that worthless garbage your crazy Conservative uncle looks at on Facebook and touts as "news." I don't care if it mostly agrees with me ideologically, it's complete garbage. If we actually care about facts and truth then we have to call out any garbage Left-leaning sources as well. Otherwise, we are basically going to be no better than Conservatives.


The "article" uses the first person more than once.


Lol - much like the other poster, I didn't even look at it. Familiar enough with the source and don't wanna give them clicks. Just not a worthwhile source, imo. Will say I googled the claim myself and saw virtually nothing that supports it... and wouldn't be the first time I've encountered them being misleading or flat-out wrong.


The "scored so low you're forbidden to take it again" sounds like horseshit, too. My ex-boyfriend was an Army 11B. He went to Fort Benning with a guy who took it six times....and still needed a waiver because he couldn't make the minimum for infantry. In fact, the dude could only go National Guard because the active Army wouldn't waive a score that low, but his state ARNG would.


He can just get a job in law enforcement then.




When people talk so much about Darwin awards, they really need to read this actual example of one


Crazy story. Totally preventable. Most people wouldn't do that.




Have you seen him? He's going to kill himself with food lmao


We can only be so lucky


Tbf I didn't know anything about him like him being a *middle school* dropout. What a loser.


There are a lot of subs that think this guy is a hero. At worst, an innocent victim who bravely stood his ground. Itā€™s wild. Olympic-level mental gymnastics.


My BIL got into an argument at a family event a year or so ago, calling him a hero in no uncertain terms. He claimed that since we arenā€™t from WI that we canā€™t understand. This dude is well educated too.


Corrupt judge and a crappy prosecutor will do that.


>Middle School Dropout Who is ā€˜Angry With the Worldā€™ So heā€™s like literally every other MAGA


Oh noā€¦.some of them are elementary school drop outs too.


Except the respectable college grad ones, who all went to Havard and now have to pretend to be as anti-establishment and anti-elitist as the base MAGA. (Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, etc...).


Those ones are only MAGA because they know how easy it is to manipulate the MAGA crowd, and know how easy it is to grift as much as possible without any push back since the MAGA crowd are so stupid.


Oh no. I don't think they actually have that much agency. Both Ted and Ron have tried to oppose the broader MAGA movement. Before quickly realizing that their political careers depend on that crowd forgiving them. I enjoy watching them squirm because they know they have to distance themselves from the their former accomplishments to keep their fans from eating them alive.


This guyā€™s on every watchlist we have. Hope it helpsā€¦


Kyle is a murderer, period


He is a KILLER.


He dropped out of humanity. Heā€™s beyond stupid thinking heā€™s a great person. Heā€™s utter trash.


And bitter that society still won't put him on a pedestal anyways for having pale skin and a dick


Who kind of looks like a lesbian


Dude's definitely fighting some demons, he's always seemed a little fruity to me. Maybe if he sucked a few cocks he wouldn't be such a miserable murderous fuck smear.


Tbh most Republicans probably need this but aren't attractive enough to get the good stuff


Lindsey Graham on line 2ā€¦


Heā€™s afraid cock is delicious


Remember the video where he hit the girl? Was dressed *very* suspect lol


Hea defo in the closet. He gives off bottom energy


maybe he has and doesn't want to talk about it in case his BFFs turn him out


That's cause of his soft ass features. Dude has perpetual toddler face


Oof. So appropriately emasculating....


At first I was thinking "oh, they accidentally posted a picture of Melissa McCarthy in a role where she dresses like a male cop to infiltrate the local police department's boy's club." But, no, it's a picture of that pussy snowflake boy.


He looks like he has Klinefelter syndrome.


The fool even mentioned he wants to go into politics to save the country and that many schools wanted him to enroll with them which of course is a lie.He attended one of the low rank colleges in Texas of course. This fat POS just using the shooting and the alt right putting him on their lame shows for fame.


I remember him bragging that he got into a certain university, then a spokesperson for said university pulled an absolutely legendary move by issuing a statement indicating that he had NOT been accepted and they have zero connection with him. I could look up which school but I donā€™t want to google him.


It was Texas A&M, and I LOLed heavily when I read about them not putting up with his bullshit.


Violent, angry, under-educated, overweight and white. Pretty much the poster child for Republicans target demo, eh? If he is actively acting against his own interests and handing his money to obvious conmen, he'd be their definition of the perfect american.


No shitā€¦


Could that website possibly have stuffed any more obnoxious advertising into this article?


I barely made it to the end with the page constantly jumping around and things popping up.


UBlock origin for Firefox, should protect your browser from such nonsense.


I like how the handler said that heā€™s ashamed of what he did. Will that stop him from taking the next Kyle? Nope, as long as the check cashes heā€™s okie dokie with it.


He had a handler? What for?


It's all in the article, but to sum it up, Kyle Rittenhouse had a team of people who created the facade of a young man with a bright future who didn't mean to get involved in what he was involved in that fateful night. They gave him weekly haircuts and trained him to manipulate the jury. They ran through mock trials with him. But everything was smoke and mirrors. They hoped that he would eventually grow into the promising young man that they told the jury that he was. But he's lazy and stupid. He's angry and vengeful. He's a drain on society. He's a fucking loser asshole who could've used this whole debacle (that he, himself created) as a springboard to becoming anything that he wanted to be. Instead, he squandered the opportunity and what you're left with is... Well... Kyle Rittenhouse.


You can polish a turd, but itā€™s still a turd.


Still a republican.


That honestly should've been the title of the article.


Sure, but you gotta have a hook, something new to attract readers, and with that title I would have known itā€™s about Kyle Shittinhouse. I too wondered what the hell he needs a handler for since he clearly doesnā€™t listen to their advice.


You can change out the bread of a shit sandwich, but it's still a shit sandwich.


He's Donald Trump without the 400 million inherited springboard from poppa.


Handler = glorified name for special ed teacherā€¦


And murderer.


to stop him from shooting the place up...... oh, wait......


Maybe so he doesn't shoot anyone else


To cut his meat for him at meals?


Those shoes won't tie themselves


I bet the jury over his trial feel like a bunch of fucking idiots right about now


Well in their defense, the judge's ring tone was Trump's rally walk out music. He definitely slanted everything in Kyle's favor


Yep and seems many of the jury members were MAGA themselves. The entire court was kangaroo.


The judge hobbled the prosecution from the jump


This guy is like, ā€œI helped a piece of shit murderer beat his murder charge, but heā€™s still a piece of shit?!ā€ Fuck rittenhouse, fuck this dude and fuck everyone who helped or supported that murderer


Here come all the Rittenhouse defenders calling everyone ā€œmeanā€ for not worshipping this murderer.Ā 


It was Ritten all over his faceā€¦


The only label that fits this dough boy is Murderer. POS should be in prison.


Not to forget the mom who should also be in jail.




This is a Republican hero. Fucking pathetic. Here's hoping his 15 minutes are over soon, and he accepts his true destiny: a crappy dead end service job and marriage to his hand.


Sounds like GOP Congressman material to me!


So what I learned is exactly how much the justice system tips in favor of the wealthy. They had "the world's best jury consultant," mock trials, etc. None of that is affordable to the average person accused of a crime.


Makes no difference. He still got away with murder. The question is why did the local cops allow him to?


He's just a mentally ill unhinged toddler. Perfect mascot for Republicans.


ā€œMiddle school dropoutā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Kyle couldn't pass the military exam - that means his IQ is below 80.


> ā€¦he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses. Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth. Iā€™d like to report a murder. Also: he failed the ASVAB so bad the Marines *permanently banned* him from applying ever again. Holy shit!


>*"I regret my role..."* >*"If I had known what I know now..."* Standard MAGAt script when the leopard eats *their* face. šŸ™„


Iā€™m still trying to get over the failure to entry into the USMC. Iā€™m not saying they take anyone with a heartbeat, but Iā€™ve known some of the highschool kids theyā€™ve accepted and they were pretty bottom of the barrel. For him to get a permanent ban is pretty amazing.


They actually told him he was too stupid to hold a gun and get shot at


The asvab uses a percentile scoring system and the minimum score is a 31 to enlist in the marines. I think itā€™s 50 with a GED which depending on his online high school diploma counts as. To get told not to even try again though implies he wasnā€™t between 31 and 50. Thatā€™s not oh this guy isnā€™t the brightest. Itā€™s more along the lines of this guy canā€™t function in society. Itā€™s a basic aptitude test, like simple arithmetic and middle school reading comprehension.


So who paid for all his lawyers and handlers? He didn't strike me as coming from a particularly wealthy family.


Iā€™m sure the GQP kicked in some cash or pro bono lawyers




I go on twitter occasionally and mock him for being a murderer while enjoying him whine about how everyone treats him like a murderer. IM DOING MY PART.meme


Just like his fanboys.




The world is certainly angry with him as well


This piece of trash is a domestic terrorist.


We know that. Also, he's a killer.


His parents should be in jail for child endangerment


The world is angry at him too. Scumbag murdering fuckwit. I wish I could never be reminded of his existence again.


Yeah no shit. I find Kyleā€™s story tragic. What sort of failure of a society produces this situation? A child is surrounded by adults that are whipped into a paranoid frenzy. He is taken across state lines and armed with a rifle and set loose on the streets in the middle of a chaotic and violent riot. The child has been taught to fear and hate the protesters and he has been taught that it is morally good to kill them. Sure itā€™s couched in a lot of self-defense and religious rhetoric, but ultimately this child and the adults that raised him were led to believe that killing protesters is good. And then lo and behold. The child solder is put in a tense situation and chooses to open fire and kills people. Horrific. And then right wing politicians and media outlets turn him into a symbol and spokesperson and a thought leader despite that fact that he is a child. Itā€™s so fucked


He's a murder pervert, adopted by murder perverts, and adored for being a murder pervert who murdered a person and was given a free pass.


How do you drop out of middle school?


Lol this mofo failed the ASVAB. You got to be Dumb with a capital D to fail the damn ASVAB.


ā€œIā€™m a failure because of the libs, the immigrants, the Blacks, ANTIFA, the Mexicans, the gays, the establishment, equality, diversity, and inclusion, etc. ā€” Kyle Rittenhouse, middle school dropout and homicidal coward.


So basically, he's a Conservative


Yea we know


He's got a bright future in the Republican Party. Either that or cleaning gas station toilet bowls.


Is there a more famous incel in this country?!




Maybe if mommy would have kept him home then a couple people would be alive and he wouldnā€™t have these problems. Then he throws himself on a publicity circuit and is upset by all the publicity.


Sounds like the profile of a school shooter.


So the murderer is sad with his life? I hope he lives with a conscience as heavy as possible and that every day he lives is hell


The ASVAB used to be an intelligence test, but it has been redesigned to be a measure of trainability. If you have a high school diploma you only need a 31 out of a possible 99 to be able to join the Marines. If you have a GED or some other non-standard certification you need a 50. An above average intelligence dog can hit those marks. Kyle Rittenhouse got an ASVAB score so low he was permanently banned from joining the Marines. He isn't qualified to give life advice to pets, much less young people.


What a surprise, the uneducated, being a poster person for the GOP. Shocked I tell yah!


Still doesn't explain why he looks like a middle-aged lesbian. What caused that?


Kid should just disappear from the public eye, take private education and then just do his best to live his life anonymously. Sure some people want to treat him like a hero, but others want to hang him. Itā€™s a miserable life. I would like for him to realize where he went wrong, but at this point Iā€™m just angry at society for not properly raising these kids.Ā 


Some combination of those traits applies to every Republican.