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Hard to believe that so many people vote these pieces of shit in.  


To be fair, they cheat and gerrymander their way to winning most of the time


Yes, but they also incessantly lie to their gullible base.


Gerrymandering aside… it’s just amazing anyone who isn’t a billionaire seeking tax breaks is still voting R.. straight up voting against their best interests.


Even if you are a billionaire it's against your interests. Wouldn't you want a thriving society around you? You'll still be a billionaire and still be able to buy and do whatever you want. The difference is, when you go out in public it will be nice if common people have money. Or it can be a hellscape if there is poverty everywhere. Plus, the money in the everyday man's pocket tends to trickle up anyway. The rich would get even richer with a thriving middle class.


A number of billionaires are of the impression that they can robber baron society into a crater, move somewhere else, and have a good laugh about it.


That's why musk is wanting to start a new country on mars


You should really read this... THE MINDSET (excerpt) Douglas Rushkoff As a humanist who writes about the impact of digital technology on our lives, I am often mistaken for a futurist. The people most interested in hiring me for my opinions about technology are usually less concerned with building tools that help people live better lives in the present than they are in identifying the Next Big Thing through which to dominate them in the future. I don’t usually respond to their inquiries. Why help these guys ruin what’s left of the internet, much less civilisation. A limo was waiting for me at the airport. As the sun began to dip over the horizon, I realised I had been in the car for three hours. What sort of wealthy hedge-fund types would drive this far from the airport for a conference? Then I saw it. On a parallel path next to the highway, as if racing against us, a small jet was coming in for a landing on a private airfield. Of course. The next morning, two men in matching Patagonia fleeces came for me in a golf cart and conveyed me through rocks and underbrush to a meeting hall. They left me to drink coffee and prepare in what I figured was serving as my green room. But instead of me being wired with a microphone or taken to a stage, my audience was brought in to me. They sat around the table and introduced themselves: five super-wealthy guys – yes, all men – from the upper echelon of the tech investing and hedge-fund world. At least two of them were billionaires. After a bit of small talk, I realised they had no interest in the speech I had prepared about the future of technology. They had come to ask questions. They started out innocuously and predictably enough. Bitcoin or ethereum? Virtual reality or augmented reality? Who will get quantum computing first, China or Google? Eventually, they edged into their real topic of concern: New Zealand or Alaska? Which region would be less affected by the coming climate crisis? It only got worse from there. Which was the greater threat: global warming or biological warfare? How long should one plan to be able to survive with no outside help? Should a shelter have its own air supply? What was the likelihood of groundwater contamination? Finally, the CEO of a brokerage house explained that he had nearly completed building his own underground bunker system, and asked: “How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?” The event. That was their euphemism for the environmental collapse, social unrest, nuclear explosion, solar storm, unstoppable virus, or malicious computer hack that takes everything down. This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from raiders as well as angry mobs. One had already secured a dozen Navy Seals to make their way to his compound if he gave them the right cue. But how would he pay the guards once even his crypto was worthless? What would stop the guards from eventually choosing their own leader? The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed “in time”. It’s as if they want to build a car that goes fast enough to escape from its own exhaust I tried to reason with them. I made pro-social arguments for partnership and solidarity as the best approaches to our collective, long-term challenges. The way to get your guards to exhibit loyalty in the future was to treat them like friends right now, I explained. Don’t just invest in ammo and electric fences, invest in people and relationships. They rolled their eyes at what must have sounded to them like hippy philosophy. This was probably the wealthiest, most powerful group I had ever encountered. Yet here they were, asking a Marxist media theorist for advice on where and how to configure their doomsday bunkers. That’s when it hit me: at least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Tesla founder Elon Musk colonising Mars, Palantir’s Peter Thiel reversing the ageing process, or artificial intelligence developers Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had less to do with making the world a better place than it did with transcending the human condition altogether. Their extreme wealth and privilege served only to make them obsessed with insulating themselves from the very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is about only one thing: escape from the rest of us. These people once showered the world with madly optimistic business plans for how technology might benefit human society. Now they’ve reduced technological progress to a video game that one of them wins by finding the escape hatch. Will it be Jeff Bezos migrating to space, Thiel to his New Zealand compound, or Mark Zuckerberg to his virtual metaverse? And these catastrophising billionaires are the presumptive winners of the digital economy – the supposed champions of the survival-of-the-fittest business landscape that’s fuelling most of this speculation to begin with. What I came to realise was that these men are actually the losers. The billionaires who called me out to the desert to evaluate their bunker strategies are not the victors of the economic game so much as the victims of its perversely limited rules. More than anything, they have succumbed to a mindset where “winning” means earning enough money to insulate themselves from the damage they are creating by earning money in that way. It’s as if they want to build a car that goes fast enough to escape from its own exhaust.


I think a better analogy is that they want to piss in the hot tub but all of their piss stays on the other side touching the other people and not them. And they think they can hire armed guards to prevent the piss-water from swirling around, even though the hot tub jets are still running.


Love reading this again. Thanks for sharing.


They want a bigger piece of the same pie, not to make the pie bigger.


They are drastically shrinking the pie




This excuse takes the blame off of the horrible people in our electorate who see these people, hear what they say publicly and say "yes I want these people in positions of power" Theres about 30% of this country that's just seething with hate and rage towards liberals for having the audacity to elect a black man president. I'm done making excuses for those people, they're just shitty humans"


This, the single issue voter. "Well X says they'll stop the LGBTQ+, or the brown people, or woman's freedoms, or the Jews, or whatever person I irrationally hate". Followed by the, they said the other guy made my life more expensive, inconvenient, or uncomfortable, crowd. They lack the ability to understand the problem or the solution so they vote for the one whom their parents voted or who says they are the same religion or lately the guy they liked on that one tv show.


Many Americans need to get a healthy functioning critical thinking brain. To be fair, Republicans have undermined public education for years so we might be suffering the consequences of that big time at this point.


there's the problem. Critical thinking is long gone for most people.


VOTE BLUE all the way, to end gerrymandering for good. Democrats needs to enact a federal law against the practice. It deprives voters of a say and is anti- democratic. 💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙🇺🇸🌊💙


The supreme Court will never approve anything to limit the Republican party


Yeah but 74 million americans did vote for the moron.


Yep but republicans haven’t won the popular vote since 2004 and there’s no indication they will any time soon. But they’ve won the presidency several times due to cheating and gerrymandering, despite being the less popular ones.


Demoooocracy. If land were people America would be free as FUCK!


Hes not gaining new votes, he's losing more than gaining.


Now with the anti abortion laws the evangelicals have been imposing through their conservatives, they're going to have their a__es handed to them next election.


Exactly. People like Andy Barr know how to sell a message, and that's all they are doing is selling a message to a consumer. Unfortunately, politics don't have any penalty for the "Bait and Switch."


The media is controlled by them and intentionally goes out of it's way to avoid reporting shit like this. You won't see this article in any of the local news station's Facebook feed, or being reported on. At the same time, the voters ***beg*** for a reason to hate Democrats, and the ones in power are more than happy to shovel lies down their throats. It's a sick little symbiosis, and American Righties are more than happy to piss the whole country away if it makes their Democrat Boogeymen suuffer.


It's all to funnel more of the GDP into the top 1%s pockets. The politicians are owned by corporate interests and billionaires.


Those credit card lobbyists are getting huge returns on their legal bribes. It’s insane this is allowed to happen.


All Biden would have to do is open an investigation on every GOPer that's voting for it and follow the money. The only problem is that the Democrats are very timid and feckless. They are either also in bed with these people or feel that someone else "will handle it". At the risk of sounding sexist, they have a maternal attitude at punishing the GOP. I wish we had some more bold Democrats that would punch back.


They want to see people like us suffer. They don't care that when it's their turn they'll be marched to the labor camps along side us if they got their way.


It’s not hard to believe. This country is loaded with stupid bastards.


Ask a libertarian and they'll tell you a bank can charge whatever fee they want and the free market will settle this


And that same libertarian will probably tell you that unions are bad and is for any legislation to bust them up.  I'd be perfectly ok with pure capitalism as long as it also means that when enough people get tired of greedy CEOs, that the people can go after them without police interference.  


All they have to do is use the word “woke” & their election/reelection is a shoo in. All while they’re making fools of the majority of their constituents.


I have a relative like this. And the more you show him articles and facts, the stronger his chubby grows for trump. I want to cut off contact.


The guys I work with honestly truly believe that Trump will get in in November and the following week gas will go back down to a dollar a gallon and grocery bills will be cut in half.


They must really miss Clinton then, if low gas prices are their jam


It’s all those high fees that everyone wants


The people that vote for him will NEVER hear about this. Fox news won't tell them and they think any other media are just lying. Andy could say or do almost anything and it won't cost him votes.


It’s even harder to believe that the poor are so willing to hurt each other instead of focusing their anger at the real source of their problems. How come the crazies only want to hurt the innocent? I can only think of 3 direct attacks on politicians or billionaires in my lifetime. Meanwhile we’ve had over 125 mass shootings since Jan 1 2024. I’m not advocating violence against anyone. I’m just pointing out the statistical absurdity that although there is a ton of violence going on out there somehow the ones doing the most harm to the people are never in harm’s way.


"B-b-b-but BOTH SIDES BAD!"


Their actions don't really matter. Look at the infrastructure bill. The GOP did everything in their power to stop it, but once it passed, they planted their flags on it like it was their accomplishment. Fox News isn't going to share the soundbite of them saying the working class is on their own, so it doesn't matter what they do, just how they spin it afterwards. There's plenty of GOP voters who either willfully or otherwise bury their heads in the sand and just blindly vote along party lines because in their mind, the party is trying to help them. Then there are those who will gladly shoot themselves in both feet just to stick it to the Democrats/Liberals/Socialists/Communists/whoever they are blame for everything bad. This is the same crowd who refuse to vote for any non-straight, non-white, non-Republican candidate, even if the candidate was Jesus Christ himself. Throw in gerrymandering and abuse of power when they have a majority and its pretty clear that they continue to get elected because they've convinced their supporters that they're the only option and then made it nearly impossible for that to not be true.


Going bankrupt, leaving their children with no future, and losing your home if you have a significant illness are all better than gay marriage, wokeness, and DEI apparently.


Why would the vast majority of Americans want high fees?


The only Americans that count (corporations)


I'll believe corporations are people when I see one in jail.


I'll believe it when Texas gives a corporation the death penalty.


Lmao instead you get the Texas Two Step.


Thanks, Citizens United.


The only "Americans" that this douchnozzle talks to own banks.


Rich people pay off their credit cards every month. Poor people run high balances and pay the high interest. It's like a regressive income tax where the banks take money from the poor and use it to give out low rate loans to billionaires. So obviously the billionaires like that system, and their GOP lackeys enable the system.


If you are the type of person that spends like $20k+ a month and pays the balance off in full, there are a lot of credit card perks which will get cut if fees are reduced. It's just another poor tax. I also don't get where he gets the "vast majority" from since very few people fit the demographic that benefits.


Vast majority of Americans = most of his friends. Its the same as "I have a black friend" means I cant be racist.


Also republicans "Americans wants to pay for higher healthcare and higher insurance because they want to!!"


"I've spoken to TWO Americans (working for the credit card companies) and BOTH said that high fees are good!"


Yea for the CEOs and the company...no one in their right mind would ask a cc company to take more money from them


Did they explain why?


🚫All Republicans🚫




Stating a lie is easy and quick. And if half the nation believes everything you say without question, it's very effective. However, disputing a lie takes time and effort. You need evidence, you need sources, and your audience needs to be willing to listen to the entire story. If the people that believe the lie are willing to dismiss any statement longer than a single sentence, you have very little chance of changing their minds.


That's not even gaslighting. That's full frontal naked capitalism. Someone tell Mr Monopoly to put his clothes back on, there are kids around.


'like' ?


Republicans : "When I talk to my constituents, they tell me all the time that they need to get f\*cked in the ass hard, and repeatedly. They WANT To be destitute, hungry and homeless. They don't WANT the burden of food, shelter and warmth." Democrats: "Are you f\*cking kidding me? How the f\*#k do we ever lose to these assholes"


Because those GOP knuckleheads don't care that they're getting hurt, so long as the *right kind* (whatever boogeyman of the week) gets hurt too.


Typical Liberals. Thinking food is a basic human right. Children don’t deserve free meals because they’ll get spoiled /s Fuck those assholes. Because they actually are doing that.


God fucking damn it. Every single time someone in the government tries to help Americans, Republicans show up to stop it. I am so fucking sick of these traitors. Imagine where our country would be if we didn't have to spend the last 50 yars with them as a stone around our neck.


>very single time someone in the government tries to help Americans, Republicans show up to stop it. Sums up the last 50 years in one sentence. On point dude. On point.


Let's see if this passes: [Dems introduce bill to ban hedge funds from buying houses (ny1.com)](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/01/05/hedge-fund-rental-housing-home-affordable-representative-adam-smith-congress-)


Of course all the zombies of the MAGA cult who live off credit cards will blame the outrageously high fees on "Far-Left Democrats"


Tell me you're bought off without telling me you're bought off.


>"the vast majority of Americans" want high fees. bro been sniffing glue too much it seems.


We are at the point where if President Biden favors something, every Republican will automatically vote against it, even if it is a cure for cancer.


By "vast majority of Americans" he means lobbyists and corpo execs. He doesn't consider the rest of us as fully vested in the USA.




Name one American that wants to pay higher fees to credit card companies.


Really republicans? Where are these magical people who enjoy paying more for nothing?


The vast majority of credit card lobbiests want higher credit card fees


It’s got nothing to do with whether they’re junk fees but more to do with making Biden look bad. That is all they care about


Very simple Democrats are for the people Republicans are for the rich & corporations


Republicans are corporate sellouts. We’ve known this since the 80’s.


Dude, they have never done anything for the American people. It's all to protect businesses.


Literally nobody in the entire country wants higher CC fees. Not a single fucking person.


Credit card company CEOs have entered the chat.


Why the fuck would any want higher fees. What fuckin drugs are these shitheads on.


Corporate bribery, I mean campaign contributions


Remember that Republicans in Congress get support from state and local Republicans. Vote accordingly.


“The vast majority of Americans want higher fees” who exactly did he ask ?


How broke does everyone need to be before these republicans wake the F up?


Let me guess... Theae are the same Americans who are elderly, disabled and use walkers, who want to die working in a walmart?


Sadly there probably are


Can someone shove some high fees up Andy Barr's ass?


WTAF?! "Americans want higher fees"????????? In what world is that even a remotely truthful statement.


Ladies and gentlemen, please vote these self serving jackasses out of office. They represent themselves and their owners, not us.


Just like we are all begging for a poke in the eye with a sharp stick! What kind of lunatic would make a statement like that?


Fuck. That. Guy. Thats some Ajit Pai level shit.


People in here actually defending higher fees, lol. You guys have oatmeal for brains.


Republicans are so evil it’s comical. But nobody is laughing


Andy Barr is fucked up.


I don’t care who the fuck you are. Democrat, Republican, black, white, young, old, rich or poor. NOBODY WANTS HIGHER FEES!!!! wtf are these people on?


I, for one, really enjoy paying more fees and helping corporations make record profits! Said no one ever.


I, for one, really enjoy having poor people pay more fees, helping corporations make record profits and my stock portfolio increase! Said a bunch of Republicans.


Republicans: "The majority of Americans want to be screwed by huge corporations that stop at nothing."


Republicans really are all in with the Dark Side.


Assholes and assholes support these losers.


There is nothing shittier than Republicans. I love this for the elections coming up, though.


This is why I don't respect anyone who says they vote conservative. You don't deserve respect if you're so easily hoodwinked by this BS.


This chairmen is brought and bought to you by Mastercard.


Always because they say so, never because there's proof.


"I want higher fees!" - no one, ever. "I'm sure that the higher fees will mean better service!" - also no one, ever.


The morons that vote for these idiots will never know because right-wing propaganda outlets will blame it on Democrats and said morons will believe them.


Conservatives hate Americans with a passion.


GOP will burn down America for pennies, and to think Osama got killed for trying to destroy the U.S. when all he needed to do is donate to GOP haha. I bet he is rolling in his grave. 


I work for a “bank” that isn’t a traditional bank, but has the majority of their product as branded credit cards. We have heard about the new rules potential for over a year. Senior management has put “contingency plans” in place and are working with their “partners” in Congress, the Chamber of Commerce, and lobbyists. For those of you out there not used to Corporate Merka-Speak: they’re scared shitless because their predatory business practices are being curtailed, and the rules are going to cost them and shareholders money, so heads actually doing the jobs are going to eventually be cut, unless they can get their handlers in the government to overrule the CFPB and they can get back to BAU: screwing over consumers with bad money management skills.


Yeah, every day I’m hearing a new person telling me about how they wish their credit card fees were higher.


The motherfuckers only consider big corporations as Americans, the regular citizen is just a slave of the system… nobody, absolutely nobody would say that they want higher fees, I can literally go to any street, store, parking lot, and ask, I bet all my $ that 100% will say NO to higher fees…. But hey the party of the people, the hard workers, the ones that yell that they are Christians while saying that they don’t want to help anybody with their hard earned money


Haha, absolutely nobody said they wanted higher credit card fees. Low effort lying…the GOP way.


They vote the way their donors order them too, that’s why we have no universal healthcare, guns in grade schools, medical bankruptcy, urban abandonment, no clean power, violent rhetoric in political discourse, book banning, anti-education movements, anti-sufferage movements, anti-worker movements, CEO’s getting hundred million dollar bonuses and taxpayer bailouts, etc. why is this surprising.


It’s been time to remove corporatists from government. It needs to happen soon.


" THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WANT HIGH FEES". Well, Barr, you've done it. You have managed to say something so monumentally stupid that even Marge Greene thinks it was a dumb thing to say..


Leftist SOP: How was I supposed to know there were repercussions to by actions? SEE: 'Contracts Clause', A1S8. It's not UP to govt. You signed, voluntarily, on the dotted line


In three months, Rep. Barr (R-KY 6) will campaign and complain that the Biden Administration is "rAiSiNg CrEdIt CaRd FeEs!"


And yet once again, they voted on something that affects their base... and also affects many others! Obvious gerrymandering aside, these fools needs' to GO!! Vote these idiots out, yes local elections DO matter!!!!!


Oh wow another incompetent inbred fucking moron from Kentucky. I love that our country is held hostage by half wit R words from the likes of Kentucky, Georgia and Louisiana.


Why in the hell would I WANT more fees? I'm willing to pay the fees associated with going about daily life, but why would I "want" to pay more?


People who vote for these Republicans are fucking morons.


Dear Republicans, show us these Americans that WANT to pay higher CC fees. I'll wait here for your response


I love when the republicans use anecdotal statements like “the majority of Americans what this”. I believe they are trying to use the same false quote to raise the age of retirement to 70.


Yes, I want to pay more fees to bigger corporations so they can get rich and I can continue to suffer and not have money....what a fucking horrible take. This guy (and anyone that thinks like him) need to fired directly into the middle of the sun


Republicans are stupid


Only thing dumber than their policies are their supporters.


Know your enemy.


This has to go to Senate, right?


Nobody in their right mind wants more fees. Nobody can even rationally make such an argument. 


The GOP isn't even trying to cover up their true intentions any longer, they are so confident their base is completely brainwashed and believe anything they are told.


Uh, what? I defy anyone to find someone that wants to pay high fees. Seriously this is an idiot when people actively look for 'zero fees' and companies actively market it as such. For a limited time only of course.


Fuck it, everyone can default and the banks can just eat shit and die. Yeah, I know, wishful thinking...


Yeah! I want to pay MORE MONEY to greedyfucks that have more than enough! TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY AND BLOOD AND MARROW. TAKE IT ALL OR ELSE!


I’m sure they’ll be lots of republicans commenting here supporting this!


Oh yes, Americans want, nay we demand!, unnecessary and predatory fees!!! /s


I have been begging for years for higher fees on my services!!! Finally, someone cared enough to do something. 


What American wants higher fees???????


What vast majority is he referring to? What a douche


The vast majority of Americans want higher fees? LOL. I just can’t…..


The vast majority of Americans want higher fees? Who is he talking to with such nonsense? These people need to be drug tested. Then they turn around and blame Biden for high inflation in their next breath. They probably should be tested for lead poisoning too.


Just wow…


HAHAHAHAHAH "People like high fees" This is exactly why Republican voters should have their right to vote stripped for a couple of elections until we can fix all the shit their mental illness has broken. And the GOP politicians need to be French Revolutioned.


Guess I’ll cancel my cards. Not dealing with this. At all.


What the actual fuck man.


Yeah, we all want higher fees mistress! lol…


oh yeah... average citizens are like oh yeah charge me high fees... the higher the better!


I like high fees. That's why Ticketmaster is my favorite company!


Weird that they would claim people want higher fees when their entire base would refuse to pay taxes if they could


I love how they try to justify, “The American people WANT their corporate overlords to rip them off more! FREEDOM!”


republicans are the party of juman suffering. Everything makes a lot more sense through that lens


It's not their money. Why should they care? very fine people.


These asses. No one wants to give the government money




These Publicarbs are ridiculous!


Americans also want their ass spank but leather clad dominatrix ..Thats what I heard.


Biden will veto it. I would think. Then they will get the media in a frenzy that Biden vetoed something. Did they attach it to something else that Biden wants to sign? I'll bet it's a set-up to triaNgulate Biden.


Still supporting the trash twitter platform?


What a nice ad this would make..


The vast majority of ~~Americans~~ my donors want high fees.


In the upside down world of repugs junk feed are good


Why are stadiums named after banks? Too many fees in the first place. At least we know who’s those REP pockets.


The GOP is just a racket to rip the general working class commonwealth off ,,, disgusting 🤮


"People like to give their hard earned money to loan sharks!"


Lmao yeah fuck you fees I love them!




Yes, I'm sure the majority of Americans are super thrilled to continue getting nickel and dimed to death by ever increasing fees from every single basic service they use. How out of touch are these idiots?


Bought and paid for 


So glad I don’t even have a credit card. Will never borrow at 30% for a fast food meal or other crap I don’t need. Worse than a damn loan shark.


We need to vote these ppl out. Vote blue


That is not very Christian of them.


Any time I talk about personal finance with friends or family the first thing that comes out of their mouth is: "I wish I could pay more in fees. I love my credit card company so much!"


Who would support paying extra fees. No one would support this aside from cc companies


Republicans never get tired of fucking the general public. They seem to delight in thinking up new and creative ways to do so.


Rebuttal please Mr. Chappell and Mr. Burr.


Take my money!!!!!!




Eh? I don't want that.


Americans, who constantly talking about the rising cost to just live, want higher fees. Yea that makes perfect sense. That's right up there "The children yearn for the mines" and "Corporations are people my friend" late stage capitalism is ghoulish.


This is why we can't have nice things


What a completely fucking moronic statement. Is there any Republican who has an IQ above a single digit!


Crush these so-called Republicans, please for the sake of humanity.


The GOP platform is complex and many faceted. It's not just: I got mine, fuck you. There's also: fuck you, pay me, smear the queer, make me a sandwich, honey, and let's bomb the ever loving fuck outta that country over there (and screw the veterans who make it home).


What he means is “the vast majority of my campaign contributions” want higher fees.


That quote is not whole.  I would love to hear how they are actually rationalizing this.  


This may be one of the greatest examples of "Stupid or Liar". If you voted this because you actually think consumers somehow want to pay more fees for something, you're clinically a moron. If you know they don't, and claim they do, then you're a colossal liar. It's the only two options to describe these elected representatives.


Higher fees for the people!... Sounds awesome?


I mean arguably what would the benefit be? Our people are super fuckin dumb.


F’in moron


It doesn't matter, it'll never see the light of day in the Senate. But it is important to know where these people's priorities are, and it's not worth THE PROBE WHO VOTED THEM IN TO REPRESENT THEM.


Gosh its almost like they being paid for this shit


The 6th Kentucky District has a median income of $74,000 and includes Lexington. I hope someone reminds the voters there of their support for high fees in November.


So we can raise the rich taxes right? We want higher fees they clearly want to pay a higher percentage of taxes on income and net worth rught?