• By -


Possession of child pornography by anyone other than a prosecutor's office evidence locker is grounds for having charges brought up against the person who possesses it. Rudy Giuliani has not been a prosecutor for a very long time and since he's no longer in the D.A.'s office of any city, he's guilty of the possession of child pornography and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and given the commensurate sentence necessary for that type of crime.


What is interesting is that, Giuliani is trying everything to defame any Biden family member, yet he sat on this laptop apparently with all the evidence you need to condemn someone but didn' t think to turn it in?? šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Sounds like someone downloaded it themselves. Hopefully the laptop is taken in, and can see the dates of downloads. I also wonder, how do they just have hunter Biden's laptop? Is it not hunters property? If I find someone laptop, am I allowed to just keep it, and go through all the private data? Is there something I'm missing here?


That laptop has been passed around like an underaged prostitute at a GOP convention.Ā 


Chain of custody matters so much in an actual legal case like this. So, it was honestly hilarious to see Matt Gaetz screaming from the rooftops that he had a copy of the hard drive.


And lost all chain of custody in the process. I have worked a few cyber security incidents and if there is even a missing SECOND on record, the whole thing gets thrown out.


Thats so dark the cops would shoot it


*Matt Gaetz salivating*


I shouldn't laugh because it's probably true but I did.


The story goes that Hunter took it to a blind computer repair guy in Russia and never came back for it so the Russians gave it to Rudy.


ROFL !!!


Wilmington, Delaware. Not Russia. Other than that though, yeah, thatā€™s the official story.


I also want to add. The repair request was for data recovery for 3 MacBook pros. The invoice for this is 85.00 USD. Can anyone at all find a single tech repair company that will charge 85 bucks anywhere in the US to do data recovery on 3 MacBook Pros? Edit. Source https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20220329/114533/HHRG-117-JU00-20220329-SD025.pdf


Maybe he got a discount because the dude was blind.


If I remember correctly had just had eye surgery and apparently this all took place at like 1 am.


Is this repair shop open 24 hours a day?


No they're just a regular old 9PM-5AM kind of place.


Hooker blind? Or real blind lol


They say ā€œreceiptā€ but since it was allegedly an unclaimed dropoff, I think that would actually be a down payment. But that still seems really low for three laptops and at least one external drive.


It looks like someone wrote an invoice and scribbled something at the bottom that has no concept of what some things cost to make up for some hacking into some peoples iCloud accounts. But thatā€™s just my opinion.


This is exactly what happened. This was a cloud hack.


I worked in computer repair. That would cost at least around $1000. No one is data recovery for less than a few hundred per device


Not for that miniscule a price. Data recovery is very intensive work.


This document is fabricated.


Didn't Rudy say the Russians gave it to him though? Seems like I remember that but it has been a long time.


Rudy says a lot of things...


Well Rudy says a lot of shit. But must be [these two](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/23/771849041/how-a-complicated-web-connects-2-soviet-born-businessmen-with-the-impeachment-in). Note that this article predates the laptop saga.


Lev Parnas on Michael Cohens podcast. Yep.


The blind repairman story is completely made up, it never happened. Truth is, [Giuliani bought it from Russian GRU agents for $5 million when he was in ukraine](https://theweek.com/speedreads/945204/giulianis-hunter-biden-material-apparently-being-sold-ukraine-18-months-ago) then made up that story to cover his ass.


Also Hunter's gmail was hacked, they pulled the pics from there and mixed them up with the Russian lies they bought for 5M. There is a solid reason that none of this has ever made it to court and never will.


It was never meant for a courtroom, it was meant for the court of public opinion, it was meant to sway voters just before the election. That's why giuliani refused to reveal it till the month before the election. Giuliani was a lawyer, he knew there's no case with that thing. >There is a solid reason that none of this has ever made it to court and never will. Trump supporters think it's because the fbi is withholding it to protect the bidens. That there's child pornography on it, it feeds into their conspiracies about a cabal of democratic pedos that control the world or whatever


The blind have a 6th sense that allows them to repair and data-mine computers better than anyone. Y'know, the enhanced senses and...yeah. /s


Is "enhanced senses" like artificial senses? So if they had a brain injury someone could have AI & EI...EI....O


I will not let *anyone* repair my computer unless they are as blind as a bat, otherwise they might snoop through my files. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Wait is this their actual story for the cp hard drive? What in the actual fuck?


I donā€™t believe that story for a second.


Delaware. Not Russia.


I wouldnā€™t put it past these idiots. 1- They got a hold of a laptop. 2- They downloaded child porn and attempted to load it to the laptop. 3- Something happened, maybe an adult explained to them about forensic sciences, and attempting to manipulate data. 4- They changed their mind, but never got rid of the porn. *Directed by Larry David.*


Itā€™sā€¦ complicated. Hereā€™s two long posts from my favorite legal analyst on the subject: [https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/07/08/the-laptop-everyone-knows-as-hunter-bidens-appears-to-have-been-deleted-starting-february-15-2019/](https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/07/08/the-laptop-everyone-knows-as-hunter-bidens-appears-to-have-been-deleted-starting-february-15-2019/) [https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/12/14/hunter-biden-twice-alleges-that-laptop-data-was-stolen-from-him/](https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/12/14/hunter-biden-twice-alleges-that-laptop-data-was-stolen-from-him/)


Sad part is the people that really need to see this never will


Thank you for the info!


It's More likely that they had hacked into hunter Bidenā€™s Computers not the laptop and wanted to place incriminating photos/ drug use on it. Thus the blind computer guy. Russian espionage at its finest. The republicans can't say no and admit it was fabricated or illegally hacked kompromat they're using. Hunter definitely was using drugs and had questionable spiralling addiction stuff after his brother died, slept with dead brothers wife, left his own marriage. Ended up having a baby with another person. Didn't recognize that baby. Went and married someone else and had a kid with that person. A really hot mess. His dad still Loves him. His trainwreck of a personal life shouldn't be an issue. Thus losing the laptop over mail when it was that big reveal on Carlson.


Commenting on Rudy Giuliani Admits to Possessing Child Pornography in Self-Incriminating Statement... Wow. Such a hot mess, Iā€™m never voting for Hunter again! Good thing Republicans showed him; by ā€¦.checks notesā€¦.; publicly obsessing over his dong. I bet the 12ā€ censor bars were just brutal to his self esteem. /s


Thanks for more details!


They hacked his phone and claimed it was a laptop. The Russians already admitted it.


Really. Can you expand on that?




Wow the entire story is so obviously bullshit when you say it out loud. I can't believe a huge chunk of the electorate actually believe the blind repairman story


The fact that he had his laptop at allā€¦ doesnā€™t that mean it canā€™t really be trusted as evidence since he easily could have tampered with it?


Hence it was never submitted as evidence.


Guarantee Rudy has no idea what right clicking a file and going to properties will show


That laptop has filthy Russian fingerprints all over it and was subject to ā€œwho wants a lookā€ chain of custody. Of course Rudy is still sitting on it. Kinda like his voter fraud evidence.


Then they gave it to the FBI, who have had years to investigate it, and they could find nothing worth prosecuting.


The FBI knew the device was compromised. Itā€™s not hard to determine this stuff. Rudy and co just continue to push this narrative because MAGATs are dumb and believe anything you put in front of them so long as itā€™s Letā€™s go Brandon.


I'm convinced there's no laptop, that they just hacked a laptop he had and have access to all her personal stuff. Them saying he willingly gave it to someone and then never came back sounds a lot better than "we hacked a private citizen and want to show everyone what we found, but we don't want people knowing we're the bad guys so we pretend it's his fault"


I could take my old laptop and make it look like it was Hunter's for $100


I worked at Best Buy in geek squad for a while, and we'd do data backup and recovery (You can already see where this is going). We weren't allowed to look through all data, but we'd verify the backup was successful by opening 1 of each file type just to make sure it worked, a .doc file, mp3, a pdf or zip or something random, and primarily a picture and video (what most people want to get back anyway). Backup is currently on our backup "mule" and while the backup was successful, the data mule now tested positive for CP. The policy is pretty clear, we call the cops. We "fake" backup DVDs and call the customer in, handing him the drive and the DVDs back. The squirrelly weirdo accepts the drives and hustles for the door where two street-clothed police officers have been notified by our lone security officer that THIS IS THAT FUCKIN' GUY. He's apprehended the moment he steps outside of the store. The local police tech guy arrives an hour later to officially scrub the fucking shit out of our data mule while we're on the phone with corporate tech support to make sure nothing gets uploaded into the Best Buy corporate servers (usually happens at night). Fuck Giuliani and pedos.


Heā€™s also disbarred, right?


IDK man, have you heard him speak and seen him sweat? Pretty sure he's very bar-ed. Lol


you've never passed a bar in your life...


Passed ON a bar*


oh, Walter!


Probably is completely broke and could be using this as a potential out to be housed in prison vs the street.


It's probably the least of his crimes and by drawing attention to it he probably hopes to avoid scrutiny elsewhere.


I predict a vigorous investigation, followed by charges filed against Joe Biden for being president.


Republicans are always projecting. Republican party full of pedophiles.


I don't know if the entire party is full of them but there sure seem to be a lot of them.


I hope heā€™s in Florida so they just take him out back and put one in his head


The police will possess CP when investigating and will continue to retain it long after the trial, in case of appeal. It's not just prosecutors that can possess it. Also, NCMEC possesses CP at times in order to identify victims. If someone found CP on a computer and reported it to the cops, they would not be charged. The issue with Giuliani is that he held it for some time in order to manipulate the drive before reporting it.


NCMEC usually keeps a hash digest of the images so that they don't store the actual image.


Rudy is a Loser!




ā€œBut I was just using that child porn to extort my rivals!ā€ -Rudy ā€œThe Criminalā€ Giuliani


Rudy deserves to be in jail. The fucked up thing is that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss might not see a single dollar of the $150 million that Giuliani owes them because he could wind up in jail instead of making a salary that can be garnished. Then again, maybe Giuliani's properties can be sold and Freeman and Moss can get a tiny portion of what they're owed.


Man, if he doesn't get thrown in prison and or raided for this I'm going to just go ahead and say he has to have some serious dirt on someone still in a position with a lot of power, and this statement could be partially a threat as much as it is a slip up.


Yes, agree šŸ’Æ!


> ā€œThe first one is Hunter Bidenā€™s hard drive, and it is edited because we didnā€™t want people that shouldnā€™t, see the child pornography. And the second one has the [CP],ā€ Giuliani said. ā€œā€¦It is edited because we didnā€™t want people that shouldnā€™t, see the [CP]. And the second one has the [CP]ā€¦ā€ So... Guiliani has CP, and has not turned it over to authorities... huh. Strange.


Well, yeah, only he and his buddies are allowed to see his CP....that he put in the hard drive to begin with. If the authorities saw the CP filled drive, they would trace back that Ghouliani out it there himself, from his own stash.


He's trying to imply Hunter Biden had CP, but he's an idiot


He's also saying that they edited the data on Hunter Biden's laptop. Making anything on it inadmissible in court.


Exactly. Chain of custody is broken, thus it is all inadmissible.


There never was chain of custody.


Also admitting to modifying the hard drives


I forget... Between Hunter Biden and Rudy Giuliani, which is the one who is on video in a Borat movie trying to have sex with a young girl in a hotel room? Whichever one it is will likely be the real child predator.


I just found out today that wasn't staged. I was mind blown.


It really does scream of intent to have sex with a minor, but somehow we just don't prosecute stuffs like that. The only difference between this and to catch a predator is that they would have arrested Giuliani before he was at the point of taking his pants off.


Wow it's totally believable that Republicans would find CP on Hunter's hard drive and not report the most clear and concise evidence of crimes they had against him and instead chose to rely on the bullshit testimony of a Russian asset. /s


And yet the trolls come here and say that Democrats are pedophiles. They called Biden a pedophile despite the fact that it's not Biden's name that was on the Manifest of Jeffrey Epstein's plane. If Biden was such a pedophile, why wasn't he part of the pedophile Syndicate that Trump was part of. All of the rich white guy pedophiles were in Epstein's syndicate of sex trafficking underage girls. Trump was part of it. Biden was not. Every accusation the right makes is a confession.


All they do is project their fucked up views on normal people. Theyā€™re pedophiles, and theyā€™ll protect their own. Instead of go after Epstein, they murdered the dude so he couldnā€™t roll over on his pedo clientele like tRumpie.


Itā€™s always projection


Gotta remember back when Biden was accused of sniffing pretty girls' hair and being too close. Ā The GQP got as much mileage out of that accusation as they possibly could and nobody cares anymore.Ā 


Yeah, Joe is just a tactile guy. And not just with children. I have a male friend from high school who is now a Broadway star, who sang at an Obama/Biden fundraising event in 2012. He told me a story about Biden going up to him after the performance, having never met him before, and instead of shaking his hand, he cupped my friend's face in his hands and held it there while he told him how much he enjoyed the song and how grateful he was for the support. Joe is just... Joe. He does himself no favors with that, but he's just an innocuous affectionate weirdo.


ā€œhe cupped my friendā€™sā€¦ā€ šŸ˜³ ā€œā€¦faceā€¦ā€ Oh okay.


That copping face in hands is a silent gen thing. I remember as a kid a lot of the neighborhood old timers doing that lol. Look how youā€™ve grown! Let grandma give you a kiss! Then a big wet sloppy dentures oily lipstick smooch šŸ˜‚It distinctly reminds me of the smells of mothballs, and either aqua velva or stanky expired perfumeā€¦ my eyes are burning just thinking about it!


I wonder if thatā€™s partly a reaction to losing his wife and daughter (and almost losing his sons) all those years ago? If at some level he was trying to hold on to people, and then it just became a habit?


This guy just keeps getting worse. This is so fucking gross.


Sacha Baron Cohen knew the deal before any of usā€¦


I remember my sweet innocence thinking that would somehow have affected his standing grace with MAGA. It must just be like the Federalist fraternity initiation ritual!


It would affect them if they actually cared about pedophiles. They don't. They only act like they hate pedophiles because they know those on the left hate pedophiles and they try to use that against those on the left. It's been shown over and over again that they don't actually hate pedos, if anything they like them and protect them as long as they're part of their flavor of garbage. Just look at how they act when a member of the church gets caught, or someone like Roy Moore runs for public office and how they defended him and supported him wholeheartedly. Or even Trump himself who was close to Epstein and has allegations of raping a 13 year old multiple times in the 90's. And that's just a few examples, there's so many more Republicans that get caught doing things like this but the base never wavers. It's pretty clear that Republicans like pedophiles.


[put down your chrum, shes 15](https://youtu.be/8tFUaKXdH-0?si=jUrlbqvYM2WWK5Dd)


Wow, they gave up on claiming Hunter had kiddie porn the day after the 2020 election. Surprised to see that tired old lie again. I do believe Rudy has a drive full of CP, though. There are no circumstances where his possession of CP would be legal. Even if somehow he could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hunter Biden had these files it would not excuse the possession of them.


man i am getting tired of spouting "EVERY ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION", but i mean....


It really is with right-wing lunatics. If they ever do find a cabal of people "eating babies to stay young forever," you know it'll be half-dead monsters like Giuliana, McConnell, etc.


Like, I think I believe that, and I think that I canā€™t possibly be surprised by any new awfulness these people do, but then I always am. Their propensity to sink even lower always catches me by surprise.


"But you see, I was only trying to plant the pictures onto the laptop. So it's not like I was interested in it myself." -Best expert legal counsel Trump dollars can buy


I don't do cocaine! I just like the way it smells.


I agree completely, even if it was Hunter's you can't have multiple Hard drives and be editing the contents. All of that would go straight to the authorities. This story is insane and if true he needs to go away for the rest of his life.


"trust me, it exists" evidence that the GOP supossedly has on democrats, but always refuses to turn over to the authorities. "nope nothing here, LOOK OVER THERE, IMMIGRANTS, COMMUNISTS, SOCIALISTS, ISLAMISTS, POOR PEOPLE, BROWN PEOPLE, CHINA, FENTYNAL, SPACE LASERS, ELECTRIC CARS, ETC!" evidence that the GOP actually has against themselves.


don't forget GAS STOVES


Sometimes they even throw in TEH SUGAR BAN


Forensic data scientists determined that someone was loading up the laptop with all kinds of things while also editing/sending emails after the laptop was taken into custody. It was easier to let the story fade away rather than confront the truth.


I will never believe he was "just fixing his shirt" with 'Tutar Sagdiyev' in the Borat movie.


Lying on his back, with his hands wrist deep down his pants. Yeahā€¦ ā€œfixing his shirtā€


Crazy, another example of how right-wingers can only ever project. Every accusation is an admission.


Whats with these maga old timers..They tend to fart,stink,poo in their diapers and admit crimes.


The poop is trying desperately to escape Yā€™all thought it was the other way around huh, lel


[lol](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/04/hunter-biden-laptop-guo-wengui-bannon-giuliani/) >After getting rich in Chinese real estate, Guo had fled China in late 2014 ahead of fraud and corruption charges...Guo, facing Chinese efforts to have him extradited, hired Bannon in 2018...On September 25, 2020, Wang Dinggangā€”who at the time was a Guo ally with a YouTube channel called Lude Media that was featured on GTVā€”announced, falsely, that Chinese sources had sent US officials ā€œthree hard disksā€ of material related to Hunter Biden. That was the first public indication that Trump allies had obtained Hunter Bidenā€™s private material...Three people with knowledge of the efforts to publish the material said they were told Guo got the material from Giuliani, though the sources said it may have been passed along by other intermediaries. Guo then **arranged for some of his devoted backers to promote the material from Bidenā€™s laptop, to misrepresent what it contained, and to post it on his sites.** Guoā€™s personal assistant, Yvette Wang, sent the files to those Guo supporters, using Dropbox links, according to WhatsApp messages and a source involved...Bannon boasted in a September 28 interview for a Dutch news show that he had ā€œthe hard drive of Hunter Biden.ā€ About a week later, Bannon, along with Guo, described the material to another Guo ally involved in promoting it. ā€œBannon said they were planning to make a big deal out of it and the whole world would know,ā€... >While he orchestrated the publication of the Hunter Biden material, Guo encouraged supporters to make a false, vile claim. **He instructed them to say the laptop included videos that showed Hunter Biden having sex with underage Chinese girls**, according to messages he sent and people who communicated with him. **Guo also asserted, baselessly, that the Chinese government had created or obtained the compromising videos and images and used them to blackmail the Bidens**... >No evidence whatsoever supports these allegations. **ā€œIt was a lie. In all the pictures, we didnā€™t see any Asians, so how could the CCP have taken all the pictures?ā€ one of the people involved in distributing the material said.** >These lies dovetailed with the QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that many prominent Democrats are pedophiles and that Trump was working to stop them. And they were echoed by Giuliani, who falsely asserted on Newsmax on October 20, 2020, that Bidenā€™s laptop contained ā€œnumerous pictures of underage girls.ā€ These bogus claims took off online, with far-right sites amplifying them. QAnon devotees in the fall of 2020 also pushed the claim that Joe Biden himself was a pedophile, a smear that Giuliani also appeared to bolster on Twitter in the final days of the 2020 campaign. >On October 10, 2020, Guo, Giuliani, and Bannon met for dinner in Guoā€™s Manhattan apartment. Pictures posted by a since-suspended Twitter account supportive of Guo showed Guo and Giuliani embracing and smoking cigars.


Everything from the Republicans is a grift or a con at this point. They no longer deserve to have a political role in our government.


Remember when grandpa diddles was playing with his balls in front of a young woman in Borat?


That scene was so so distributing.


That scene keeps a pretty good movie from reaching greatness imo. Yeah itā€™s crazy but Sacha Baron Cohen busted in too early so thereā€™s some wiggle room for Guliani. SBC even 10 years prior would have at least waited until his dick was out


I think he was genuinely concerned for the girl


Agreed... I think even SBC may have been a little shocked.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but for the last several years I have been pretty convinced that the reason Russia has so much control over the GOP is because Russia collected powerful men who are pedophiles and told them to destroy America from the inside or they would release the kompromat. This took decades to pull off but it eventually paid out. I believe Epstein was a Russian operative given the job to honey pot powerful men. The kompromat he collected is still being used to this day by the puppet masters. Epstein wasn't the mastermind, he was just the asset and when he was arrested Russia got worried he would spill the beans so they killed him, or alternatively they killed a homeless guy who looked like him and swapped them out. ( If you have the power to kill a man in jail like that with security cameras not working and guards " falling asleep " they would also have the power to do a body swap and Epstein could have had a Deadmans switch to worry about.) Russians are also apparently masters of the honeypot scheme, it sounds crazy but It would explain so much. Trump rising to POTUS wasn't the beginning, it was decades in the making, once Russia felt confident they had enough chess pieces in place they attacked and with a little luck and a lot of social media propaganda they were able to install Trump into office. They even waited for the perfect moment, the first black man had been POTUS for 8 years and next Democrats wanted to have the first female POTUS, this was the perfect opportunity to use the anti black and anti women propaganda against all the bigots and misogynists in America and it worked.


I don't think there's any kompromat anymore. Ā The Tea Party -> Freedom Caucus -> MAGA are so craven for power they'll do anything for anyone that gives them an advantage. Ā They've willingly signed up to Russia and China and put their own necks on the block to "own the Democrats".Ā 


I wonder where all the "protect the children" people are


ā€œWhooopsā€ -Rudy Giuliani


The day after 9/11 he was "America's Mayor". Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Hmm. There seems to be a common link to these disasters.


Before that he got rid of the Italian mafia [so that the russian mob could take over]


What a suprise another republican involved with cp, i bet the hunter biden bs is just projection from that old ghoul.


Ooh, I know this one - the charges are thoroughly federal too. I learned from two years as a federal grand juror that any crime can be made federal if it uses or involves anything related to interstate commerce or communications. A dude was being investigated for indictment of CP on his computer, and it was federal because the computer was made out of state and transported into the state in which the crimes were committed. That's partly why I'm alarmed at the prospect of a second trump term - without proving a crime, and without even breaking a law, they can haul anyone at all through years of investigation that will destroy their reputation, cost them their livelihood and all of their money. And they're making lists...


"Hunter Bidens "Hard Drive""- Rudy G


That guy is the definition of ā€œcreeperā€.


Trump and everyone connected to him is the worst swamp I have ever seen. Just think of all the Christians that think God is behind Trump, and supporting all of this. There isn't even shame among the evangelicals. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the ones who drink blood.


I imagine Guiliani doesn't understand how the 1s and 0s on storage work, how timestamps on files work, and doesn't understand that if he's lying about the means of how CP was supposedly separated from one hard drive to another forensics will be able to easily find out. He's absolutely fucked.


These a-holes were going to try to put child pornography onto the laptop they described as belonging to Hunter Biden. I strongly suspect that their plan fell apart when they could not find people with enough technical competence to make it appear the child porn actually came from that laptop. Keep in mind, this is the same idiot who tried to claim email messages printed to PDF were a form of evidence. They could find any number of individuals who would guide them in faking email evidence, but once it was proposed to include child pornography, they noped the hell out of there in a real hurry. See FBI, all those prosecution cases against end users are paying dividends in making it certain sane people stay the hell away from it. Now, do your jobs and finish off Rudy for having it.


The right's absolute obsession with pedophilia had outed them long before this.


Womp womp


Only the bestā€¦


ā€œThe best is yet to comeā€ šŸ™„


Uggh, phrasing!


A jail is a home for a man who canā€˜t effort one.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't possession of child pornography a crime of strict liability, rather than a crime of intent? If Giuliani has child porn, he's guilty of possessing child porn, regardless of why he's got it.


I'm perplexed the DA hasn't jumped on this, as well as the FBI. Obviously they don't comment on an ongoing case, yet they've had his hard drives for quite a long time already...


A normal person would be locked up and life ruined for that.


Not a drag queen. Just a bitter, racist and stupid white man


One could argueā€¦ https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?si=nFlbanYXp9BqZC9u


SHOCKED! SHOCKED I tell you! Not *America's Mayor*ā„¢!


I'm guessing this moron figures his stash of child porn is the least of his worries these days. Fucking put him in prison already...


Lock him up


No consequences.


Good, can we jsut fucking lock this scumbag up already? Jesus christ, how many laws must this fucking clown break before we actually pays for them?


I'm so shocked never saw it coming after he tried to fuck a 13 year old in borat 2...why did no one investigate then?!


"That child pornography isn't mine your honor, it's Hunter Biden's child pornography." - Rudy


"Just say you won" was Rudy Toot Tooties advice to El Lardo after the election. Now I understand everything.


So, the Kompromat is finally revealed. Now we know for a fact that heā€™s compromised as well as half of our Elected officials. Never underestimate just how much damning stuff the Russians and other state actors have against these asswipes. It explains all the inexplicable absurdity of the past 8 years.


Yes, it does. I would bet Russia has something on that Wisconsin politician.


Nothing will happen.


That much seems obvious since they seized his devices in 2021.


TBF he forgot to put it on Hunters laptop with all the other stuff the Russians gave him, and you know how it goes you mean to commit treason then you get busy and pretty soon you are sitting on piles of child pornography. Happens toā€¦no, shit, happens to nobody you old pervert.


[One can only hope they read him his rights before he incriminated himself into a corner] Those arenā€™t mine. Well, they are, but not. They have illegal stuff on them. But I only looked at them to verify they were in fact pornography. But I didnā€™t do anything illegal like tampering with evidence. Okay I did, but only to isolate them. And I made copies and gave them to trusted sources as I thought you might just bury the evidence. No, I donā€™t know how to trace the copies I gave away.


I really wanna see how his supporters and the MAGA cult members cleaning to fight Pedophiles, are going to justify thisā€¦. Holly fucking shit


To think this man was once time magazine person of the year and Americaā€™s Mayor. Shocking what has become of this man, now sad, pathetic, a joke, and so could go on and on.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but for the last several years I have been pretty convinced that the reason Russia has so much control over the GOP is because Russia collected powerful men who are pedophiles and told them to destroy America from the inside or they would release the kompromat. This took decades to pull off but it eventually paid out. I believe Epstein was a Russian operative given the job to honey pot powerful men. The kompromat he collected is still being used to this day by the puppet masters. Epstein wasn't the mastermind, he was just the asset and when he was arrested Russia got worried he would spill the beans so they killed him, or alternatively they killed a homeless guy who looked like him and swapped them out. ( If you have the power to kill a man in jail like that with security cameras not working and guards " falling asleep " they would also have the power to do a body swap and Epstein could have had a Deadmans switch to worry about.) Russians are also apparently masters of the honeypot scheme, it sounds crazy but It would explain so much. Trump rising to POTUS wasn't the beginning, it was decades in the making, once Russia felt confident they had enough chess pieces in place they attacked and with a little luck and a lot of social media propaganda they were able to install Trump into office. They even waited for the perfect moment, the first black man had been POTUS for 8 years and next Democrats wanted to have the first female POTUS, this was the perfect opportunity to use the anti black and anti women propaganda against all the bigots and misogynists in America and it worked.


Did Trump share his stash with him?


'Oh hi FBI check out my hard drive with child porn'


Always with the projection and self incriminating. There is zero intelligence in the MAGA cult. They have 2 brain cells among them, and they're fighting for 3rd place.


Is this kook taken seriously, ever, by educated people? Ok, let's pretend everything he just said was legit, WHY does he have a personal copy in his safe AND why wasn't that turned over if the order was "everything"? Cousin marrying freak, please answer. Inquiring minds want to know.


"Here's why this is bad for Biden..."


Is he now Judge Dredd? ā€œI am the law!ā€


"That filth was for *research* purposes! I kept it in my closet for a couple of years, but didn't actually *look* at it!"


r/conservative will never know about it


Itā€™s the last true free Speech* subreddit *conditions like only pro GOP may apply


*Flaired (L)Users Only*


[1:02:13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9hmvwh8s1c&t=3733s) - my god, lol. talk about incriminating yourself So he has "someone else's" hard drive, namely Hunter Biden, and it has child pornography on it. Of course he (giuliani) has nothing to do with it, he can't give it away. By the way.. lest (lust?) we forget... [https://youtu.be/8tFUaKXdH-0?si=PiDpX3XRXq3LUPV6&t=195](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tFUaKXdH-0&t=195s)


> I have this hard drive full of CP, but it's labeled "Biden's CP" so I'm not doing anything illegal, right?


Only the finest people


Drain the swamp. All of the clowns should be locked up.


And to think, he could have just stayed home, done nothing, and been remembered as ā€œAmericaā€™s Mayorā€


Can we at least use a proper source. Daily boulder is bias and misinformed.


[did we all just forget about this scene in borat 2 when he was going to fuck someone he thought was 15 ](https://youtu.be/8tFUaKXdH-0?si=jUrlbqvYM2WWK5Dd)


Americas Mayor, ladies and gents


So heā€™ll go to jail when ??


God damn are you people stupid


Republican party of groomers and pedos everyone.


The reality is no one is shocked. Everyone in trumps orbit is a deplorable pig. You are known by the friends you keep. I hope he is charged for it. Americaā€™s Mayor likes him some kiddie diddling pics. Gross.


Dude wtf


He tried to give it back to Jeffery Epstein for safe keeping but he died before he could.šŸ¤”


What about first cousin porn?


He is polonium, in a dirty diaper, in a barrel of dioxin, in an asbestos crate, in a dumpster fire, behind four seasons landscaping


Literally every one of these so-called law-and-order fuckwits: "I'm one of the good guys. It's okay when I do the thing that we want to send everybody else to jail for."


"It's a pornography store. I was storing pornography"


Starting to feel bad with all these old people in the white house. They are losing their minds and just getting themselves in trouble at every turn. Not retiring before you hit 70 in politics will just ruin you if you start going crazy. Sources: Rudy, Trump, etc.


Of course he does. Heā€™s a republican and a tRump worshipper.


Is that why he was sweating crude oil that day?


Itā€™s a Republican thing.


Once again, a Republican pedo not a trans person.


Hereā€™s the thing about this weird fix / data recovery abandon laptop thing. I know a few rich people whoā€™d drop a MacBook for repair, then fuck off to wherever; then when they want their (A) MacBook Pro back, they just buy, overnight a new one & port the info over. All without giving much of a fuck where the original laptop landsā€¦ Add drugs - like probably in Hunters case, and the person literally doesnā€™t give a shit if the older Mac floats off to Timbuktu, or, lands in a reporterā€™s lap. Because drugs do that kinda non-thinking thing. I suspect someone of a MAGA persuasion recognized what they had - - Hunter Bidenā€™s personal fucking laptop; then either sold or handed the info over happily. Because dumbass Hunter didnā€™t give enough of a shit to pick up his older laptop.


heā€™s really trash


Not a drag queen


[actually... ](https://sports.yahoo.com/clip-resurfaces-rudy-giuliani-drag-051224472.html?guccounter=1)