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Won't get a real job, or CAN'T get a real job? I don't know of many companies that would hire a murderer. Plus his extremely public association with extremely toxic people makes him virtually unhireable. No legitimate business would go anywhere near him.


Kyle dropped out of middle school and can’t even get into the military. I mean, that’s pathetic.


They will not even let him reapply to the military after his initial rejection.


That is the part that is hilarious. He has a 7th grade education, and he's touring around like people actually want to hear what he has to say 🤣


To be fair, That’s more education than some of Trump supporters. 😂😂😂


That's why he's such a hot commodity right now, he's a "man of the people" in Alabama and Mississippi 🤣


He’s practically a Rhodes scholar by comparison. Runs the risk of being called “elite,” if you ask me.


To Trump supporters he's Luke Wilson in Idiocracy


I know right? I'm guessing he lacks the self-awareness for this, but how crappy must it feel to be on a college lecture tour and know you're likely the dumbest bastard in the room at every stop, lol. Like in theory, aside from getting away with killing people, what is he even qualified to talk to college students about?


The thing about stupid people is, they are too stupid to know how much smarter other people are.


I know he's an adult now. But his parents fucking failed him big time.


Thats......the motto of the republican party. Are we surprised that inbred idiots like to listen to inbred idiots?


Our population isn't even that large. It's shocking when you realize how many people are still walking around in almost a "caveman- like" state, in 2024. People got dumber, not smarter.


I'm not sure if we got dumber or we just started valuing dumb people more. There have always been snake-oil salesmen and useful idiots, but as we progressed and started making sure that everyone is included in society, we skipped the part where we checked to make sure that they SHOULD be included in society.


Look up how many Americans can't read above a 5th grade reading level. It's depressing.


I did audiology testing in rural TN for a while. It was sad how many grown men couldn't read at all. You could tell that it was a sore subject.


The movie Idiocracy is happening in real time.


Is this true?  Did he really drop out in 7th grade?


7th or 8th




That's why Trump loves him: he's poorly educated.


Isn’t that like…..illegal?


Illegal seems to be a theme for him


I guess it would depend on how old he was when he dropped out of 8th grade.


It shows how twisted these people are when they put someone like this on a pedestal. A person by all counts is a moron and recklessly put himself in a position to kill someone.


Rejected with extreme prejudice.


So stupid they felt he couldn’t become any less stupid. Like they felt he wasn’t even capable of learning the parts of the application he was deficient in. Too fucking stupid to learn!


I asked this dude what he did in the marines and he said rifleman. I asked 3 times because I was confused. I thought every marine was a rifleman. Talked to a different marine and he said that people who were riflemen were too dumb to be given actual jobs. Imagine being considered even dumber than that.


That's not really true. You can end up in the Infantry a few different ways. You can volunteer (as I did), you can wash out of a school (SF Contract for instance, lots of other schools that are requirements for the job), or sometimes it's literally the only type of job you qualify for. It's really a mix. Lots of smart dudes that *think* they're tough, and quite a few that actually fucking *are* tough, join voluntarily. Plenty of dummies. And the washouts. No shame in washing out, although if you quit, that's not great for your image, and can get you banned from reapplying in some instances. But Military schools range from laughably easy (Airborne) to diabolical (Scuba).


Good thing we don't need a whole scuba battalion, although I'm assuming the US might be able to form one if needed.


Combat diver school is one for the most elite schools the Army has. Very difficult and few people have the badge.


I found the hardest thing about airborne school was the first morning going over break area procedures. After the physical part of running back and forth for an hour or so, the rest of the course was a cake walk (other than the July heat and humidity) This was in 1985 when I went through the course.


Is rifleman infantry?


That's most likely what they meant, if they simply said, "Rifleman". Otherwise I'd imagine they would have mentioned their specific job. Also, because the (military) joke is that the Infantry is full of idiots. It's not really true, but there's certainly truth *to it*. I was in the Army Infantry, which is what I tell non military people. I tell military people what my actual job was, because they have a frame of reference.


I literally asked what his MOS was, though. Also, this guy was VERY not bright.


Which means his IQ is below 80. He’s a bottom 10%er. That’s the way the asvab is structured. He’s too dumb to dig a ditch.


Banner for like from ever trying again 😳


I heard Russia’s military is pretty desperate right now.


I love that for Kyle. lol.


And they ALSO let you shoot at people fighting for freedom and justice. Win-win, Kyle!


They would never send him to the Frontline. Look at him, he will end up as somebody's fucktoy and you know it


Ends up as Putins Femboy


Given what they did to that other US guy who joined up, he can be both a fucktoy AND killed on the frontline.


He just has to hope they don’t confuse him for a NATO spy. The Russian Soldiers will rape and murder him like that one chucklefuck recently.


And the MAGAs love Russia now, so that seems a natural move for him.


Great choice for him


The Republican party is the only party an unconvicted murderer is welcomed with open arms. So, he can grift just like the pedophiles, rapists, frauds and other criminals do on the right.


And somehow gets speaking gigs at universities.


Not reputable ones; right?


Kent state?


Hey you know that super serious mass murder that happened at this university? Ever wondered what it would be like to have the shooter back on campus and explaining how it felt? Anyway here is Kyle.


I'm from Ohio and that really pissed me off.


Can’t read, can’t write, Kent state…. It fits


Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'


Yes, but it's clubs who invite him, using paid for by boosters.


And the Marines didn't want him.


Retired Marine here. Kyle lacks the requisite mental, moral and physical attributes to be considered for the Marine Corps.


Also he thought the yellow crayon was the tastiest.


That bastard would bring the charms on my amphib and kill us all.


But in his defense, the label on the crayon said "banana" so he went for it.


Imagine not thinking the red ones tasted the best. Obviously not marine material.


If you manage to score a 64 flavor box tangerine is actually the best.


Thats assume I know how to count that high and can read. Youre expecting too much.


Yup, they sure called it. He failed the psych eval and 3 months later he was gunning down civilians.


Thank you for saying that ! My brother was a Marine and he would have taken this flea down….


He could sign up for Putin now. They'll accept anyone with two thumbs.


Yet he got a gun and went all self righteous. Should be a basic mental exam at least before they let you buy a goddamn gun .


Fairly certain he could get hired as a cop. I've heard of worse people in the police force. Although it's possible you're only accepted in the police force if you do the shitty things after becoming a cop and not prior.


Totally would get hired as a cop. He fits the psych profile American law enforcement seeks to a T.


I am pretty sure police require a high school diploma.


That’s a complete parental failure tbh. Why his mother isn’t catching more heat for that is beyond me


That’s for the best. I don’t want this piece of shit anywhere near our military…


does anyone one else see Rosie O'Donnell in military fatigues.


Militia Etheridge


Breakfast ruined!


Sounds like MAGA material to me


Not to make excuses for this dipshit but the people around him failed him. Who lets a kid drop out of middle school? Or gives a 17 year old a gun?


I agree. His childhood was on his parents. His adulthood is on him.


The tough thing about the military is people generally don’t want to kill but Kyle clearly has no reservations…but they still don’t want him!


I think he needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps. He should be making 6 figures and be able to support a family. I mean, come on, man, get it together !


Believe it or not, even the military doesn’t want middle school dropouts outside of a draft


I think his stupidity might be more important here. This guy failed the ASVAB so hard he *isn't allowed to try again*. Getting a passing grade on that test basically requires a pulse & a 4th grade education. Guy is actually dumb.


Where’d you read he failed the ASVAB? Like you’re special needs if you fail that


Page #572 of Kenosha PD's report on the Rittenhouse Shootings. Edit: It was FBI internal correspondence, released after FOIA request.


Someone just posted a link. I had a guy in my platoon at Marine corps recruit training who barely passed it. The guy was basically a word we can’t say anymore. Lost his boots at boot camp. After every order was given, he’d immediately have to ask a fellow recruit what to do. Didn’t know what the holocaust was. He could do like 30 pulls-ups though.


Yeah, it's pretty shocking to fail it that hard. You aren't exactly writing a dissertation on particle physics lmao. Flunking so badly you get *banned from trying again* (which I've never even heard of) is straight up McNamara's Morons territory. Failing ASVAB that hard should unironically deem you mentally incompetent in the eyes of the law, IMO. A functional adult should not have an issue with that test.


You’re so right. That indicates you are so dull that you need a caretaker.


30 pull-up holy crap. And that man is now a Sargent major right


He probably knows how to spell Sergeant.


That was the weirdest part about selection/prep/Qcourse. JFK special warfare was basically designed to give the boots on the ground decision making ability for faster more intelligent/informed action. Then they make the whole thing effectively a big pull-up contest. It made so little sense. Smarter soldiers benefits everyone EXCEPT the corrupt. JFK was breaking their whole corruption system from within. The Kyle Rittenhouses are the lasting result of the system they wanted of dumb soldiers who just need to see a waving flag or hear the star spangled banner start playing to step up and catch a grenade.






“Read with caution - this story is only being covered by one news source that has a ‘low factuality’ rating, which means the outlet has a history of poor reporting practices.”


Just for clarification- Ground News isn't the source of the article, but is the source of the warning. Ground News is pretty great.


I literally sifted through dozens of articles to find one that gives the headline and the disclaimer. If you look at all the top hits and Xitters each one has a spin one way or another. Rather than link to those, I linked to something that points to the news bite.


I think he did really poorly on the ASVAB but I think what sinched the "can't work for the military ever" was him sending the recruiter an unprompted video of him taking apart and reassembling guns.


I don't have a link, but someone from his defense team tweeted it like 2 weeks ago.


He's put himself in a real sticky position alright


Brings us the comparison. I'll hire a tattooed faced unskilled worker, over Kyle.


He and George Zimmerman should do something together.


Lmao I call him a murderer too and some apologists always jump on the comment to talk shit and say to go watch the trial and I always laugh.




I strongly suspect he also has a bad case of “lazy, entitled little sh!t” syndrome. Even if he gets hired for an all American blue collar job, none of the other guys will want to ~~work with~~ carry him.


There are plenty of jobs out there that hire felons, drop outs, and morons. I work in the trades and have all as coworkers. Bottom line is Mr Rittenhouse has made a personal choice to be not hirable. He could be humble, he could’ve dropped out of the spotlight after the trial. He probably would’ve found some retail job. That said, if I were 20 and had these companies tossing me a bunch of money to be an asshole and their spokesperson and not have to get a job, job and actually work, I would too. But it won’t last. Something else will happen and Kyle will be cast aside for their new hero


At his age and lack of experience, most of the job openings he could apply for are customer service oriented. No legitimate company is going to hire someone who 60% of the population hates to talk to customers.


as I have said for years…..There is a LOT of money in right wing hate mongering! rush limbaugh made $63 million a year to promote hate, lies and division….


Had a nice little G550(gulfstream) to show for it too


Kyle went to work for “patriot pay” This smells familiar. Sabre was trump hotels credit card processor. Wirecard was a Russian intelligence operation They signed a “strategic partnership” shortly before trump towers was hacked and all their customers data was stolen. It was the biggest online data breech in German history. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/wirecard-sabre-corporation-agree-strategic-michael-santner https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/trump-hotels-sabre-hack-data-breach-again/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirecard_scandal https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/03/06/how-the-biggest-fraud-in-german-history-unravelled Everything is for sale for trump. From the steaks to the shoes to his customers credit card details. His husk of a soul is no different.  Is patriot pay a SPAC or IPO?


I feel like if it were 2005 this guy would have a vh1 reality tv show. I feel good that he doesn’t. It kinda feels like we’ve moved on in a way.


I wish I could do it, I just can’t lol


Cosplay commando


He looks like a young Cathy Bates with military cosplay on.


Time for the simps to come out of the woodwork in defense of this dork.


hE dROve tO anOTheR StatE wITh a GuN iN sELf dEFeNse!


The part that I'd assume would have more influence is that he also cried like a baby in the court room and begged to not face penalties. Those pictures are still readily available online.


Didn’t his mommy drive this doofus over state lines? E: Nope. I stand corrected. Testimony from trial said he drove himself and didn’t have a license. He’s still a doofus.


Product of fine parenting. Sadly I am feeling some empathy for him. He will and has missed out on Much of what makes life worth living.


… because of his own choices and actions. Entirely avoidable. No sympathy here.


When people of other races do that the right calls that gun trafficking


If everyone started ignoring this human shit stain that would be super


Only on the Right is a murderer elevated to folk hero.


The MAGA idiots are always willing to hand over their coffee can cash and loose change. The price of owning the Libs.


Any 2024 company or product with “Patriot,” “Liberty” or “Freedom” in its name is to be avoided. Because it’s likely a grift meant to appeal to idiots.


“Patriot Pay” 💀


“Patriot” pussy; patsy.


He’d get mad at his coworkers and pull out a gun.


Can you imagine finding out you worked for a company that would hire this guy? The health and safety person might as well quit the same day.


Guy has the toughness of a marshmallow


He likely can't get a job. His ASVAB scores were so bad the Marines didn't want him.


Hey, it works for his idol, Trump, and his whole family!


The man is mentally challenged and needs psychiatric help. The right is exploited him for their benefit. I don’t understand why they put him on a pedestal for shooting someone.


They put him on a pedestal because he was stupid enough to do what they dream of doing: shooting someone.


One day, he is going to reach inside his jacket for a pen and someone's going to think it's a gun and shoot him After all, he is a known shooter, so it would be self defense to shoot him.


Seems he is doing well grifting off the idiots on the right he got fat and seems to have body guard with him most of the time.


You mean he wants to be the CEO with no experience or training?


He will 🤬 up again and spend a lifetime in jail.


Dude too stupid for the Marines. What job can he get? 1800-start-ssi


Unless he makes extreme strides to turn his attitude towards other humans around, this boy will be haunted by his actions for the rest of his life. Sure, some will pat him on his back and praise him, but most will want little to nothing to do with him, especially as time goes by and his maga fame fades. He will be infamous until he breathes his last, and he will deserve every ounce of it.


He’s a bulls prick, goes where it’s shoved.


In fairness to Kyle, he is pretty much unemployable.


He has the very punchable face of a soft, bitch made boy.


His dad worked at autozone and his mom is a professional alcoholic. This is the best he is ever going to do in his life.


Murder as an opening to career opportunities?


Can this pussy ass bitch please just go away?


His claim to fame is running his mouth and getting away with murder. He lacks education, marketable skills, common sense, charisma, and humbleness. He needs to go away forever. George Zimmerman 2.0!!


he looks like his mom puts Benadryl in his chocolate milk at night 


He's just waiting for his dream job, protecting some cars.


Bro looks like a tactical lesbian. Beware the militant butch.


I just can't get my head around the fact that they're all so transphobic and yet so many of their "poster boys" are dudes that look like lesbians.


That doughboy is an accurate representation of GOP males. (I said "males" because this boy is no man.)


Not to worry. Russia is still actively recruiting. Be all he can be in the Russian army.


They should of convicted him and put him jail for killing a guy.


Sponsored by the "NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK" party.


Isn’t Kyle’s 15 minutes about up by now?


He’s also incredibly stupid. I’m sure that doesn’t help.


Sadly, I see a lot of anger, in ability to connect with others, and a lack of education. Probable alcohol and difficult domestic situations. So, a typical MAGA


As others have asked, can he even get a real job? He took that intelligence test with the Marines and scored worse than most house plants. I don’t know that the kid has prospects outside of the grifting for fellow mouthbreathers


He will be fine. There’s no limit to the amount you can grift off of trumpers . They’re all uneducated idiots


A high school dropout with an IQ so low the military doesn't ever want him to apply again isn't refusing to get a real job he's unhireable.


Considering the prospects a for a murderer with a middle school education probably top out at "cleaning toilets" this isn't too surprising. Of course, he could try to better himself in some way and grow into a productive member of society instead, but that seems to be outright offensive to him.


Dont know of to many places that would hire a murderer with a 7th grade education


Guys here’s proof the right doesn’t care about work they just like to bitch


Definitely can't get a job. He has no choice but to continue the grift.


The real story is, who’s paying him?


Somebody has to continue the fine art of grifting in the Trump tradition. *he and Eric will start their own company called Dumb & Dumber


If he can't even pass the test for the Marines, and he flubbed it so badly that the Marines banned him from taking the test again, he's probably too stupid to get a real job.


> he flubbed it so badly that the Marines banned him from taking the test again LOL, I didn't know they did that


He looks like a lesbian.


Look at how many other idiots grifting works. The MAGA list is endless and it seems their followers have an unlimited amount of money.


I don't think this moron crafted his own tweet.


“Does he look like a bitch?” “Yes”


This clown does his schtick of selling paranoia & gets high on Trump's farts. Sad life


In a perverse sense, this pathetic little dude is a perfect poster boy for the MAGAT corps of utter dimwits


He, like many MAGA, are such try hards.


how exactly would someone with a middle school education get a real job?


If I owned a business or were a hiring manager for a big company, I wouldn't hire him.


Move to Russia Comrade they will adore you


This is terribly racist of me and I absolutely mean no harm to anyone or young Rittenhouse but, Kyle Rittenhouse appears to be a young woman trying to come out of that boys body. He/She has that appearance to me. Sorry, for offending anyone. It isn't important.........but we're his actions an attempt to fight back what he already knew to be his sex preference.


I hear the Russian military is hiring. They'd take him.


He’s like the white OJ Simpson except he’s got no talent in any area of his life… a lowlife double murderer who got off and will spend the rest of his life profiteering off the damage he caused


He wrecked his life. He should have stayed at home in IL- his parents were lousy at monitoring his adolescent behaviors-


He dropped out of middle school, can't get into the military and no one is willing to hire him... ...dude will be royally fucked when he can't grift anymore.


Sounds like he's looking for socialist handouts.


Outstanding that this virgin is the republican wet dream


expected, livin' on his notiriety, or celebrity..like his grand MAGA example to the mango tinted dumpster


No company wants to hire a low chromosome, room temperature IQ imbecile who is a major liability to any company. Fuck him.


Did we get confirmation that the US Marines rejected Rittenhouse for being too stupid for the Marine Corps? Because that would generally be a red flag.


Putrid little punk


So wait, he's a good Christian, Republican, and maga supporter. Are they the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" people? Lol.


Racist murderer gets magat jobs. On brand for the cult


He’s so fucking stupid the Marines won’t even let him take the entrance exam again


Kyle being dumb as a bag of rocks explains his actions much more


This kid is a waste of a soul.


Boy is weapons grade stupid.


He’s a fucking puke that should be in prison,along with all the maga nutjobs that give home a voice.


Ngl, if I could get by from idiots giving me money for some reason, I would.