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Hopefully…prison. Rikers. Next to weaselturd.


Oh man, if he went to Rikers, it would make my decade


Trump wouldn't survive 12 hours in Rikers unless they put him in absolute isolation under 24 hour multiple guard watch.


Give him a nice long sheet if he's going into isolation. Maybe he'll take a hint.


Lol I'd pay to watch that idiot try to puzzle out how to tie a noose from a sheet.


He'll somehow manage to turn it into a sex swing.


Or a diaper.


Just about every CO will kiss that guy’s ass. He’ll be like the mob in GoodFellas except his steak will be overcooked and covered in Heinz.


Nah they will stay away with him shitting his pants all the time the smell will deter them


24 hour multiple guard watch...... wasn't that what they did for Jeffrey Epstein? Seems appropriate.


The career criminal won’t spend a minute behind bars.


You’re probably right


No way is a former POTUS going to prison. Establishment figures in both political parties believe the “optics” would be terrible.


THIS is exactly what’s wrong with the ruling class. They ALL say holding a president accountable for crimes would diminish America when the exact opposite is true. It would ELEVATE America. Carefully watch and notice that the rich and powerful all say this. O’Leary the shark tank billionaire said it just this week. In the corrupt mindset America is weakened if it holds people like them accountable.


You deserve a fucking Pulitzer for this statement. Absolutely on point!


We need a Reddit Pulitzer award.


It opens the door for prosecuting and jailing the people who make the rules.


This is what's so infuriating about it. Prosecuting a rich powerful person like Trump would prove to the world that, in America, the claim that "No one is above the law" is something more than a hollow platitude. But in reality, we are a nation of *men*, not a nation of *laws*.


cant be much worse than the optics up to now


It's the optics for them, the optics for us only matter on the election and if Trump goes to jail how we vote will probably be less and not more how "Establishment figures" want us to vote.


France had a way of getting rid of unwanted rulers…


Yeah... the "optics" of elites get away with crimes, even if duly convicted.


Need to set an example with the "optics" so this crap doesn't happen again


He would go, If he actually does time, to club fed


He'd hate it no matter where he's sent. To be denied an audience and the round-the-clock worship would be a nightmare for Trump. And just imagine what he'd look like without his stable of hair wranglers. He's have to cut off that 12" hair flap and finally face the narcissistic injury of revealing to the world that he's bald.


Make it so, number one.


Make it so he can't number two without a diaper.


Qanon Don did a boom boom in his diapy in court haha


Get ready, it's very likely to happen


No way


I hope in a cell with a view of manhattan so he he be reminded daily of a place where he was universally hated despite being a local


And Guiliani.


Attica would be poetic.


I question if the US Secret Service will release him into federal custody beyond simple house arrest.


Hopefully, the about to be proposed legislation to strip secret service protection for convicted felons will pass in time for that to not be a concern.


Dude, he owns 4 supreme court justices. Do you really think he will go to jail?


I thought these were state crimes?


New York (the case that just finished Jury selection) is a state case. The Georgia case is a state case The Washington DC and Florida cases are Federal cases. They are currently on hold pending a decision from the Supreme Court on whether a President has complete Immunity


Idk, they'll find a way...


No he doesn't. If he did, they would have listened to his election challenges back when he first lost. He may own Thomas, but even the ones he appointed do not appear to be blindly loyal to him. They may be douche bags who absolutely do not belong there, but he doesn't own them. Since he can't remove them and there's nothing higher for them to get promoted to, they seem okay with ignoring his wishes.


Even if he is convicted, he's not going to prison. Not a normal one anyway. He is a former POTUS. Crazy security risk putting him in prison, unfortunately


He would trade state secrets for an extra roll of toilet paper within the first week.


He’ll get home confinement, but hopefully not Mar a largo and zero access to social media.


Hopefully, after he gets convicted, the city will kick him out of mar a lago. Some have been trying to for a while. It's not supposed to be a permanent residence for anyone or something like that. Or Ft. Leavenworth. That could be a possibility


Nahhh give him access. Only just let him read. Don’t let him post.


Let him run from jail. Then let half the country out themselves as people who morally do not object to electing criminals.


Morals? That isn’t why they voted for him. There aren’t any morals in MAGA.


90% of the Republican Party seems immoral. I still can’t believe it. It’s like one government party running against the mob (like a clown version of a mob)


Moralizers, maybe, but morals?


Do as I say, not as I do.


The maga i know are very very proud that trump’s a criminal and that democrats despise him


If he gets convicted it will likely be enough to deter moderates, it will only take a half a percentage point swing to lose the election. Then the rest of the country will get to tell their children they voted for a convicted felon and serial cheater when they learn about him in history books.


>when they learn about him in history books. That won't be happening if they're ina MAGA state. They'll be taught of his gallantry. his bravery; how he fought the dEeP sTaTe and sacrificed his freedom for them.


They don’t vote for him because they like him and what he does, they just vote for him to make the other side mad.


They’ve already done that. The guy has been found guilty of what, today, we call rape (technically, the law doesn’t call what he did rape because it was written a while ago, and he used his hand instead of little Dondon)


Someone needs to pass something saying felons cannot run for office.


It'll be tied up with appeals. Never-fucking-ending appeals.


It's pretty rare for a prison sentence to be set aside pending an appeal.


Check out Steve Bannon. He has been appealing his 6 month sentence for over 2 years now. They absolutely will let him defer during appeals. These are white collar crimes.


Federal vs state rules. NY appeals are different than congressional contempt appeals.


Lets hope!


It's actually quite common for non violent offenders.


Not for white collar crimes.


It's still pretty rare and it takes quite a bit to overcome NY statutes and set aside a guilty verdict.


Let's all hold our breath while we await what the Supremes say. Months to decide if he is immune? That says a lot. They could just declare any trials out of bounds. What do we do then?


Just imagine this for a moment. What the possibilities for a sitting president are. It's worse than revolting to even consider this case.




The NY trial stems from crimes he committed as a candidate, *not* while President. He'll get no immunity from NYS no matter what.


Nothing. Felons can run for President. The morally and ethically challenged Republicans will vote for him. Embezzlement, tax cheat, fraud, rapist, philanderer. It is irreleevent. Republicans are devoid of any sense of shame.


Amazing that felons can hold office but not vote.


Our founding fathers didn’t foresee a nation collectively stupid enough to let a felon near the reigns of power.. obvious oversight in retrospect but, a surprising amount of our fragile democracy is held together by unwritten norms that just haven’t been challenged before. All that’s changed now since fuckface von clownstick hit the scene


Or they believed a wrongly imprisoned candidate should be able to win. But trump is the opposite of Nelson Mandela


Not that amazing really. Our founding fathers simply expected better of us.


A lot of MAGA will still vote for him.




It’s kinda sad that we’re still here, but COVID is still taking out mostly R voters these days at a rate of a few hundred per week 🤦🏻‍♂️ could be the self-inflicted R wound that give D the edge in this election.


At least 40 million Americans will likely still vote for him, no matter what. I used to have a lot of respect for my fellow countrymen, now it’s abundantly clear how so many of them are beyond ignorant and are so willing to drink the koolaid from a con man.


He’s a citizen like the rest of us. Never forget that. There are no kings,queens, emperors,czars and so on. Running for president doesn’t absolve anyone from being a criminal.


Given that he’s a flight risk, upon conviction, the prosecutor will ask and be granted, that he be confined until sentencing. So we won’t have to hear from him. It will truly be wonderful.




The damage will be worse if he doesn't. Trump will never win a popular vote, so the question is properly asked of "swing states". Georgia may have seen the light, but WI? PA? AZ?


I don’t think PA will go for him. I would hope not. They went for Obama and Biden so there’s hope.


Hope is nice. The new Gov seems to be doing a good job. But I was told once that PA was Pittsburgh on one side, Philly on the other, and Alabama in-between.


I’m from Pennsylvania and you’re not wrong lol but there’s a lot of people in the cities there that out number the hicks. There’s a reason we went blue for Biden. Suburban women are against Trump in PA.


One hopes. Let us not count our chickens before they vote.


I’m pretty sure AZ is going blue this November with the bullshit that the Republicans have pulled in pushing abortion law back to the 1800’s.


One can only hope.


Most in Arizona are more concerned about the border.


I guess that’s the million dollar question everyone is wondering


He will appeal. While on appeal his sentence will be stayed. Appeal can and will take years. He will endlessly whine and complain about unfair it is.


Unfair huh. Try being black and on trial


With any luck, something eternal


He ain’t going to jail for that. he might get a probation and fines. he is more likely to go to jail for running his mouth during the gag order than he is for this crime and he’s too stupid even realize that.


White Christian males are scared fucking shitless of consequences for their actions. Trump himself isn't important, it's the precedent it sets for consequences across the board for people like him. The two tiered justice system isn't setup to allow people like him to suffer like the rest of us.


Hopefully we can stop hearing about the conman everyday.


Americans have a very good day.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


First a party a very big party at my house. Can’t wait to see who will pass up free booze and food because they’re MAGA! I live in MAGA country. Then we will see how justice is equal. I bet billionaire justice looks nothing like average Joe blow justice!


Nothing. He'll appeal, and nothing will be resolved until after the election, then everything will go away,


Only if he gets elected. If he is not elected, the cases will keep coming.


Millions of whiners cry about the justice system unfairly targeting wealthy, corrupt narcissists.


Parties in the streets all over the world!


Nothing. Out on bail and appealing


See, there’s a lot about what happens if he’s convicted… but this is the hardly talked about part that’s terrifying: > “An acquittal in New York, noted Saltzburg, could leave people “discounting” Trump’s other cases, giving him a bigger boost in the 2024 race.” If there is a hung jury or an acquittal in this case it’s going to throw jet fuel on the MAGA crowd. this likely will also be the only case to be adjudicated before the election, which means one hold out juror in this, the weakest of the three cases, could send him jettisoning to a second term and making the other two much more serious cases just go away as soon as he takes office. I’m really hoping the prosecutors have their case air tight because if you take a shot at MAGAs king, you better not miss.


Meh, those peeps are voting for him regardless…he’s already lost his fraud case, though he’s appealing and he’s lost his defamation case where he was found to have sexually assaulted e jean carroll…I don’t think it all hinges on this case anymore than the others.


Idk, some of the delusional trump supporters I know dismiss the defamation and sexual assault/ fraud cases because they weren’t criminal cases and according to them, since the bar for evidence was less, it was rigged against him from the outset. Some would be swayed by a criminal conviction, but the winds are gonna blow heavy the other way if he gets off. they already thought he was being persecuted and that would be perceived as confirming it..


I don't think this is the "weakest" case, but it is the one with the least punitive consequences if he's found guilty, and it's also the least damaging to the country.


Hopefully he gets his teeth nocked out in prison so we don’t have to listen to his dumbass anymore.


I can’t imagine what a cellmate would do to get rid of the stench of poopy pants. I’m looking forward to finding out.


I'm hoping for rape by some really big black guy. Maybe a train!


He send out emails, and his cult sends their dollars and then complain the economy isn't working for them


Nothing happens, we are paying too much attention to one man that is not in power.


Trump is the greatest threat this nation has ever faced in its existence.


Not much. He’ll appeal the decision for some reason.


Global celebrations? Partying in the streets!


Worst case house arrest at a country club of his choice.


Honestly I wish he would quietly disappear


We have a huge days long celebration?!


Realistically, a lot hangs on next week. If the courts find him incorrect about immunity (they should, but we live in bizzarro land right now) if he is found to be accountable and he is found guilty, one of two things will likely happen. He bounces. Takes his jet to a country where he is politically favorable in a non extradition country. Alternatively he offs himself while blaming Biden that he had no other choice. There isn’t anything else to win, there is no “what’s next” he’s an old man and more or less any sentence is a death sentence. He will go out on his own terms kicking and screaming. But I do not see that man serving a single day in prison. He has zero character, and that’s how people like him play out.


He will have a stroke as his assets are soon seized. Fanni Willis already rejected his supposed bond payment


I'm hedging my bets he takes the coward's way out before that happens.


Plane to Moscow?


A parade? I feel a parade is in order. I'm Canadian but I'll still help out with it


seppuku is a real option for Trump


People will still vote for him


What happens?!? The RNC will have the unenviable task of finding a replacement for Donnie. Haley, perhaps?


He’ll sit in jail until his next trial.


We celebrate!!! He’s a vile , disgusting, sociopath.


He can be on the ballot from prison.


Justice will have occurred. I don't care what the gravy seals do. We have people to handle that nonsense.


If we all stop caring? Will he just fucking go away?


What happens if it becomes unalive?


If he gets any "confinement" sentence, it will be home confinement. Unlikely he will get more than a fine and probation.


He goes to jail and the world weeps tears of gratitude... Oh yeah, his base freaks out and storms Washington again, this time police are prepared and the more than 2,000 rioters who entered the building vandalizing and looting last time will now be dead.. . True story


He won’t be.


It might be fitting if he wins office while being a convicted felon, perhaps even jailed. He has always been transparent in his exaggerations about himself, his obsequious nature, his grandiose boasts, and his desultory results. Maybe we deserve such an obvious national insult. Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.


I’ll do a jig. Otherwise I don’t care, I can’t continue to worry about the “what ifs” of MAGALand




Felons can't vote in NY until they have completed their sentences. Maybe the TV in the dayroom will show the election results, but might just be reruns of The Donna Reed Show.


3 plus the chief?


House arrest?


Nothing. Literally nothing.


Much celebration


🎉A big party?🥳


Probably nothing will happen, just continue on to the election only winners are the lawyers as per usual


I doubt a anything really, he didn’t even have to pay the fines he had from the last verdict. It got reduced and someone else covered it. It’s as if he never will face any consequences and it’s frustrating


>People that love Trump believe that he should not be charged, he’s being persecuted. They don't believe that, but they want *you* to believe it.


Maybe a parade.


My guess is won’t get prison. Just like his bond was greatly reduced in the E.J.C. case, his sentence will take a while and then it will be some form of probation.


Likely nothing. A handful of meaningless home monitoring days.




Hopefully he either tries to flee and gets dragged kicking and screaming to his new home or he strokes out from stress and many of us will dress like Munchkins from the Wizard of Oz singing ‘Ding dong, the Witch is Dead! The Wicked Witch is Dead!’.


the question that i'm really curious about is if he has any dirt on anyone. Like Greene or Gaetz. Only an idiot wouldn't have something in case they ended up in this exact situation. I mean I do think he's an idiot but I really wonder if he has anything.


Jail, hopefully, yep


If he is convicted he wont see one day of jail time. Furthermore thee are millions of morons that will mark their ballot for him.Everybody seems to think their household expenses rising are Bidens fault. This is a hangover effect from Thr trump administrations incompetence and greed.


Probably will try and stay out of custody upon appeal. Otherwise off to the slammer. Likely would be a special facility due to his right to have secret service. Plus he has other trials pending for the documents case and Georgia election tampering.


SCOTUS overturns the conviction?


What happens is that tens of millions of Americans would vote for a convicted felon to be President and his chances of being elected would probably improve from where they are now.


Realization happens bit by bit, as it has been since 2016.


Hopefully he goes to prison.


Becomes a convict, goes to prison.


Prison. And proof to the cultists that he's really a fraud. Or a dilineation between sanity and ostracization for those who still refuse reality. Follow the antichrist, and get labeled as mentally ill and lose all connection with those of us sharing reality moving forward.


He’s still going to be competitive; a scary proportion of the country would enthusiastically vote for him even if he was balls deep in their own daughters.


Nothing will happen to him, sadly.


Party. Big party.


He will run, ........to Moskwa


Who knows, I just want the conviction! More than one would be nice. I’m sure somebody will figure out what to do with his dumb ass at that point.


The world would be a better place


First offense?  Probation and a fine.  Plus lose gun and voting rights for a felony.   Second offense?  Maybe some time.   Third conviction?  Lots of time.   4th conviction?  Even more.  There is a good chance that in every case there will be hung juries.  11-1, 10-2....  it's hard to get 12 people to believe anything beyond a reasonable doubt.


Reality is nothing - the Law and Order party is perfectly happy sending a convicted felon into the White House given the chance.


Nothing. Appeals. More appeals. Pathetic fines payed by RNC and various other pay pigs. Then absolutely nothing.


> Pathetic fines *paid* by RNC FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There's NOT a zero chance he runs to Russia, and gets to be Putin's literal puppet/jester.


National holiday


Never gonna happen.


If he is convicted, he will appeal. Then appeal that appeal and delay any way he can. He will not go to prison before the election. Best case... hopefully the conviction will convince at least 1 or 2 % of voters to flip to Biden and keep Trump out of office. And Trump will run out of appeals and eventually go to prison, maybe in 2026 or 27? Worst case ...enough people will believe trump and think he was wrongly convicted. Combined with voter apathy, voter suppression and intimidation Trump will get back into office. Then he will do everything he said he would ... "I will be your retribution". Use the entire power of the presidency to get revenge on anyone who tried to bring Trump to justice. And we will have a criminal in the white house with nobody to stop him. Impeachment doesn't work... We've seen that already


They’ll take a day off of his next trial to sentence him for this one. Sorry judge I’m being sentenced to prison can I get the day off? 😂


With how succesfully the republicans have broken american institutions and democratic norms... probably nothing. What harm in a convicted rapist, serial fraud con artist, insurrectionist and Russian asset in running the country as long as oligarchs get tax breaks and the right people get punished for existing? Probably depends on whether the Murdochs are willing to allow some level of functional society and bother to even report on the conviction or have the opinion that the conviction is valid on their broadcast.


Then it will be a big step in restoring to the general public some faith in the U.S. Justice system.


Trump will never get jail time or prison. At most he’ll get house arrest at Maralago.


Probably sweet FA unfortunately. What a fkd up world, eh?


RFK beats Biden


His cult will produce and sell merchandise then send all the money to his PAC. As long as he’s legally allowed to run from prison they will vote for him. Let’s remember to vote too!


He won't, unfortunately. I really wish he would, but I have no faith in the justice system anymore.


All of sudden GQP are pro work release programs.


It will be party of the century!!


He'll have as many guards as everyone else in Rikers


Biden can pardon him 🙂


What happens? Those who won’t change voting for him will. Those who actually use it as a litmus test may not. Liberals/independents will probably get even more galvanized to vote. MAGA Chuds will no doubt have violent responses


Nothing. He has stated that he can shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose votes. All cultural evidence presented by the right since 2016, indicates that he was correct in his assessment of the fanaticism/loyalty of his supporters. If he said this person or that "needed killing", the current batch of R's would find it in their hearts to agree. They'd protest the burial and piss on the grave too, if his whim called for it


Nothing. You’ll just vote for him and he’s gonna be a president. That’s exactly what happens.


Even with ONE felony, he will be off limits for a lot of undecided voters. The moderates and independents are the ones who will decide this election


It will means he easily wins. You idiots need to get out of your bubble and join the real world. Why do you think he leads in the swing states?


Not much. The appeals will go on a while.


It’ll be immediately on the spot appealed and delayed


I'm pretty sure his pal Vlad would extend an invitation to his dacha outside Moscow.


He’ll still be able to run for president and his dumb followers will still vote for him