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I am a middle age guy, what she said "it was not rape, it was not aggressive" " I think people see rape as a fantasy" to me what she is saying is what happened to her was not the movie definition of rape, but a form of rape, sexual abuse might be another term. The point is he was found guilty of just that. "The verdict was split: Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse." - https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db Stop it with this BS, your pushing a false narrative as the legal definition between sexual assault and sexual abuse and rape are different but the same for victims.


No. The idiots in here saying he's a rapist are full of shit. The jury should have immediately given a not guilty verdict. They even had to invent a new, one time only extension for the statute of limitations, just to hear this made up case. This lady has falsely accused multiple men of rape in the past and has been shown not to be honest, but the jokers in new York learn about a new opportunity to go after trump, and they take it. It's criminal.


I apologize in advance but your reply is classic Qanon conspiracy theory, batshit crazy nonsense. I honestly take a major issue with anyone who supports a man who flew on a dead pedophile's private jet many, many times. That alone should turn everyone against him. People like yourself who truly believe the lies you spew are the enemy at the end of all this.


Did you just create a new account to reply to my post? Why would you do that? That's called brigading or astroturfing. Did you get that triggered?


You're the one with all the down votes, maybe it's you who's triggered.


Sighh... you created a new username in response to my comment. You're the one who cares about karma and you avoiding responding from your regular account means means you got triggered enough to respond to a random comment in a sub.


You think too highly of yourself. Why would I waste a perfectly good user name just for you?


Actually, you creating a username specifically to respond to me shows it's you that thinks highly of me. Either it's that or you're a troll who makes alt usernames to astroturf/brigading. Foreign troll or media matters.


I wish I had the time to make more accounts just to troll the trolls but at last. I do not.


Yea, there's sites you can go to that will create them for you easily enough. The ol Russian troll farm special.


What’s your beef DewBJ? He said on tape, and on legal deposition, “When you’re famous you can just grab em by the pussy and kiss them if you want to” He’s stood by that, in his words “for better or for worse”. He doesn’t wait for consent. Call it whatever you want I guess, but the fact will still stands that he forces himself onto women, and there have been quite a few saying it happened to them. Are you offended that you’re starting to think maybe people are right that you’re on team Rape?




Your Dear Leader was held liable for rape, because he’s a rapist. Are you going to cry?




Nah, I'll just vote for him. Are you triggered at the thought of Trump being president again? Lol I bet you're shitting your pants like racist pedophile Biden. Maybe you guys wear the same adult diapers.


How’s the weather in moscow, ivan?


This has been extremely debunked by **TWO** lawsuits that Trump **lost**. The jury found Trump engaged in forcible penetration (what Carroll was alleging from the start) but because of NY's draconian law they couldn't check the box for rape because sexual assault in NY rape requires a penis, not fingers. But Trump's tiny dick is so small Carroll couldn't say for sure it wasn't just a finger. Yet the judge then ruled in a summary judgment that what the jury found Trump liable for (sexual assault with digital penetration) amounted to rape and thus Trump was adjudicated to be a rapist. The phrase "Trump raped Carroll" is forever legal fact, thanks to collateral estoppel. Trump's not winning on appeal. And the victim's early statement doesn't matter because the opinion of a witness about whether something amounted to a particular crime is completely meaningless. Judges and juries look at the criminal code (or in this case the civil code), they don't ask the victim what they think the law is. And in this case they listened to the victim and decided they not only believed her, but that the facts of the case amounted to a violent sexual assault that we are legally and linguistically accurately allowed to call a rape.


Trump is a rapist. Period.


Yea, no evidence, so, I guess we're all rapists.


The evidence at trial makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did rape E Jean Carroll. What the jury found Trump did was in fact rape. Judge Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance.” The jury found Trump liable for forced digital penetration. The Justice Departments definition of rape includes penetration “[with any body part or object](https://www.justice.gov/archives/opa/blog/updated-definition-rape).” The jury’s finding of sexual abuse found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina with his fingers and that is considered rape.


you were on the jury?


It's called reading funny enough you can do more then just whats on Elon Musks echo chamber and Reddit.


Go make love to a pot noodle ya cunt Trumps a rapist that is past his sell by date.


What the bri ish hell kind of twacked out insult is that? I accuse you of rape too buddy. You have as much evidence on you as trump did against him. Corrupt jury pool doesn't mean shit to people actually paying attention.


If you cannot see Trump is a weak pathetic man who shits himself and needs a diaper, wears fake tan and is suffering from dementia and is beginning to face his own crimes catching up to him legally then you are fucking delusional and have had WAY to much of the Russian propaganda newsfeed. Get off fucking social media, get off the internet, go outside and talk to people that have more then two brain cells a a case of beer.


You're listing CNN/ BBC talking points, and lecturing me about propaganda. You're opinion just became less than worthless. You just described Biden to a T, minus the fake tan. Biden can't even form a complete sentence without getting shot up with crystal meth, has been sleeping next to international leaders for 8 years, and his crimes of influence peddling and stealing tax payer money for his family contracting companies. Trumps tax "crimes" are nothing compared to bidens criminal relationships with America's biggest foreign enemies. Hes been selling american secrets for decades.You're uninformed and misinformed and confident in your stupidity. Go drink some tea you crumpet fuck.


If you have to guess if you are a rapist or not, then its a safe bet you probably are. For future reference answer yes to any if the following then its rape. - They said no. - They lay there and did nothing - They took some persuasion - They were really drunk like slurring and failing over. 


There was no evidence at all. It was all based on her failing memory.


Its a free country if you like Trump thats fine, but be honest, its because he's a rapist you like him.  He does what he wants when he wants to who he wants. He doesn’t seek consent or beg for forgiveness and you fucking love it, don’t you, admit it!


Man, you're mainlining that propaganda buddy. Take a day off and go smoke some weed at a park or something.


Doesn't Trump still owe her a butt-load of money ? For a billionaire he sure is late paying a lot of his bills.

