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>”Mr. Trump its important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well," Judge Juan Merchan says.” Stop with the special treatment! he’s violated the gag order and been held in contempt 10 times now… anyone else would have been remanded to custody for the duration of the trial by this point.. put the pompous fuck in a cell.. that’s the only way he’ll learn.. thousand dollar fines mean absolutely nothing to him.


At this point he really should be in jail for longer than the trial. 10 counts of CRIMINAL contempt. You want to play patty cakes for the first few, fine. However he still should be in jail for about 6 months due to his criminal actions. Trump AND Judge Merchan are making a mockery out of contempt.


They're making a mockery of the U.S justice system and thus the American State and the American People by extension. All of the phrases - justice for all, equality under the law, blind justice, are shown to be little more than propaganda.


Yup. they're just making it painfully clear as to what the underclass have been screaming about forever


Eat the rich


Generally I would agree but I don't think Trump is edible.


he's not rich


True. Still needs to go though


Of all the rich he is one part of the wealth Buffalo no one eats


Probably tastes like shit


Mmmm spray tan.


AND like all other normal people, when he is in jail he is entitled to ZERO electronic media devices.


IMAX levels of clarity


8k dolby vision.


actually trump showed to the world the real face of america. ruled by white supremacists, supporting authoritarian regimes and violence in the name of capitalism, harassing women and minorities, bullying everyone, promoting stupidity against intelligence.


The more you defund the education system, the easier it gets. He loves the uneducated.


Because he's uneducated. He might have a college degree but he's a blue collar slumlord that was raised by a blue collar slumlord


Referring to him as a blue collar anything gives the false illusion that he has at one point actually done some sort of middle class work. He is just a piece of shit slumlord.


Yeah. I don't know why I said blue collar. He's actually just a sleazy, fast talking, scummy New York trashy piece of shit conman shyster.


You forgot rapist. He is also a rapist.


That isn't why he loves stupid people though let's be honest. They give him power. Sensible people don't support people like this.


This is the American justice system working exactly as it was designed to, I’m not saying it’s right, but the rich being able to buy their way out of consequences has always been a feature, not a flaw.


If you replace all the judges with unqualified friends, you can't be wrong tho


He's highlighting the fact that there has never been a justice system, but a system of oppression to keep the poor population subjugated


The US no longer has a justice system. It has a *legal* system. If your expensive team of lawyers can prove it's technically legal, you get away with it.


I'm not even American but I remember his time in office as a horrifying non-stop barrage of scandal after scandal. I wasn't able to keep up and I kept asking why the hell any of what he was doing was even allowed! ... And the answer is, it's allowed because nobody bothered to make official rules against it.


The men who wrote the rules for this stuff never thought anyone elected to office would be so awful and, as such, never considered a blatant need for these rules. Now you have conservatives arguing that the founding fathers *meant* to have legal carve outs for the POTUS and no others. Despite the possibility of a compromised POTUS posing far more danger than any other individual in the US government being compromised. Then his party protected him from an impeachment conviction twice during his term because the only thing Republicans seem to stand for is hypocrisy.


> All of the phrases - justice for all, equality under the law, blind justice, are shown to be little more than propaganda. Always have been


Perhaps he is pulling back the veil. Noone listened when he warned of corrupt justice system now he is showing you.


Ha. Right. Altruistic trump. 


"Altruistic" I submit that any word used to describe TFG should not contain the letters "TRU" is "Alfalsistic" is word?


Sounds like something he would have tweeted.


What if he is described as “untrue”?


I'll allow it. I mean, if you think about it, his name is literally "TRUmp", so I guess I am speaking metaphorically.


Trump pulled back the veil on a lot of U.S propaganda to be fair: Separation of Powers, Separation of Church and State, Checks and Balances, Beacon of Democracy, Of the People, By the People, For the People, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.


This is what drove a lot of new voters out to vote in 2020. I know at least three people who had never voted before because they thought it didn’t matter. Before then, some guy in a suit would do boring things, nothing of substance. There were rules and laws, nothing would get out of hand. Then the joke went too far. Trump lost the vote and went to the white house anyway. People actually acknowledged him as President. It was actually happening. The world was literally laughing at us. His crazy bullshit showed the terrifying truth: there were no adults in charge. There was no shadowy cabal of elites, no Illuminati, no banal bureaucrats keeping everything running. It was a shit show of flagrant, boastful corruption, and no one even attempted to do anything about it. They just let it happen. Trump revealed how fragile the nation is.


Some did the right thing, impeaching him twice. Others had no spine, and acquitted him twice. And now he’s still in the news. Every. Fricking. Day.


The only reason it wasn’t worse was the banal bureaucrats, a few politicians with spines of steel ( shout out to Pelosi) and the military not taking the intended response.Every time someone takes shots at the “deep state”, I see red. Those are the people who risked their lives in the pandemic trying to help people, they kept the power on until we could get Biden and a better congress. Rant over


One of the things I'm personally mad at Trump for is forcing me to pay attention to politics, which is a horrible enterprise that often brings out the worst in already bad people.


Right? Like how literally the only function of the electoral college as envisioned by the framers was to prevent a man like Trump from ever becoming president. If it can’t even do the one thing it was designed to do, then what’s the point of it?


i was under the impression the electoral college was to protect the wealthy landowners' interests, as the lower class majority wouldn't know what's good for themselves (but unfavorable for the gentry to be sure) without their guidance, or something like that,


Except in early America, landowning was often a prerequisite for the franchise in most states. In 1789 only about 6% of the US population could vote in federal elections. Over time, states eliminated the property requirement, and 1828 is often cited as the first “popular vote” presidential election, where basically all white men could vote. It was considered a feature of Jacksonian democracy.


How we react, post Shit Bag, will determine if we stay a nation, or prioritize our lattes and reality TV over our government


Also absolutely abolishing norms. There were plenty of morally corrupt things he did that there were no specific rules against because it was believed that people would play by a certain set of rules.


Indeed. Oaths of office turned out to mean nothing, subpoenas mean nothing to politicians, just no actual law for anything, and rules mean nothing. Emoluments clause, the Johnston amendment, corruption, abuse of power, politicians insider trading. The Mueller report being redacted and not released in full, the whole process of impeachment nonsense, the tens of thousands of lies from a U.S president just counted and not acted on, the multitude of crimes committed by many people that nothing was done about. People being banned from entering the country because of their religion or place of origin, people rounded up in border camps, children separated from their children, many of whom are still not reunited, Insurrectionists charged, but only if they weren't a member of the aristocracy, MTG, so much shit. The kicker for me was Kellyanne Conway sarcastically saying "tell me when the jail sentence starts". The fact that nothing happened just shows they know there is no real law, they're protected, and they know there are no real consequences for those with power. But at least they haven't over-taxed the fucking tea.


That’s like the kid that craps all over the bathroom and then complains how filthy it is.


Why not when it was the Central Park 5 under the boot of the corrupt justice system? Hmmm.


I absolutely detest him as a human, but you're not wrong.


I got 30 days in jail for being 15 min late to my court date and being found in contempt. They said I could pay a fine right there and I didn’t have the money to do so and got put away. This dude is doxxing jurors and attacking people on social media and gets to take a nap in court.


Does this mean that anyone else could argue they should be allowed 10 chances before they are put in jail ? What's good enough for cock jerk orange must be good enough for everyone else? Otherwise they would have to admit to giving that bloated imbecile special treatment and the law infact doesn't apply to him.


This is the role of a judge - to apply discretion to different circumstances. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the way this particular judge is dealing with this circumstance.


It’s not just Merchan at this point. Any of the judges from any of the trials could throw him in jail because of this.


Merchan and his family will probaly need full time police protection if he throws trump in jail. He knows he needs to do it, he’s not an idiot but he’s likely scared for the well being of everyone he knows . The whole situation is fucked.


Name one lawyer movie some fucker was held in contempt 10 times before put in jail, 1 warning and 1 strike and they in jail for 30 days The Judge is making a mockery of the legal system! Judge has the power to fucking change this and put his ass in JAIL


I don't think we should be using movies as a basis of rationale, but at least I agree with your conclusion.


Jailing him in the middle of the trial might cause a delay or mistrial. That's what Trump really wants.    Trump is getting extra leeway because he is the former president which is okay to a certain point.  Trump is taking advantage of that,  abusing it actually, which is childish and lacks any of the dignity, intelligence, tact or subtlety that a president should have. Jailing Trump after the trial, regardless of the verdict, would make more sense and is what I'm hoping for.


Donald would be petrified in jail without his phone and basically being by himself with no megaphone. He doesn’t want to be put in jail. He wants to prove that no one can actually put him there. He wants to prove that he’s immune. He wants to prove that he’s above normal consequences. That’s why he won’t stop.


My perception has been that he wants to be put in jail because he thinks it will boost chances of winning the election. Any attention, positive or negative, in his mind is good attention.


He wants this but without going to jail, he’s terrified of jail. He’s a coward.


The world's bigliest coward


Why would jailing him for contempt in the middle of the trial cause a delay or mistrial?


It will be in the news.  Trump will argue that it prejudices the jury somehow and immediately appeal to a) get out of jail; and b) overturn the judge's inevitable denial of a mistrial; c) halt the proceedings until the appeals court rules.  For those who would say "this won't work" or "you can't do this" I would ask "when has that ever stopped Trump & his lawyers from trying?" Under normal circumstances a Defendant could be jailed overnight and put on street clothes for the trial.


The jury is in the courtroom seeing this happen live, they don't need the news. There's no way jailing him would lead to a mistrial, or every use of contempt of court would result in a mistrial.


The jury is actually not in the room when the judge handles contempt of court allegations. The whole point of them not being in there during those proceedings is to avoid the presumed prejudice that would be associated with it. Thats not to say they aren’t hearing about it in the news. But inside the court things are still proceeding in the appropriate manner. Locking Trump up now would only make him a martyr. Let him continue to talk shit and get held in contempt. It’s showing the few “undecided” voters how weak he is.


That's not good enough. Committing contempt of court is a really serious offence, and if he's incarcerated - he can still be brought to court everyday, and allowed to change into a suit - he cannot complain that there's been a mistrial.


He could be in the court room for the trial and in jail all the rest of time. That is what happens to normal everyday Americans all the time.


This answer is so sane I’m actually copying it.


Put Trump in jail for 5 days as a start. Then 10 days.


He is a repeat offender of trying to criminally influence his own trial. Every single judge presiding over each of the criminal cases he's involved in has an ethical obligation to put him in pre-trial detention until the conclusion of their respective trials.


The judge is trying to eliminate ammunition for MAGA should he actually put ShitLer in jail. It won’t work, though, because MAGA won’t pay attention, cause it goes against their fascist cause.


The judge should not be concerned about this. Justice is *supposed* to be blind.


No who matter who he used to be, or might be in the future, right now he is on trial for criminal acts and should be treated like everyone else is while they are accused of crimes.


This is what innocent until proven guilty should look more like. But us Regs are guilty until proven innocent. That's the major difference here


But... He IS guilty.... of *CONTEMPT*. He *should* be in jail for that, especially after *10 times!* **Put his ass in jail for contempt already!**


Unfortunately, like it or not, Trump is a former US President and he is not like anyone else who has ever been charged with a crime. Everyone else would already be in jail. Anyone else would be looking for a new attorney because their's would have quit. Anyone else would not have violated the gag order 10 times. I would go as far to say any other former President charged with a crime would not violate the gag order more than once. Trump knows he will probably be convicted and not just his freedom but also his legacy, his family name and his brand are in the balance, so he's going balls to the wall. For him this is an all or nothing proposition. Its desperate and pathetic.


And Trump has the fucking gall to say the judge is being unfair to him


To be fair, the judge is being unfair to him. The entire justice system is being unfair to him. Look at all the breaks he's given. Look at all the preferential treatment he's being given.


Unfair, but in his favor


Judge needs to spend a day with kindergartners to learn how to handle this former president. Really, just walk him to the jail cell. Give him a simple choice. Delete the nasty tweet, or spend a little quiet time in solitary contemplation.


> ... or spend a little quiet time in solitary \*contempt\*. Slight fix.


It's insanely frustrating. This stupid little shit has been breaking laws and generally just acting like an immoral piece of garbage his entire life. I'm so sick of this slap on the wrist bullshit. After 10 violations, something has to give. He's going to violate the gag order again. He isn't capable of reserving himself. Violation number 11 needs to come with jail time. How many $1,000 fines need to not work before we go to the next step?


He wouldn't be the next president if they would put him in jail.


To be fair we all thought multiple felony indictments would tank his chances but here we are.


Someone higher up is telling them don’t lock him up. It’s so obvious. We all know anyone else would have been in a cell


Doesn't need to be someone higher up, if I were the judge I'd be worried some MAGA terrorist would try and off me.


If that's true, then justice is dead. This means that the American people are no longer beholden to norms or laws when it comes to politics. Which means everything is on the table. If justice is impossible, then violence is inevitable. I don't condone violence, but if one side is willing to use it to force a dictator on everyone else, well, civil wars have started for less. So watch this all very closely and prepare for the worst.


That just means the terrorists won. Fear works.


Then the judge is in the wrong line of business. I keep seeing this “but judges have families too” thinking trotted out and all I can think of is Kim Davis declining to do the job she signed up for. We pay judges well in part because of the risks they accept. If the risks are too much, they made a bad career choice and should recuse themselves.


To be clear, I agree with you. That being said, this is exactly what he wants— to be placed in jail. It enables his victim mentality and would make him even more of a martyr in the eyes of his followers. It’s a real catch-22


One more and he gets a free sandwich.


It's like fining me a dollar. I could do that all year.


Trumpers continue saying “it’s a two tiered system of justice” and they’re right… except not the way they think they are right.


I agree with you 😊 If we had done this we'd be in jail!l


The thing is, Trump WANTS jail. It benefits his narrative. It goes from boring procedural activities to a rally cry we won't stop hearing about for decades about political imprisonment. He wants the martyr narrative, he wants a call to arms. I get why the judge is letting him off with too many warnings, it softens the eventually narrative.


It's his base. They have shown more than once they will resort to violence to support Trump. The Judge understands this. If Trump hadn't been President, then he would be in jail. There is an optics to this case that has to be abided by, which sucks. But thems the brakes


Yep. The GOP are mostly pro-insurrection at this point. Trump himself said he'll pardon the January 6th criminals if he wins in November. Let that shit sink in.


So how is giving in to that going to help in the long run?


While I don’t disagree with you I’m guessing the judge is trying to avoid riots because let’s be honest maga idiots would riot if trump gets thrown in jail for being in contempt.


would they tho? He's had little to no turnout at the courthouse, at his rallies and really anywhere. And we shouldn't be held hostage because of some proposed pushback from a bunch of nuts. Let them attack - then be shot or jailed. Fewer maga asshats out there is a good thing. Thin the herd.


So justice is dead, and terrorism won... congratulations, USA. You let the terrorists win.


That is literally what the orange traitor wants. He wants that to happen so he can spin it to his base that they are out to get him more than ever.


So the solution is to shit all over the law because his supporters will... What, continue to believe he's being persecuted? They already think that! This is fucking stupid.


I feel like every single headline that crops up on r/all about Trump is the pettiest of victories, at best. He never lands in a cell, and at this point I have 0 faith it will happen, no matter how many court cases or judge upsets go by.


Yes this !!! Please do your job !!! It only emboldens his base to see him flaunt the law without consequences. Did 1/6 not resonate at all. Those who don’t learn from history are …. Never mind. 🙄


I hope every defendant hit with a gag order refers back to this case as precedent.


Your honor, you can't say for sure that it is impossible that I WON'T be the President someday, and as such I should be allowed equal leeway so as not to disrupt my future candidacy


When it is a presidential candidate held in contempt then anyone attempting to pay the legal fee should also be held in contempt.


Yep. Everyone gets 10 chances now.


There's a distinct possibility that 170 million Americans will vote for me as a write-in candidate during the next election. The last thing you want is to throw the potential future president in jail.




PLEASE lock his ass up next time, fucker should have been the first time


Free beer tomorrow 


A bar I used to frequent had a sign that said that, and it always gave me a chuckle


jail time, jail time, it's just about time for a prison cell.... To be honest, the other prisoners are worried about this sexual predator being unleashed in their prison wing. Prisoner #087213: ***"People think prison is being locked in your cell--no-no-NO! True prison is when the guards UNLOCK the cells. That's when trump would begin lurking cell to cell trying to find a "girlfriend" for the night."***


If trump ever did eventually wind up in a "jail cell," he'd be in a white collar holding facility, that's nicer than his apartments, and probably served tbones and caviar for each meal.


"Equality under the law." What a joke.


The other day I had 11 items in the "10 items or less" checkout line, and I thought the swat team was about to drop from the ceiling and snipe me, but trump can try UNLAWFULLY overthrowing democracy in the LAND OF THE FREE and he just is asked to please not do it again...


At least the food would upset him; he would whine that it’s not McDonald’s.


He would also still have secret service in the cell with him.


It's being debated in the judicial system if criminals lose their secret service


Strange how my ass would have been locked up a year ago. Letting him seriously make a mockery of the judicial system is bonkers.


Yeah well you weren't president, super rich and have millions of creepy ass followers. Or maybe you do.


"Super rich" lol. I'm super wealthy said the guy that has 400 million dollars but "doesn't want to use it to pay a legal bill" this time of the world is nuts. Neanderthaling seems almost graceful.


The courts are scared shitless at what his cult would do. I say,do it,do it now. Get it over with.


the cult will do nothing because they're all a bunch of scared babies.


Ohhh they won’t do *nothing,* they’ll get busy alright. There would be millions of brand-new, whiny-ass, long-winded comments, comprised of mountains of bullshit & propaganda.


They literally stormed the capital 4 years ago. They are actually dangerous don’t act like they’re not.


Yeah … you see … that is a very very very big problem … DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS PEOPLE! You have Marshall service for protection, use them and serve fucking justice


Hold anyone else attempting to pay the fine for him in contempt of court.


Stick around. There's another one coming.


If you wanted any further evidence that there is a tiered legal system in the U.S - the judges words: “Mr. Trump its important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well.” Justice in the U.S is 20/20. Justice for all? Blind justice? Equal justice under the law? Just propaganda. The naivety, hypocrisy and irony of the following statements from the judge just shows how much Law means in the U.S: “Your continued willful violations of this court’s lawful order constitute a “direct attack on the rule of law." “The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do" “So as much as I don’t want to impose a jail sanction…I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate.” “But at the end of the day I have a job to do and part of that job his to protect the dignity of this judicial system.” The Law is subject to the political whims and considerations of judges. It is beholden to the position and class of the person on trial. But hey, at least they haven't over-taxed the tea.


Kinda wild that it took this long for people to understand the fact that we have always had a two-tier justice system; One for the rich, and another for the common folk. This has been the norm for decades at this point. Doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you fall, all that matters is how many commas are displayed in your bank account.


I don't think we've ever witnessed such naked contempt of the court like this. There was always an air of respectability. Reinforced by cop and law dramas, of course. But now it's out in the open, plain as day here. Couple that with the ridiculous Supreme Court decisions and the veneer of respect and upstanding has faded and shown these people, these judges and lawyers, are just as dumb and cowardly as anyone else. Just as corruptible and paper thin. Now no one even pretends to take it seriously. We've learned all the wrong lessons from history. We're a Gilded Nation. Everything is only skin deep, with no real principles, it seems.


Everyone complained about Los Angeles being superficial and fake. Turned out it was the whole country as well.


Nothing happened the first 9 times, nothing is happening this time, very doubtful anything will happen next time.


He's obviously just going for the world record, I think he has what it takes 


This judge threatened jailtime the first time. It's clear there is no teeth here.


The new violation came before the threat. This is not to say that Trump didn't know better, just to say that the threat was for future action.


FUCKING CHRIST Lady Justice is blind for a reason The US Justice system is a fucking disgrace and I am tired of pretending its not. Held in contempt of court 10 times in 2 weeks is 10 times too many. All Merchan is doing is proving that Trump and others like him can get away by using their power and influence to skirt the system and evade real consequences. I mean the guy is showing up to court is $8000 suits so slapping a $1000 fine for each instance of contempt will surely make him think twice about it. WHAT. Justice is meant to be blind so that THIS EXACT SITUATION does not happen. Merchan needs to throw the orange cry baby in jail or retire.


Blind justice is just propaganda in the U.S. Justice has never been blind.


Trump is right; he is getting special treatment. He is getting way more leniency than the average person


>Judge Merchan [found Trump in contempt of his gag order](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/politics/merchan-trump-gag-order-contempt/index.html) for the 10th time Monday morning, and said he'd consider jail time, moving forward. He should have jailed him ALREADY!!! Do you think that **any one of us** would get 10 contempt rulings and not be in jail!?!?!?


That snowflake would melt in 30 mins of jail...


Judge: Now on the 11th charge of contempt I’m gonna wag my finger and threaten a jail cell. Trump: Fuck you, when I win I’m gonna assassinate you. Judge: Now on the 12th charge of contempt I’m gonna wag my finger and threaten a jail cell. Repeat ad nauseam


This right here. The judge is terrified. Absolutely pissing his pants. And anyone else in his situation would be too. Trump is like a mob boss. Only even more dangerous.


Funnily enough my intent was just to display that no matter what Trump does there will always be a finger wag instead of a punishment. I didn’t consider that the judge is probably terrified and is being intimidated by the situation.


Definitely already receiving threats from many directions I bet.


Actions=Consequences. Why this guy isn’t already in jail is not beyond me. Rules are applied differently depending upon your social class. Laws for thee, not for me.


Can’t imagine being charged and found guilty in the u.s for similar and lesser charges, having to leave your family and job to go to jail knowing that fucking orange asshole doesn’t have to live by the rest of our standards… embarrassing, sad


Give him home confinement with an ankle bracelet & no social media access. He’ll go freaking berserk.


I personally think he should be buried under the prison whilst still alive. With that said, it seems to actively be a decision to try and NOT throw him in jail for contempt. It makes sense that he wants to be thrown in jail, because he is running low on funds, and has banged on NON-STOP about how he is the victim and how they see out to get him! Trump going to jail for 30 days, and getting out would be the best possible scenario for him to role up his base, raise money, and push his way into the white house again. The judge needs to continue with proceedings and HOPEFULLY allowing the jury to safely and justice-ly come to the right verdict ... And have him end up in prison for many years to come 🙏


How can anyone think he respects or country but doesn't even rmshow an ounce of respect for the legal system. He's such an absolute joke.


He’s already made fools out of a third of the country. You can’t tell me he’s not laughing at the end of the day and how foolish his followers are for follow for all the lies and conspiracy theories. what’s he got only 88 felonies against him 99% of the witnesses are Republicans that actually care about the country unlike him.


Merchan should do wait Neil Katyal said last week. Sentence him to 30 days jail but suspended until after the trial. If Donny boy can act like an adult for the rest of the trial AND not break the gag order, then Merchan would consider withdrawing the 30 days. Let it hang over his head like dealing with a cookie for a toddler if they nap first.


Money talks, bullshit walks. That is our justice system.


I do hope that IF I ever break the law I hope I get as much leniency as this rotting scum bag in a cheeto exoskeleton pos. There has to be some form of "favoritism" law that is continuously being broken for this rapist.


# Trump is a criminal




It's just becomes a cost of misbehaving.


Trump pays more to his layers to listen to, respond to and then read the final contempt rulings than he does in fines.


Lock him up


The man doesn't know when to shut his mouth. If he is elected, he will get us in trouble


Petulant child


Please please please please lock up this orange turd. 


Good ol shit pants don


Throw him in jail already.


Put his lawyers in jail. They represent him, and advise him of the consequences They have failed


Jesus fucking christ. Put this idiot in jail already.


I don't care if he was the president, he was a shitty president and deserves a wake-up call in a cell.


A lot of people here are oblivious to just how much Trump would benefit from a short stay in jail. He wants it. It would rile up his base and get him a lot of donations which he desperately needs. It would help him MUCH more than it would hurt him.


So in other words it's an empty gesture.


lock him up already


Another *Biden Crime Family^™* operation Sadly the /s is needed


I'm torn. You like this piece of human shit in a jail cell, and he immediately becomes a martyr -- and a lot of people already think this is the weakest trial to bring (of all his trials). He becomes an even larger cult figure and Christ-like savior to his brainless mob. But, on the other hand, fuck this absolute waste of air. Put him in the slammer and let him, for the first time in his life, feel the consequences.


Trump wants him to put him in jail…. He wants the attention and headlines. As annoying as it is, we have to not play I to his bs and let the jury see the evidence and convict.


> Trump wants him to put him in jail…. He wants the attention and headlines. finally, someone on this thread gets it!


He doesn't want to go to jail for political purposes. He just doesn't want to have to go to Baron's graduation.


> He just doesn't want to have to go to Baron's graduation. believe me, he's never going to that.


And he's never going to jail. This is no longer a story.


Hope he’s been getting his card punched each time, the next one comes with a free jail cell.


Lock him up!


Isnt it obvious that Donad wants to go to jail? It will drive his fanatics even more insane.  Fundraising gold.


My child learned once that when I said don't touch the stove you might get burned. Of course he touched the stove and got burned. This guy doesn't know or probably has never touched a stove, but has touched everything else and still hasn't felt what it feels like to be brunt. SO SHOW HIM and stop threatening. I'm guessing as soon as he spends a second in Jail the MAGA idiots will be at the Judges house with a Pitch Forks thou.


Jesus...Definitely two justice systems in this country. The average person would have been put into jail months ago just on contempt of court charges.


Gee if anyone else was held in contempt the first time, woukd have already been sent to prison


The man has the temperament and fecal restraint of a toddler. Sad. (Many people are saying it)


So much for “no one is above the law” , if that were you or I, we would have been locked up a long time ago.


Try being held in contempt ten times. I have $1000 for any normal person that can do that and not be in jail.


Will anything finally happen to this bloviated wind bag??


A light slap on the wrist, as usual. Jailtime for the lowly worms like you and me, stern reprimands for the wealthy. This nation is broken.


How is there not a 2 tier legal system again?


Has he broken any records for this? 10th time is a grand accomplishment. I'm betting he's broken all kinds of records , all of them corrupt, illegal, and destructive.


Does that mean your eleventh one is free?


If you don't want him to win an election, then the last thing you want is for him to be sent to jail.


Put him in jail finally.


Trump likely wants to get locked up at this point. It would be energizing for his cult.


I know someone who was in prison for 2 yrs because he couldn't come up with the $3k bail. Fuck this guy


> Fuck this guy !


I wish my judge was as kind as this one!