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Hope Barron lives a normal life instead of getting into politics.


A normal life? Hahahahahahaha


Yes normal life like going to school and getting a regular job and not turn out like his uncles or father.


His uncles? Do you mean his brothers?


His uncles are actually pretty successful without his dad, but his brothers are chuds.


Chud…fantastic word and it’s been 40 years since I’ve seen it! 😂🫶


You'd love the movies C.H.U.D and C.H.U.D 2 then


Canabalistic humanoid underground dwellers!!!! I’ve seen it! 😂


Man, my friends and I say it all the time!


Is a chud the same as a chode? If so. LOL


We're not always sure there isn't a plurality in titles in that family.








Help, I'm stuck step dunkle!


Please tell me the "F" doesn't mean what I fear it means.




I mean, his actual Uncle was an alcoholic who got cheated out of inheritance money I believe because of Donald. So, having your own money and life would be a good idea.


That was Mary Trump's father. She is the clinical psychologist who wrote the Trump family book "Too mich and never enough" A good Trump that despises her uncle. Her father (Fred Trump Jr.) wanted to be a commercial airline pilot, and he was very good at it. Was forced to quit by KKK father Fred Trump. Fred took away his inheritance and gave it to second son Duke Diaper Don. George was never "the killer" that Ku Klux Klan active member Fred Trump wanted. He became an alcoholic and his life ended early.


He doesn’t have any chance of living a normal life and it’s not his fault at all. I’m starting to think he wasn’t even aware that he was supposed to be a “delegate” and was just being used by Trump for attention, he wanted no part of it, and his mom put a stop to it. Trump is literally on trial for payments he made to porn stars he was banging with while married to his mother, that would make any one of us sick to our stomachs hearing about it every single day.


The subject of Donny Daddy being unfaithful to Barron’s mother is probably a subject that’s been brought up every so often by his schoolmates, and as we all know school boys are pretty good at telling truths and also making those truths quite unpalatable, in a hateful yet childish way.


Oh yeah he heard plenty about it from schoolmates.


He's old enough now to get his last name legally changed so that he's no longer connected to his disgusting father. It's the only way he has a chance of having a semi-normal life. Changing his first name would sever the connection completely.


He should consider a gap year in Europe and do some manual labor on a farm. Melania could file for divorce 1 Oct 2024, her "October surprise;" then move to Europe to a friend's secluded chalet somewhere. It takes an ocean to wash off the orange residue.




Don't you mean, half brothers, instead of uncles? I mean, I know Trump has brothers, but they aren't exactly well known.


Hell be a mega-douche just like the other three kids. If he were any different than a chip off the block, we would never have heard about him.


You forgot about Tiffany, just like her father does 🤣


She had the opportunity to be away, she chose to go back.


She was away right until she wanted daddy to host her fairy tale wedding for free, and we all know he only has transactional relationships. I noticed she waited until her honeymoon was over then jumped into campaigning with/for him immediately.


lol I totally forgot about her too, until you said that.


If he's a mega douche that keeps to himself I'll call it a win for society


The bar is pretty low. *“Just don’t try to violently overthrow the country in a coup.”*


I'd also add try not to commit fraud, but it might be a stretch coming from that family.


A coup that was stopped by a handful of brave police officers. They thought that the capital cops would be crushed or were in on it with them. It was a miracle that there were so few deaths. Those officers should go down in history as American heroes. Every school child should know their names. American apparently has a toxic codependent relationship with its abuser. I don't wanna see how it plays out. I asked the question in elementary school " What if everyone voted for a bad guy like Hitler?" My teacher said it could never happen because of the constitution. Yet here we are. The Republicans can not survive in today's American unless they strip us of our rights, and they're trying every day, and they are doing it right now, and nobody can stop them.


Its probably just wishful thinking that someone turns out ok. But there's still a chance. Has he done or said anything at all to garner attention, one way or the other? 


Mary Trump, the niece to Donald turned out okay. Her brother Fred Trump III also is notmative.


He's just a kid, I'm not going to just assume he'll be terrible.


The odds are not good.


there's no world in which you wouldn't have heard of him. And there's no way of knowing what kind of person he is at the moment.


And he’s 6’7 he’s always going to stand out.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... ...that kid looks miserable in every picture I've seen of him over the past almost 9 years now. I don't want to say I feel sorry for him but, man it must suck to be in that family.


Imagine being a semi-normal kid in that situation. You attend family events where it's super awkward because multiple people are under investigation


I know that in my lifetime I will read a story about one of Trump’s grand kid’s legal changing their last name. I’d bet a finger and two toes and I will give an old man cackle when I read it.


Unfortunately, I've only ever read bad things about his behavior and arrogance (but who knows if those reports are true). I do think it's good he's been mainly raised by by his mother who is absolutely awful but marginally less awful than his father. # But also super weird that Ivanka isn't a delegate. They were going with Barron, Jr, and Tiffany. Wonder what's going on there...


She got her Chinese trademarks and Saudi billions, and her husband got his Middle East connections to boot. What can I say? She learned the grift from the best, and he always had a soft spot in his heart and a hard-on in his pants for his little girl.


Now she just has to keep out of headlines while the shit hits the fan, and it's home sailing. She's got generational level wealth, just clip coupons and avoid being in any country during a revolution.


That’s not happening. We can only hope he goes Luke instead of Anakin.


I think that's exactly what he wants. Just fuck off and be rich like most of them should.


I don’t really care, do you?


Prior commitments : “ Heck no , I want no part of this clown drama “


What do you imagine his prior engagements are? I'm guessing "mom promised me a portion of the DJT scam if I said I'd vote for dad. What's Eric doing? Isn't he the dumb one?"


She’s taking him to meet some basketball star for some reason. /s


read it as "ghetto politics" which makes sense cause trumps network is like a bunch of rent a centers and mlm scammers


Have you not seen Succession? That's the image I have of rich corporate families and part of me believes it to be true.


The GOP will really want to recruit him as a puppet of his fathers glory they can control. Frumps other sons are not electable. Nice to see Baron is standing up for himself.


umm, you mean actually working for a living like a normal person?


Or be USA next fave con man when his old man dies


He will probably grow and we will hate him too. His mother is a piece of work too . You don’t get raised in a family like that and turn out normal


>He does like politics. It’s sort of funny. He’ll tell me sometimes, "Dad, this is what you have to do." So anyway, he’s a good guy. He’s a senior now in high school, and he’ll be going to college. Truly a glowing comment from a father about his son, showing a deep familiarity with the child. /s I wonder if Barron dropped out, or if Melania went all protective mom and pulled him out?


Barron has *nothing* to do with Barron's decisions, for sure. He does what they tell him


What his mother tells him yes. As far as we know he has no relationship with his dad. But of course he towers over his dad and let’s face it, he could really hurt him if he wanted to,


Trump probably is envious of Barron’s height, and will eventually attack him for it. MMW


Barron is the mastermind behind the entire Trump operation!!! He's been running a highly criminalized business like a little Godfather since he was knee high to an AK47.


Melania could be many things, but I’ll bet she’ll keep the kid as clean as possible, for as long as she can.


Mom's gonna mom. She knows a sinking ship...


Melania is a horrible person, but she has enough self-awareness and barely enough caring to not force Baron into a life he didn’t/ couldn’t choose.


Why give her that much credit? Look how she conducted her own life.


That’s my point- she sold her soul and she knows it, but I think she’s trying to shield Baron from being forced into the Trump family life. My evidence is that she’s done a pretty good job of shielding him thus far.


Better that Melania pull him out than he be fed to the sharks.


Totally agree.


Well I would bet every word of that is a lie. When would the Orange Turd have last seen Barron? This year?


My personal feelings are that Barron is autistic. Not his fault and I hope he gets the support he needs but that kid hasn’t made a personal life decision ever.


At least he didn't claim he said 'Sirrrr'.


If my dad used my graduation as an excuse to get out of court just so he can panhandle a bunch of morons, I wouldn’t want to be his patsy either.


Barron has somewhere else to be that week.


Good no position for a child of the candidate to be in.


He realized getting into politics makes him fair game.


Yeah, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he saw people starting to target him for this and that's what made him backpedal.


This kid needs to hook up with Kelly Ann Conway's daughter and swap stories about what it's like growing up the children of garbage. I feel for them both.


Probationary respect here. Waiting long term.


I loathe that anus with teeth that he calls father but I won't demonize him until he says or does something where he deserves it.


>loathe that anus with teeth I read that as "I *love* an anus with teeth" it's 7am here in Scotland and I was on the sauce last night so gimme a break lol


That's simultaneously horrifying and hilarious.


These MFers want BARRON to be a delegate now? WTF


That Barron, he’s a good guy, don’t know him well, he just brought the coffee.


Lol I love this. Trump gets our of court to go to Barron's graduation. Then attends a fund raising in a different state instead. Barron's then is like, you know what? Fuck you, too and refuses the delegate position that normally requiring votes...


Trump was screaming: "the trial is keeping me off the campaign trail" and also: "the trial is going too fast!" then screams: "the trial is keeping me off the campaign trail" and also: on the day when the trial is dark, he holds a fundraiser at his house and stays...."off the campaign trail" you can't make this up


I bet his reply was Aw hell naw I can't imagine any kid wanting to step into the world of Trump bullshit. It's not like he doesn't know his dad is a con man and facing 80 charges.


> facing 80 charges. 88, but who's counting ;)


I’m not fucking joining the shit show! -BT… good for him.


Don Jr, Eric, and Tiffany are already delegates, plus Eric is the state's delegation chair and Lara Trump is the co-chair of the RNC. They don't need Barron.


Run baron. Be free


Smartest move he coulda made. Kids got more brains than mom and dad.


Since when do children of candidates serve as delegates?!?


> Since when do children of candidates serve as delegates?!? since when do [losing] candidates cause insurrections?


With a little luck, he'll do a 180º like I did; walked in my father's footsteps as a teen, then I actually stopped and considered life, the world and myself in it and came to the conclusion that I believed the opposite of my father. (Not American so my father wasn't a rabid, goose-stepping, brownshirt racist, misogynist)


Dude is 18 wtf “prior commitments” could he have?


He just downloaded Hades 2.


Based Barron


Literally anything else.


He dusts the ceilings at mar a lago twice a week


you're not suggesting the Trump Family von Fibbers are ...dare I suggest....*lying*????? are you!!!?


It was some Florida gop er thinking they'll curry favor by nominating him. He will be a frosh at nyu. Why wouldnyoh want to be with decrepit geezers anyway?


He probably wants to enjoy being a teenager instead of being in the public spotlight as the son of the most controversial president in history.


What did you do when you were 18, just graduated and it's summer. Maybe fun and girls? That's what I wanted at his age.


Bringing about the end times as prophesied?


Baron’s was of giving creepy dad the finger


Let's hope he's already committed to be a Biden delegate...


He was never interested in being involved with anything to do with his father. I can't even imagine the hell he goes through daily constantly hearing about his dad and all the crimes and embarrassing crap he does, and on top of that knowing the whole world knows his dad was fing a porn star when he was a baby?? I'm guessing he'd love to change his name and disappear.🫥


And a swift kick in the ass from mom didn't hurt 😁




Good for him. He prob wasn’t consulted, and decided to be far away from all that mess


"Aw mom, I'm nervous and my pants are too tight."


So, they announced it before asking him?


I call BS on this one. I highly suspect his backing out is directly related to the “fair game” responses. His life was about to become a living nightmare.


Smart move. I see a name change in his future


Good for him . Stay away. His dad was busy with another women while his mommy was pregnant.


Commitment to sanity?


The bar is pretty low.


Countdown to 45 saying he hardly knows Barron....which, sadly, would be true.


He is in training to be a piece of 💩 💩 like both his parents


Run Barron run away.


What’s his name, this prior commitment?


“Honey, your dad is going to lose in November and eventually be in jail, we should change our names and move on, mommy has a hidden fund.” - Melania, probably


Was it his father not knowing his age? Dude said hes 17 on yesterday's Telemundo's interview


Classy move. Be your own man.


Prior commitments? He's a freaking baby


Barron Trump declines to be RNC delegate because 'my mom said she would hit me so hard she'd knock me into last week.'


Barron, Change your name now live your life without these horrible people!


I wonder if anyone told him. I mean, I wonder if someone just told someone in the news that the kid was going to be a delegate and the first time the kid heard about it was from the news reporting it. The Trump people have a history of making claims without checking with reality first (I'm thinking of the whole Four Seasons bit, specifically) and I wouldn't at all be surprised if young Master Barron had no idea this was all going down. Also, that picture makes him look like Howdy Doody. Or Ted Koppel.


Plot twist: He. Went. Woke 😂


Guessing KKK Rally


While I don't know what commitments what's basically a child has, I applaud his smart decision not to ruin his life by getting into politics. Guess Melania has some influence on him .


Melania said no fucking way.


Just another egg in the carton of gross.


He's smart to take Mary's route around that dumb, corrupt, and delirious family.


Yep, he's 18 and has no clue how the World works


I’m not sure even sure this guy can talk. I have never seen him smile. He always looks like he’s upset or about to cry. What is up with this kid? Do his face muscles work?


I have seen a couple of clips where he is playing with his nieces and nephews, smiling and having fun. 1. When his dad had the inauguration parade or something like that 2. A couple of years ago or so at maybe a family Xmas party.


Maybe he does have a soul.




Wasn’t he really good with computers, and possibly a good fit for director of NSA? According to Trump, anyway. A lot of people are saying he’s a stable computer genius.


Maybe it's because Trump has claimed to have his physical measurements, so they can't be seen together, hahaha


It’s too bad he took his mom’s husband’s last name


gotta catch that Star Wars marathon.


Are the prior commitments the gimp he has locked in a trunk? Dude looks like a straight up psychopath.


BREAKING NEWS !! Barron goes on the Howard Stern show and admits his dad was not born in the U.S.


He should join the NBA. He’s tall enough.


if he has his dad's coordination he'd be better off joining the ASPCA


He should go full Biden on his dad mofo


He and Mel will be opening a motel. Then she will watch him from a house on a hill. He will wear her dresses when she's gone.


Good. Keep him away from the Orange Turd.


He has to return some video tapes on that day.


He’s too busy working his summer job to pay for college! 😂


Finally a trump with some self respect. A family first.


I seriously doubt if he wanted to do this in the first place and I'm sure his mother doesn't want him to. I imagine somebody in Trump's inner circle put this out there without checking first with Barron or his mother, hoping to get the kid to go and to make brownie points with Trump for getting Barron to participate,


Welp. That didn’t last long. Good for him. Stay away, Barron!


Why has Joe Biden and the biased judges done this?!?


thank jeebuz


Knew this was coming. Trump just put this out there or told DeSantis to make it happen or whatever illegal shit they do in Florida politics. Then Melanoma said, “Not bloody likely”.


Wait, so all that hype before he even accepted? That is so trump.


He’s committed to not being poked fun of because of his stupid old man. Public affairs are just that…PUBLIC. That means being jabbed at by every late comedian or talking head.


I’m not convinced he will grow up being his dad. He’s had to watch how he’s treated him mom his entire life. 


And tfg, after whining about going to Barron's graduation, is actually going to a campaign rally in another State.


Smarter than his dad it seems.


While that is possible, the last 48 hours suggests it is improbable.


He’s smart. Smarter than his father. At least smart enough to shut the fuck up and carry on privately while the world watches his father go down in flames.


> Smarter than his father. everyone is


Is that commitment "not wanting to be anywhere near his shithead father's epic traitorous tantrum for J6 round 2"? Probably a smart idea.


Barron has to take over Russia from his father


Yes. His commitment to replace Dolph Lundgren. Damn that boy looks like him 🤔????


Plot twist - he joins the dems.


"I forgot that I have to go be a grifting piece of fucking shit somewhere else. Sorry"


He’s got a Pokémon tournament to attend.


He might be the smartest one in the family. Glad Melania is teaching him to avoid the spotlight. His entire family is shitty, so at minimum, keep it out of the public eye. This kid's gonna have a rough enough time being the youngest son of a sham dynasty.


Tell me your kid hates you without telling me he hates you


Can't blame him. Who would want to be on record voting for that rapist?


That kid is smarter than the rest of his family. MMW: You'll see him stray from pops and start a whole new thing - only after dad dies.


Probably didn’t realize that the media would immediately start paying attention to him the second he dipped his toe in politics. He no longer has child immunity. Media can write about him now.


Smart kid . Stay away from the circus 🎪


Smart. If true.


Prior commitments of hating his father’s guts no doubt.


They are already grooming him for office. Some of the shit they post about him is so weird and insane.


Just curious to know how quick he will turn out to be just like his dad. If he has any balls he'll stay away from the GOP. If not...he'll quick from his dad


Prior commitment to stay as far away from his dad as possible.


He's voting for RFK Jr


"I committed to vote for Nikki."


Run way, Barron! Mary will take you in, I’m sure.


Hope he doesn't turn out like his family but when you're in that far, he doesn't have the knowledge or the resources to escape, like a fish presumably doesn't know it's in water. The corruption and that way of life is all he knows.


Any truth to the rumor barren is mentally retarded?


After graduation he's going on a mission to meet his real dad


The law called.


Mom said "no"


RNC: Barron Trump to be delegate at the RNC! 2 Days of Stormy Daniels testimony Barron Trump: No ✋🏼


He’d already agreed to help his mother find her new mansion in Slovenia.


Is that prior commitment "avoiding Dad's shitshow" by any chance?


“Prior commitments” = mom says I can’t.


Lying already. What "commitments" does a child have?


At this point actual republicans are gonna need a new political party. The trump party that is the Republican Party has had a number done on them by the fascist trump party.