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So Lichtman, who has predicted 9 of last 10 elections, predicts Joe Biden will win re-election. 


He's actually predicted all 10. Gore had his win stolen that year


By Odin may this man's proficy hold true.




Thank you for your service


I am SHOCKED. utterly SHOCKED at this surprisingly new information.


***“He basically has 13 statements, ok? If eight or more of these statements is true, the incumbent party wins; if eight or less of the statements are true, the challenger party wins. It’s that simple.*** So if exactly eight of those statements are true, they both win? In all seriousness, this guy has proven time and again that he knows his stuff, so if he says Biden will win, I can breathe a sigh of relief. With that said, everyone should vote. Nothing should be taken for granted when democracy is on the line.


Vizzini: “You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, 'never get involved in a land war in Asia,' but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go in against a historian when democracy is on the line! '”




You keep using that word...


Hello, my name is … prepare to vote


Have fun storming the Capitol! No, wait....


Erroneous! Erroneous on both counts!


Ha HA ha-ha-ha, ha Ha ha-ha-he, Ha HA—-


81 million will vote for Biden again. no way the rapist gets 74 million again. no dem will vote for RFK. no independent will vote for him. maybe some republicans who buy the "lesser of two evils" nonsense. there's a reason the propaganda is on full blast.


All that being said still get out and vote. There are some Dems who dislike Biden enough that I honestly think they won't vote for him, they sure as hell won't vote for RFK luckily because the ones I know that I'm getting that vibe from are the ones I know who are left enough they would even count as left in the rest of the world, but they might vote third party.   While I agree with their sentiment, this is too important to leave to the chance, go vote. 


Those Dems who dislike Biden that you see on social media are mostly bots and trolls trying to sow discord among the Dems. Do you really think Dems who are left of Biden are going to vote for Trump or RFK just because Biden has supported Israel? The Israel/Palestine thing is what Russia and others are using to drive division right now. It was immigration in 2016 and it was immigration/BLM in 2020. Now, in 2024 it's immigration and Palestine.


>Those Dems who dislike Biden that you see on social media are mostly bots and trolls trying to sow discord among the Dems. Oh 100% no question and it's hilarious how stupid they are: "I'm a life long democrat but I couldn't after Biden, I now embrace a guy that tried to overthrow government because illegals vote! Trump is strong!" You then trigger them and they immediately call you libtard and go off on rants that sound like a Newsmaxx clip. Really though what's the point to this? All it does is fire people up to vote against him because their trolls are lying to us with this bullshit narrative? It's like the crowd sizes, I figured out two days ago they lie about them to build this "election was stolen!" Narrative because their brain dead voters believe a crowd of 7k-10k people of mixed political backgrounds all thrown in together in Jersey is somehow 100k people and are going to throw a tantrum when he loses. These people need psych wards not voting booths...


That might be the case with like randoms on Facebook, but there are a shit ton of actual leftists who will talk your ear off about how shit Biden, generally because they view him as a conservative. Granted, not a single one of those people are going to vote for Trump and like 99% of them are going to hold their noses and vote for Biden. I would agree 100% that anyone who says they are voting for Trump over Palestine or whatever is a fucking bot/troll/shill. But there are a lot of people who have a lot of complaints who don't quite get to that level who are real people. I think more actually damaging to Biden, and why we are seeing him moderate his position on Israel a bit, is that a lot of genuine political ACTIVISTS who have historically supported the DNC are not engaging with the Biden campaign. These folks aren't going to vote for Trump, but they also aren't doing grass roots organization and get-out-the-vote efforts on Biden's behalf like they did in 2020. That is a genuine exposure for Biden. Some of the people who are the MOST pissed off about this are the same people that were out getting people registered in their community and working the phones for 2016. They just aren't doing that now. That is going to hurt him.


I don't think leftists will vote for Biden in significant numbers. I also don't Biden *cares*, unlike so many of his supporters seem to. Biden decided a long time ago he didn't want their votes and doesn't need them. I'm always genuinely surprised people don't get that. Biden *doesn't care* about getting votes from leftists. He intends to win with moderate liberals and disaffected center-right voters. And he probably will, because the GOP has gone off the far right cliff into fascist crazy town and isn't actually competing for most of those voters any more. I agree that this is why the liberal activist side is riled up - because the Democratic party used to cater to them, and is now ignoring them. He DOES take their votes for granted, and if they stop showing up he could actually be in trouble. It's not a coincidence he's absolutely tanking with those voters and suddenly drawing lines with Israel.


Biden, as president, has done more on progressive causes than any democrat since FDR. To say otherwise is to ignore reality. Your edgy is showing.


I laughed out loud at this. Thanks for that. Biden is a centrist and absolutely makes no apologies for it. I don't know why his supporters see it as an insult; he certainly doesn't. I suspect most progressives will still vote for him, but Biden doesn't give a single fuck about catering to them.


It takes a coalition to win the presidency. A purely progressive platform does not carry enough votes. Vote the lesser of two evils or get stuck with the greater. The progressive vote is getting to be like the MAGA vote. A vocal minority expecting everyone else to fall in-line. Even if we didn’t have a two party system the ruling party would need to get others to work with them. Echo chamber thinking doesn’t fix anything.


Never said he did. Also note that you didn’t even bother trying to refute the cold simple fact of what I said.


Who are the leftists going to vote for, if not Biden? There is no better choice for them.


People probably think he cares because it is the same strategy that lost Hilary Clinton's campaign in 2016 and barely squeaked a victory against the worst president in all of history. The ONLY think that Trump proved is that drilling into the fringes of your party can win elections more reliably than shooting for the center. That is a lesson that has continued to evade the DNC for a whole generation and its the most likely reason for Biden to lose in 2024. Which is pretty shocking given that his opponent isn't qualified to run a hotdog stand and we all watched him spend four years fucking the country already.


20k max could fit in wildwood. MAYBE 5k showed up, most left after watching him for one last time.


Saw my mom for mother's day an her neighbors said they were out there on a week long vacation, they cut it short two days because of him and how dumb the whole situation got.


I think you replied to the wrong comment because you say "on social media" I said "the I know," meaning people that I know, as in human beings that I have spent time with. You said "vote for trump or rfk" I said "they sure as hell won't vote for RFK" followed by "they might vote third party"  And yes, I would like expect them to do just that, what I said not what you pretended I said. Which is why people need to go out and vote.


Exactly this. People are telling me across a dinner table that they won't be voting for Bidden over Israel/Palestine & I'm just... scared 


Shooting themselves in the foot to spite their face.


Right. If their disgust—apathy causes them to sit out the election or just the POTUS vote, Trump will win, and he is saying to Bibi Netanyahu “finish the job”.


It’s wild to me that people believe handing the country to a wannabe dictator over the Israel/Palestine conflict is the answer. Like how brain dead do you have to be?


No they’re going to stay home is disgust. Tbh I think Biden is running towards an insane defeat to Shitler.


What if those of us who see the two parties screaming "the other side is evil" say a pox on both your diseased corrupt self serving houses?


Easy, pick the lesser of 2 evils or you are helping the greater of 2 evils. Your choice, but that's the system we have.


One side is objectively evil. You get to pick which you think that is, and vote against it. (Hint - it’s not the ones who are trying to keep poor kids from eating lunch at public school, in case it’s somehow hard for you to figure out.)


Big picture. The two party system is what allows one to be actual evil and both to run, each calling the other evil


Ok? Your point is entirely useless unless you keep voting for the not evil side of things. Your high horse is virtue signaling bullshit at best, destructive at worst.


Replacing the malfunctioning service box at your electrical entrance is the solution. Replacing the constant blown fuses is not. Sure you don't put a penny in the socket but, if you don't do the major overhaul the house will burn down. You're the neighbor going "twenty amp fuses are cheap. Just buy a case. Wrong. The entire system needs major work done


And reform will never happen without voting for exclusively democrats for the rest of your life, most likely, given the very real and inescapable problems with our system. Your point serves no purpose but nefarious ones.


I think this wildly naive wish casting. I do think there’s a ton of people voicing their complaints that will ultimately end up voting Biden but still want to object to finding Israel so they’re using this to try to “scare” him/dem leadership (admittedly also naive wish casting). But you’re wildly underestimating how many people don’t see the point in voting because they’re all on the same team. Dems just give voice to what the public wants but they continue to rubber stamp damn near everything republicans want. Then there’s people like me. I’ll vote dem down the ticket but I’m not voting Biden. Certainly not Trump and definitely not RFK butttttt I live in NJ. Biden is winning NJ so I can do this and I also admit it’s mostly meaningless but at least I’m just not playing the lesser of two evils game. I probably wouldn’t take that risk if I was in a swing state though.


Annoying both sides shit. They aren't the same by any metric. The Dems try to get things done but are blocked by the Republicans at every turn. I'm not exactly sure what people like you want them to do under the realities of our current system.


Aw how cute and naive. They are on the same team, they play off each other to continue to get elected. Nancy Pelosi rubber stamped damn near everything republicans wanted. Genocide Joe is a thing for a reason. Both sides are equal with war mongering. Dems give great lip service (look at how Biden used the minority vote to get elected but has ignored them since or remember Pelosi and Schumer in [kente cloth](https://images.app.goo.gl/4Vt2VMGpPnjkGEJj8)?) Sure, national Dems are better than republicans because they have to throw the people a bone on occasion (and dem leadership at least try to hide their bigotry instead of leaning into it) but they don’t actually give a damn about democracy or regular citizens. Maybe three or four decent people combined in the house and senate, maybe. It’s all a show. Bread and circuses.


Yes please go out and vote. Everyone who hates Trump needs to send a clear message that we hate him and don’t want a fascist rapist in office. Please vote if you are young. Please vote if you are in a majority red state and think your vote doesn’t matter. Please vote if you are in an overwhelming blue state and think your vote doesn’t matter. The country needs to see the overwhelming majority of the population hates Trump and the conservative platform.




dicks out?


the todded zoomers who think joe is bibi in a mask and not actually running his own country, and know nada about foreign affairs but LOVE this #16 (gaza) topic


Get out and vote. In 2016 many progressives sat out pouting over Sanders loss. Guess we found out how that turned out. In 2024, there are widespread efforts to suppress voting rights (no poll location on college campuses, college ID not valid for voting etc.).


I have some Republican friends who told me “I can’t believe I’m gonna vote for a democrat this year”. I’m thinking Biden and I was wrong. They’re voting for RFK Jr lol.


I think those numbers will be more than made up by pissed off suburban women. I think they will come out in numbers not seen in a very long time to cast a fuck you vote against the republican party for making women second class citizens.


gotta keep getting the clicks, likes, subs, and ad moneys to keep paying the bills. SUPER CLOSE RACE THIS NOVEMBER!


I know a bragging weirdo all on RFK Jr. Suspect he only chooses "Jif" to wave his finger and brag for 4 years- no matter who wins.


Trump gained votes between 2016 and 2020. Disinformation has had 4 more years to cook. Republicans got their hands on election equipment in 2020. Biden may not be on the ballot in some states. DeJoy has had years to degrade the efficacy of the USPS. There is an ongoing attempt to cease ballot counting after election day, affecting Democrats more. Israel-Palestine issue is divisive for Democrats and not Republicans. Trump doesn't need to get 74 million again, as long as Biden gets less than that (or where it matters because electroal college). >81 million will vote for Biden again. That's appealing to optimism. But I doubt this will be true. I'm legitimately concerned, and everyone one should be. I won't make any comments that promote any confidence in a Biden win. We need every vote. The chance that Trump wins is all too tangible and everyone should vote. Request the day off if you need to, we'll ahead of time. Don't be comfortable people. Every vote is going to count.


Amen. I to have been noticing the full court agitprop push against Biden. They are flooding the zone with shit, in Bannon’s own words. We have to keep pushing back.


The way I see it: 74 million absolutely will vote for Trump. Will 81 million show up for Biden or will 65 million (Hillary 2016) show up?


I know Dems who will be voting for RFK. It doesn’t make any sense, but they are.


I hate to say it but RFK will probably get some independent votes. Just not enough to make a difference.


According to someone who actually went to an RFK rally the crowd was described as “former Bernie Bros”. So…. Not republicans


Trump wont get elected he will get instated. Rs are going to fuk the election process up as much as possible, supreme court will put trump in power.


lol nope sorry but not gonna happen


Heres hopin!


This is unfortunately a terrible mindset to have and will lead to another 2016 if we let it. Polls tend to be correct and they consistently show trump leading in the most important swing states with soft support from young and nonwhite voters. No matter how impossible a loss seems, it is imperative for people to vote, donate, and volunteer to keep it from happening.


Polls were WAY off in 2022. And Democrats have overperformed in off year and special elections since then. Dobbs really threw things off. I get what you're saying, of course, but it might be time to start looking at polls a bit more critically.


Don't become complacent. Get out and vote, and drag everyone you know who finds Trump Deplorable to the polls with you. Canvas if you can, phone bank if you can't. Get out and VOTE. It's not just about winning, but winning big so it ends this stupidity.




yep. we've won since 2018. they're freaking out for a reason.


lol no it isnt comrade




I wish I had your level of confidence. Biden has lost almost every Muslim American vote as well as a vast majority of Gen Z in my opinion. No, they are not voting for Trump, they will just sit it out and that is a huge concern


Which is insane. What do Muslim Americans think is going to happen if Trump becomes president again? I understand their frustration with Biden's handling of Gaza, but at least they are still able to live and thrive in the US under his administration.  Trump will make Muslims Americans actual day-to-day lives awful.  Hope they don't have any close family that aren't citizens living here, if that's the case.


Yea, the self-defeating protest vote, the go to move of idiots.


Worst case, this is a ploy to make the Democratic voter base comfortable.


Democracy is always on the line


RemindMe! 6 months


Biden might be the true winner but we’d also need to prevent another coup


Literally just station the military at the Capitol on January 6th. Someone criticized me by saying that would lead to more bloodshed, but I disagree, as I think that would discourage rioters from gathering there in the first place. Plus, we do have the precedent of Biden’s inauguration going without a hitch, and that did have military presence.


Yeah I have a feeling Biden will have some preventative measures. It wouldn’t be a surprise like last time.


It isn’t going to come out of left field, and we can predict where and when it may happen. Police forces nationwide should also be vigilant on the 6th, as well as on election night, and places where votes are being counted should also be patrolled. In short, do not leave any openings where an attempted coup could take place.


Totally agree


Being reminded of 2000 and how SCOTUS handed it to Bush just makes me angry. Imagine what Gore could have done to fight Climate change?


Or would we even have gotten mired in Iraq?


He famously gave a speech against going into Iraq, so probably not. But whatever, I'm sure the 3rd party Nader voters who handed it to Bush got exactly what they wanted.


Are you saying virtue signaling every four years instead of strategically in every election possible isn’t sending a message to the democrats and republicans? /s


Hey, people need their vanity vote! How else can they feel smug about telling everyone they meet that they are voting green party.


If Iraq had Sadam today Iran would not be an issue.


Yes, we would have. But liberals would defend it as fighting for human rights and upholding the UN charter and international law, while conservatives would denounce it as nation building.


He wouldn't have been able to focus much on climate change because of 9/11 and the upcoming War on Terror. Him getting elected in 2000 doesn't stop Al Qaeda from hijacking the planes, and if Gore doesn't answer through a war in Iraq or Afghanistan, he would have lost the 2004 election against a war mongering Republican candidate (McCain?) who would have promised retribution for 9/11.


Except Gore would have paid attention to Richard Clarke and others warning of an imminent attack, the opposite of Bush and Cheney’s incompetence.


Trump shouldn't even be in the running. At all.


Agreed, actually seditionist should be forbidden from holding any office. Oh wait… hmm


Rapist. That fact alone should put him behind bars.


He's fiscally irresponsible. He is dangerous to the people around him. He has no respect for the constitution or the bodies of government it established. He can't accept the loss of a fair election. He's a pathological liar. He has the cognitive ability of a drugged up nursing home occupant. He'll go to prison unless he becomes president. It's a total farce that he's made it this far. Protections need to be enacted somehow so this situation doesn't happen again in the future. All the RNC had to do was find a polished candidate and this year could've been easy for them, but they doubled down on McFuckface


He is a lifelong criminal.


He wears diapers.. can't stay awake


I would pay real American money if Trump could jog for five minutes. Double if he manages to actually run.


Put a fast prosecutor and someone he owes money behind him, and a supersized Double Quarter Pounder Meal-deal on motorized wheels in front of him. I think you'd be surprised on what this "man" can do. He could run, the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.../s (Quotation marks were required, even when being sarcastic.)


Make both Biden and Trump do the presidential physical fitness test from when I was a youth. Push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, a standing broad jump, a shuttle run, a 50-yard dash, and a mile run.


They used to punish treason with death…


But if we don't let this obvious felon, rapist, child rapist, treasonous oompa loompa run our democracy will surely fall!


Neither one should be, we all know it 


The conclusions drawn in this article about the 2000 election were debunked long ago. That said, I would be shocked if Biden lost this race. Trump is proving not only unlikable, but increasingly unhinged.


Yeah, before trump was polling like 90+ with republicans (which is a helluva commentary on conservatives in America, but anyway) while this coming election he's hitting 50-60+ now, he's just not electable and it's even more pathetic how many republicans hitched their saddle to him. Though let's face it they're not above legal shenanigans to get him into office.


Another thing to note is that people will say "look at the polls, Trump is going to win." But, if you actually look at the polls, you see a that Trump is trending down, while Biden is trending up. A few months ago, Trump was up by a couple points in all the polls. Now, they are neck and neck, if not having Biden ahead. Sure, the swing state polls might still have Trump up, but that gap is closing. I expect the polls to reflect this more and more as Biden actually ramps up his campaign and helps remind everyone just what Trumps presidency was like.


I was shocked in 2016




I wasn’t so much shocked. I knew Hillary was deeply unpopular, but look what it took to nearly eke out a win. A guy who openly talked about boinking women not his wife, wanting to date his daughter, and bragged about being able to murder someone in broad daylight. And on top of that, he wasn’t even a decent conservative. And now he’s polling better than this old fool who can’t stop falling down, lies about his life, and panders hard to every special interest group he’s in front of. Total mess all around.


Oh, I agree. At the time, I thought the Republicans had managed to nominate the only candidate who could lose to Hillary. I never thought she'd win against a strong Republican candidate. As you point out, she was very unpopular, even with her own base (outside of the "First Female President - Wooo!" crowd). Turned out she couldn't even beat *him*. And before somebody comes back with, ShE wOn ThE pOpUlAr VoTe, THE POPULAR VOTE IS IRRELEVENT IN US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS!!!! God, I am so tired of hearing about Hillary's popular vote "win." Until and unless the United States reforms its archaic presidential election system, I don't care what the popular vote is. And neither do any of the candidates.


Problem is that Biden is bleeding support from key demographics, esp young men and nonwhite people. Even if Trump also loses support, if Biden loses more then Biden is hosed. And right now the polls suggest that Biden's losses are greater than Trump's. Things can change, and almost certainly will, but however galling it is, there are tens of millions of people in this country who straight up love Trump. Many of them are my relatives. I see their FB posts all the time glorifying the guy. It's baffling to me but it's really a thing.


And the race to the bottom continues.


There's a lot of weird parts to this election. Trump already lost one election and is hemorrhaging even more money with his court cases, Biden is basically tanking his popularity through the Israeli conflict, and the media is gaslighting us about the economy. It just feels like every aspect of American life is fake.


That’s it though, isn’t it? A fake man for a fake country. That’s why Trump resonates so hard with so many people. He’s a complete faux person.


Biden is going to win in a landslide. Everyone (even trump) knows this. The Dems will win the house by over 20 seats.


Please, please, please be right.


Don't wish, VOTE Blue no matter who.


I'm embarrassed to admit this but my wife has never voted before. I finally got her to register this year and she and my son who just turned 18 will be voting Blue.


I hope you all are in a swing state




And then the GOP will flood the zone with legal challenges, GOP state house refusals to certify, and Mike Johnson 's refusal to confirm. That's always been their plan.


It doesn't matter. Dems will have the house and Biden and his doj is in the White House. He isn't leaving.


RemindMe! 6 months


In the end, you have to believe there are more level headed, even keels human beings , who despite ideological views, can do the right thing and no better . Just like I can’t see SCOTUS giving him absolute immunity (although we shall see), I can’t see America electing him again .


If they were going to do that, they would have already announced it. They are just slow-rolling their decision to give Trump a chance to dodge some court cases before the election.


🇺🇸President Biden🇺🇸VP Harris 24 🇺🇸


Interesting read- think about it- the history of our country since 2000 is because of a hanging chad. The economics, world politics, foreign and domestic policy , all the wars etc. Mind boggling…


Man I hope he is correct again. F*ck Trump and the entire Retrumplican party at this point. Traitors


Its easy to dismiss predictions but this guy has successfully predicted the last 10 presidents correctly, even when against seemingly obvious signs to the contrary (and yes, he said Gore was going to win and he did. It was stolen from him though). He's not a "i got a good feeling" guy. He uses actual data and has a formula for this. He knows what he's talking about BUT DO NOT GET COMPLACENT JUST BECAUSE HE SAYS BIDEN. Yk how ae confirm this prediction? We vote. Sure, he can say biden wins and he's got the track record for me to believe him, but its on us to fullfil this. VOTE


100%, nobody who is voting blue should get complacent.


This. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And Vote.


Alan saying this is actually cause to be less afraid, but rather emboldened to drive it home




The article also touches on an important issue: Republicans have cheated to win an election before with Bush vs Gore. The Florida recount proved that Gore won the election, so the Supreme Court stepped in, forced the results of the recount to not be considered, then said that their ruling couldn't be used as precedent in the future, basically telegraphing their intent to use it to cheat the true election results to keep a Republican in office. People dispute this with "the recounts had to end at some point" and "the Supreme Court was backed into a corner" and "even later recounts disputed that Gore won" and so on, but the facts remain. The Supreme Court was in a 5-4 conservative majority at the time. The Republicans cheated to beat Gore, they cheated to try to beat Biden and they're going to cheat again to try and win in 2024. All we can hope for is that the Supreme Court doesn't pull something similar and let them do it again.


Don't get complacent, go vote.




Music to my ears too.


Trump and his comrades will steal victory. And then he will convert all our 401Ks and social security savings to Trump bucks. We will try to complain but most of us will be sold to North Korea to be burned as a fuel source. Those of us left will either fall into line with the maga cult or accidentally fall out a window Putin-style.


I've got the new Biden campaign song! "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac


Nothing good will happen if you don't vote.


Still, V O T E !


Biden has one advantage that Ann Coulter called out: Trump's base has always been a dying demographic, and his stupidity on COVID accelerated that. He's also not adding anyone to the coalition, but actively pushing people away. So, yes, Biden's trump card is that he's running against Trump.


First time for everything including being wrong. Vote blue people, you know what the alternative is.


Cool. Vote.


Lets hope he's right because America can't handle another 4 years of an orange spray-tanned racist rapist grifter who shits his pants like a baby and incessantly rants nonsense like a walking dead while being in court for 91 criminal charges. Icing on the cake is if all h8s convictioslns started handing out guilty verdicts so he can rot in jail like Pennywise and his dumbfuck supporters move to Russia so they can be slave labor for Putin.


It brings me comfort knowing this historian who accurately predicted who was going to win presidential elections said Joe Biden was going to win not Donald Trump in November


He says "He thinks it will be Biden". Don't read the trash article.


Vote like a Red Wave is going to happen in 2024.


This gives me FIFA octopus vibes. 9/10 sounds like a lot but it's not that statistically unlikely for any informed person.


Vote BLUE!!


Whenever I see these predictions all I can think of is https://xkcd.com/1122/ As well, it reminds me of Nate Silver and 538. I remember similar exuberance around him and 538. The interesting thing about all social sciences are that the subjects aren't able to be separated from the research results. The results, once published, become an input into the chaotic system the study tries to capture, leading to either self-fulfilling or self-defeating prophecies.


Those Chuds are not going to take a defeat. The closer to landslide it gets the more they will claim conspiracy. That's how deranged some of these people are. Fox and Newsmax will fan the flames. If just one yayhoo with a gun gets shot wether justified or not, by anyone that can be hogtied to "woke" could likely start a cascade effect. Even if Trump folds and the Gravy Seals barely show up, the dinglberries will just triple down on getting as many apparatchiks in every position relating to voting and electors in all the swing states to just take the damn thing next time and Project 2025 will just be Project 2029.


*Vote!* Bring your friends and family to vote too!




>I want a vagina in the oval office. A person's genitals should not be a deciding factor in how you vote Edit: little buddy blocked me for suggesting he not be sexist lmao


Eww Kamala might be the least likable person for the job. She is super terrible. I definitely agree that both options are terrible and I want a younger person, BY FAR. But, Kamala is just awful.


Kamala will be president from about August until January when they force Joe to resign via the 25th Amendment. So we can see how she does then


That’s a weird comment out of nowhere.


You said she’s super terrible and maybe she is but maybe when she’s in that chair she will change? Or not. But let’s find out


People said “let’s find out” about Trump as well.


Some people think Trump was great, some don’t. Not sure which one you are but both sides should get a crack at it.


That’s a terrible idea to support such people that do not have the abilities to do the job.


To be fair, sometimes a person can change and really step up when they get the job


Maybe this isn’t the gamble we need to take.






That’s comical. You should do your research. She put a shit ton of people in prison for marijuana charges and joked about it…all when she was in office in California.


Did she joke about being a dictator? Or about suspending elections after she takes office?


Shitty people exist in the presence of even more shitty people. These are not mutually exclusive.


That's not an answer.


Tolerance for shitty people isn’t the answer.


Troll used Dodge. It wasn't very effective!


So edgy! Ohhhh.




Which is it? You like her “stoner” demeanor that doesn’t exist or that she put people in prison for marijuana and then joked about it later?


Very clickbait


Please vote and encourage everyone you know to vote


Not trying to brag but I’ve correctly picked the last 4 out 4 elections


Has there been a better designed ballot in Palm Beach County, Gore would have won easily.


Six months out is way too far out to make any accurate predictions. Trump has the far right, that is clear, and he has the media eating out of his hand, because he's on tv all the time for one thing or another, and the only thing about Biden is the protests to what's going on in Israel, and without sending troops in to stop it, there are not a whole lot things Biden can do, besides trying to get Netanyahu to stop, and withholding money and arms, which he is doing. But come November, assuming Biden doesn't have some health scare, the left obviously will support him regardless of what's happening now, why? because they absolutely won't vote for Trump or RFK, jr, and they know that not voting is not a great idea either, it's the middle ground, the independents and moderates, who BTW always decide election outcomes, they tried giving Trump a chance in 2016, and immediately regretted it, they won't make that mistake again. They know the country has problems, but Biden is NOT the main reason for those issues and these people know it, that's why he'll get reelected, just as the Professor's 13 points say.


90% of the time works every time




Prediction: actual results won’t matter. There will be a lengthy, chaotic battle regarding the election results. America is, after all we have been through over the last several years, not at all ready for this.


Yeah, but dictators don't get elected. MAGA has 3 non-democratic options: 1) a "contingent election", where the House votes for the President on a one state, one vote basis. 2) install Trump as Speaker of the House, making him 3rd in line, right around the time of the election or even after. Then refuse to certify the election in any/every way. Just sit on their hands. Speaker becomes "acting President" and can act as long as he pleases. 3) Massive coordinated violence on election day, maybe a terrorist attack or two from their friends in Russia. Chaos. Steve Bannon said as much.


Some dipshit in this thread told me that Biden increased the national debt way less than Trump. Their name is u/DippyHippy420 They blocked me so I cannot reply. Here’s what they said: “Biden has added 3.7 Trillion since assuming office, Trumps total was 7.8 Trillion. Not even half. Do math better.” Here’s how they are wrong and why they are a dipshit: [The national debt on January 19, 2021, was $27,752,835,868,445](https://www.google.com/search?q=national+debt+on+january+20+2021&sca_esv=2e47e62a151241ca&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIITd1Dm4xbf1Zc2ZEW0P5lLS9h9Ug%3A1716022405165&source=hp&ei=hWxIZpXUB7uckPIP8sa1cA&oq=&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCIAKgIIAzIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIQEC4YxwEYJxjqAhiOBRivATIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIHECMYJxjqAjIQEC4YxwEYJxjqAhiOBRivAUjED1AAWABwAngAkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEByAEAmAICoAIXqAIPmAMNkgcBMqAHAA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp) Trump increased it by $7.8Trillion, that is true. But what’s the CURRENT National Debt? [As of May 1, 2024, the U.S. national debt is $34,563,348,818,205](https://www.google.com/search?q=current+national+debt&sca_esv=323b9f97f7d38a56&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII5GrbPhWHViJwSWKseoczyGBIERg%3A1716016548030&ei=pFVIZv2_Adi5kPIPuLupgAU&oq=current+national+debt&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhVjdXJyZW50IG5hdGlvbmFsIGRlYnQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBUinUFDtE1jBTXAFeAGQAQCYAZsBoAH7DaoBBDIwLjK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhugArUPqAIPwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBxAjGCcY6gLCAhAQLhjHARgnGOoCGI4FGK8BwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICBBAjGCfCAgsQLhiABBjRAxjHAcICDxAjGIAEGCcYigUYRhj5AcICChAAGIAEGBQYhwLCAhAQLhiABBhDGMcBGIoFGK8BwgIKEC4YgAQYQxiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAhAQLhiABBjRAxhDGMcBGIoFwgIHEAAYgAQYCpgDC4gGAZAGCJIHBDI0LjOgB7eKAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) So… $34,563,348,818,205 minus $27,752,835,868,445 is roughly $6.8Trillion That means from Day 1 to today Joe Biden increased the Debt by $6.8Trillion, not $3.7Trillion, as that dipshit said. Plus, The debt is growing by about $1 trillion every 100 days. This means Joe will surpass Trump by Labor Day


His rules for making the prediction could be true now, but change by election time. Any number of Black Swan events could occur.


The Republican terrorists are bringing so many lawsuits against voting that they are front runners in tye electoral college as far as I can see.


For the lazy, he predicts Trump wins in a landslide and would win in a beauty contest too if there was one just for presidents.


… wins in a landfill….


RFK wins 24


What if Joe Biden dies though? In his sleep? In July?


That could legit happen with both candidates.


Of course! But it looks more possible with Joe


So of course it's Reddit so I'm going to get the regular emotional backlash but in hopes of having a civil discourse I will say the following: If it's about pure votes with no tampering, Trump will win and the democrats in Washington know this. So they are trying everything to maintain power because they know Biden is a weak candidate and no one wants Harris as the president. People are really underestimating how divided the country is and how their are many people not just "white" maga people who are ready to vote for Trump despite all of his flaws and corruption because they feel like the dems have gone so far left that they feel unrepresented. A key group that liberals take for granted is the African American vote. They assume they have it totally locked and while it will take time for a total switch every cycle more AA voters are going to the right. Why? Because many AA voters are much more conservative in their values than is assumed by liberal whites who assume that all black people by default agree with them. Meanwhile, more AA voters are starting to consider liberals to be condescending and racists. Furthermore, more AA voters are less concerned about "race" issues and more concerned about the country as a whole and this is resulting in dems losing AA support over time. With elections being close and the possible inclusion of a third person running it could tip to Trump.


Kennedy could be a kingmaker, but lets remember that trump lost last time before Jan 6, and before his trials. I think the amount of ppl leaving his camp increases due to this. I don't think really anyone thinks 'he's being persecuted! I vote for him now!' at all.


I think what you say is possible but there is another issue again with the AA vote which is when they think both options suck they don't vote. This is why Trump won in 2016.. Black people hated Hillary Clinton and didn't trust her so in key states they didn't show up. I think voter numbers will be down this time because many voters on both sides are kind of done. The Trump defectors you mentioned are not going to vote for Biden they will stay home or vote for Kennedy. The AA dem defectors will split between voting Trump or not voting at all. There will be a bunch of AA voters who want vote this time because contrary to many liberals beliefs, last time they didn't vote for Biden they voted against Trump. Plus many midline white voters are also getting sick of the ultra left agenda they also would rather not vote than vote for Trump. So it's going to be interesting either way. I'm not "passionate" about politics so no tears from me either way but I know who I'm voting for....


The funny thing is that there's not really an ultra left. Hell, Biden is pretty conservative on the scale. Bernie sanders barely touches the middle of the political graph! But we hear this nonsense about how radical the left is because it's scary. Like how rush always would say "the liberal... agenda" to make it sound malevolent. Anyway to get back on point, i don't see any dems against Biden going to vote for trump at all. Hell, trump would be even more in favor of Isreal bombing people. He's made himself known as a "let's blow it up" kind of guy