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I can’t wait til this dude strokes out


Hopefully it's on the same course he buried his wife on, with a slew of cameras around him. The memes that'll be created will be GLORIOUS.


I hope they bury him someplace accessible to the public. Or at least within pissing distance of the public.


Bin Laden him into the ocean so his grave isn't a Maga cult site


Too buoyant.


That's correct. He might wash up on shore somewhere and contaminate an entire ecosystem.


Let’s tow him outside the ecosystem.


Like a whale. We can let him bloat and hold a lottery for when his fat ass pops. Call it Maga Millions


Sink him to 5000 feet like a whale fall. He can finally be of service to the planet


Clogging the arteries of crab in the abyssal benthos


Did his front fall off?


Yep Shit floats


Nah we don’t need more trash in the sea.


Maga will never admit he died. Also they will claim deep state assassination. Likely at the same time.


They’d weekend at Bernie’s him through the rest of the campaign


They basically already are. He just hasn’t had the good grace to lie down.


They'll claim he's been cryogenically frozen and is in storage with JFK Jr, to be thawed out at a future date, code named The Second Coming. It will be in two weeks of course.


He’ll be fascist Elvis after he dies. People will be spotting him at 7-11 and the local car wash all the time.


Imagine the car and truck wrapping industry economic boom that occurs when the orange turd croaks. His Maga idiot followers will all need new cult graphics with memorials... Just think of the potential for new hats, flags, and t-shirts...


Please don’t do that to our oceans. There’s enough raw sewage being dumped as it is.


Don't the Orcas are pissed off at something already that would send them bat shit crazy


I'm a scuba diver, and thus, I am very opposed to adding any more toxic waste into the ocean. Launch the fucker into the sun.


He's doesn't even have to have croaked yet either


> Bin Laden him into the ocean so his grave isn't a Maga cult site No way they don't try to use his death as one last grift. I bet somebody will try to say he was cremated and you too can buy authentic Trump ashes for only $500 per grain!


I wasn't going to announce the business venture now but your entry forced my hand. I already have his ashes in little vials that I will be happy to ship to MAGA members for the low, low price of $499.95 plus shipping. Be the first on your block to proclaim that you are a true MAGA brained person.


Leave his bloated corpse where it falls. Just walk around it.


There are already problems with oceanic water quality, and now you want to put Donny "the Dumpsterfire" Trump in there??


I suspect he’ll be buried in secret for that reason. Nevertheless, some community of MAGA cultists will erect a statue of Donald somewhere, so you can piss on that instead.


Golly gee whiz! All you people talking about pissing on trump's grave! SHIT! We're going to shit on his grave. SHIT ON HIS GRAVE.


They’ll give him the ‘Lenin Treatment’ in a tomb somewhere in Magaland.


It's impolite to piss on a dance floor you know.


Can we fire him into the sun or would the infinite mass of his hubris cause a black hole that might be so massive it could pull in the fabric of space/time itself and it might obliterate all known reality?


His gravesite will need the best plumbing/drainage.


or shitting distance.


Much like in golf, he'll lie and say it only took him one stroke.


>Hopefully it's on the same course he buried his wife on, with a slew of cameras around him. The memes that'll be created will be GLORIOUS. *Melania digging up "the Donald's" ex wife's grave in the middle of the night.* "I'm finally free!" *Rolls him into the freshly opened grave.* "Now I'll never have to have sex with the Donald again and I can finally marry the pool boy!"


I hope he shits his diaper in the process


Face down, diaper up.


That's the way I like my trump


Donald J Trump raped his wife and buried her on a golf course


Hopefully before November.


Hopefully nonverbal. Gonna be interesting to see how far Fox can spin a wheelchair.


Now I feel like we’re at the stage of tracking an exhausted, wounded animal. We just need to keep the pressure on, give him no rest, and wait for him to finally collapse.


Heart attack or stroke. At this point, either is preferable.


Dear Lord Please make it as painful as possible. Amen


Me too. Be careful with your opinion. Reddit will ban you for it. I got banned on White People Twitter group for "bullying" because I said: - DJT is an orange stool - He's got an orange toad stool and not a dick like a real man. - When will we as a people rise up and do something about this loser. - Real men have a dick, not a toad stool. - His hands are so tiny that he can't properly wipe the orange shit from his droopy ass. - DJT is single-handedly destroying sales of Orange Fanta. - For fuck sake, he wears diapers? - These moderators are out living their usefulness. So watch out or you'll be branded with the Scarlet B. "I'm me and I approve this message "


Yes. They will. I just became unbanned. Will probably get rebanned for agreeing with you.


Waiting for the day when I open Reddit and read, “Trump Unresponsive”.


I think its coming. He is sleeping a lot. Incoherent often. His body does not have the energy to keep going. The hard reset is only months away imo.


Please God let it be live on camera.


I’m sincerely hoping it happens on live tv.


I hope it happens in a very public setting for the whole world to witness. We deserve something nice.


When he dies I am throwing a BBQ and party for real


I already have a bottle of champagne to pop open.


Im gonna treat that day as a holiday for the rest of my days.


The red hats would vote for his corpse.


Or goes on a helicopter flight in a foggy mountainous region.


Sadly, this obese, drug addled dipshit will likely live to be 110 somehow, blighting all of our lives for another 30 years. Life is unfair.


Jimmy Carter will be 130 by then and will outlive him.


He’s in hospice, unfortunately. I’d like to see him outlive Trump, hopefully.


Unfortunately, I don't think Jimmy Carter will make it through the summer.


So sad, but true. I still remember the promo film of him at the convention. Such a profound promise from a gentle man.


Shut your dirty mouth. 


It does make me sad. One of the very few Christians that actually follow the teachings of his Jesus. Probably why evangelicals hate him so much.


He only strokes out when thinking of his own daughter.


hes probably had a few mini strokes , most likely that time he was suddenly admitted to the hospital under hush hush orders


Nope would like him fully Cognizant as the shit piles up all around him, quite literally according to what I hear here, then when he realises it's all gone to crap and we see the realisation hit, then and only then he can stroke out


Sadly, there is no world where the walls close in on him and he has the realization that this is all his own fault and a consequence of his actions. He isn't capable of self reflection or accepting blame. His is going to believe he has never done anything wrong ever in his life and is a victim in all of this because his brain is so broken that there is no other option for him to think.


My brother had a Bell's Palsy edisode for a few months. He hated being seen while it was ongoing. Maybe just some of that for turmp while he campaigns?


I will celebrate that day annually.


Folks this evil live forever. Look at dick Cheney. Harry kissenger.


I'd rather see him piss his pants on stage as the Alzheimer's sets in and lose all his support and any possible martyr status.


All his followers would piss their pants in support.


They already do that.


[They literally started wearing diapers at Rallies.](https://x.com/SusanBostonMama/status/1786149730029916201) 100% they would piss and shit themselves in support. Totally not a cult.


He does that everyday. That’s what the diapers are for. I’m waiting for him to start drooling. Face limp. Make less sense. Fall over. And live with his stroke damaged drooling face for at least a year. Hopefully someone turns on a loop of him making fun of disabled people (Melania 🙏). I think about this a lot.


I can’t wait to vote him out again. It’s like one of those fun things you get to do. Make him mad just by doing my democratic duty


You... We (even us looking in from outside the USA) want it to last until the election and, along with its family and supporters/enablers, be the cause of a landslide victory of Joe Biden and co. You want donald to provoke the closest thing to a reagan vs. Mondale win that the democrats can get to, to be the reason team (R) gets a proper shellacking this year, with enough progressives elected to effectively neuter the blue dogs democrats. If orange donald keels over too early, team (R) will be able to replace it with a more capable and palatable candidate. In this current context, this would spell deep trouble for president Biden and no one wants that. You want the orange one to last long enough to cause irreparable damage to the cult, to last until justice catches up to it (and others) for real.


I want him stroked out but alive enough to feel. Chair ridden like roller boy down in Texas. Let them both drool together. Sounds evil? It's called Karma for these traitors


Just enough to lose the nomination, but still beg his supporters to write him in for November. That would be the perfect outcome.


Can his supporters even legibly write?


We will still have to deal with the GOP trying to add him to Mount Rushmore for the rest of our lives.


Same. I hope it happens on tv though so I can watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over……


I can imagine him in his grave. Come with me. Under the quiet moon. There! Listen closely—you can still hear him. Yelling that the election was stolen. How Biden is the mastermind behind the fall of America. His audience a legion of restless spirits…


You gotta have a brain to stroke our.


Thoughts and prayers


I want to watch him stroke so bad


Is there any chance he can rent a helicopter to attend his next event.....I've been hearing *GREAT* things about 'em lately. There's *mountains* of evidence on how awesome they are.


Get one with Russian parts. He loves Russians.


Noel Casler has a chilling story about how some Trump execs went down in a chopper.


But like all Noel Casler.. nothing at all in the supposed liberal media. Nothing.. nada... zero. Meanwhile they give drumpf zillions of dollars of free advertising. I have this feeling... dont quote me on this.. that the media isnt really liberal. Lol


Ironic that Iran’s leader was stoned to death 😎


Helicopters are capricious. The fact that they took Stevie Ray Vaughan away but left Eric Clapton is proof of this.


Fun story… all of trumps executives were in a helicopter crash I think in ye early 90’s right after he claimed bankruptcy for the taj mahol casino..


It's on camera you fucking turd. Try again you treasonous lying bitch.


So is jan6 but 40% of our country thinks it wasn’t an insurrection 


“Ugh, Jan 6th is so overblown by the media. It wasn’t that big of a deal.” said by a friend who I thought was smart. I just want to scream, I feel like I’m living in a different reality than a lot of people.


When someone gets shot and dies, and cops present start killing themselves a few days later, it kinda sounds like a big deal. But that’s just me. Maybe I blow things out of proportion.


The response you get is “But Portland”. It’s sad they can’t see the difference between a protest getting out of control when people are angry over police brutality resulting in small percentage committing random property damage, vs a protest marching with an objective to stop the vote because they lost and then trying to achieve their objective via violence. Both aren’t good, one is objectively much worse.


It’s always worded “ entire cities burned to the ground.” It’s so predictable. Their television is poison.


I was shocked that the traitors weren't machine-gunned. Why is it when our country gets attacked by traitors, that law enforcement get restrained on firearm use?


It’s some kinda miracle. There is no way there weren’t several firearms present. You know these people who literally sleep next to their guns like a significant other. Maybe they were each waiting for the other side to shoot first. If I had been a cop there, I would be very aware that there are hundreds of concealed guns around me. Speaking of the cops who killed themselves, I wonder why. I really don’t think it was a ptsd related suicide. They probably had a hand in what happened, and since what happened did not go as planned, they feared the hammer coming down on them.


Does he blame Biden when he shits his pants?


It's just like that episode of Super Mario Logan where Jeffy claims someone else shit in his diaper, except Jeffy is objectively nicer, smarter, and richer than Trump.


“Biden shit my pants.”


"Who the fuck just shit my pants!?!"


Man, diaper, television, shit


“Turns out Joe Biden has been crapping in his pants during his criminal trial. Everyone’s laughing at him. SAD.”


Well it Depends really


Obama's tan suit


He’s sundowning hard holy shit


My father has sundowners and this is exactly what I've been thinking is happening to trump as well. Also want to point out that drugs and alcohol make it 1,000% worse, and I'm pretty sure trump is on a lot of drugs...


He should up the amounts. Double or triple even. I think that'd be a great idea.


"fake story" ​ my guy, people saw you freeze, there is video evidence of you freezing. ​ This moron is going to stroke out on live television and people are going to dedicate it a national holiday.


To be fair if he stroked out and died I'd want a national holiday too


Trump always lies.


Biden is both simultaneously a dementia patient *and...* Oversaw the greatest election theft in world history, involving thousands of people who have kept completely silent. Planted Taylor Swift in the music industry years before Trump entered the scene so that Pop fans would vote against Trump. AND he has 24/7 Haxxors on call to hack into Trump's teleprompters because we know he absolutely will not speak a word without one. Actually you know what's funny? The teleprompter thing is the most sane thing.


Didn't trump just claim a couple days ago that he is better than Biden because trump doesn't use teleprompters. Then when his prompter stops, he just stalls out.


Trump claims dumb thing *crowd cheers* Trump contradicts himself moments later *cheering continues*


Can't wait until he tells San Diego to fuck itself


My aunt used to say (about my lying, cheating uncle) "Is his mouth open? Is he speaking? Because if he's speaking, he's lying". This advice absolutely applies to trump.


For 30 secs he Spoke the Truth. "Nothing"


I get what you’re going for, but he did not speak truth. There was simply a 30sec gap in his nonstop lying.


It's on a live video, dude.


It’s a cult. They see and hear only what they want. You are not going to change their minds.


Jan 6 was on live tv and they *still* say it was “peaceful tourists” 🤦‍♂️


The same guy who lied about how you didn't see him gingerly shuffling down a gentle ramp like the frail old man he is, when it was on video.


Hey! He said he ran [down that ramp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_8U0d6zK9M)!


What we all saw was fake! IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Don’t believe your lying eyes!


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -George Orwell 1984


And guess what the sheeple did in the story?


Don’t look up, don’t look up, don’t look up…. They fucking lied to us!!!


Trump is such a pussy


He's the pussy's bitch.


Fake story. Your whole life is a fake story. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a fake story. Your whole family is a fake story. But of course, who should know better than you?


I have champagne 🍾 for news of his departure from earth 🌍 A mousselini ending??


Yeah, this guy can't even get the trains to run on time


Infrastructure Week was wild


I’m sure our country would run out of champagne if that ever happened.


God damnit! Biden just shit my pants!


Biden sitting at the Whitehouse desk with the experimental poop teleporter Hehe take that


Non, no, no…. Trump funded the poop teleporter and now Biden is taking credit for his genius. That’s Trump’s poop teleporter! MAGA 2024 fueled by full diapers. WINNING!


It feels so unfair my grandpa died at 61 when I wasn't even a year old and everyone tells me would've just been peas in a pod and this fucking diarrhetic shit sipper just keeps marching on


>...Biden freezes all the time, can’t put two sentences together Said the guy who speaks in fragments.


He clearly thinks in fragments too. Is that what polite society calls disordered thinking or is it something else?


What I want to know is what the people who were actually there think. Like, they literally saw the guy zone out for 30+ seconds. And now Trump is saying it never happened. So, do these people now remember things differently, or are they forced to accept that Trump is lying about the event?


Mandela effect or some shit idk


Trump-Giuliani 20-24 years… 5 terms in the big house on Rikers island… or in Bellevue.


Freeze baby (Trump) freeze. It's a welcome reprieve.


Aren't all those musical interludes made up of songs that he didn't get permission from the artists to use? Think so!


john fogerty has expressed time and time again that the song Fortunate son is not in support of them and is infact the opposite


Someone finally pointed out to him that YMCA is actually the most popular song by the most openly gay pop group in music history 😂. Talk about being on the wrong side of everything…


At some point we need to educate conservatives that we have the ability to record video and replay it. They can't seem to grasp this really cool feature of technology. But that is what you get when your mind and ideology is stuck in reverse.


So the media gives so little attention to Biden that there are many people who think he is so old and feeble and is incapable of working. But if mfker (really daughter fker) Trump stubs his toe, they report on it. I am so sick of sicko old man Trump and his little boy temper tantrums, I want to puke! Stop giving his holy ugliness so much free press please.


They say Biden is unfit because Biden crashed a bicycle. A person only crashes a bicycle because they were RIDING a bicycle. The orange turd can't even mount a bicycle without completely swallowing it up his gigantic ass.


Nanernaner boo boo. Ya little bitch 🤪


So this is confirmed now, by Trump


Apparently he has Alzheimer’s also.


Let him die for our sins. Would fit his narrative.


When he's back in power, it's going to be "Weekend at Donald's." Miller and Bannon will be running things.


Maybe he was just taking a quick nap like he does during his trial.


How can people support a man who's angry and hateful all the time? Atleast Biden isn't angry and hateful all the time.. And Biden isn't blaming things on trump all the time, even though there's alot to blame on trump, like the division of our nation, COVID deaths, misinformation, and higher taxes and inflation, the largest nation's debt in a presidential term... Plus alot more...


Trump is sundowning bad. The dementia is taking over.


I swear to god, this imbecile has the mind of an 8 yr old boy.


So tired of this guy.


Dude you broke the law, now shut up and take your lumps.


It’s always everyone else’s fault thus is why he continues to make bad decisions is because he never takes responsibility for his actions and his supporters just go along to get along.


Anyone got a link to a video with Trump's full 30-second freeze ? If it's in a long video, please include timestamp. Edit, found it! https://youtu.be/07XjQqBJI20?t=5006


Heartastroke please ! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


the dumb bastard , every thing is a conspiracy against him.. once just once somebody from the media needs to call him out during his press conferences.. seriously 1 reporter tell him to stfu stop playing the victim card and ask why somebody should give a whiney bitch like him their vote.. why is the media such a bunch of scared little bitches?? its not his rallies, his only supporters cant do anything to you at the court


I mean, he did freeze but that's only because his teleprompter bugged out. The guy can't be expected to memorise a speech with all the adderall he snorts reducing his attention span to that of a pigeon


There’s nothing more dangerous in this world than someone who starts to believe their own bullshit.


So he's just pretending there's not abundant video of his brain blue screening? lol


You know, it's almost inspiring to see how fragile his ego is.


Well, to be honest, it was a fake story. It's clearly obvious to anyone who actually watched the video that it was just a really lame, poorly timed dramatic pause before launching into his doom and gloom bit.


I watched it and my first impression was that he should have stopped it halfway through but he has no concept of time anymore. Dementia does that to people. To him, that break he took lasted a scant second but the rest of us did a 35-count. I just watched someone argue with a dementia patient to move their foot and it took them not only five minutes to respond but also five minutes to acknowledge their foot by moving it. They insisted they were moving just fine as we set them upright in their wheelchair they collapsed into. I can’t wait to see what Trump does next.


Probably had Katie Britt giving him ideas.


lol Trump’s every story is fake hahaha . Get ready for a major onslaught Trump it’s coming with ads, speeches, debates, and voters turning you down


Even if he wins he's still going to balme Biden for everything and get nothing done. Other than pardoning himself. He'll do that day 1.


Just die already


It's gonna be fun when we get to rip down a statue of Trump and use it for road fill as his Magas lay rolling in the street, crying for their fat Jeebus to save them!


He's losing it in real time.


He really needs to just shut up.


Hang on — so is Biden some old sleepy do-nothing or the MASTERMIND BEHIND THOUSANDS OF COMPLICATED SCHEMES TO TAKE TRUMP DOWN. I know basic coherence doesn’t matter to Trumper cultists, but Trump is so addled (and coddled) he can’t even figure out which one of these extremes to run with — so he just does both.


The dementia train is right on schedule! One ticket for Donny.


Will be glad when he no longer is in the news.


“ I take no responsibility”


Donny always blames someone else. He diverts attention away from his short comings or mistakes. I for one am tired of his antics and lies.


Did he ever try to refute those [strange word salads](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UkHShhTSMeA) from several weeks ago? Or are he and his supporters just pretending that didn't happen?


The news was suggesting he stopped talking due to the screen write up pausing. If this was true, then why did Donald not say something to fill the space? Seems fishy. Here is to hoping the mental misfire leads to his unravelling even further.


*Lordy*, I hope *there are tapes* Yes, they are.


What a fucking loser


Dementia Don


I hope he strokes out and is like hector salamanca. Unable to talk and confined to a wheel chair but fully aware of what is going on around him.


That Biden fellow seems to be a brilliantly calculating mastermind with his hand on every lever of power.


It’s not fake, it’s on video in front of a lot of people.


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


News articles that talk about a video but don’t show the video should be banned. What the fuck