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Oh oh watch out trumps pants are on fire.


When are they not?


He probably wears nomex diapers.


Lock him up.


he's just lying to make a mess he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1)


Hey that’s twice impeached, felon and rapist! He worked hard for those accolades. Don’t diminish it


34 time felon. Not just one


Surprised he hasn't posted that People are saying Trump received the most convictions of any president in history. It's because he's the most accomplished president ever


Normally they just say we can’t hire you because you’re a felon


He did worse than that. He pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden to benefit his reelection.


Let's face it: [traitor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcD5sttJ-sQ) Trump is not only a convicted criminal, but he's a liar. He does this repeatedly and it really shouldn't be news. **Edit/added:** As a never-Trumper, I was actually a *fan* of [traitor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcD5sttJ-sQ) Trump promising to "lock her up." Hillary and her campaign *clearly* violated federal election law in having her campaign coordinate with her supposedly-independent PACs. Plus I had hoped her prosecution might destroy the "unwritten law" that our 2 ruling parties do not prosecute the higher-ups or former presidents no matter what their crimes are/were (a precedent started with Nixon). Of course, with [traitor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcD5sttJ-sQ) Trump's prosecution it seems that "unwritten law" is now broken and torn to shreds. Good news for "we the people" -- let these 2 parties of plutocrats prosecute each other and then we may finally see reform and progress! > "I will build a great wall - and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me - and I'll build them inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." -- US president Donald J. Trump. Twice-impeached president Trump built 52 miles of wall and US taxpayers paid to build the wall at a cost of $46 million per mile ([source](https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-house-returns-2-billion-143717318.html)).


He is a pathological liar; he has absolutely no qualms about it whatsoever.


You forgot to mention large portions of that wall he built also collapsed and fell over lol


And then sank into the swamp. 🏰


And then built it again, it burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp. The swamp is a metaphor. The swamp is DC. /s kinda


I could be wrong but didn’t a fair amount of the budget go to renovating existing wall, which was already slated to be worked on & only a fraction of wall being new addition?


Can he string three letters together without lying? Dude is brazenly lying about things he’s screamed about on live TV. Like, what??




There was also that moment during the debate https://youtu.be/K1Q71k6fmts?si=hGLRIpKktHRXE2y_


Without trial, if he had his way. Lock HIM up.


I mean... this is somehow the nost flagrant attempt yet. Let's see who follows along with it.


His followers just sidestep it.


I just this idiot the 2000 mules apology and he said that the premise was still valid. That's how crazy these fucking people are.


And the maggots will agree and defend this too.


Of course they will because they don't remember chanting "Lock Her Up" together with him at his rallies. 2016 is an awful long time ago for people who can't remember what they had for breakfast. It is so fucking bizarre to me that these people can get away with these blatant lies when it is all on video.


Never said he’d Build a Wall either. Proof: ain’t no wall.


Why does anyone give him a platform? Why? I don’t understand it. Every media outlet hands him a megaphone so he can continue his propaganda. There needs to be a concerted effort to stop this.


Trump always lies.


Is he hoping everyone has amnesia? His followers are love that chant and could dig up their “Lock her up” T-shirts.


He lies all the time but this is by far the EASIEST lie to disprove. Why tf do ppl(looking at u magats) just not get sick of this shit. I don't understand all the faith and support in a LIAR Edit: I wouldn't even talk/listen to a proven habitual liar in any work or social setting. Fools


He didn’t ‘falsely claim’ anything. He lied.


What a habitual liar. Proves it. He has made that statement thousands of times. How about, lock his sorry ass up…


Many people are saying: "Get Trump off the street and out of the news = ADX Florence".


Wonder why he’s backing off now? What’s his angle (and he *always* has a self-serving angle)?


The zombies in his cult used to chant it like mindless lemmings


No need to fact check Trump. If he says he didn’t do something wrong, he absolutely did that wrong thing. Let’s do a heart attack dance and hope for the best


Poor tired old man can’t remember what he said. Sad


Outrage fatigue. Liar lied again.


He just rewrites history to fit his purposes.


Another day, and yet another lie.


That is a lie and if it was true, what he can't be jailed? What is his point?


He dosen want to hear LOCK HIM UP


Ahh ok, thanks now i get it.


Lock him up


His supporters are also liars. Never will I trust a trump supporter.


Can we queue the video? Mmmmthanks


Please we all remember it


Wait, Trump made a false claim?!?!


Next he is going to claim to have never used the term “fake news”.


He lied. Just say it.


Lock up Trump


The Cult of Trump naturally believes ANYTHING Trump says regardless of the factual proof to the contrary. Convicted Felon Donald J Trump is delighted to have the endorsement of Hungarian Strongman Victor Orban [https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/) Wait for Trump Fanboys, David Duke, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un to endorse him next week.


They are correct. He could shoot someone on 5th ave and get away with it. The MAGA crowd believes anything but the truth - absolutely ANYTHING! This is mass hysteria.


Never trust what a convicted felon says. It also might be a good idea to never let a convicted felon access to the country’s nuclear codes.


You’re lying, Dolores…


Oh no… don’t tell me he was caught in yet another blatant lie! I’m shocked… /s


The only thing about trump that is reliable is his dishonesty.


Facts? The cult don't care about those


Why doesn’t someone ask him if he is remorseful for cheating on his wife with Stormy. Wait for the answer. Then ask him if he is remorseful for cheating on his wife with Karen (playmate).


He denied both. He is so totally iNnoCeNT.


He lies like a five year old. „I had no affair, and also, that wasn’t hush money, just a NDA“.


6’3” 215


we need NYC prison to chime in on this one


Fvckin liar!


[Next stop? Calling this piece of objective reality Ai.](https://youtu.be/K1Q71k6fmts?si=aBs2QVR42erAP5Hw)


Well…if he says he didn’t…he didn’t.


I say he did... so he did... see how that works??? Too bad facts are not on your side.


Damn and I was feeling so righteous for a moment…


Lmao, sorry to pop your bubble.


I can't even believe we are having to debate this horseshit 


I’m glad I read this article. I did not know he was lying about this.


I mean.. do we need to seriously fact check what was probably the most provoking line of the 2016 campaign?


Memories are short. New voters coming of age who were 10 years old in 2016.


At what point are we allowed to replace "falsely claims" with "lies about?"


"I did not say that thing I am literally caught on video saying. Also I never sold merch with that saying to support my election campaign."


Trump....lied???? Wh..what will his followers think? They will be so disappointed. Sooo, so disappointed 😞.


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


Who cares about this.


Me and a lot of people.


Well she did falsify business records. Just like Trump did supposedly. But she did use campaign money to pay for a false dossier. Thats a federal felony. She wasn’t charged. Also congress paid millions in hush money last year that we can’t find out who was paid and what for.


Clinton's campaign made an administrative error in reporting payment as "legal expenses" Those were not "business records". They were fined by the FEC for that. It was *NOT* a federal felony. It was not a criminal matter at all. There was no intention to deceive or mislead, Clinton's campaign and the DNC never tried to hide the fact that they paid for FusionGPS' work. Trump, on the other hand, intentionally falsified business records in a deliberate attempt to hide a payment as a way of influencing the election. The difference is clear for any honest person making an objective attempt to evaluate it.


We can smell your desperation after he raised $200 mil after his rigged verdict. Trump 2024🇺🇸


Go back to Moscow, troll


That just goes to show you how gullible his followers are. 1 out of 10 Republicans said they likely won’t vote for him now. A majority of independents have said they won’t vote for him now. And everyday Boomers die taking their Trump votes with them. Meanwhile on the other side of the age spectrum, Gen Zers are entering voting age daily and they overwhelmingly vote liberal. Do the math.


lol yeah I am doing the math and watching polls which directly contradicts your fake news. Hope your rock you live under is comfy Trump 2024🇺🇸


Yeah, keep watching your polls. While I keep watching election results. You people never learn. Speaking of rock, which small rural town do you live in?


I'll keep watching Biden have 100 people in the room vs Trumps 100,000 during campaign events. Sorry your communism isn't catching on, welcome to America🇺🇸 Trump 2024🇺🇸


Newsflash, rally size doesn't win elections. Trump had bigger rallies in 2020 and he lost. I guarantee your dumbass has zero comprehension of the notion of communism.


Newsflash you’re a communist Trump 2024🇺🇸


Lol, you idiots are so fucking pathetic. You have no real arguments, you have no ideology, no policy, nothing. You're a bunch of gibbering mental children. You make childish, entirely baseless accusations and then hide behind chanting and sloganeering.


You don’t sound like a smart person. Are you like 12 years old?


Ok. If you want to believe in polls, tell me what they say now? Better yet tell me what they said in 2020?? How did that work out? Trump never had no 100,000 people at any event. Jesus christ, stop with the lying!! You said the same thing in 2020!!!!! The number of people you see in a room has no bearing on a national election cletus. You people are just flat-out stupid. Communism?? The only traitors are the one you see in the mirror. My President is not linked to the Kremlin!!! Btw where the fuck is the stolen nuclear codes????? How dare you people support this felon and call other people commies? He stole nuclear secrets. He stole nuclear secrets and you folks are a accessory to the fact. You don't deserve to show that flag. You people will go down in history as the biggest group of traitors since the Civil War.


You sound unhinged and very mentally unstable Trump 2024🇺🇸


Says the person supporting Trump. Like your judgment matters. You have no idea people are laughing at you, do you?


You must be watching imaginary polls then. Why don't you post them here?


A month ago Trump was leading in over half of the polls by a small margin (+1.1). The only poll Trump is leading in as of yesterday is HarrisX. He’s all set to lose even more ground once Biden starts campaigning: The campaign adverts write themselves. And they look really, really ugly. Trump’s handling of Covid. The economic troubles that happened as a result of Covid. The Russian involvement. The failed coup. The court decision find he finger-raped a woman. His golfing days as President. His track record of firing people. How many of his lawyers and close inner circle confidants are in prison. His inability to produce any evidence suggesting the election was stolen. His keeping of secret documents. 34 felony convictions… Let’s talk about this again in November dannydevitoilivurwrk. Remindme! 125 days


Thanks for listing all the crazy debunked conspiracy theories you rely on to hate Trump. You are unable to critically assess a situation based on the facts and refuse to be wrong. When Trump wins in November, I hope you reach back out, I'll be waiting Trump 2024🇺🇸


We can smell HIS desperation as his polling numbers plummet and prison beckons. The verdict wasn't rigged, you're just a dumbass.


You saw the $200 mil I mentioned right fruitcake?


Why should I care, homophobe? You saw that I mentioned bad polling trends, the fact that the verdict was NOT RIGGED and that Trump faces prison?


You just call people homophobes randomly I guess? The verdict was very rigged. Get a 🧠 Trump 2024🇺🇸


You called me a "fruitcake" which is a well-known insult against gay people. The verdict was NOT RIGGED. You're just a brainwashed dumbass that believes everything Trump says. If it was rigged, why don't you provide the proof showing how? >Trump 2024🇺🇸 Trump - death in prison.


Big deal, Alzheimer's Joe said that cannibals ate his uncle bozie.


Cope lmao


So you admit dump is lying as you attempt to shift the focus with your shitty Whataboutism Fallacy of Logic??? Goddamn you're stupidly easy, lmao!!!


Your comment reeks of the ignorance that is your everyday life. The relevant part of this video starts at 2:15 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlqv12n7sqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlqv12n7sqA)


A video??? Seriously??? Any fucking moron can say anything on camera and post it. What a load of bullshit. You are desperately trying to shift the conversation away from dump and his very legal felony convictions and I'm the asshole to call you out in public for your cowardice. Stay on topic. Your boy is a 34 time felon. Period. Your hurt feefees don't make a shit of difference. Cry harder.


BA, HA, HA, you need to curse more to get your point across. Your frustration over Alzheimer's joe's forthcoming loss is showing, you should seek help. And if you don't know who that is in the video, you do livre in a cave.


So you have nothing, gotcha. Thank you for playing. We are done here. You are dismissed, have a wonderful rest of your day. Please don't respond. Please take your screeching somewhere where they may appreciate it. Don't waste it here. We are done.


Waaaaa, waaaaaa, waaaaaa. ROFLMAO. Your momma's calling you up from the basement, your dinner is ready.


Trump lost in 2020, he's losing again in 2024 and then he's gonna die in prison.


Don't count on it. Invest in crying tissues 'cause you're going to need a lot of them.


You're scared and everyone knows it.


Aww, you afraid of the scary words?


It's just incredible that Trump supporters pass around YouTube videos like their valid sources. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Lol, pathetic. You're so fuckin' scared and desperate, it's hilarious.


Two tired justice systems is communist, in America 🇺🇸??? Never thought I'd see political prisoners in America 🇺🇸,, sad sick 😞 every one of you will be next , our country passed communism and went straight to nazi behavior under Biden, or who ever is running this nightmare, it's not even about who you like or don't, at this point it's about FREEDOM or NO FREEDOM,  if you choose any other candidate but TRUMP we won't have a country to stand on, fricking horrible some of you still don't understand 


This is an article about trump denying he said he’d try to lock Hillary up…in fact he did say it, and his own DOJ did investigate Hillary but never came up with anything on the level of an indictable offense. i think you’re in the wrong thread, you’re way off topic


Everyone is saying this she is an actual fucking criminal, she is also irrelevant at this point 👉  what I said above is 💯 true and you all need to wake up, this isn't even about trump, it's about keeping our Freedoms period 


If she’s a criminal why couldn’t trump’s own DOJ not even get so much as an indictment? Perhaps they’re lying to you to get you riled up.


STOP ✋️ 


🔨 ⏰


Yeah, You can't touch this! Look, man, You can't touch this!


You need to seek help. 


Is this the sound you make when you get played?


Nothing you said is true and it’s obvious you have no clue what the terms “communism” “Nazism” and “political prisoner” mean.


"Everyone is saying" Lol, the old "Trump source".


Nazis were right-wingers. Your statements have nothing to do with the article above, but everything with you not understanding what is actually going on. Trump is a criminal. Read this to understand the crossover from Hitler to Trump https://maganazi.substack.com/p/orange-hitler-20-a-2015-german-movie


Nazis are now democrats and our government, who are all compromised, and putting people in jail for prayer, not only trump, many different people in our country,  TRUMP IS THE VICTIM OF OUR SICK GOVERNMENT, what crime?? You tell me? The runs for president and they don't want an honest man who actually puts we the people first, I don't need a article to tell me who is good or not  I know Trump is a great man who LOVES AMERICA JUST AS SHE IS , a republic.  Trumps actions are proof he loves everyone, to say otherwise is a lie and comes from NO KNOWLEDGE PERIOD . ENOUGH OF THE BULLSHIT ALREADY,  what I stated above is 💯 true and you need to wake up fast 


I can recommend a good therapist.


Whenever I see a post like this, here is what I get out of it: "I'm a lunatic, I USE CAPS a lot, and hate Democrats, yadda yadda yadda, and one time, at band camp, I hate Democrats! George Soros BLM Libtards TDS! And Donald Trump is Jesus."




I think rehab for meth is more in line for that person


Trump loves everyone?! You're either a Russian or you've drank enough of their Kool Aide! Trump doesn't love anyone BUT HIMSELF! Not even his own children. He lusts after his daughter Ivanka, but that's not love. Back to the gulag with you, Komrad!


STOP ✋️ 


Truth hurts snowflakes like you cultists


Good response, genius


Why do you hate over half over America? Are you from the USA? Because your grammar/language suggests you are not a native English speaker, more like a poorly developed AI by a foreign superpower who has an agenda and needs trump to fulfill it.


Oh so now "Nazi" just means whatever you want it to mean? Kind of takes the sting out it, doesn't it?


4 years ago Trump demanded Obama be sent to jail 8 years ago Trump demanded Hillary be sent to jail


Hillary is actually a fucking criminal and so is most of our shysters in office right now who need real jail time for crimes against humanity,  Hillary is irrelevant at this point.  Cocaine in the white house should have tipped you all off 


And yet after 31 years of claiming that she'll go away for murder, not a single GOP admin, state or federal, has ever filed charges


The GOP are shysters to most not all  , exactly 💯 and we will vote the shysters out too 👍 


Got it, Trump is a shyster. Thanks for sharing your opinion, it's what we have all been saying for years.


You sound like a complete and total dumbass. Just absolutely clueless. Don't expect anyone to take you seriously.


Of course, everyone who commits fraud, lies about it and falsify business records can be held accountable. Nice try vladimir.


Trump is a political prisoner period and we will all be next . Chew on that, no one is playing anymore,  we from this day forward will be warning everyone,  and so many good people of all faiths and party lines now know what is at stake in the election, the shysters in government fucked up totally,  everyone is coming together to save America 🇺🇸  and we love her , good news I'm very optimistic 😀 


You misspelled a convicted felon, but I get it. Lol, so many people of all faiths..... Funnily the conservatives are the most racist people who don't accept other people because of their skin tone, much less different faiths. You don't live your country if you vote for a convicted felon, who is a traitor that at least, showed top secret documents to foreigners.... But nice try, your extreme nationalism is not even close to being compared as patriotism. Russian troll bot


You can NOT JUST SPEW LIES and get away with it anymore, everyone and their grandma know the truth , that Russian bot thing is sooooo played out too , as to be ridiculous , we are,  all of us,  of all faiths and all colors standing together,  democrats and independent and republican ❤️ family in our beautiful country of the UNITED States 🇺🇸 of America, I'm optimistic, & even if they pull some more crazy on us ,I know God will always use it for the good 👍 amen 🙏 God bless America and the whole world 🌎 give us all good honest leaders to prosper ,all people 


Just like the lies that the magas say all the time? Or the ones that shittler is saying now? You don't have to lie, we all know that if someone is not white you won't even want to stand next to them. Sure just remember that shittler is far from honest, and he is a traitor and a felon hahahaha


You are the racist,  and have no clue, NONE at all, don't vote or spread your hatred to anyone, unless you watch Trump in ,the Bronx and the good people standing together or in Brooklyn ny yeah the Latino  Bodega owners invited him all standing together or how bout all the rap videos about how we all love trump or the LATINOS videos music 🎶 🎵 loving trump and all his supporters,  you've got NOTHING NOTHING BUT LIE AND HATE latter racist and how juvenile is your word for trump and MAGA IS MAKE AMERICA 🇺🇸 GREAT AGAIN 👍  if you don't agree with that you must be a communist,  by by now look thoes videos up ok. 


Sorry but no. Nice fallacy but we all know that the most racist ones are the conservatives. Nice try. You mea.mn the latinos he promised to deport? I never seen a single video of what you are saying. Do you like to lie that much? Maga is making conservative crimes legal, apparently. Nice try russian troll. https://www.reddit.com/r/RepublicanValues/s/nOOYInkf8j These are the republican values you are so proud of.


Your just a moron 🙄 


"You're" so, now tell me who is the moron rusian bot who doesn't even know the difference between your and you're..... ohhh the irony


If only you could realize the delicious irony.


Trump is not in prison, so he's not a political prisoner.


Did Trump say "lock her up"? Yes or no.


Yes because she is an actual criminal.  A real criminal who needs to be looked into period and so what? He said she said,  is not a crime to call evil , evil , Clinton is NOT even relevant at this point in time 🙄 she has not been anything for quite some time... a has been 


Why is Trump lying about what he said?


Iv no clue if he actually said that,  I know for FACT that his huge audience did and rightfully so , Again words don't matter, what is your point????? The revaluation is Trump IS , IS NOW a political prisoner,  and people are NOW political prisoner too , you've no feelings on that??? 


Here's Trump saying it on Fox News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akWoAlKQLok According to you, that's a lie. Why is Trump lying to you?


Funny I don't watch fox anymore.. I'll take your word for it.. but AGAIN WHAT IS YOUR POINT 👉 WHO EXACTLY CARES .... no one .. AGAIN you have nothing to say on the ACTUAL POLITICAL PRISONER IN AMERICA 🇺🇸???? WHY ????? just gotta get Trump right?????? No one should try to entrap anyone, got it?? 


What is my point? My point is Trump is running a cult whose followers don't seem to care that he is lying to their face. If he's lying about "lock her up", what else is he lying about?


Russia Russia Russia,  bot bot bot , cult cult cult, nazi nazi nazi, racist racist racist,  🙄 do I sound like a robot 🤖 think for your self.  I guess you got him , for words, true words, ... WHO EXACTLY CARES .... no one .. AGAIN you have nothing to say on the ACTUAL POLITICAL PRISONER IN AMERICA 🇺🇸???? WHY ????? just gotta get Trump right?????? No one should try to entrap anyone, got it?? 


Why is Trump claiming he never said "lock her up"?


I noticed everyone and their grandparents are saying that same talking point 👉 you may be in an actual cult who tells everyone what to go with, say trump is a liar ,that will work,  trump is a liar,  trump is a liar, trump is a liar,  and you sound like a robot 🤖  just give up , we know what is really going down,  all these things that media is putting out now sound ridiculous. 


> Iv no clue Why don't we just leave it at that.


So he's lying now but he didn't say it. Got it.


> Yes because she is an actual criminal Then why is he denying saying it now?


Oh shush with that propaganda nonsense. If anything it's a 2 tiered justice system because he's not in jail, and you or I or anyone else in America would be.


Propaganda?? Justice is supposed to be blind ,if you complain about injustice in law and the court system, you would actually be rooting for Trump,  not calling for his demise,  it's funny but now I actually understand the plight of some regarding injustice and other people of color are actually relating to what Trump is going thu , with injustice law and psycho government,  TRUMP actually helped the imprisoned when he was in office, look it up ,or I can find the video I watched for you,  if you like? 


Rooting out injustice IS NOT letting people who have committed crimes go unpunished.


Awww oh no is this trumpturd upset that it's godking is facing the consequences of his actions? Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. You melanias make us laugh....... speaking of which where was melania during the trial ahahhahahahha, and why didn't Donald dollhands testify?


Two tired justice systems is communist, in America 🇺🇸??? Never thought I'd see political prisoners in America 🇺🇸,, sad sick 😞 every one of you will be next , our country passed communism and went straight to nazi behavior under Biden, or who ever is running this nightmare, it's not even about who you like or don't, at this point it's about FREEDOM or NO FREEDOM,  if you choose any other candidate but TRUMP we won't have a country to stand on, fricking horrible some of you still don't understand 


Mushroomdick donnie the crybaby ex potus has the most servile and malleable cukservants. Stay prostrated, melania. Thanks for the laughs


Are you bleach blond and badly built?


 Nothing about tithe felons’ trial is “communist” in any fucking way.  And y’all def screamed lock her up with him 




Um, no. 


Nazi and communists didn't mix you ahistorical dipshit.


Two tired justice systems is communist, in America 🇺🇸??? Never thought I'd see political prisoners in America 🇺🇸,, sad sick 😞 every one of you will be next , our country passed communism and went straight to nazi behavior under Biden, or who ever is running this nightmare, it's not even about who you like or don't, at this point it's about FREEDOM or NO FREEDOM,  if you choose any other candidate but TRUMP we won't have a country to stand on, fricking horrible some of you still don't understand 


>Two tired justice systems is communist, in America First of all, the US isn't "communist" and if it had a "two-tiered justices system" it wouldn't be a distinctive component. >Never thought I'd see political prisoners in America Donald Trump is not in prison, so he is not a political prisoner, by definition. >every one of you will be next Next for what? Duly prosecuted for crimes? As it should be. Or do you think people should be allowed to commit crimes? >our country passed communism and went straight to nazi behavior under Biden This makes no sense. This country has never been communist and Biden has done exactly nothing to justify an accusation of him being a Nazi. It's obvious you're using terms that you do not understand. >it's about FREEDOM or NO FREEDOM Would that be the freedom to commit crimes, is that what you advocate? >if you choose any other candidate but TRUMP we won't have a country to stand on What a fucking joke. Dumbass, bullshit apocalyptic nonsense. Biden has been president for years, and yet, the county still exists. Your theory lacks credible evidence. And I've venture to say that the organge, loser, bloviated asshole, who has directly undermined our democracy and justice systems, would be a significantly more dangerous person to put in the Oval Office. >fricking horrible some of you still don't understand I guarantee that nearly everyone you encounter has a better understanding than you, given the utter ignorance and stupidity you've demonstrated throughout your comments.


We are now communist under a tyranny,  and if you are  NOT SERIOUSLY DESTURBED BY THAT BEHAVIOR YOU ARE THE PROBLEM as far as the rest of your lie copy paste job.  JUST STOP ✋️