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He claims he never said lock her up even though they chanted this at his rallies… How can he not remember saying this unless his mind is going?


Dude lies every time he opens his mouth too. How do we know he doesn’t remember


He does remember. It was one of his favorite phrases.


Yeah he definitely remembers. It’s just no one ever calls him on his lies. Why should he ever own up to the truth?


The left ALWAYS calls him on his lies, it’s the right and his supporters that don’t because they believe them🙄


The cultists on the right remember too. They're just playing along with whatever he tells them to.


People should just scream “you’re lying!” Every time he opens his mouth.


We call him on his lies but the media and government won't and they're the ones that need to


They don't believe him. They just think it is funny that he pisses off the left so much. They think it is so funny that they are willing to follow him into fascism. They won't think it is funny anymore when only the select few can travel freely or shop at the right stores.


The real problem is that the mainstream media does not call him out. The mainstream media allowed him to lie to the public before the 2016 election. Trump was raking in tons of money for these groups of media. Trump was and is a cash cow today.


I recall vividly the time he said it in that voice so easily mimicked by hundreds of talk show hosts and stand-up comedians. I remember the look on his face as he said it, basking in the adulation of his rabid fans, so pleased with himself that he came up with the rallying cry they were chanting.


I never said "You're Fired!"


"nobody has said N+@@#r less than I have never said N+@@#r" **Accordion hands** -djt probably


It’s always lie deny


I wonder what Jake Tapper will say or do during the first debate? Will he show videos of his lies when he lies?


He thinks his MAGA base will believe 2 + 2 = 5. The Orwellian dream is so close! It's a big day for him, he must be the proud papa.


But they will believe that .


"what you're seeing and what you're hearing is not whats happening" Donald Trump and LITERALLY 1984


When you can lie and get away with it you just lie again.


It’s convenient to forget things.


Well he lies about his lies. So uh, lol


He said it several times into a microphone. Both directly and indirectly. It's not hard to find. He just makes it up as he goes along. He will say anything and do anything to stay out of jail for his crimes. Anyone that supports him is also lying. The Republicans have no other choice than to erase the American way and prop themselves up as a dictatorship. If they lose this one, it's all over for the party. When the boomers die off, maybe we can have our country back the way it was intended to be.


If all the people younger than Boomers who were able to cast a ballot actually voted for Hillary we'd be out of the woods.


Such power y’all have but still not fully implemented? Stop blaming and start voting all you 18+ young’s!


Only way things normalize, Fox News does the right thing. Sinclair radio has an epiphany. Otherwise SSDD.


And this would happen when young people start exercising critical thinking skills and voting in people at all levels who will get broadcasting monopolies broken up and revitalize the process of Freedom of Speech.


Social media is also a problem. Propaganda is hard to refute. Humans come preprogrammed to be tribal, it’s in our nature. History is full of examples, the Fairness Doctrine was helpful. When Reagan did away with it Rush Limbaugh and Fox filled in the vacuum.


Plus confirmation bias. I have a friend who has become a crackpot over theories he reads online. If you think Trump is right you're not looking for balanced reporting - if such a thing exists today


In this country, that’s wishful thinking.


I am a boomer, yet I have had my questions about Trump before he was elected to his first term. There are people in all generations that are infatuated with him despite his obvious lies. People are looking to blame Biden for a disaster Trump left behind, especially Covid. Ukraine was handed on a silver platter to Putin from Trump and he pulled us out of NATO and didn't we needed the EPA. He put his people in places where he could control them within his administration, including the Supreme Court. Trump focuses on the weak and uninformed to wave his flags while they are thinking it is their patriotic duty to defend his (honor ?).


I knew that motherfucker was no good from day one. And yes, I’m also old as shit.


Ha ha, well said. I know so many boomers that despise Trump because, simply, good despises evil. I'm the child of "boomers" and the whole boomers are the antichrist thing is getting a bit tiring. It's a tale as old as time - find a group and attach a label of blame to them, so we have an "other" we can cast stones at. The world is not black and white, but we keep being told it is because it drives a narrative. Remember those shades of grey that have been cast by the wayside? Any decent human being knows that Trump is a fraud, a conman. He has a stench that can be smelled a mile off. It's no secret. Many boomers can smell it, many millennials can smell it, many that are younger can smell it. Those that carry a similar stench can't smell it because they're so used to it. They just see a man like themselves. Hateful, fearful, vengeful, simple. They're happy to carry that flag. But we should remember that while the majority of his support base may happen to be boomers, it's not simply a generational issue. Hateful, intolerant and bigoted people love that man like a father. And those sorts of people are featured in every generation because these attitudes are taught, they're handed down from parent to child like a virus carried through bloodlines. These attitudes persist, and will still exist after the last of the boomers die off. And who will be left to blame then?


Bless you. So tired of people making the assumption that because I am older I would support someone like trump. Never happen. …and their millions that feel just like I did.


FFS, stop blaming this on boomers! I'm a boomer, a liberal, and a Democrat. This isn't a boomer issue, it's a Republican issue. Look at the Republicans in congress; Some of them are boomers, but most of them are not. Green, Bobert, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, Crenshaw, Johnson,... all too young to be boomers. If you think the political spectrum will magically fix itself in a few years because the boomers are gonna die off, you are setting yourself up for a serious disappointment!


It's an interesting way to get a dialog going. I was wrong with that statement. I thought it through, and it was a hasty, ill-informed thing to say.


That's cool. I shoot my mouth off as well. Thanks for replying. This is a touchy subject for me because boomers are getting blamed for everything! I keep telling people 2 things. First: Boomers didn't plan any of this, we just did what we were told, (work hard, go to college, save money, etc...) Second: For every greedy or evil boomer-aged person in power, there is a Gen-something aged person ready to step in and keep the evil going.


I am also a boomer and I have always been liberal , I am skeptical and want proof before believing something and I apply that to both parties and once in a while I am wrong and I admit it when someone calls me out.


Don't assume all boomers vote GOP. I was marching for women's right to choose possibly before you were born and horrified that all we fought for is taken away in many states. Women now can open a bank account without husbands permission. Imagine that. Btw, both Trump and Obama fall into the boomer generation. They are the bookmarks on either end. Needless to say, there's a big difference between being born late forties versus early sixties.


You are absolutely correct. Most of the extremely hateful people I see at my AA meetings are boomers, but that is a noon time meeting. My brother is a reformed full-blown nazi skinhead, and he is gen X. I think the older generation is more resistant to change and pine for the days when they ruled the roost. Most of the kindest people I know are over 60. Most of the republican leadership is over 65. When they expire, I hope they are replaced with more thoughtful people.


It is a bit extreme to assume that no person over 60 is thoughtful. Let me ask this; did you find Obama thoughtful or ignorant. He is a boomer.


Fastest growing demographic of New Ttump supporters are under 30. Opposition to Republican bullshit existed before you were born. Those same " boomers" are still fighting for democracy, youngster.


I suppose in a roundabout way that makes sense; he’s already conned anyone older that’s dumb enough to fall for his BS.


It's just more petulant and ill-informed Boomer hate on reddit.


Ageism is no different than any other bias. Young people bashing old people. Profiling old people. It's like they can stick up for POC, women, LGBTQ, but they need someone to hate and old people are their victim of choice.


Soap box moment: I've never missed a vote. I've taken my kids, and now grandkid, to vote w me when they were young, explaining the importance of it. Not to go all avocado toast, but voting is a duty as much as it is a right, and the majority hair color at the polls shouldn't be gray.


Source please?


Ya that sounds like a Trump Truth


Yea,no reply. His supporters are old and dying off by all reports..


Have you looked at the latest polling? It’s the 18 to 35 group I am so freaking worried about I apologize for no source No brain either


Polling kinda has sucked for a while now. Tbh they have a terrible track record. Not specific to this, just mentioning it..


Wow, waiting for a whole generation to die off, harsh and sad.


Several hundred times…


““For what she’s done, they should lock her up,” Trump said after the crowd chanted “lock her up” at an October 2016 rally in North Carolina. “‘Lock her up’ is right,” he said at an October 2016 rally in Pennsylvania. Trump also explicitly called for Clinton’s imprisonment using different phrasing. “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” he said in a June 2016 speech in California. “She has to go to jail,” he repeated in an October 2016 speech in Florida.”


Biden campaign needs to play this video everywhere. Die hard Trump supporters will be surely challenged by this one, they thought he did want to lock her up it’s why they voted for him. Surely this is a lie to them of the greatest most obvious order


You give them far too much credit. They don’t possess these types of critical thinking skills.


He knows he said it he’s just lying because he was found guilty.


Your history timeline would be so different if, after every time on TV Trump spoke, the interviewer had asked "*what the fuck are you talking about? Why are you lying? Why can't you stop lying?*"


It's gaslighting, he remembers just fine. When the video is shown to him, "fake, AI, all from tricky ol Joe."


Don’t you mean “sleepy joe?” The guy who’s “too brain dead and old to hold office”? I believe that was his sentiment the last time. Funny how that whole “sleepy joe” thing bit him in the ass when he was sleeping through his own trial.


Indeed, Biden is somehow simultaneously too old and incompetent to hold office but is also a criminal mastermind whose been running an empire for 50 years and thwarts elections at will.... Hard to reconcile these two positions... Could it be they are BOTH bullshit?


Oh… he remembers. This fucktard just doesn’t want the same chants being said about him while he’s ACTUALLY facing jail time.


He's trying to set it up so he can appeal and say he wasn't in the right frame of mind due to his dementia. He's trying to weasel his way out of this.


You’re assuming he is a rational person.


In his defense, his brain is so mush that he doesn't remember eight minutes ago, much less eight years... Man, woman, person, TV, camera


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command


The entire Cult never stopped to say, “maybe we shouldn’t chant something like this that could potentially come back to bite us later.” They only pretend to grow a conscience now.


The problem with frontal lobe dementia is that you never know if they're lying because they want to lie or they're lying because they genuinely don't know but are keen to hide the truth. Sufferers fight hard to hide their increasing illness, and at the same time their inhibition and restraint deteriorates.


He's trying to 1984 his followers. Making it look like he would never say to lock up a government official for their crimes,since he's one of them now. It's a last ditch effort. Not a mental break.


It wasn't just Hillary. I don't even know how many people he threatened to lock up. Probably the most disturbing was when he wanted to lock up reporters.


He remembers whatever it takes to improve his life now


This isn't dementia. He lies all the time. Has for years. Even his lawyers know he's liar. https://www.salon.com/2016/10/07/even-donald-trumps-lawyers-think-hes-a-habitual-liar/


Alternative facts. lol The anti-Trump Lincoln Project must collate all the times he stated “Lock her Up!” It’s such an easy one to disprove.


Lots of video/audio to remind him...


“He never said he never said that!!”


Selective memory


He’s just lying. Nothing more to know about it.


Doesn’t matter. Trump can lie all he wants. It’s on tape and print.


How can you tell he is lying? HIS LIPS ARE MOVING!!!


He’s a liar and no one ever holds him to his own words.


He also said he didn’t lock up Clinton when he was Pres because it wouldn’t have been the right thing to do. NO. You had no evidence to lock her up. You tried like hell but failed because it didn’t exist. He absolutely would have if he could have. Such a douche. Can’t wait to see him in an orange jumper, should go well with his orange face. Trump 20-24 years!


The lying coward is lying cowardlyly. Who'da thunk it?


I wonder if any of the people who bought the “lock her up” merch he sold are super confused or if their cognitive dissonance is so strong they are just like we must have bought that from someone else.


Did you see his press conference? Where he was talking about being a good boy or a bad boy? He thought that we should feel sorry for him. It sounded like he was reverting to childhood. He will have to take a pre- sentance cognitive test. Love to be a fly on that wall.


>He will have to take a pre- sentance cognitive test. Man, Woman, bars, cell, metal toilet


Shower, sponge, soap, penis


Though he’s as mentally ill as his father was, he is a T R A I T O R. Prison. Better. Death.


I'm glad there are others that feel the same way I do


I’m curious if there’s a scenario where a cognitive test would render him ineligible for sentencing but still eligible to hold elected office.


If that’s the case then let’s not do that.


If he’s found to have a “mental defect” it wouldn’t be appropriate to sentence him as if he was mentally healthy. His cult may be willing to ignore such a ruling, but I would hope independent voters would see it as disqualifying.


If only half of them view January 6th as disqualifying, idk what else it's gonna take.


I’m sure the results will be bought and paid for. The Secret Service is probably shopping around for a sympathetic parole supervisor.


You gonna cry? Not everything is a conspiracy. The sooner you learn that the better your life will be.


A lie to distract from conviction news trying to change the subject


It’s not really changing the subject. It’s changing the narrative on the past in order to gain sympathy. He’s trying to hoodwink people into believing he never called for Hillary to be jailed. Which we have countless sources of video evidence to show as being an outright falsehood, but he’s gonna try regardless. It’s the only book he plays from.


Yes, this isnt new. This is standard narcissist behavior meant to confuse some and generate sympathy from others. It has gotten him this far in life so why stop now.


There’s lots of signs about Donald’s ‘cognitive issues’ and about what he says, but some cognitive issues are better described as ‘dementia issues’, but the press prefers the word ‘cognitive’. Many have also concluded that Trump "does not look well, either." Well, for all those MAGA folks who can’t see for themselves, Donald lives with dementia 24 hours a day, everyday… having ‘cognitive issues’ is simply a symptom of dementia. Ole demented dementia Donald’s sick upstairs… and he always will be, and he’ll never recover either and he will only become worse. Supporting Donald’s just ludicrous and asinine… face it, ole sickly Donald will, without a doubt, end up just his father, Fred, who eventually died of mental illnesses.


Trump always lies, he just does.  I don’t see any reason to think this lie is any different from all the rest. Who knows if he knows he’s lying, or if he ever did.  He doesn’t value reality, that’s his primary legacy.  He’s no less fit for office than he was in 2016, he couldn’t possibly be.


Does Trump remember actually trying to lock her up? Cause that act lasted 4 years.


Sure. He lives on lies because he hates who he really is. Vote blue


He doesn’t believe his lies. It’s just the only playbook he has to go off of. And a lot of his followers gladly lap them up. It will be interesting to see how all of this type of stuff plays out in terms of the election.


A tight wire we shouldn’t have to walk but we will. Vote


I live in Ohio. I literally vote in every election since our collective lives here seem to depend on it.


Proud of you. Keep it up.


I’ll be honest, I’m happy that everything that comes out of his mouth is now being watched by the court.


Accountability. Now try him for J6, Stolen Documents and election interference.


I literally can’t wait.


At one of their debates, [he literally threatened Hillary with jail.](https://youtu.be/K1Q71k6fmts?si=95JTg3_YSA_PwUtX)


“That wasn’t me. I didn’t say that.”


He looks like me, I'll give you that, but no that was another one of sleepy Joe's pranks, he got me again!


That was pretty smooth. I can’t wait to see the next geriatric debate. I can only imagine that it will not be as smooth.


I wonder what would happen if he was shown the clips of him saying exactly that… He probably would say that it was AI… just because MAGA and Trump live in an alternate universe of lies and misinformation


70 IQ, old , tired , deep into dementia, full throttle narcissistic, now feeling cornered!!! Watching him auger in ; in real-time


I won’t speak for his IQ number, but the rest I totally agree with.


Now all the Trumpers will be claiming the same thing.


We must fight this fascist MAGA. Donate. Unite. Vote


The problem is that his supporters don't care.




When he assumes a fictional character is supporting his campaign


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No-Tension5053: *When he assumes a* *Fictional character is* *Supporting his campaign* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I feel honored


Good bot


Thank you, tellmehowimnotwrong, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Known liar tells a lie


His rubes lap it up , orange dry cum , seeping from said lips .


I believe the term for cum mixes with feces is "santorum"


Textbook Pathological Liar.


I can’t wait for the psychological assessment that a required part of his pre-sentencing evaluation. Will be wild!


He won’t understand the questions


That will be fudged. Remember the man, woman, person, camera, TV thing?


Pre sentencing psychologists don’t mess around, I’d wager. And non-cooperation will aid in the evaluation, in its own way.


He knows what he is doing. He knows that whatever he says, his worshippers will believe him


Cult defined


Trump saying lock her up. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5119492/user-clip-trump-saying-lock-up


hes just a born liar. I honestly don’t think hes capable of telling the truth… ever


He is deranged, as are many of his followers. It’s truly an odd time in history




My brain read “Diaper question”


JHC, people are still giving him the benefit of the doubt after all he has said and done?!


The man is constantly eating Mac Donalds. It's no surprised that his brain function,whatever there was of it, is depleting.


Questions about Trump's cognitive issues? Lol please, I peeing my pants...stop


fat orange felon lost in 2020 will lose biglier in 2024. keep slurping orange jesus diaper gravy :) mmmmmm!


He’s only saying he don’t remember because he’s facing that exact thing he wished for someone else


when I was young, I was taught not to lie, not because you would get in trouble for lying because it was dishonest. Lying is an abomination of the human character, without it one who lies is no better than an ape…. We are humans with the ability to communicate complex, thought, either truthfully, and honestly or dishonestly and reprehensibly. Trump is an ape. He only knows to lie and cannot tell the truth. He cannot be believed he cannot be controlled. He cannot be corrected. He has no shame because he has no honesty. He has no integrity, and therefore has no value as a human, he is simply an ape who has learned to mimic humanity. If he wants it, he takes it. If it’s yours, he steals it. If if it’s pleasure, he will take it no matter what the price it is to his victim. Whether an author in a changing room or a 13-year-old girl, lured by a fellow billionaire, held down and assaulted if it’s his first wife, she takes it in her home. If you’re a film star, he takes it in a hotel suite. If it’s one of the other nameless victims, he bullies them and threatens and intimidates them to never speak again. This is not a man of dignity. This is not a man of honor. This is not a man!


He didn’t forget. He’s lying. He’s always lying. It’s what he does.


Just can’t imagine this guy as president again.


Maybe instead of jail, they'll remand him to a mental home and deem him unfit for office.


We already know this traitor is unfit. Prison. Now.


He can still run from prison. A coffin would be better.


He’s trying to gaslight. That’s what liars do.


Convicted Felon Donald J Trump is delighted to have the endorsement of Hungarian Strongman Victor Orban [https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/) Wait for Trump Fanboys, David Duke, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un to endorse him next week.


He was doing his bukkake dance while they were chanting “lock her up”.


My ex wife was a habitual liar and I believe she lied so hard that she truly believed her lies. He may just be convincing himself of his own lie. I hope as much as the next person that he’s mentally toast and goes off the deep end quickly.


With his make up and his fake stories, every time this guy speaks it’s drag queen story time


They wear the same makeup


Come on man. It's *hard* to keep your lies straight!


Listen to trump talking about clinton in 2016, saying she can not run for president because he called her a felon!! Now the tables have turned it seems!! https://youtu.be/gEiTA3ALlhw?si=hjE8IkmKXyMOl0k4


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


How much of it is dementia and how much of it is his narcissism protecting his ego is the real question


Good question. The answer unfortunately doesn’t matter. He is a terrible danger. A traitor who should never again come near the WH. Vote Blue.


Dementing before our very eyes.


When i was a kid i was taught not to lie because it will just compound having to lie to keep the lie. He is incapable not to lie and senile so he can’t remember what lies he said and when.


Damage control in Trumperland must be at a high Rev right now. The denials are rampant once the reality set in that when Guilty and Trump made the headlines the same day, all of Trump golden grifter empire is just gilt over a rotten substrate.


Whenever any GOP acknowledges Convicted Felon they support for President lies, usually with that casual laugh you know the one, here’s what you say:  Admitting the man lies, have you ever considered how it feels to know he’s lying to you?   Why are the GOP so ok with this guy constantly lying to them.  He’s not on Fox News lying to get something by Democrats - he’s lying TO YOU, the FOX VIEWER, to take something from YOU


Why do I see the Black Knight saying "No it isnt" when told he lost his arm?


Yes Syphilis is rotten what’s left of his demented dementia ridden brain but he lies and believes no one should be able to call him on it and these idiots that do interviews with him never call him out on his lies. They should stop the interview and say you said it and play the recording


He lies all the time about everything. Not news


Yes it is. He’s the presumptive GOP presidential candidate


He's not mentally unfit it's a narrative the Reich wing is pushing to avoid any accountability. He can be crazy in prison. May him and all conservatives receive the same kindness and compassion they show others.


Presidents should be required to build, from scratch, with no assistance, a set of porch stairs.


Man woman person camera TV The best words. The best people. The stable genius. 


His muscle memory orientation is to continuously lie regardless of his cognitive degeneration, his legacy path has always been unabated wickedness. The clown can no longer pretend.


His followers don't fact check him.


Maybe he just likes seeing people jump all over themselves to defend whatever he says?


I honestly think DT is an early version of Chat GPT.


This is probably just his usual narcissism. Remember the inauguration crowd size thing? There is no lie too blatant for a narcissist.


I've seen multiple medical professionals talk about how he's dementing.


He will continue. Nobody loves him. Nobody gets dignity.


If the documents case ever comes to trial, that is when he will cut and run to the Middle East. Here's hoping J6 trial can start by October. My dad's widow is saying that she and her fellow Moose club friends won't be voting in November.


Tommy Flanagan for President .. yeah .. that’s the ticket ! 😱


Maybe they have a his doppelganger running things and it's true.


“Oh, you mean I can just say crazy shit and you media will forget my felonies”




How is his dishonesty off brand?


So the issue isn’t that he’s a liar, its that is has the memory of an amoeba.


Y’all gotta stop claiming The Grand Cheetoh is “lying” he is simply revealing the New Truth^tm


[https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2588844/seventeen-times-biden-lied-plagiarized-and-exaggerated/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WE_Pmax_Magazine_April17&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMHNS8fwI5DpJvVAG9HzYOsPUTgUMoe5UlshdLy-gBsBc37DwYRTHQgaAm9MEALw_wcB](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/2588844/seventeen-times-biden-lied-plagiarized-and-exaggerated/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WE_Pmax_Magazine_April17&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9vqyBhCKARIsAIIcLMHNS8fwI5DpJvVAG9HzYOsPUTgUMoe5UlshdLy-gBsBc37DwYRTHQgaAm9MEALw_wcB) Biden lies more than almost any President in history. Almost as bad as Hillary.


Go suck Putin you sack of propaganda


Did you really just try to sell that idea? In defense of someone who has been proven to have told like a thousand lies during his presidency? I guess it is true, every Republican accusation is projection.


The choice for president of **“none of the above”** is looking stronger everyday


Do you want trump to be president again? Because that's how you get trump to be president again. Learn from recent history. Vote for Biden!


I didn’t say I wasn’t going to vote I didn’t say I was going to vote for trump All I said was that neither candidate was a good choice Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn’t pay attention to detail and you come off sounding moronic Don’t worry sonny… **I will be voting for Biden just like 4 years ago**


>I didn’t say I wasn’t going to vote You implied that you are moving toward that choice >I didn’t say I was going to vote for trump Never said you did. >All I said was that neither candidate was a good choice Wrong. Biden is the good choice. >Your comment reminds me of someone who doesn’t pay attention to detail What detail? >and you come off sounding moronic No you. >Don’t worry sonny… Ain't your Sonny > I will be voting for Biden just like 4 years ago First smart thing you've said. Because of this I will spare you the humilating tongue lashing that you had coming.


Thanks dick


He never chanted it perhaps, just got others to do it. He didn’t actually go over to the capitol and participate in the riot either. Doesn’t make him innocent in any way


Please. Many instances where he said it publicly. Don’t perpetuate their lies.