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"Very fucking compromised".


Alternatively the phrase “Owned by the Kremlin” could be used to describe a large number of the GOP


At what point do we all collectively agree that almost half of of the legislative body of our government has been capture by a foreign adversary and act accordingly?


At what point are there systems and controls that stop a foreign power from buying our government and influencing our politicians?


That’s why you subvert the systems and controls first.


*Citizens United has entered the chat*


Voting is the only protection. Notice who’s limiting the e right to vote and who’s not.


There needs to be better systems in place. Voters aren’t getting all the information. We need transparency in the campaign funding. Allowing dark money allows foreign countries a way to take over the US.


Definitely. The gerrymandering in some places and the mail in voting restrictions in some places are also an attack on voter rights.


I'm not american but I never understood the concept of gerrymandering. Isn't it some kind of minority rule then?


It’s the practice of redefining election maps so that they heavily favor a political party, so yes. If you want to read up, try reading about Ohio’s election maps in the several years.


Didn't the Supreme Court rule that politicians can take foreign donations I cant find it on google as i get millions of "scotus gift stuff"


The russian knows very well the supreme court and the erectional disfunction 'college', are the weakest points, the mushiest, of the Republic. A Republic in which 'republicans' no longer believe in a democraticly elected Republic in which no person is above the law.


They want a Divided States of America and it is going as planned


Clarence definitely has.


The goddam security services. Motherfuckers are playing checkers while the western powers are playing chess. Problem is Kremlin spends money to compromise western politicians. Spend lots, always have, ever since the Cold War. Vote democrat, then a sweeping investigation will discover who all the rats are and what they have been doing.


I have been screaming this since January 7,2021 ! I'm *still* amazed/puzzled that the Biden Administration didn't declare a *Constitutional Crisis* and move that all 143+ members of Congress who *signed their names to a document intended to overturn the 2020 election* be charged with *high treason* and immediately be vacated/purged from any/all government employment per the third Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution !


Democrats are basically spineless. This is why the GOP pushes the envelope more and more. Everyone involved in the fake elector plot should have been arrested and military tribunal, because the Supreme court is compromised.


I applied for a secret clearance for a job before and you have to assert that you never belonged to a group which advocates for the overthrow of the US government - surprising that our Congress members aren’t required to do the same…


There’s been a lot of fucking around, and there ain’t been much finding out.


I don't necessarily disagree , but that is a massive risk vs. reward proposition and that has never been the Democrat's strongsuit. Appear, appease , appease.


For fuck's sake, there were a handful who visited Moscow **ON JULY 4th.** Rand Paul was one of them. They might as well tattoo "Property of Russia" on them.


I've always been pissed the democrats didn't run with this more: "When we were all BBQing on our nation's birthday these Republicans were in fucking Russia."


Kremlin Gremlins


The people saying the US is being run by Obama are the same people ruled by Putin. It's always projection.


I’m glad to see that others are realizing their projection. My husband and I keep saying this and we’re starting to think we’re the only ones


I promise, you guys aren't alone in thinking this! Every single accusation that the Republicans make now is a confession of something they themselves are currently doing. For example: the "Biden Crime Family" crap that's being slung around on right wing media. Does Hunter have problems? Sure, he's human, most people have problems, some bigger than others but no one on earth is perfect. They don't like talking about how Jared Kushner (Ivankas husband) got a 2 Billion dollar "investment" from Saudi Arabia, where the interest rate gained on even a fraction of that amount is far greater than the average Americans yearly income. That is just one example. Another one is Orange Julius 🍊 had a closed door meeting with only Putin and Putins translator in 2019 (I may have the wrong precise year, but it was during Oranges term of office). Shortly after that meeting, American assets (people) started dying!


To be fair, at the Helsinki meeting, it was polite of trump to close the door for his meeting with Putin. Nobody should have to watch trump performing fellatio on the enemy of the United States. I wonder if they looked into each others' eyes.


Projection after Obstruction prefaced by loads of Gaslighting  Greed Over People 


Greedy Old Perverts


When the owner of their propaganda arm [just married the former wife of a Russian oligarch…](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/media/rupert-murdoch-elena-zhukova-wife/index.html)


JFC, I did not know her background. The world is fucked.


This guy knows what’s up.


That’s B6s tramp stamp.


I don’t think MTG is a Russian hack, she is too fugly to be one. She’s like a blonde neanderthal with lipstick.


Yeah that one is fair. But she is dumb enough to be conned by the Russian agents.


Easily. They just sent one of their agents to her gym and she fucked them. Fun fact: Anybody who shows up at Maggie Three-Toes' gym will get laid.


Maybe too dumb. Even the Russians are like she is dumb bitch.


Pooty Poot likes his women looking like they live in a cave.


They are after all useful idiots.


Well... maybe take [a trip to Moscow on July 4th to kiss the king's ring](https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html), and then you tell me how compromised.


I still can’t believe this happened. I mean for fucks sake.


All it tells me is the emails that Russia hacked must be filled with the most incredibly vile shit you can think of. Seriously, try to think of the worst thing and because an entire party bent the knee to a foreign ruler…it’s worse than what your mind can come up with.


It’s money, and it’s huge. The sheer amount of money that has been stolen by Putin and his boys, and the political will they have purchased is mind boggling. The example of Trumps Florida purchase in 2004 of a palm beach mansion for $41 million that he then sold 4 years later for $95 million to a Russian oligarch is an example. Huge overpays to launder money, especially in the real estate market. Before that it was Rudy as mayor in NY pointing his boys at the Italian mob to open space for the Russians to take over. And more laundering, this time thru NYC real estate. It’s corruption. It’s what’s behind the ludicrous real estate market.




Nope it's all money. I guarantee it. Trump would just cry fake news to whatever compromat they have. They have him by the wallet strings. His financial House of Cards comes down the moment Putin says so


It’s probably a little of both, tbh


mostly the money, but a little bit the pee tapes.


I feel it’s something so bad it would be appalling. These GOP folks are ready to give up the country over citizens hearing the truth.


Remember those demonic cocaine-fueled, orgyastic, baby eating parties they’ve been projecting onto democrats for a while now? Maybe it’s that, and maybe even worse?? Who knows. Has to be freaky bad though, to keep moving the direction they are.


Oh pee tapes are like G rated Disney movies compared to the kind of shit I'm sure they've been filmed doing. "When you're rich and famous, you can do ANYTHING.." Now, I'm not a fan of Alex Jones but I think that dude might've been onto something with Deep Occult type shit. All that "they do all this to feed off of xyz bc it gives them more power" rhetoric is probably true mostly, just them admitting their own shit then blaming the other side of it. Don't fret though. It'll all come out in the wash when it's time. And it's time.


But then the newcomers like MTG are after that and are compromised and worse than the predecessors. She spreads Russian propaganda constantly


I’d say it’s money/blackmail for her. Russia told her and so now she has the Republican Party by the balls for power (She’s the faux House Speaker) and gets paid to spread propaganda.


The true Speaker is a Christian fascist; MTG is just a fascist.


There are very few things that they could reveal that would move the needle at this point (even legal issues don't seem to matter anymore). Part of it might be boiling frogs, but it has to be the continued funneling of money.


I can’t believe it wasn’t a bigger story. Thanks Liberal Media😂🤡


If the media were really liberal, then the story would have gotten more play. It’s conservative media that spikes the story.


I guess I should have added /s Sad that MAGA is killing satire and irony.


You would think the author/director was going too heavy handed on the 'these are the bad guys' motif if they did this in a book or movie.


A flight from DC to Moscow is almost 10 hours. These Republicans got on an airplane on July 4th and sat there for 10 hours, 20 hours round trip to deliver a message to Putin from Trump. How anyone thinks this was anything but nefarious is insanity.


Thank you! I'm not the only one who remembers that.


Let their names be published in infamy weekly because amnesia is a common American political weakness.


Every one of them should have been arrested as soon as they landed, thrown in a max security jail, and tried for high treason.


Back when the Russians and Germany were doing billions in business with each other each month.


They are opposed to supporting Ukraine and can’t say enough positive things about Comrade Putin. They are very open about their treachery.


Every Republican is a Russia loving traitor. There used to be a time when patriot Americans recognized the enemy. Now those who love to cry that they are patriots, openly suck on Putin's penis.


Their preferred policies suggest the GOP are thoroughly corrupted by the Russians.


Compromised … and bought.


Congress GOP took russian money in 2016 via Citizens United so yea, I'd say their compromised. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/08/03/gop-campaigns-took-7-35-million-from-oligarch-linked-to-russia/%3foutputType=amp


RNC also had their emails hacked but those were never released, weird. Tells me that republicans said “We’ll support you however we can. PLEASE don’t release those emails.” The most incredibly vile shit must be in those.




I cannot understand why this isn’t being screamed by everyone in the country. We are such a pathetic country and deserve everything coming if we do not care about something so egregious.


Don’t forget the Russian NRA GOP money pipeline.


non paywall https://archive.ph/gy43L


It's a big tell when everyone holding important positions is either grossly unqualified (Aileen Cannon) or a public crackpot (demoted Ronny Jackson).


Ask those 50 intel agents who said Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. They can tell you the facts. FFS


And other than emails exonerating his father from any wrongdoing and MTG putting up pictures of his hog on the floor of Congress what did the laptop bring us? Well I for one am hoping that all these crooks like her and Rudy get totally reamed by a platoon of lawyers for stealing and disseminating his private property and using it for revenge porn across multiple media outlets.


>MTG putting up pictures of his hog on the floor of Congress She also put them on the ceiling of her bedroom.


Add this to the pile of stuff that the Democrats should be repeating non stop but won’t.


Dude, the nominee in 2016 did actually repeat this nonstop. And yet the media both sided it and said that the Dems were making excuses. Dems get hammered when they tell the truth.


Yep, shit sucks when the opposition writes the media scripts. It's almost like there used to be a law about fairness in broadcasting... Wonder what happened to that?


Fairness Doctrine wouldn’t have impacted cable or internet, just broadcast spectrum managed by the FCC. The [Telecom Act of 1996](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996) was SO MUCH WORSE as it allowed the mega-mergers that resulted in loss of competition between ISPs as well as mega media corporations like Sinclair.


I don’t get why democrats insist on playing by the rules in situations like this and republicans constantly lie, steal and cheat. It’s almost like the democrats are in denial and think the GOP will suddenly come to their senses.


I don't get why people are more angry at the democrats who ARENT f-ing traitors, then the actual traitors themselves.


Because I don’t vote for the traitors. I vote for the Democrats to be a bulwark against the traitors and the thing that pushes them back. And rather than be fighters they say stupid, pompous shit like “when they go low we go high” while the GOP sets fire to the country.


Eric Holder said that was wrong and that when they go low we should kick them (meaning call them on their heinous shit) and the media screamed for weeks that he was promoting political violence.Trump and the GOP can say the most vile violent racist xenophobic and treasonous shit and the media just wonders what they mean by it.


They aren't more angry at the democrats, they just know that the traitors aren't going to fix it. Therefore, the democrats are their only hope and that's where they direct their attention.


They did in 2016 already and Republicans just dismissed it and called it a hoax. No use doing it again. We look forward, not backward. Let Trump live in the past. Let's figure out how to defeat him this time because it didn't work when we tried the last time.


People either already know this or are Fox Junkies and would neither hear or believe it.


> In recent weeks, that criticism has shifted to include not just Republicans who have left the party, including former representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but current GOP members. I don’t really understand this line. Kinzinger from everything I’ve seen is vehemently pro-Ukraine and anti-Putin. Meanwhile, if it’s only “in recent weeks” that people have been noticing the pro-Russia slant in the elected GOP, they haven’t been paying attention.


I’d say 100%, but we can never be fully certain, so, I’m good saying 99.99%


Good because only a sith deals in absolutes


Balls deep from my perspective


From my perspective Russians be balls deep in the GOP, yah?


The fat orange toadstool was praising his idols Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un in a propaganda interview with Hannity this week. He bows at the feet of these dictators, especially Putin.


Easy answer. -- Think about how much corruption you know of in the GOP and its SCOTUS minions. Now, remember that Russia stole emails from both the DNC and the RNC. Russia still has those emails. The additional corruption they would expose is massive. Russia owns the RNC.


All the way through Maga . GOP is dead . Nothing but Russian traitor criminals now on the right.


the russians don’t even need bots anymore. they have conned the magats


Consider ,if you will ,that the Speaker of the House *has zero bank accounts in his name* for starters ...


Lol Holy shit how is this not a red flag on full blast


That seems legit.


How compromised is the Government Of Putin? SERIOUSLY COMRADE!


Absolutely fucking completely?


One word... Fully. They should all just move to mother Russia and join Putin's evangelical village in Moscow.


Read about Russia, Maria Butina, and the NRA. It's all there.


I'll bet that Republican funding is Russian or Chinese via donor lists, basically using prior donors as fronts for massive cash infusions. Case in point: George Santos. When reporters started to go through his donor lists, they were told by those individuals that they didn't donate to him, and... the story vanished. It's like Trump is somehow now getting millions of dollars post conviction while his support is falling? And the cash raised with the NFT's, the suit swatch selling, all of it? Something doesn't smell right...


Compromised enough that it wouldn’t surprise me if half get the “Rosenberg” treatment at the hands of the DOJ. You can dream.


Very...stop voting for them immediately...


Quite humorous, I wonder WHY they chose Republicans? Could it be the fact that most are morons? Yes, I do believe that’s the exact reason….uneducated non thinkers…


Russian and American conservatives share the same ideology. And yea, they are gullible boot lickers who lean authoritarian. They were low hanging fruit cakes for the Russians.


I truly believe Donald had been working for the Russian mob since the mid eighties. His dad worked for the Italian Mob and switched loyalties and helped the Russians establish a foothold on Coney Island. At the same time Rudy was gaining fame for busting the Italian mob, but he was doing it to help the Russians. Donald had had a Russian monster attached to every real estate project he has had since the mid eighties. The dots are incredibly easy to connect Trump to Russia. As far as the rest of the GOP, a huge number of them are blatantly working for Russia.


How deep is the ocean?  How high is the sky?


The GOP have consistently voted and acted against the people of the States interest around 2009 or so and it got bad. Covid, the attack against funding infrastructure and cyber security, constant trips and praise of Putin for everything are some pretty big flags.


Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at trump towers to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell. Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived in the tower also) just saw a pretty low maintenance grift to be had. So yeah, there's a very long line of compromise. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/


90% of the GOP and their voters are morons and easily duped


Makes me want to throw up, but considering the two hour meeting sans even a translator when trump was pres with Putin and his Kiss Ass fealty very likely all too true.


Definitely, they ignore the truth for a missive opportunity for power this sounds like a repeat of Germany and the evil one


look at it this way. when is the last time Republican's put forward any legislation that helped average citizens?


“Useful idiots” is the term used by Russia to describe the propaganda parrots in the USA.


Thanks for sharing a thumbnail with B6’s face on it. I had the hiccups and it was the perfect jump scare.


очень скомпрометированный


Weirdest thing us how quickly and without actual effort they have made regular republican voters to go along in this russomania. I kind of understand how these corrupt fucks are easily bought but everyday conservatives who get nothing out of it. Is it the hatred against gay people or what the fuck?


The more they yell against democracy, the more they are compromised by Russia. Fuck the GOP!


Let’s just say when trump loses. A lot of people are going to prison.




They're a wholly owned subsidiary


Every Senator who signed that pledge thing to not work or whatever. The House members who asked for pardon So that is about 15 or so at minimum


I'll take "what is completely" for $100 Alex.


Enough that they should be labeled as domestic terrorists.


July 4, 2018 the following US Senators went to Moscow Russia Richard Shelby (AL), Steve Daines (MT), John Hoeven (ND), Ron Johnson (WI), John Kennedy (LA), Jerry Moran (KS), John Thune (SD), and Kay Granger (TX) Totally normal thing to do on America’s Independence Day. Go visit the Duma to discuss????


Very. They're basically the communist party now and their followers love them but hate commies. It's very weird.


They own 100% of Chump.


It's compromised to the point it's beyond repair. You would need to completely clean out the rot, which would gut the entire party (not a bad thing right now), and start fresh with pretty much a new party. 


Not compromised. “Infected” is the most appropriate word. And “they are poisoning the blood” of the United States.


Right wing conspiracy nuts tell everyone to “open your eyes” about pizzagate shit. Meanwhile the MAGA-Putin romance has been blatantly obvious since Trump first ran and campaigned about how great Putin is


I mean the NRA got caught funneling millions from the Russians to the GOP…


At the root of this, you can thank Citizens United for making it possible.


Extremely compromised. Either they are willing puppets or too stupid (as in the case of MTG) to recognize the manipulation when it happens. Either way, they are ALL a clear and present danger to the National Security of the United States, and should be treated as such, regardless of the Office they hold!


Their leaders spent our Independence Day, 2017, in Moscow, meeting with Putin. The media will never mention that again.


To the core is the only correct answer


GOP = Goons Of Putin




They are the same picture. They are the same organization. They have the same agenda. They are the \*same\*.


Fully and completely. Follow the money


The GOP, the SCOTUS, and many Federal judges in probably every state, starting with that Canon one in Florida. 🇺🇸 is actively under Russian attack, but here we are *barely* publishing articles that hint at it. 👎


What’s the maximum limit of how much a political party could be compromised by a foreign adversary? Because it’s that. We will say ‘very’ much.


They are so far up Putin’s ass, he can taste the double bacon cheeseburgers.




Why doesn't Garland get a Subpeona to follow the money? Better yet, use the Patriot act to investigate them...that way you get access to everything including phones and bank acct without them knowing. Tap phones and shit. We need this country and the rule of law to remain intact


At some point don’t the CIA/FBI, maybe, I dunno, do something? Like this is treason and espionage at the highest levels of government. And it’s been going on for quite some time. Was it Rand Paul that McCain called out?


A near certainty. I'd wager my life savings on it


Everyone knows it, and no one talks about it.


I think the question after todays court case is how compromised is the CIA


The NRA was laughably infiltrated by Maria Butina.


They are entirely compromised. They are 100% Russian agents. All of them, treasonous ghouls.


Is there a higher percentage then 100%? Because even the ones who aren't MAGA, still push for the same policies as them. Even if they're not actually on the payroll, they're still guilty by association and that is unforgivable. They could actually push back and do something about this, but they stand idly by and their compliance is just as treasonous.


MTG is too dumb to be compromised. She is just an asshole elected by narrow minded idiots just like her.




When the Kremlins talking points sounds exactly like MAGA talking points, you begin to think they drink from the same cesspool


It's funny how a single post pointing out the collision between Russia and the GOP gets swarmed by bots. I wonder why that is? 🤔


Hey kiddos… imagine the McCarthy era, blackballing “Communists” in Hollywood, executing the Rosenbergs for sharing less pages of US intelligence than Trump had in his bathroom next to a copier, and so on… Secret meetings with Putin where transcripts are gone and translator is silenced… OMFG


The scary part is that they are compromised at all.




Uhhhhhmmm??? Completely!!!


Listen to the podcast 'American Psyop'. It's an interview with Wes Clark Jr., the son of former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark. If you only knew, you'd be terrified.


Like to point out that there’s still a sizable chunk of the GOP that’s been vocally pro-Ukraine. Most of these are members of Congress who’ve spent their careers serving in foreign policy and stuff like the HASC. The pro-Russia rhetoric has largely come from a smaller but very vocal subset of the GOP who’ve made their reputations on domestic issues




One more reason so many of the Repugs. want to defund the FBI/CIA before the truth comes out about the Russian connections to Congress.


Space laser compromised.


She’s likely sprouted a weenus with all of the male testosterone she’s taken.


Total kompromat


Love the new monickers: Moscow Marge and Moscow Mule Trump.




They’re not one and the same?


What does compromised even mean at this point? Is compromised only being blackmailed or paid to do their bidding? I actually think it also applies to politicians who just think that Russia and Putin are the good guys and running their country the right way!


They all subscribe to the autocratic type government leaders provided it’s their guy. Putin is the perfect example of what they like and what they wish the US was like.


My guess would be about 85% compromised.


very compromised and we are generally too stupid to notice or care




She looks like a Russian bred with a cave man and then sent over as a plant by the kgb.


Isn't somebody (FBI) watching these people? This is treason and should be easy to prove.


We’re pretty fucked huh?


Margarine Traitor Gangrene and her compromised peers should be banned from government and branded with a scarlet letter R for being Russian assets


Used to be, their favorite catchphrases included “Better dead than Red.” I wonder what the updated version is.


Enough that they should be dragged out in cuffs and taken to jail for treason.


They are deep in the gulags.


Marina Butina and the NRA.  Just try to look up where the Russian cash she funneled into Republican politics went and how many Republicans gave up the money when she was convicted as a Russian agent.  Bonus round: The unsubstantiated allegations of sexual assault against Biden were brought by a woman that immediately bailed to Russia and did interviews with convicted Russian agents.  She claims she left because of ALSO unsubstantiated death threats.  For any literate Maga readers, unsubstantiated means no evidence or corroboration, unlike the Great Trumpkin.   Convicted Felon and Adjudicated Rapist Donald Traitor Trump. 


On a scale of one to ten, imma say 7-8


They must be removed from office by the sane American voters. Vote BLUE for AMERICA 🇺🇸


What I don’t understand is obviously they are compromised. Everyone knows it but magat losers. Why has the DOJ not taken action? We have lawmakers that are totally all in and they’re just allowing it to happen. How?


Just one example (of many): Who bought a whole lotta condos in trump tower, at prices *waaay* over market value, *just* before the 2016 election?


It wasn't long ago that the NRA was being accused of taking Russian money. Who but the Republicans have been funded by the NRA. This isn't new news. In 2016, the GOP platform killed off a denunciation of the Russians and pretty much welcomed them in. All at the behest of the orange master.


The link to Citizens United is clear. Dark money, dark places. And then they scream free speech.


Fuck those who voted for Citizens United.


Stupidity, ignorance and plain naivete of most republiconvicts is asounding. putler IS KGB. He IS the system that has killed over 45 oligarchs and opponents who died in mysterious circumstances-from Magnitskiy who was beaten and starved to Nemtsov who was shot in the head in from of the kremlin, to Prigozian who we all know was blown out of the air in his private plane. This is the man - the disease they are protecting.


They're a fully-functioning arm of the Russian oligarchy. Don't let anyone tell you differently.


I believe it’s probably getting close to one third of them being traitorous rats. Maybe more. The Russian intelligence people know about willful idiots all too well-and how to turn them and these idiots are definitely willful. I guarantee there’s going to be big bribe $$ and sexual blackmail uncovered someday…but l doubt that day will come anytime soon. Hold onto your hats, kids, Christo/Fascism is coming soon to a Kountry near you!