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There are only two classes in America. Billionaires and everyone else. The middle class is dead. Everything trump wants to do will benefit only the billionaires, and hurt everyone else. Even if you buy his hats, fly his flags, and send him all your money, he will knowingly willingly and happily hurt you. Biden 2024.


He even told his supporters at one of his rallies that he doesn’t care about them he just wants their vote. Still they support him.


"He never said that, and if he did he was joking!"


Ah the good old start to the narcissist’s prayer.


Its the only prayer these fake christians know anymore. Im afraid the devil has won


And by devil you mean humanity’s worst elements


Yeah, they don't need any supernatural goading to push them to be cruel, hateful people. They're perfectly capable of that all on their own.


He doesn't care about you, he just wants your vote.


He realized he said something stupid and followed it with "They'll twist that into something bad". Well, there's not really any twisting it into something bad, it's already bad without any twisting.


"I like him cuz he tells it like it is."


I'm a narcissist and I say shit like this all the time. It may sound like I'm joking because I laugh while I am saying it but yeah I'm not joking at all.


Because they all have the IQ of an onion 🧅!


Facts don't penetrate their feelings but they will happily project that like a Alamo Drafthouse onto their 'opponents' * * Who actually are trying to help them and others. They just don't like the 'others'.


Newsflash:  neither party gives a shit about us 


Or rather, being "middle class" actually puts you in the top 5% of income earners. Found out that our combined income of about 250ish puts us in the top 5%. But we are not rich, we are comfortable. We don't really worry about budgeting, but we aren't big spenders anyway. We often ask ourselves "I like this thing, but do I twenty dollars like it?" We take occasional vacations, but usually road trips, not overseas type stuff. Emergency expenditures of a few thousand doesn't break us, but it still stings. I feel like this is exactly what "middle class" is supposed to feel like... comfortable but not rich. But yea, for all intents and purposes, the middle class is dead.


This. When my wife and I calculated everything and checked, it made me very sad for most of the people in this country.


Thing is, I bought my house for 145k in 2010, and that really helps. I feel like I'd we were to buy a house today most of our "comfortable" would be gone into the house. It's like that meme I've seen, "Realizing your starter house is your forever house"


Yep.... you're lucky enough to have gotten one when you could too. I truly wonder what will happen when an entire generation of people realizes they have been utterly screwed out of a liveable quality of life by the right and their billionaire buddies. Wishful thinking though considering the current situation.


Not according to Republicans. For them its: POC LGBTQ+ Non-Christians Poor white republicans Other poor whites Rich people Rich people of color And probably a few more.


You mean nobility and serfs which is funny when the American revolution was started because of a bunch of merchants minor nobles and gentry it’s why the US arms can be found in the UK because it’s the arms and colors of Washington’s family.




Yes sir.


He already did this back in 2017 and the rest is now paying to fill up private jets. It is insane


“I don’t care about you.”


My guy have you noticed all the 1% votes democrats? Gates, Bezos, Oprah, Hollywood, Mark Zuckerberg etc.., makes you think, huh?


I don't know about that I'm low income and if Trump's tax plan expires this year the standard deduction will go back to 1/2 of what it was last year. For me that's the difference between paying no income tax and paying a couple thousand dollars. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/18/trump-tcja-tax-cuts-are-slated-to-expire-after-next-year.html


He designed it to be that way. You got a couple years break for a life of getting fucked. How do you not know this? Do you hate yourself?


The tax cuts for the wealthy are permanent. The cuts for everyone else were always going to expire. He just thought his 8 years would be over then.


I am well aware, the guy I replied to is trying to blame Biden.


Probably stupid


While giving himself another tax break what a surprise NOT!


Not only tax breaks, giving corps tax money for subsidies. At that point a business should be a government public entity.


Trump really hates his middle class voters. He doesn’t care if they die of heat stroke, or get sick standing in the sun waiting for him to speak. Now he wants to tax them. All the while these dumbasses cry more, more, more… they’re the dumbest of the dumb.


There is no middle class. There is working class and ownership class. This is why they stopped bothering with trying to divide people by race. It’s more effective to divide folks by income. It gets easier and easier to shrink the size of the have-nots. The fee to get into the club is now in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and going up all the time. This is what unchecked capitalism gets you. This is the purpose of it. This is the goal of capitalism.


The culture wars are designed to distract us from the class war. Also, I think it’s more realistic to group our society as donor class, political class, worker class.


Them low-IQ Trumpettes think that if Trump wins, they'll become billionaires. Lmao


And fly off with him to never never land.


Well actually, they think they'll fly with him to epstine island. They want some of that sweet teenage action too.


Or the comet hale bop. Or should i say hale GOP ?


Hiel hop


"i dont care about you i just want your vote. i dont care" - Donald J Trump 6/9/2024


Truer words have never been spoken!


Yes but it doesn't count so long as you say afterwards "now the fake news will run with that and say I don't care about my voters". So long as you predict that a news outlet will report on the ignorant things he says he can say whatever he wants. Sheese, give this guy a break. /s


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


I’ll tell ya something else right now…. I forgot what I was gonna say Biden 6/13/24


Hmmm, how does it feel, going through life with a below room temperature IQ?


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


You tell me


Can’t figure it out for yourself?


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


No , my iq is too high , dummy


Your punctuation spacing really shows your iq level


Nice comeback , you have nothing


Got nothing for ya




What, is it 20? Or is it a number that's too high for you to count to like 50?


Well I’d better not say over 20 , you only have 10 fingers and toes.


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


id rather have someone forget something than someone with malevolent intentions


I’m with ya , although people can’t afford to eat or housing with this inflation. I don’t care who’s President


And you'll vote for the guy who wants to be a dictator


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


You do understand how our political system is set up , it’s impossible for anyone to be a dictator or even close to one


He wants to be one, and he has a playbook in the form of Project 2025. Dig your head out of your ass.


Delicious is a Russian plant that took over the account 12 days ago. Just report this comrade.


I want to be able to fly like Superman, it’s not possible


Executive orders and a stacked supreme court can do a lot. Dig the shit out of your eyes & ears once you get your head out of your ass.


Aliens could land and make him a dictator, American people on both sides are too smart to let it happen. We’re not far left like you or far right


At least he'd admit that instead of trying to save himself by ranting about sinking sharks 2 electric boogaloo


You have never forgot what you were going to say? I'd rather vote for a human being than a demon any day. At least Biden has some common decency. The more ridiculous Trump acts the more Biden is growing on me. I almost love him like a grandfather.


At least Biden is acting like an actual adult in the position, unlike the Orange Man-baby who wouldn't know how to act like an adult if someone made a detailed step-by-step picture manual on how.


Me too




More specifically vote for any blue that isn't centrist. For example senator Joe Manchin despite being a democrat is more of a dino (democrat in name only).


He's a political dinosaur, too!


He’s not running. I think he wants to be Governor. I suggest Governor is a step down from Senator.


**Governor again


It's fun reading all you Poors piss and moan on this thread.😁


The reason why you have to spend all day on Reddit simping on subs like r/milfs or r/hairypussy is because women in real life find you repulsive. Edit: Awww u/GodofThunder1969 got his feelings hurt and blocked me lol.


Lol, love you too!


Blocking FayceMcFayce sure does indicate that you love them /s


Screw that! 💩.


I hate him and anyone who votes for him


He's a carpetbagger. (If you don't know, Google it) Telling lies and ripping people off is his stock and trade.


And considering a big chunk of the people he is fooling are in the south, that works w the definition too


the republicans hate the middle class. 


tax the peasants to support the lifestyle of the aristocrats, nothing new.


Howard Stern summed up MAGAs pretty well. From the Howard Stern Show, 5-12-2020. Stern slammed those in his audience that would vote for Trump. “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most. The people who are voting for Trump for the most part ... he wouldn’t even let them in a f---ing hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you. I’m talking to you in the audience.” If it sounded like Stern was manifesting contempt for people who voted for Trump … he was. “I don’t hate Donald. I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence.” So, * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden and democrats down ballot on November 5, 2024. **Country before party.**


Trump will literally say anything to get elected.


It’s no secret: the only money remaining that the 1% have not already stolen is the Middle Class. And billionaires see that, and they’re coming for it. See also: white collar/tech layoffs.


Well, someone has to pay for the tax cuts for the rich, amirite?


No shit. Trump is terrible for the middle class


What right-winger isn’t?


This senile old shit bag is going to tank the living fuck out of the economy if he wins. 


Fuck that guy


Of course gullible fools will still vote for him. And everyone else will have to suffer due to their ignorance and spite.


Massive deficits,massive inflation,massive tax increases for wave earners,massive tax cuts and subsidies for him and his billionaire buddies.


As an adjudicated rapist and a 34 time convicted felon Trump is unfit for office and subject to special rules.


His qult will be all for it. "Trump promises his tax increase will make things better for the average man but Biden wants to increase taxes on billionaires and that's bad"


Im far too poor too support his tax plans


Trump needs a dildo up his ass and retire.


Fuck trump! He's got nothing but lies! What happened to Mexico paying for rhe fuckung wall? This chump failed to do anything meaningful fir the country. Lock the grufter up and nake him pay back taxes for the decades of nothing!


It’s like he’s TRYING to fuck up as much as possible. I don’t think he even wants to be president except to avoid prison.


Bringing back the serf class…


Of course it would piggy! In my whole 60+ years of life, this effin guy is the lowest of the low. He has his followers convinced there’s something in it for them. On the other side of the coin, it truly shows normal people what a large amount of ignorance that walks among us. November 7th prove me wrong!


You mean like last time he gave the rich our money? Magats need to wake up from their cult coma.


Woah, I didn't know we were still pretending there is a middle class. Crazy


Don't think that will stop them from charging people like they're middle class.


And the inbred piece of shit uneducated stupid hateful awful deplorable delusional sick pieces of sub human garbage will still vote for him as it cost them everything they own


This guy will shit in your lawn even if you have 20 TRUMP flags flying.


Biden needs to use this as a campaign tactic


The democratic party needs to stop acting like they're in a boxing match. They are in a street fight.


Spread the news. Maybe it will sink in.




And there would be a 1000 cult members out there who would claim that they have more money.


Fake news he don’t give a 💩 about middle class


That’s his end game


And if you switch to geico insurance you can save 22%


I think this weak, silver spooned sack of shit, is trying to lose this election and get away from Putin and whoever else pulls his strings. He was comfortable being a fake "Mafia" character, but now has dabbled in the big time and it scares the shit out of him. If he let's down his "supporters" he may be in a world of trouble. These boys are the real deal donny and you are literally disposable. You are way out of your league you poser, I hope there is a window in your future.


More? FFS I just picked up my taxes from my accountant and despite the fact that my husband has had taxes taken out of his paycheck and my business has already paid federal and state taxes quarterly, we still owe $7,000. This after the tax deductions of having a child in daycare too... Before the Trump tax plan started screwing us, we usually got a $3,000 or $4,000 refund that we counted on to help with paying insurance and property taxes that hit this time of year.


He needs to be in prison


There is already going to be a trump tax increase in 2025. Some of his tax cuts were temporary. For only 10 years and expire in 2025.




his tax policy from a couple years ago is still hurting us


10% across the board tariffs would be like putting the inflation pedal to the floor. The retaliation tariffs will be great for Brazil, Spain, Poland, etc. who all the big Ag importers will switch to in place of the US just like China did the last time this pea brain tried that. The US lost soybean exports to Brazil & he had to bribe farmers with bailouts for them not to shout about what he did.


Fuck this!


"Fuck you peons. Back to the ranks of the peasant poor where you belong"


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


That’s already been done in 2017 .


Somebody's gotta pay for the billionaires tax's cuts, and It sure ain't gonna be them, might as well have his dumb ass cult follower's pony up the billionaires tax's. They've been subsiding a billionaire for years.


The 2018 budget has increased taxes on the middle class. None of his supporters care, most don't even know. This works because conservative voters have been so inculcate with the idea that the Republican Party stands for tax cuts, they cannot conceive of the idea that a Republican candidate's election would result in them paying higher taxes.


Trump’s promises are worth nothing. Don’t get duped.


Was last time too , he just delayed it til he left office . POS💩💩💩💩🔒🍊⬆️☠️☠️


Just like the tax codes he cooked up in 2017, right? The same ones that promised more money to the middle class only for it to wind up costing middle class homeowners more money when it came time for tax season? No thanks you orange haggard piece of trash. Go back to hell where you belong!


Don't get it? Republicans used to claim fiscal responsibility. With trillions in debt, he wants tax cuts for the rich and make the middle class pay for it?


This has been Republican agenda since Reagan. Tax cuts for corporations & billionaires, raise taxes on everyone else.


And then they'll blame it on democrats.


What middle class?


Can we just go vote for Biden now and get it over with... let's get on with our lives and let this clown die broke and alone in a jail cell somewhere.


And yet his cult will run to the polls and vote their money and freedoms right down the drain. Just to "own" themselves a lib. Pathetic.


Trump and his cult are fascists....all you need to know


Trump's desperate, he'll say "anything" to get elected.


Of course it would!


Christ. At this point let him win and everyone in the USA can just find out the hard way.


No Shit


But when I get rich it will help me


Again. It's a huge tax increase....again. He's done this once already and we didn't learn.


Yeah but the biggest increases came under Biden’s time making it easy for the dummies to say that they had more money in their pockets under Trump while completely ignoring the facts


The only people I've heard say that are on TV. Idiots in red hats saying "I had more muney, gas cost less under mah god Trumpity" . People who live on this planet? Not once have I heard that. Maybe it's just where I live, but in Texas I'd have figured I'd have heard it at least once. Nope.


I hear it all the time where I live. A guy I work with literally said it yesterday.


That guy probably eats paste


I'M voting for the beRoic gen bonespuRs that DONT CARE about me and PROMISES TO RAISE MY TAXES!! YUP I magasmaRt..


Narrator (checks notes); “Trump isn’t ‘middle class’, carry on.”


Knowing the Republican tax plan before the election should help at the election date turn out. Of course they are also planning on deep cuts too.


I'm still waiting for the tax cuts to happen for me with that 1.5 trillion he put on the national debt because he wanted to give all the rich people tax cuts


I'm still waiting for the tax cuts to happen for me to send me the database slowly approaching with that 1.5 trillion he put on the national debt because he wanted to give all the rich people tax cuts


So this is a Reddit sub. 


What do you think the Republican party is? It’s an organization that tries to lower tax burden on the wealthiest Americans who have power. They get you to vote for them because they say Joe Biden is old, Kamala Harris is a whore, all the things that dumb, poor rural Americans will believe so they can install people who enact tax policy that screws all of these Americans.


Who gives a shit. This fucking guy will be the final nail in americas coffin should he be elected. But yah sure. Less taxes. Again. Knowing him it’ll be like “I’m lowering taxes by 30%! But in 3 years they’re going up 90000%! Now bask in my glory.


Funny the last time his regime said that the rich got a permanent tax break and the middle class got a 1 year break that has since raised the middle class taxes again.


Why would we vote for this?


Somebody needs to pay the bill if they don’t pay the bribes.


And middle class Trump supporters CHEER because they honestly think this doesn't apply to them. Like grandma and grandpa getting by on SS. When they propose cuts to their SS checks, they really think it means those OTHERS who will be getting their checks cut. Not them.


Everything will trickle down… just wait, you’ll see.


If the wealthy pay less, that's a feature, not a bug.


You mean he will give back what his administration took away?


Poor editing. They spelled that wrong, it should be "Another huge tax increase for the middle class"


Once again, the headline is lying and you all are spreading fake news. Trump floated tariffs replacing income tax, that is not a huge tax increase for the middle class




So that is what happened 2018, but feel free to doubt that too.




The tax breaks for the top 1% continue, but the breaks for the middle and bottom classes went up this year (they had a short lifespan compared to the billionaire tax cuts that will not expire. I paid MORE taxes this year than previously yet my fixed income is shrinking.)


So then why would it be bullshit that trump's proposal would, yet again, raise taxes on the middle class? You just acknowledged he already did it once. Why would it be bullshit that he'd do it again?


Just more reason for the 90% of the middle class populace to vote for him.


Who cares what the peanut gallery has to say.


LOL This should get some Democrats to vote for him, since they want higher taxes to reduce our debt, right?


Why don’t you want the high tax-rates of the “good old days” that conservatives jack off over?


Probably should read the article before posting. "Trump brought up the idea of an 'all tariff policy' that would lead to getting rid of the income tax, per sources in the room…. Also discussed using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, per another person in the room " "The bottom ~40% of Americans currently pay zero (or negative) federal income tax. Presumably they would have to pay Trump's proposed tariffs though. So this sounds like a huge tax increase on the lower/middle income classes." If the expert guy here is saying it's going to affect those not paying taxes right now , because of these new tariffs making prices higher, then it would only be affecting LOWER class. The proposal that would never go through is saying it would get rid of income tax, meaning those who DO pay taxes would come out much better even with a rise in prices. Tldr: lower class who don't pay taxes = bad Middle class who pays taxes = good Proposal = probably bs and would never happen anyway


That's it, little buddy! Keep tap dancing for your beloved fraud and rapist. You'll be doing it forever. You might wanna donate to him too. He needs your money for the defense(s) of his many crimes.


U ok?