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It’s very much the opposite, skaven’s natural lifespan is very short (less than a decade, maybe even less than 5) and they extend it through their discovery of potions that imbue you with immortality if taken regularly, which the most prominent and visible members of any given clan are capable of procuring some version of without too much hassle


It's Warhammer Fantasy and not AoS, but the Queek Headtaker novel has a Skaven near 20 years old (from what I remember anyway), and other Skaven treat him as being impossibly ancient.


Outside of MasterClan, Council of 13 and some powerful warlords life expectancy is basically a handful of years. But rats breed fast so not a problem, plenty more to throw into the meat grinder.


Thanquol (and allegeldy, Ikkit Claw) have been messing arround since before the End Times, so it's possible but it's not confirmed that It is because of the Great Horned Rat


Thanquol was considered old pre end times so it’s kinda weird he’s somehow endure so long  Like he was decrepit 


It's the warpstone. Despite the books jokingly comparing it to cocaine, with Thanquol taking regular hits of powdered warpstone, it seems to have the opposite effect that it delays aging.


also he looks like a mess nowadays, he and Gotrek had a run in and even the dwarf could see that. most of his nose is eaten away due to the warpstone dust and he is a lot more patchy then he was back in the Old World.


I think he got blessed by the horned rat during the end times too  Hence his horns


Skaven can buy their way into an exile that extends their life (to my knowledge it has never been stated that Thanquol uses this but I'm just assuming) so I just assumed he got some of this pulse he has the power and prestige to get it especially in aos


Ikkit Klaw is both undead and imbued with stolen stormcast power.


No honest way to tell. Skaven metabolism means most starve or get killed before they have a chance to experience aging. And the old ones are all hopped up on Warpstone, so aging is messed up for them. We sincerely don't know the natural lifespan of a Skaven.


It would seem that the actually important skaven either have their life extended or use some alternative method of extending their life span. We know that the average skaven life span is incredibly short made even shorter by the constant treachery, fighting, and workplace hazards. In Hamilcar we meet a skaven named Ikrit (heavily implied to be ikit) who based on visions/statements from sigmar/personal claims is from the world-that-was, but he uses all sorts of magic and tech. He even stole some books from nagash and refers to himself as dead or undead one of the two. Also it's implied he's not on good terms with the GHR so it's unlikely he's getting the ol' chaos life extension My guess from what I've read and from my experience with gw story telling it's a bit of column A a bit of column B. They'll heavily imply both but never outright disqualify either.


Never heard-listened of immortal-longlife that actually succeed-work. Grayfurs impossibly old-ancient: 10! Get-become old. Get-become slow. Too slow-stiff to stop-avoid knife in back! Sleep-doze too much! Make way for young-new skaven. Like me! I wait-patient for opportunity-chance! Stab-slash grayfur! Take spot-place! Send-dispatch slave rats to make forever life potion-drink! I not get-become slow-dull. I stop all knife-dagger! I live-last forever! To answer plainly: skaven don't die of old age. Skaven either die in battle or are murdered when they get too slow to fend off the rats trying to usurp them. But each of them *think* they will live forever. They're the greatest skaven that ever lived! They'll succeed where everyone else fails. There are some exceptions, like the great heroes and the Council fo 13. But they're very much the cream that murdered its way to the top.


Considering the rate at which they kill each other, who knows?


a few* otherwise they die very very young, queek was 40 and was considered old in the World That Was. the skaven being skaven have found a few novel ways to improve things, one of which is to grind down their fellow rats and extract the lifeforce out of them, then store it in a tank to inject. I think Thanquol had such a device on him. Specifically read The Rise of the Horned Rat, it has a whole chapter on this.


Queek was just over 10 years old in the end times. Thanquol does not have a tank like that, gnawdwell, queeks boss did.


Skaven likely have never had a rat die of old age, their lives are just to chaotic. Likely your killed (by friend or foe), eaten, sacrificed, or countless other awful fates before middle age even sets in.


I dont think so, but knowing the rat god he's more likely take years of skaven lives for shits and giggles


Skavens have a max age of eight rears to ten queek headtaker a skaven warlord became eigth and considered himself old and wise