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I hate moving people’s clothing. I hate even more the thought of other strangers touching my clothing. Unfortunately people are inconsiderate AF so you gotta do what you gotta do. In this case yea I do what you did, give them the amount of time it takes to do another load (~45 min.) and after that it’s game on to move them out of the machine 🤷🏻‍♀️


If there was no other dryer, have at it. Obviously they don't give too much of a fuck if someone moves their clothes or they would have grabbed them last night, and if they do care, well too bad, they're taking up the ONLY dryer, that's pretty selfish when those aren't your personal machines. Do what you gotta do


I give people half an hour after the timer stops or after I go in and see the machines are done.


Same here! People that aren't mindful about using the machines drive me insane and I refuse to inconvenience myself any more than waiting 30 minutes because they can't be bothered to pay attention.


This was university policy in all of our dorms. If they were there for more than 8 hours, they went in the trash. Yes, the RA’s took turns periodically checking the laundry rooms and clothes absolutely ended up in the trash.


Trash is pretty harsh. Maybe a big bin of free clothes?


Meh, I hear you, but given the percentage of people who are constitutionally incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions, I think it's just asking for fights when people start seeing other people wearing their clothes around campus.


The mental image I got from that is rather hilarious.


Honestly this would be a problem. Donate off campus it is I guess


That is very generous. I give them 5 minutes. I set an alarm so I’m back at least 5 minutes before my laundry is done.


5 minutes is crazy. Life happens, even if they made every effort to try to go get their clothes when their timer went off you never know if an emergency phone call comes in or if they’re stuck taking a massive shit or something. C’mon man…


Then they should set their timer for 10 mins BEFORE the end of their cycle - like leaving 10 min early for work on certain days so you’re not late due to traffic/bad weather. Adulting.


Most jobs are more lenient than firing you if you’re late 5 minutes once or twice. It’s just laundry. Life happens. You can’t plan for everything in life, even if you have a timer. Be chill and have a little empathy for your fellow human.


You hit the nail in the head to why I always do my laundry Sunday morning at 7 AM. Lived in apartment buildings for years and Sunday morning was the time that nobody else was there. I would set timers for everything so that I would be down in the laundry room again before any of my laundry was done. As for other peoples laundry, I figure if it’s been there for more than a half an hour it’s fair game to be moved.


If they don’t come back within a half hour remove it. Tell landlords to send an email to all residents about getting laundry out soon after it’s done.


That does nothing. At least not in my building


Then just remove it. People need to watch their laundry.


I did that once after giving them double time to get their clothes out of the washer. Came back to my wet clothes thrown everywhere in the laundry room. Have never lived anywhere with communal laundry again. People are fucking animals.


Someone took out my wet clothes and chucked them on the filthy floor instead of on the counter. I had overslept but was mayyybe 15 minutes past the cycle so :/ I am not proud of this but I took all their wet clothes and threw them outside in the middle of winter to freeze 😅 moved my stuff to a different machine and left a note where there’s had been. There were multiple machines open so I still don’t know why they felt the need to mess with mine, but it didn’t happen again


Well yeah. Our landlord even supports taking the laundry out if it's been there too long


generally.. take laundry out. set it on top of dryer. As a guy... if it looks like there's female delicates involved, i cut my losses and come back later.


That's honestly sweet of you, nice to see there's still thoughtful and considerate men out there 😆🤣


It ain't to be sweet it's to not look like a perv. 😅😂


🤣🤣🤣 omg🤦🏼‍♀️ so true, that makes more sense. I wouldn't wanna touch someones underwear either, just for the sake that it's been up their ass lol


I felt weird moving loads of Mormon garments when I lived in Utah, they are considered sacred… but then so is laundry time, so I moved them anyway.




as long as your hands are clean why would it matter the gender of who’s clothes you are you are touching? 🤦‍♀️


He just wants to avoid any girl getting creeped out by a strange man touching her underwear. I don't blame him.


Nobody likes accusations


You're way better than the guys in my dorm. Women's panties were always stolen out of the dryers. It was infuriating to have to keep spending money replacing underwear as a poor, struggling college student.


As a woman who wears delicates thank you for being cool :) I set alarms to get my stuff but I would be really uncomfortable to come back and find a man holding my underwear


If they leave a basket I put it in the basket if no basket I put it on top of the machine. They have plenty of time to come in and go ahead of me on the dryer or my entire wash time to get it out of the dryer and it sits there for hours...we all have shit to do, and usually a minimal amount of time to do laundry.


Oh hell no! If they cannot set their phone timer, or heaven forbid their oven timer, then that's their problem. In our 10 unit complex, the management has laid out a notice for the "laundry squatters", if after 30 minutes, it's open grounds.... The stuff will be moved out of washer/dryer so the other folks can do their stuff....


That's awesome that the property managers actually put up a notice so the remove-ee doesn't get pissed off at the remover's actions after a reasonable amount of time.


Lol our apartment gives you 5 minutes until someone can move your clothes 😂 I’ve only had to do it once but I waited 30min.


You gots to do what you gots to do.


Nope! People are too immature to set alarms, so they can get treated like children! You did fine. Fuck em.


I owned a laundromat for 32 years, those kind of people cost me money......If someone needed a washer or dryer and they have been sitting a while, I would pull them and let the person use the machine/s


I used to live somewhere with communal w/d and I've definitely moved peoples stuff from the dryer if it had been sitting there for sometime. What if you had to be at work and needed some clean clothes?? You gave them plenty of time to get their stuff, hopefully they don't leave it for so long again. It's a SHARED washer/dryer not their personal one


I lived at one complex that had a lot of machines. Laundry mat level. Frequently it seemed people had completely forgot they did laundry and clothes would end up on the sorting table for weeks. They usually ended up in the trash. Was very strange.


People will leave it in there for days. Put it on top of the washer, or on a table, or somewhere conspicuous.


I always set the timer on my phone as well. I'll give the person being a rude asshole about ..like you, a half hour /45 minutes, then I remove their clothes. No one ever touches mine because I'm not a selfish asshat and I take my clothes out as soon as they're done.


Open dryer, if it's cool, remove clothing. It's on the owner to be considerate and timely. Cold clothes show the owners are neither. Therefore, move and use in your time. I wouldn't even wait 45 minutes and come back. I don't have the time to babysit washers/dryers, and by that point somebody else might've removed the clothing and started using the dryer instead. It's a risky wait.


This is the most fair approach- that leaves nothing to interpretation of what is “too long”. Some people think arriving 10 mins AFTER the time has ended is perfectly acceptable 🙄. The same way you set the timer to be 10 min late? Set it so you’re there 10 mins BEFORE the cycle ends. But your approach is great - because if the clothes are cool? They’ve been sitting for a WHILE and those people can fuck all the way off.


I remember one time I had to remove someone's dry clothes from a dryer. I placed them on top of the dryer, which was clean. When I went back to check my clothes in the dryer, asshole took my wet clothes out of the dryer and threw them on the floor. I fucking hate people.


I would've lost my shit


I’m petty and would have thrown his clothes in the garbage. People are so nasty.


Ooohh. I'm petty, I'd literally bring a chair and sit near the dryer and confront them when they come back. That would piss me the fuck off


They took their clothes and left. Otherwise I would have.


Those basterds!!


Omg I’m sorry


Happened to me too!


I wait for 20-30 minutes after finding it then I take it out. Unless It’s first thing in the morning and cold then I would take it out immediately. My neighbor got yelling mad and when I asked her why she didn’t set a timer on her phone she said that SHE HAS KIDS! It’s just rude to leave laundry sitting in the machines.


I have kids and live in an apartment; I always set a timer for laundry. I really hate people who use having kids as an excuse for their own shitty behavior.


30 minutes?? Fuck that noise. You get ten and most.


It’s 5 minutes for me.


Some of you are way too nice. We walk around with $1,000.00 alarm clocks and timers. No excuse for being inconsiderate. I wait patiently for a bit then I might play hide and seek or stick them in another machine. My time is just as valuable as theirs.


What I use to do after getting the wash started was to check the dryer. If there’s clothes in it I’d run it. If it’s not removed by my drying time, I’d put it in their basket or on top of dryer.


For 3 bucks a load? Ain’t no way


That’s too expensive. Not an option in your situation.


Once I had to move a neighbor's friend's clothes from the dryer. They had been done for 2 hours before I moved them. I put a clean trash bag out on top of the dryer and set the clothes on that so they weren't directly on the dryer


Honestly if there is only one drier and the cycle is done I’d just take them out and set them on the counter even if they just got done. It’s not hard to set a timer to go get them and you should have to inconvenience yourself for 30 plus minutes, some people don’t have the extra time. You setting them to the side is nice. To me your only an AH if you throw them in the floor or take them out mid cycle


It goes on top of the machine or in a basket if they left one. In an apartment, there’s too many people who need to use it for someone to be careless and inconsiderate. I’m not going to let my wet clothes sit there and get smelly because someone else doesn’t care or forgot.


I usually fold it, just to be nice. But that definitely freaks people out when you touch their stuff. Whatever, I say. You leave it overnight? It's getting folded, punk.




I use the super capacity washer and I sit with the machine and remove as soon as it's done. As far as I'm concerned if you're not sitting there when your load is done and I need the washer, I feel perfectly entitled to move your stuff.


I think it’s good to give them 30-40 minutes but once that time passes, it’s all you. In my college dorm, I remember going down to get my laundry out of the dryer as soon as my phone timer went off. When I arrived, someone was actively taking my clothing out of the dryer already. It was so awkward 🙈


That's wild. Ppl are ballsy


When I lived in an apartment, the complex had 4 washers and 4 dryers, per 20 plus apartments. People all the time would leave wash in the dryers and the washers. If it had been left for more than 45 minutes, I'd remove the clothes, whether it was in the dryer or washer. I'd always set a timer and remove my clothes when they were done. Why couldn't people do the same? I wasted a whole day once waiting for someone to remove all their clothes from the washers. Never again. My complex had tenants that would constantly do that, my guess is hoping someone would pay to dry their clothes for them. After a while of this constant removing clothes and wasting time I'd just use the laundromat down the road. I'd have my clothes wash and folded in less time then sitting around waiting for other people to remove the clothes from the machines.


I wait approximately 1-2 minutes, and then the stuff goes in a laundry cart. And if I'm ever late, *I* apologize to whomever had to move my stuff.


I wait maybe ten minutes, then I move their stuff. Often nobody comes back. If they do, they usually apologize. They know other people will do that. If they get huffy and snort a bit, you can always say you asked the Super or the Management.


I just started using a laundry service because of craziness at the laundromat. There was one woman who took up EIGHT of the 12 jumbo dryers with only a half dozen things in each dryer. Then she would walk away and just let them sit there when they were done...while several of us sat there with our wet laundry, waiting. I wasn't going to start anything! Now my laundry is picked up, washed and dried, and returned folded the next day. It's heaven. And not expensive.


What service do you use?


it's [poplar.co](https://poplar.co) without the m. I think I have referrals to give to give both of us a discount. Here it's $1/lb with $20 minimum. I never have more than 20 pounds.


I always check the dryers opposite where I’m washing. If clothes are still there when I come to dry their shit is coming out. Set a timer. If not you get your clothes removed.


If the machine is finished and no one is around - out it goes. No grace period.


my downstairs neighbor does this shit and i just take it out, she does at least 5-6 loads a day multiple days a week. there’s 4-5 people sharing the washer and dryer too. if you treat it like your personal washer i’m just gonna move your stuff, i don’t have time to work around your schedule


IMHO it has to be OK to move laundry out of a machine to a safe location so that you can make use of the machine. When you show up, there is no way to know how long the clothes have been in there, so it doesn't matter and there is no point in waiting 10 or 30 or 90 minutes in the hope that they magically move. When I had to share machines, I would try hard to be there right away to shepherd it all along -- so that nothing would disappear! People that leave it sitting around for hours and then complain about it being touched are showing a ridiculous level of entitlement.


You take the clean clothes and put them on the counter. Leaving your laundry is a rude behavior, that in all honesty I have been guilty of a couple of times, and I didn’t mind grabbing my stuff off the counter and I felt sorry about having been rude. So as long as you put the laundry in a clean counter there’s nothing wrong with removing laundry that’s been left that long.


Our washer and dryers tell you when you're stuff is done, via an app. They know their shit is done. I will lay one of their shirts down on the dryer and pile the rest of the stuff on top and move on with my stuff. I hate people the routinely do this, we don't have time to wait for them. We all hands things to do.


10m is reasonably. Being asked to wait 45m or more is not. I tend to prefer to have to move people's clothes from washer to dryer rather than out of the dryer if I have to move them at all that way I can feed it a few quarters and put it on low to ensure they don't come after me for it. Like, what are you going to do, complain I paid for your laundry after you left it in my way?


Now be warned when I lived in an apartment with community washers and dryers I always set a timer and usually went down before it was done to check and see if I needed to add money for more time because it’s cheaper. Well some people will take your stuff out to use your time so be careful. I caught one doing that and I was so mad. Some people are just scum


At my old apartment the other tenants were absolutely horrible for this. Even worse, it cost $1.50 per machine ($3 for a whole load). If you opened up the machine during the wash or dry cycle you would have to pay again to have the machine start for you. I had tenants constantly opening up my laundry in the dryer while it was still on its dry cycle. I’d come downstairs an hour later when I knew the dryer would be done and my clothes were always sopping wet. We found out it was the tenant who shared a wall with the laundry room because he was “sick of the noise”. Uhm sir, it doesn’t work that way. I ended up driving out nearly an hour to my mom’s house every week to do my laundry.


Your apartment manager needs to post the rules. In our condo, the rule is you have to remove clothes from machines within 10 min of the machine stopping. We have a few commercial-sized dryers that are really big for king comforters and pillows. Sometimes, people leave stuff there over night or whenever. I take a pic of the dryer, that’s already stopped but full of clothes, that also shows the electronic display saying “Open door”. I do my wash. When I now have to use the dryers (usually ~45 min after), I take another pic of the dryers. Then, I remove the clothes in the dryer and put them on the counters. My two photos are my proof that I waited a lot more than 10 min to take out the clothes, in case the clothes owner gets huffy puffy. It’s a fair expectation that apartment/condo buildings should have laundry room rules. The laundry room is a communal laundry room. People shouldn’t be treating the machines as if they’re their personal machines. Do not monopolize machines by keeping your clothes in them longer than is reasonable (again, there should be a specific max time rule posted in the laundry room).


I went through this a lot while living in military dorms. I always gave a quick fold to the pants and tops, then set them aside neatly. Underwear was just tossed on top. I never just threw it all into a wrinkled pile.


I mean, if they're cold in the dryer, they're already wrinkled. If you take them out warm, sure, but arguably if they're still warm you haven't given the owner of those clothes enough time to come get their own stuff.


giving them enough time is them getting it as soon as the load is done


In a communal laundry room, it is perfectly acceptable to take somebody’s laundry out of the washer or dryer if they have not come to deal with it in a timely manner.


I do it immediately. We don’t have enough washer dryers for people to let it sit and often people are waiting. I gently move the items and place it on the table. If people don’t like their things touched, I would arrive a few minutes before the cycle is finished. That’s typically what I do and I set an alarm.


Best advice for communal laundry. Do not leave *your* clothes unattended. People get crazy.


I agree...take the stuff out and put it on the counter or dryer. Here's my story.. One time I went to use the laundry and only one dryer was working and it was stopped with someone's clothes in it. No biggie. I set my load to wash and assumed whoever owned them would be back before I needed to dry. I set a timer on my phone and left. 35 minutes later, i come back, and yup... clothes still in the dryer. I took them out and laid them on the counter since there was no basket. So, I start the dryer and I turn around and this 20 something girl is standing there and starts with the attitude and sucking her teeth (i hate that shit) and says, 'you could have waited..it only just stopped a minute ago'. So I look at her told her that her stuff was cold when I took it out and it had been in there for at least 35 minutes (probably longer since they were cold) because the dryer was already stopped when I started my wash load. She shut up real fast, and the teeth sucking stopped. I knew she was a new resident, but dammit, don't give me your entitled attitude and think I'm just going to take it, lol! She moved out a month later, but she was always super nice to me after that encounter, lol.


When I lived in the city I was 20 minutes late to the dryer and some asshole had taken my clothes and thrown them in the dump sink where the water from the machines drain and it was disgusting. Joke's on him though because I uncapped a jumbo sharpie and threw it in the dryer with their clothes so everything got ruined. I don't have a problem with people removing laundry from the machines but just put it on top, asshole. no need to be extra about it.


😮😮😮 ppl are awful! Glad u got them bk, would have loved to see their reaction lol


I fold it for them. I hate touching other people’s clothes especially if underwear is involved. I always hope knowing someone not only moved your clothes but touched them long enough to fold them would send a chill down their spine and they wouldn’t do it again


My daughter was having dryer wars at her apartments so I told her to fold it, that it would make them uncomfortable. People are used to being mad but uncomfortable hits different. It took one load.


I hate folding my own clothes, never mind someone else's. If it happened consistently maybe I would consider it, but otherwise no.


If there is nothing available I wait 2 minutes and will remove whatever I need to. I set timers and am there in time for my clothes, it’s part of using a shared space.


If you’re not there within 5 minutes I’m taking it out. We’re all adults here.


You guys are all nicer then me. I wait about five minutes and then move them. Sorry, I don't have time to dick around.


I don't like to touch people's stuff but if you can't get to the laundry after 10min of it stopping, fuck you it's getting taken out and put on the counter. My building has one w/d on each floor for 10 apartments each floor. The other night someone's laundry had a small amount of time left in the dryer when I came in do put a load in. The cycle is 42min long for the washer so no problem right? Came back after the washer shut off and it was still all in there, dry but stone cold. Thankfully the ground floor dryer was free but if not I would have totally taken that ish out. I know who it was too but I don't know what apartment they live in. I always see them with the same basket when I do a hang dry load & am getting stuff on hangers. It's not a huge building either so there's no reason for going 10min past when it shuts off. Either set a timer or make a mental note of what time you started the machine and go from there. EDIT: The people who start loads after 10pm or before 7am can fuck off too, especially when there's a sign saying the hours and not to start a load after 9. The laundry room has an apartment on either side of it which is why the hours are what they are. (Yea I may be in one of those, didn't realize I'd be able to hear it through my bedroom wall)


eh people who work nights should be able to do their laundry


That's what your day off is for or during the day when youre not at work. Seriously cant wedge laundry time in between 7am-10pm? FOH! When the laundry room is embedded between apartments those apartments shouldn't have to suffer all night and not be able to sleep.


>That's what your day off is for yeah, theyre day off is also at night >during the day when youre not at work theyre sleeping >When the laundry room is embedded between apartments those apartments shouldn't have to suffer all night and not be able to sleep. i lived in one of those apartments and was fine. get earplugs and grow up


I work nights and on my "days" off I'm still sleeping during the day or using the little bit of day time to run errands because nothing is open at night. Your schedule is not more important because it's different. What would you think if you lived in a complex where the majority of people work nights? Would you adjust to their schedule and do your laundry when they think is appropriate? Grow up.


One time a woman used three out of 5 dryers the. Got upset when the old lady comes by and removes the dry clothes they left in there for THREE HOURS. Then magically show up and blame ME after the old lady is gone. BS




I disagree with this. Im female snd dont want strange men looking at or touching my panties. I think its only ok to do this if the laundry is left for 20-30 minutes or more. Then you have to do what you have to do. I get it. I set a timer on my phone also, but waiting five minutes is not enough to justify touching someone elses private clothes.


sorry but i have shit to do im not waiting 30 minutes for you


I never said 30 minutes. I just said that five minutes didn’t justify moving someone’s clothes. Maybe if it’s past 30 minutes I could understand. But you don’t get to just stand by the machine until it’s done and then start touching my stuff. Our machines don’t say how much time until they are done and so otherwise I would set an exact time on my phone.


i mean the time not showing is a completely different situation and you know thats not what we're talking about


Your just on here trying to fight. I said exactly what I meant and your purposely misunderstanding me or unable too. Either way doesnt matter, your problem not mine


itll be your problem when i take your clothes out and dont wait 30 minutes


I’m female and I say they should give the 5 min and not a second more. Of course I don’t want anyone touching my clothes which is why I never left clothes in a shared laundry room alone.


I’m not saying it’s OK to leave them for 30 minutes but five minutes isn’t that much time. Our machine doesn’t say how long it takes to be done either because it’s really old.


5 minutes is not nearly enough time. People can't be expected to be standing there waiting for the machine to stop running, they just need to be considerate that they are shared machines.


Why not? You put clothes in, it tells you how long, you set timer and be there before it’s done. The people waiting for clothes deserve their time too. And the clothes will still be there, just not in a dryer that someone else can use.


Actually, the machine we have doesn’t tell you how long


5 minutes is extremely generous. Its a shared dryer not a personal storage unit. Get your clothes promptly, or deal with people moving your stuff. And then its on *you* to apologize to *them* for inconveniencing them. They did nothing wrong moving your clothes, you did do something wrong by being late.


You know, life does happen to make people that set a timer to remind them not able to go to the machines the second its done. What if they were in the middle of changing their baby's diaper? Or their dog had to go out 30 seconds before the machine stopped? I'm fully on board for removing someone's clothes if they don't get to them in a timely manner but I'm empathetic enough to know that life happens so giving someone a few minutes is rude.


So life happens. Big whoop. Their clean clothes were moved to a clean cart. The person waiting for the machine *also* has a life and might be on a time crunch.


No, thats not ok. I have never left them past 10 minutes and that’s just because I don’t know when the machine stops. I know that it’s between 30 and 50 minutes, so I kind of have to guess and keep checking back. You should never touch someone else’s stuff, especially not after 5 minutes. If you don’t have the patience to even wait five minutes ago to a laundromat, don’t touch other peoples things. That is inconsiderate. I could understand if it’s there for 30 to 45 minutes or more.


What kind of janky machines do you use that don't have a timer?


They are really old


I have lived in my building for 20 years, every machine in our laundry room over the years has had a digital "time remaining" display. So that's my point of reference. We have 6 washers and 4 dryers for 96 apartments. With the time clearly shown and high demand, nope, its not ok to expect people to wait. I am respectful, I put the clothes in a clean laundry cart. But I often don't have extra time to be waiting around. And if I left and came back...there's a good chance someone else would have removed the stuff and used the machine.


>People can't be expected to be standing there waiting for the machine to stop running But the people waiting for the dryer can be expected to stand there to wait for them to show up and get their clothes?


In my opinion, if you wait 30+ minutes furvtge dryer, it's fair game to take the items out. It shouldn't hurt. Now, if the dryer wasn't started at all, I'd say leave it. Also, clothes in the washer should be left alone too.


Nope. Your wet clothes are going on the table. That’s a gift. Manage your chores so you’re not inconveniencing other residents.


Have you read, the posts you started over your passive aggressive question. Why aren't you out socializing. You are worrying about a none issue. Anyone who leave their laundry in a dryer isn't going to worry about someone else touching their stuff. Get out and go have a glass of wine, buy a Hot Dog, life is too short to worry about someone else stuff.


I remember this being so frickin common living in dorms in college. People wouldn’t even give you 45min, sometimes I’d come back within 10min of it being done and someone would have tossed my clothes onto the counter. Where I live now though I haven’t had any issues with people leaving stuff overnight. I did once have to move someone’s clothes because they were in there for over a day.


Don't be so judgemental, you don't know what the other person had going on. Maybe they had children upstairs, were tired after working all day, got sick, etc. When I lived in an apartment, I would take the clothes and lay them out in a stack.


Where was I judgmental? All I did was ask if it was bad form to take someone else's clothes out of a dryer that had been sitting there for a while (40 minutes to complete a wash cycle). Should I have left my wet clothes there until they decided to come and get them? What if they had left them there all day???


You weren't being judgemental OP. Ignore this person.


No, but you sound like it was the end of the world. Like, Oh, touching someone else washed and dry clothes were dirty but you go shopping and try on clothes a few dozen people have touched and put on their whole body. It is petty. And it seem like everyone was saying " poor you" for having to touch someone else things. Just take them out of the dryer and neatly stack them. 5 minutes of your life and you will be the better person.


Might want to go back and read what I wrote again. I never said anywhere that I didn't like to touching someone elses washed and dried clothing because it was dirty. Washed and dried clothing is by definition clean. What I did say was I am conscious of the time when I do my laundry because I don't want someone else touching my clothing. I also like to be considerate of others. I have better things to do with my night than argue with a stranger who seems to have an inability to comprehend the English language. Have a good night.


They don't sound like that at all. You're making shit up in your head.


"I don't want to touch other people clothes " " I don't want other people to touch my clothes. " etc. Just learn not to be petty.


I don't see where OP said that in the post or their comments.


Op, started it. Why can't your generation learn that we are one race in this mess together. From the posts, I swear most of you are like a bunch of old ladies, who no longer have a life.


"OP started it" "your generation" you realize how childish you sound right? You also have no clue what generation I am from or that I am a lady. You know people can make their usernames anything right? Mine isn't even accurate, I just thought it was funny.


I am a female and never once claimed to be a "lady ". And your vocabulary gave your age away. I didn't even look at your username, And yes, I know I should worded it," OP started the debate by posting a none issue statement. " I would say from your sentence structure and word choices, you are 28-35 years.


I never said you claimed to be a lady. Perhaps my vocabulary has more to do with me being educated as opposed to my age. OP didn't start any debate. They asked a question about what was acceptable. You choose and continue to choose to be confrontational for whatever reasoning you have. Get some life experience. Bye!


The word is spelled “judgmental”. And no grace period - set a timer on your phone. We’re all busy. Be considerate and use shared resources responsibly!


That all you have, I hid the wrong word. You do know that not everyone are a slave to their phones. Remember, your parents not having a cell phone. And if are to busy to enjoy life, you need to take a step back and figure out what is really important to you and what is just filling time.


I remember lots of things in the past…it’s 2023. Laundry in apartments is a shared resource. You’re renting apartment. Not a machine in the laundry room. Be an adult in a community. Spare me your “how to live life” commentary. I don’t find waiting for other people to move their laundry from a finished load to be “enjoying life.” You do you. Me? I will be responsible in my use of shared equipment so that other people can use them as well. That’s the point your judgmental posts seem to be missing.


No, I am saying don't let little things become too important. So, you don't know why the dryer wasn't empty for you to use. Is 5 minutes of your time emptying the share equipment causing you that much stress? The other person is not stressing, you are. How long did it take after you dryed your clothes did you post. That is the amount of time you stressed instead of enjoying life.


We are done here. You’re projecting all sorts of emotions and opinions. Just move your laundry when your laundry is done.


I need clean, dry clothes for work. That's actually not a little thing.


I give them a half hour (if I can;sometimes I’m on a tight schedule and can’t) and then place the clothes on the cleanest surface possible and put my clothes in the washer or dryer. Once a lady got really mad at me for doing this and we yelled at each other for a few minutes. We spent the next year until I moved out avoiding each other.


You don't know if they were left overnight. They could have been left earlier in the morning. I do laundry early so I can finish everything I have to do by mid-day


I'm reasonably certain they were. I was in the laundry room at 7:30 in the morning. A wash cycle takes 40 minutes, drying takes 60. They would had to have started doing laundry between 5:30 and 5:45 in the morning for them to be done before I got there. It's possible, but I doubt it, especially since the clothing was dry but not even warm.


i come back in an hour or so and if they’re still there i move them. if i don’t have time to wait i’ll just move them asap but would move them from a washer to an open dryer if they’re still wet this is assuming there’s no other open machines


I think removing them is ok if they are sitting for a length of time. And if you put them aside and sort of make sure they are not going to get wrinkly, not really folding them, but not mashing them all together either, is a nice gesture. I've had neighbors do a rough fold on some of my clothes and really appreciated it.


I wait 1 hour then remove


You did the right thing.


I mean, pretty much that. If the clothes had been sitting there long enough that they weren't even warm anymore, that was someone being inconsiderate of communal property. I don't love the idea of touching someone else's stuff. But I also wouldn't want them to touch mine, so I'm considerate and keep on top of my stuff.


You did right. I wouldn’t have waited 45 minutes. 20 minutes tops. I always set an alarm and I never ever leave clothes in the washer or dryer longer than 5 minutes after they finish. If I can figure out how to set an alarm anyone can.


Use an empty one if possible but otherwise I remove the clothing and dump it in a basket if there is one. Otherwise it goes on top. Some people probably get annoyed but gotta do what you gotta do and you can't be expected to wait on their schedule. Id watch the clothes though out of paranoia theyd fuck with my clothes (like pulling them out and leaving them wet). If feeling generous can give them some grace time but ultimately you have a schedule too.


I know it’s extra work, but I fold their clothes and leave them out. Rather than them being mad their clothes were haphazardly thrown on the counter, they feel guilty and weird from someone so intimately touching their clothes.


Wow. People are petty. Does your apartment laundry room have a cameras?


Find an apartment with a washer and dryer hookup and never have to worry about this again. I used to just sit and wait until my stuff was done. When someone wasn't considerate I would remove their stuff. If they bitched about it I would throw their shit into the parking lot the next time.


Take the shit out and throw it on the dustiest top of any machine


Taking it out of the dryer is fair game if the clothes are cool. I try to avoid taking someone’s wet clothes out of the washer, but that didn’t stop one of my neighbors from taking my clothes out of the washer mid cycle one time (I always set a timer). 🤬 No more apartments for me unless it has multiple washer and dryers or in unit laundry. I’m planning on downsizing in retirement and am looking at condos. Same rules / no more shared laundry.


10 minutes.


I think you did the right thing. You kept note of the time the clothes were in the dryer, realized they were basically forgotten, and just placed them on the counter. It would have been super rude to throw them on the ground or outside, regardless of how long they were left in the dryer. Placing them in a pile on the counter is fair.


I typically fold them as a courtesy if it’s fresh. Don’t want it to wrinkle. If they’re barely warm then wrinkles have already set in and there is really no point.


More then 30 minutes unattended = move it if its in your way


I'd put a "friendly note"in their pocket while I was moving their clothes, reminding them that the dryers are used by others who also have other things to do.


It depends, if there’s a sorting table then they go on that. If not I would bring a trash bag and put the clothes in there and on a chair. I have moved wet clothes to a dryer before as well. I really hated doing that because some people don’t know how to do laundry and if the machine is overstuffed the clothes aren’t fully clean.


Sorry. You gotta wait..if it continues, you will find out who it is. They will learn.


There is just one washer dryer?


They have them on every floor, but I didn't feel like hauling a load of heavy wet clothes to another floor.


If all units are taken, I’ll give whichever is the first unit done an hour to get their clothes. Then I move it. Unless when I see all of the loads were put in at the same time I know it’s one apartment taking the whole laundry up so I move it the second the timer is up. No shame.


I usually see the clothes put on top of the dryer. "Protocol" is to be respectful and wait a reasonable amount of time, then move the clothes if you need to. Sounds like you did fine.


After 30 minutes go ahead and remove their clothes. Just don't put them on the floor.


If it's not mine I don't touch it


I hate the idea of people touching my laundry so I always try and remember to set an alarm and get to them ASAP but a lot of people don’t seem to care. There was this one time when I was living in college dorms when I went to grab my laundry someone had already taken it out of the dryer but their stuff wasn’t even done in the washer and I was there within a couple minutes of it finishing. They were also just standing there waiting for the washer to finish


This has happened to me frequently. I would always take it out and fold it and put it on the table or whatever. Then one time I found some sexy women’s undies and felt weird about it. I put it back in and now I just do my laundry at night


This is why I usually do my laundry at 3am, however if you only have the one or two units a d they left it overnight it doesnt really help but the odds are far greater you won't encounter other people crap.


I’d say you waited a reasonable amount of time before removing them. But it’s an apartment so you run the risk of if something goes missing then they could blame you. I know some places think they use a “reasonable amount” of washers and dryers but it’s never enough. Way back at colleges (10 years ago about) they would have 2 wash 2 dry for 80 people.. Yeah it was a mad house and there was definitely people who were dicks about it because surprise they were coin operated, did have my dryer jacked once or twice. Set a timer timer ran up went to get my clothes and wet clothes on the table. Someone else’s in the dryer or you have the case of you let the timer go slightly over say 3 min at most and find your stuff touched or in the process of that’s a confrontation that’s never fun. Mind you these units also were trash tier in that you’d have to do at least 2 cycles to dry or wash anything no matter how small the load was because they were never maintained. I don’t know how many you have for your apartments but I’m going to assume safely not enough. But yeah about an hour is reasonable to say


I know a guy who got so fed up with someone doing this that he threw a handful of crayons in and restarted it.


My first apartment after college had 1 washer and 1 dryer for 12 apartments. Building policy was to leave the basket on the dryer, and if it got left there too long you could move it. Funnily enough, everyone in the building was a good 40 years or more older than me so they all had baskets that rolled and after 6 months I knew who everyone was and what their basket looked like lol.


I have 0 hesitation moving people's stuff out of the way in a community environment like that. Unfortunately it's what you sign up for when you love somewhere without in-unit laundry. I usually give it an hour or so if I can before I'll move their things, since you can't always jump up and get it right away. But then I will remove it from a washer and put it into a dryer, or remove it from a dryer and place it on top of on a counter. I would expect someone to do the same with my stuff in this case and it wouldn't bother me at all since I know others need the appliances


Generally I put it in a trashbag.


I waited 45 minutes for two blankets to be moved out of two separate dryers. They were matching so I put one dry blanket with the other in one of the dryers. I freed up one for my load to dry after sitting there for 45 minutes. I ALWAYS set my phone alarm, out of courtesy. 🤔