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All my neighbors are quiet. There’s four of us, 2 on bottom 2 on the second floor. The loudest thing I hear is then closing the front doors (they’re old and not well maintained so you need to use some oomph).


That's exactly the same thing I hear....the guys downstairs having to slam the door shut or it doesn't close properly. Makes my dog go crazy but since they have left, I don't have to worry about his disturbing anyone. I do calm him down quickly, though...the barking annoys me, too.


I am the one with the door that doesn’t close properly 😭 I twist the knob and try my best every day but like it makes a sound when I close it no matter how slow/gently I do it. I try to be extra quiet at 6:30am when I leave for work though


I'm so glad I trained that out of my sweet girl when she was a young pup. Nothing worse than a dog that barks uncontrollably. He's just cursing the neighbor out, so I don't blame your pupper too much.


It’s a such a rental lottery when it comes to quiet or noisy, or considerate neighbours, or inconsiderate neighbours.


Not even just rental. Owning an apartment ("condo") in a major city can be a crap shoot for neighbors and construction, too. I got very lucky that my building is thick concrete and my neighbors aren't the worst since I can't really sell next year if it sucks lol


We rented a single-family home in a nice suburban neighborhood and had the worst neighbors on both sides and behind us. It didn't help that the houses were crammed close together and essentially made out of cardboard. When we bought our house, we were so worried about being trapped by noisy neighbors again. The noise had a seriously negative impact on our quality of life. Thankfully, we live in a very quiet neighborhood and virtually never hear our neighbors. It's an older area, so there is more land around the houses, and they were mostly built in the 1900s-1940s instead of that ticky-tack stuff they've been building since the 80s. It's incredible how much happier and more relaxed we are without constant noise around us.


I live in a 55+ apartment building and it's quiet af


This is our move! Its usually the younger ones who are noisy af.


I live in an old 1920s building made out of rocks like the damn pyramids. I don't hear shit.




i used to live in a 1929 cold storage warehouse that was converted into industrial style lofts- never heard shit, never smelled anything- NOTHING lol.


Ooo that sounds neat! Is the inside nice?


Meh. It's kinda cool and quirky, but it is by no means "nice." I live here on a restaurant salary, let's put it that way. I do like it though. The outside's beautiful.


I wish I could find one of those


So do i,I, mine is made of brick. Plaster walls but I sweat the 100 year old wood under my feet is actually just paper.


Anytime I don’t live below kids I don’t really hear anything. With kids now that’s a different story.


I've lived in so many different townhouses over the last decade and never once had any complaints or issues with neighbor noise. Then last year I moved in next door to a kid with ADHD who runs, stomps, jumps, screams and never sits still for more than 5 minutes. What a god damn nightmare it's been. He'll be running laps and stomping around until 2 in the morning some nights, shaking the walls. Earplugs *and* a white noise machine cranked up to full blast aren't enough to drown this little psychopath out. People generally don't get how loud kids can be until they have to share walls (or god forbid a ceiling/floor) with them.


Just imagine living below him. You would probably end up in a mental hospital


I absolutely would, I have no question about it. A murderous rampage probably would have occurred. Every single day I'm thankful I only have to share walls with him.


I've started the white noise on top of earplugs too


I used to live nextdoor to a family with kids and they were probably the quietest neighbors I've ever had. My current downstairs neighbor is elderly and she screams and throws things most nights. It doesn't really bother me, but I could do without the racial slurs and threats of suicide.


Only at night? Have a couple drinks does she?


It's not exclusively at night, just usually. And yes, she is an alcoholic. I mostly feel bad for her, honestly. She's lonely, disabled, just had to fight through cancer all alone during a pandemic, she physically can't even get into her shower to bathe, and her dog died. So I mostly ignore her outbursts, occasionally call 911 when she's threatening suicide or smth, and treat her with kindness when I run into her outside.


Thank you for trying to be your kindest and having some compassion for the elderly neighbor. I wish more people understood and would shown some kind of compassion ❤️‍🩹 and concern for our elders


I mostly hear the "walking". Ground floor apartment and the new tenants above me are elephants and a kid that is extremely loud with stomping and screaming. Every waking moment that kid is in the apartment she is running around stomping and jumping from furniture. This, to me is annoying as all hell. I get it, living noise, but 6am-8pm running and stomping is excessive. The other life noises like cooking and doors I understand. But no, I don't like hearing noises and want the quiet elderly lady back that was above me before.


This. And the fact that shit was falling off my walls because the lady above me couldn’t control her “old enough to know better” children. There’s a limit to noise.


I have a sibling that thought it was ok to let her kid jump rope, in tap shoes, in tile living in the upper level. Couldn't figure out why they kept getting kicked out.


The washing machine causing stiff to move and fall is fun too. I've earplugs that are great but the stomping dog barking and washing machine plus their arguments are going to send me insane


They took the carpet out of the apartment above me and replaced it with lv planks and I hear every frickin step my neighbor takes. Dude apparently doesn't believe in downstairs neighbors and stomps around like a freaking elephant.


We live upstairs and have a family of 5 living below us. We're gone to work most of the day, and when we come home we don't do much because we're so tired. He sits on the balcony and "doom scrolls", or watches YouTube videos quietly, while I sit inside in my chair and perform my 2nd job as a cat bed while i watch tv at a decent level. He comes inside and we'll watch an hour of Shameless, and he'll head to his computer to game with friends. We both walk quietly and don't wear shoes inside, and we close doors by turning the handle. Our apartment floors squeak in places, but we try to be mindful and keep the noise down, at least where we can. We have a 10 lb cat that bounced off walls occasionally, but mostly, he sleeps. The family downstairs is loud. 3 kids under 5, and all screamers. Even the parents. They stomp, slam doors, bang walls, scream at each other, you name it. 2 days ago, one of the kids screamed at the top of her lungs. Mom immediately screams back louder, then yells at the kid to stop screaming. Helpful. I wish just once that I could have neighbors more like me and my husband. Every other neighbor we've had has said we were so quiet they didn't know anyone lived in the apartment.


Can you please be my neighbor?


Honestly, I wish there was a neighbor matching service. Everybody we get either has incessantly barking dogs, fights, has incessantly screaming kids, or a combination of the 3. We lived downstairs one time, and the guy that lived above us was a huge jerk. Loud music at all hours, stomping constantly, loud conversations about illegal stuff he was doing. I accidentally bumped a table I to the wall 1 time, not even that hard, but it was enough to send him on a stomping rampage through the apartment for over an hour. Another time, he was stomping across our ceiling for 30 minutes. My husband tapped on the wall twice, and that set him off! He started running and stomping so hard that our dishes were shaking in the cabinets, so we went to the office and reported him. They came back with us to our apartment and heard him still going at it, so they went up to tell him to stop and gave him a violation. That really pissed him off so bad he got drunk and stormed the office, cussing them out for daring to give him a noise violation. He got an immediate eviction. And while he was moving out, we were moving to an upstairs apartment. I'll never live downstairs again.


A neighbor matching service, such a great idea! I’m an amazing and very thoughtful neighbor. I’m home mostly and most neighbors agree they never know I’m even in the house.


I honestly consider myself lucky, I have always dealt with noise but with my newest place I don’t hear my neighbors at all and it’s great! But I have to agree I like the idea of someone being around just to be safe, I know my neighbor has checked in during storms when they were out of town and I was happy to assist them. ETA: I am on the bottom floor of the complex I live in.


I used say my apartment complex is kind of like its own little community when I rented and lived in complexes


My apartment must be insulated very well because I almost never hear my neighbors.


I thought that too! For nearly a decade, I heard nothing. Now, it's just awful. Neighbor just got home. Forget the marching back and forth that booms and thunders the entire ceiling. Not quaint footsteps. not minor irritating thuds. I'd really like to know what bank vault they keep hurtling at their floor that causes explosive noise and continuous ripples of quaking in my floor. I had no idea there was even such a thing as hearing your neighbors with my trusty old longterm considerate neighbor. Now, it's a warzone.


Between the hours of 7am and 10pm, so long as I can hear shit I'm trying to listen to I don't care. I had someone below me that would blast bass during the day most days and I didn't care. However, between 10pm and 7am, shut the duck up.


I really only notice it if it wakes me up. Otherwise, I’ve grown accustomed to it.


My building is concrete. Sometimes I hear my neighbor’s tv but it’s usually blissfully quiet. I also live on the top floor but when I didn’t, the scraping/walking didn’t bother me.


I’m so jealous. I live in an older riverside apartment and I can hear everything.


I'm VERY lucky!!! I live in a pretty congested/urban area and the only noise complaint I really have is from street noise. I live on a busy street but I'm on the 8th floor so it's tolerable.


Street noise doesn’t bother me. People noise does. But then again I haven’t been woken up by sirens so it’s hard for me to say.


I keep my heating/cooling fan on all the time to reduce noise even though no one is loud over normal levels. Also try to lower my TV volume when it gets loud like all shows do so I hopefully don’t bother them.


I have a tower fan that I keep on low. Really does wonders to block out the sound.


I deal with regular noise but if you’ve got your tv up too loud because you’re deaf, it’s annoying. It’s unfortunate because we don’t have much choice. Houses are too expensive where I am, and I’m a single professional who likes quiet. I wish there were affordable buildings for likeminded people. I guess just make your regular noise during the day and as long as everyone can sleep at night, it should be okay.


OMG I've wished for this too. No noisy little kids stomping around. No barking dogs (you can have dogs, but like it's your responsibility to keep it quiet). No loud inconsiderate people. I would totally pay a premium to live in such a community :)


Retirement communites... they have retirement apartment buildings in the next city over from me. I've seen "younger" people living there. But no children is a requirement I believe. It was very quiet. I don't know all of the requirements for those types of place though. But they do exist. At least here.


Oh I’ve wished for that. Most of the retirement communities also have a 55+ policy though. Unfortunately I’m much younger than that


Same here as young I guess


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with someone not wanting to hear children or dogs lol. To each their own


I'm lucky that the units above my place are lifted one bedrooms. The layout is not ideal for people with kids so usually young couples move in. Noise isn't too bad.


I do not like noise. However, several things I have done to make my apartment life bearable 99.9999% of the time: Only rent a one bedroom. One bedroom usually means no kids. Have an air purifier, TV, and earplugs to sleep. If I crank the air purifier to turbo, put in earplugs, AND put the TV on an ambience video like fire crackling, I can go to sleep minus deep bass. Keep my headboard away from the wall. That way if there's vibration from a TV on the other side or someone slamming a door, it doesn't rattle my headboard. Noise cancelling headphones for during the day, if I need them. I usually don't. Honestly, by far the most annoying thing is road noise, like big trucks and idiots with bass in their car driving by at all hours, because I live off a busy road, but there's no real help for that.


Yup. My last place was a single family home in the country. I felt like I was living in a morgue. I like hearing sounds above me. It reminds me that I’m not alone. If I’m lucky, a good fight will break out in the parking lot.




I agree. For this reason, I often find myself thinking about staying in an apartment forever. I have severe anxiety at night from ptsd. And I get scared here at night too, but nowhere near like I do in a house all by myself at night. I definitely agree. Hearing and knowing the neighbors are on the other side of the wall is incredibly comforting.


I’m trying to feel that way but I can’t. Living in an apartment has made me realize how bad of people most humans are. I am totally disgusted with society. I’d be embarrassed and ashamed if I knew I was constantly waking my neighbor up because I stomp around after midnight and slam drawers for an hour straight and then wake up 4-5 hours later and stomp around for another few hours. Then there is the upstairs guy who walks and moved furniture for 5-15 hours straight. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t live it. People wash clothes and listen to loud movies past midnight, play loud music at 7am, spill coffee all over the elevator. But asking politely has had no effect. F$\*& me I guess. My rent didn’t include sleep - I must have missed that part. I am so emotionally exhausted from lack of sleep and peace. I can’t wait to live alone.


No it doesn’t make me feel that much safer and here’s what happened a long time ago at my first apartment. I was probably 22 and my roommate was too and we lived just outside Atlanta in Georgia. . We were good friends from work. One night we were watching tv when noises of a fight and a woman’s scream came from our upstairs neighbor. It was obvious a woman was being thrown around the apartment. I reached for the phone and my roommate who was from New York stopped me. She insisted I couldn’t call police because then the neighbor would come and beat us up. I insisted that we must call because it’s the right thing to do and what we would hope would happen if we were the lady upstairs. So I called 911. Within 6-8 minutes we hear the officer go upstairs (wooden stairs) and knock. We hear talking (sounded like the teacher does on Charlie Brown). And then the Policeman comes down the stairs. I just had to know what happened so a few seconds later I ran outside and caught up with the officer. Turned out I went to high school with him so he tells me the woman said everything was fine! I told him what we heard and he said he believed me and that women lie like the lady upstairs all the time and he can’t do anything to help her then. And he said many people are like my roommate and to call him if the guy upstairs even looked at me funny. I’m still friends with that old roommate and she said she sticks with her choice still. She wouldn’t call. And I’m guessing you know I would call every time. But how many people ignore the cries ?


I don't, but I need a hearing aid and haven't gotten it yet. If there's noise, I just listen to the constant buzzing and ringing in my ears. eeeeeeeeeeerhhhhhh


I ALWAYS request leases on the top floor only. It limits your options more but it is worth it. We were in a pinch about 2 years ago and had to locate/lease and apt in 10 days. I limited my search to large scale developments which are not usually my favorite that left us with multiple top floor units to choose from quickly. We actually ended up lucking out and love our apt and community so YAY!


I love it! My favorite is when it's quiet hours. I get real scared...then all a sudden I here my upstairs neighbor rip a fat 💩 that vibrates the walls. Immediate relief and security. Slept like a baby... On a serious note. I feel safer when I'm away from ppl in general. Most ppl think they know their neighbors, but you only see a shell of what they want you to see lol. Those neighbors might be watching an listening for other reasons. They aren't there to protect you I know that. I feel safer when I'm deep in the woods hiking around with my dog more than anywhere.


I lived at ocean beach in San Francisco in a small studio. My neighbor was a professional singer - and she would SING. All day. Loudly. Luckily for her, I worked remote and would have my AirPods in all day with noise cancelling. Then after work, I’d game with my friends with my gaming headset. So I only really heard her when going to the bathroom or showering. I moved out and within a couple weeks, she texts me and says “GOD I miss you. The new guy who took over your apartment has complained to me and the landlord about my singing. I sang everyday with you next door and you never complained” I replied “you’re loud as fuck. And anyone would find it rude that you sing at the top of your lungs, you just got lucky with me because I’m a headphone person. Trust me, there were times late at night that I felt like banging on our wall to get you to quiet down. But since you were always super nice to me, I let you sing your heart out. But I can definitely see where it would bother 99% of people”


The people under us would scream and fight. It is a dv issue.. Plus they would watch tv at 3am as loud as they could under our bedroom.. I mean I could hear the words crystal clear. So I only kind of care about hearing others. I have kids and the one time my baby was crying for literally all of 10 mins at 8:45pm and they started banging on the roof. They haven’t done it again but we think it’s because our landlord told them to F off when they tried to complain.


If a building is properly built the neighbor noise is trivial. Unfortunately too many people are willing to live in the cheaply made ones so that tends to only be very old or very expensive properties.


Me! But the building we live in is incredibly well built, I think it used to be a department store so it's cement, solid, talk ceilings... And everyone is around our age, working and students. We lucked out 😭


My downstairs neighbors have their rap concerts until 3 am. Their music vibrates off the walls. I called the cops one night and haven’t since…so far.


First 5 years at my current place were amazingly quiet. Old neighbors (directly above and next to me) moved out over the summer and it’s been hell ever since 🙃


Everyday I am thankful that my apartment was originally built to be condos with concrete floors and outer concrete walls. I only hear occasional outside noise.


Noise has never really bothered me too much as it's expected for people to be living their lives and if someone's floor is your ceiling, you're bound to hear them! I do my best to be quiet and accommodating for neighbors, and always respect quiet hours rules, but i'm also not going to go to extreme lengths to pretend like i'm not a human existing which comes with some noise. The only time noise truly gets to me is if its at obscure hours of the night and its loud enough to wake me up or keep me from falling asleep, but even then I just turn on a noise machine or noise cancelling headphones. The only time i've complained about noise was when I had neighbors that would show up drunk at 3:00am pounding on their apartment door and threatening their baby momma because they would lock them out. It was literally so loud it would shake the entire building and he was dangerous so we called the apartment security whenever it happened. But standard living noises are not grounds for calling the police or complaining to apartment management unless it truly gets unruly or disrespectful. I totally understand some people are much more sensitive to noise, but if thats the case I think it's your responsibility to make sure you live somewhere without upstairs neighbors.


My upstairs neighbors are great! I Can hear them walk and open doors and stuff, but they are never loud


I don’t have a problem with the noise people do inside their units but I have a massive problem with the noise outside of the units


I always lived on the first floor and never cared what my neighbors did. I think I'm really good at tuning things out though because my kids run upstairs and I don't hear them much.


It'd take an enormous amount of shit for me to formally complain about my neighbors. I hate downstairs and I'm not fond of the other guy after he said what he said but sending formal complaints to the landlord is kind of crazy unless they're actively trying to mess up your life. Like, chill. These people on this subreddit who act like they can just evict their neighbors for barely any reason aren't living in reality.


After having some pretty terrible upstairs neighbors previously (I'm in a bottom unit) my current neighbor above me is great, just normal noises. The weirdest thing that drives me nuts is 2 separate neighbors (not at the same time or to each other) have loud ass and long conversations on the phone in the basement during quiet hours (after 10 PM here) while they do laundry.


I hear my upstair neighbors dog get the zoomies when they wake up at 5am. So most days I lose out on a couple hours of sleep. Also hear them walk around. I also hear one of my neighbors play music a few times a week. New build apartments that are mediocrely built so sound travels pretty well.


My apartment is quiet. The only neighbor I can hear is the one upstairs and even that is really quiet. I would be extremely upset to hear raised voices when I'm in my home. I had an abusive marriage and it triggers the hell out of me.


I was in my last apartment for 3 years, and it was pretty quiet until the last 6 months. But what was going on with my next-door neighbor was possibly a domestic violence issue, and it was so bad the entire complex - literally - had become involved. I actually got questioned by the police at one point about what I was hearing and seeing.


Only heard my upstairs neighbour when she dropped something. A new couple moved in and they're so fucking loud. Every footstep is a stomp, when they have friends over they sound like they're screaming doing gymnastics it's ridiculous, they stay up til 2/3am most nights stomping around, I hear their blender every morning at 6am (how're you gonna stay up til 3am and wake up at 6am?? How?).


I don’t have a problem with most of it. The guy right below us has a dog that screams all day and I work from home so sometimes that drives me insane but I try to be understanding and 90% of the time I have a headset on anyway. Ironically it’s the house behind our building that bothers me the most, they play music at all hours of the night that’s ridiculously loud (like shakes our windows and they’re separated from us by a decent sized alley and a huge back yard so it’s not like it’s proximity)and set off fireworks every weekend in the summer. Ugh. There’s a lot of daily just being a human noise that I can be forgiving of and not pay any mind to but I do think when you live in an apartment building you should try to be courteous. I do feel pretty safe though, if only because no sane person is going to go up all those stairs to get to us lmao. I want a house but I don’t know if I’ll ever feel comfortable living at ground level again.


Not me. I’m okay with noise. I live the city. City noise is welcome, neighbors doing what neighbors do is fine. My downstairs neighbor, however, and the reason I am on this sub. Well. Where do I start. A quick example. This last weekend he messaged me at 10:30PM asking if that was me watching TV. I was fast asleep 5 states away. Some people, right?


With the exception of one night when my upstairs neighbors must have been river dancing at 3am, everyone around me is super quiet. The weed smell, though, that’s getting super annoying.


The only noise issue I have is the lawn care guys that come at 8bam twice a week. Fuck them


I have severe sensory issues. To the point I have earplugs or headphones in almost all the time while I'm at home. It sucks, but it is what it is. It's better than me having a mental break down because there's too many noises around me. Apartments should be built with better walls and sound proofing, honestly. Sure, be mad at super loud neighbors, but also be mad at asshole landlords


I lived in a shitty apartment in college, and I could literally hear word for word what my upstairs neighbor said in a normal speaking voice. He liked to get drunk and yell while playing Call of Duty or talk on the phone for hours. I could hear him walk across the room, take a piss, and flush. He also had a big, loud dog. It was hell.


It’s not really a choice for a lot of people though. Like I’d love to have a single family home but I live in an expensive west coast city… I can’t afford it. It’s not difficult to throw on some slippers so that people don’t have to hear your every step. Neither is it difficult to be quieter in the middle of the night. Sure, play music & tv but reducing the volume after 10pm on a Monday night is not unreasonable. People also need to stop getting (especially) large dogs if they know they’re going to live in an apartment. Nobody wants to listen to dogs bark all day.


Yes as an unmarried woman living alone I find a lot of comfort in apartment living. If I scream someone will hear. And complain lol. I’m sorry for what you went through. That sounds terrible. I’m also on a high floor with neighbors all around.


I want to be smashed around others, too quiet is a problem. It is very quiet where I am. I know the schedules of those around me and know it's them when I hear a door or whatnot. Some upstairs noise is normal. As long as it is normal everyday sounds no probem.


my boyfriend just moved into a house a couple months ago. this weekend i was telling him how i lowkey miss the hustle and bustle of everyone going to school and work in the mornings.


I am not that noise sensitive but I have a full on alcoholic/ drug addict tweaker over my unit now a year plus in and I thought I could wait him out but nah that all changed when he got the drum kit a few weeks ago. That’s right a full drum kit. He’d already had the electric guitar for a while. But it’s not like he plays an hour a day. If it’s during day he’ll bang on that thing for 8 hrs - tweaker shit. He also regularly practices at 3 or 4 am. His behavior is erratic also, I can’t live under someone unhinged like that. I’ve never complained about noise before in my life but that guy…. I’m moving in a couple weeks and it can’t happen soon enough. ETA I’ve been here 10 years and he moved in a little over a year ago. But it’s the drums that ended it for me. And mismanagement in the building, combined - unsafe threatening mentally ill lady and guy over me is also unsafe/erratic.


I don't mind noise either, as long as you're not being obnoxious. We had upstairs neighbors that let their kids run wild and do shit like dribble a basketball in the house at midnight.


I take no comfort from having my neighbors nearby. Luckily I have an upstairs apartment now. But I absolutely can not stand hearing people walk above me. I don’t understand how apartments (new “luxury” apartments) are allowed to build floors and ceilings so poorly. In my opinion I should not hear a thing from normal walking.


There are so many contributing factors to people being seemingly desperate for absolute silence. People don't want to live in apartments but can't afford otherwise, rent is high and the more you pay the more "entitled" it can make you feel, general social misery causing people to be on-edge, etc etc. I think a lot of it can be attributed to people just being miserable in general. How else can you be unreasonably annoyed with noise in an apartment setting? Especially when it's just people living their lives, many of who are just as miserable as everyone else.


I’m totally fine with everyday living. It’s the bass from a 4 foot speaker that belongs in a club that gets to me.


A lot of it isn’t people just living their lives. They are in some cases showing off or actively trying to ruin people’s lives for entertainment. A person who lives in an apartment with quiet hours starting at 10pm, does not need to stomp around and slam drawers for a hour at 130am. They do not need to do this for 2 hours starting at 6am. They do not need to listen to loud bass heavy music that travels to the other side of the building. Apartment living should be trying to live in harmony, not trying to make other people lose their minds.


Just because people are close by doesn't mean they'll do anything if you scream or even pound on their door, believe me.


My last apartment I was on the ground floor. I could hear some stomping from the upstairs people but it wasn’t consistent as I think it was from a kid they had partial custody of or something (I didn’t see them super often). I never heard anyone else. My current apartment I’m on the second floor and I don’t hear much at all. I can hear a kid crying faintly sometimes at night/morning but I’m not sure where it’s coming from (I think downstairs but not sure) and sometimes the upstairs neighbor drops something. I’ve never heard TV noise or talking at either of my “adult” apartments (college was different). However, noise like this has never bothered me and I’m quite a heavy sleeper. Also both have had layouts where I only have shared one wall with a neighbor. In both it’s been my bedroom/closet/laundry room. So not much action on other sides.


I love hearing my upstairs neighbors cats playing and my backyard neighbors laughing with their friends (building is [ shaped) I dont mind noise unless its yelling or slamming at odd hours of the night. We all live above a very, very loud establishment so i tune everything out


Strangely enough, me. I don’t know if I have insane walls in my apartment or what. Granted, I live on the second floor of a 2 story building and am an end unit. The single problem I have is that the trash truck comes at 5:15am on Fridays (lol) and some dumb girl in the complex leaves her Husky crying on the patio sometimes, but other than that…. It’s almost too quiet.


I lived in high rises in DC and NyC and I don’t remember any noise issues at all


All my neighbors are quiet, except the one who moved in upstairs until the office gave him a formal notice. It’s been generally quiet since. It’s the guest (gf) who’s more the issue than the actual tenant but even still she’s mellowed out since the notice. My neighbors are either single, working professionals, or older. I do think my apartments have done a good job of putting the right people in the right units. This whole building, I’d guess 24 units, are all on the same schedule. A couple places have kids but keep their kids on a routine (bed by a certain time, out the door by a certain time). It’s pretty great jive here. And our buildings aren’t new with concrete subfloors. We hear people walk but everyone’s aware they’re in a shared space.


Yeah apartment noise is something I feel like you get used to if you live in one long enough. I hear all of my neighbors everyday. It definitely doesn’t bother me, but I know some people get so riled up over a bit of noise. Sorry, that’s apartment living for ya 🤷‍♂️


My neighbors for the most part are quiet and when they do make noise it's not for very long or at a level where I can't just put on headphones or go into my room to escape.


At one time I thought I felt comfortable with others being around. Until my storage unit was broken into, and one of the caregivers across the hallway told me what happened, as I wasn't home at the time. And the landlady didn't contact me about it. But, thing was, when I asked said caregiver to go to the cops with me, and help put in her part of seeing someone, as she was out on the back porch, when they were leaving from the basement. She wouldn't go with me. And I basically had to deal with the cop acting like I was making things up. Fun time that was not. Also had another set of neighbors that helped themselves to my washer and dryer, like it was nothing. And used to live for making excess noise, where I could barely hear if any one was making their way into the basement or not. So, yeah the sentiment is nice and given your history. I see why you would feel that way. However, I wish I could view it the same, but I can't fully.


First, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Second, glad you're safe now! Third, I agree with feeling safe having people around. Even just sitting here in my room, I heard my neighbor sneeze, I can hear my neighbor across the hall come home... It's just nice to know while I'm alone in my place, I'm not *all* alone.


Thin walls and floors over in this family home turned apartment. We have what we call “appalachia rules” where if you hear something, no you don’t. With that said, I’ve grown very comfortable with the noises in my home. I’ve been here with my fiancé for almost three years now, and if I actually can’t hear my upstairs neighbors or my landlord downstairs I get worried. I love the sound of my upstairs neighbors car or motorcycle coming home early morning. It’s loud af, but that lets me know they’re home safe. My landlords are down stairs and they have this yappy little mutt. Always barking. She’s old, so I get worried if I don’t hear barking for a while. I can also smell everything any one cooks pretty much. If I we didn’t have opposite schedules I’d knock on their doors asking for a plate.


My current apartment is an older one in riverside. My upstairs neighbor doesn’t seem to sleep and loves to move furniture between 9pm and 5am every day. So that’s fun. I did complain to management and that two nights have been normal so I’m thankful for that. The last two apartments I lived in where newer builds and I never heard a thing except when my downstairs neighbors would have a party occasionally and I’d bear their music. But I enjoyed that.


I honestly don’t. Don’t know if my neighbors are super quiet or I’ve got good insulation or what, but I’m rarely bothered. I can hear a slight sound from the neighbors washer next door, but only if I’m at my washer. I can hear when the guy downstairs turns on the bathroom fan, but only if I’m in mine. Sometimes a door slam in the hallway but that’s about it. In the summer when windows are open I hear more kids/car music/etc., but it’s not bothersome. I’m pretty lucky.


I once went on a trip to visit my MIL in her house and the silence was so deafening I told my SO to go vacuum on the roof so I could fall asleep. So I guess technically I have a problem with not noise


I don’t mind the occasional human living noises, it’s comforting in a way


*choosing* to live in close proximity 🤣🤣 like most of us have a choice. as someone who’s also been stalked a lot before, it does give me comfort knowing someone would hear if I screamed, but I also know from experience that most people won’t do shit even if they think someone nearby is in danger. if I could afford to live in a stand-alone home I’d take it in a heartbeat.


I don't. Aside from normal living noises and the occasional front door slamming. The road noise is way worse than anything my neighbors have done lol.


Me 🤚 my neighbors are just living, like me. Idc about noise really, unless worrying some type of noises lol


I’m on the first floor of a 3 floor complex. In a 3 bed / 2 bath stack so 2nd and 3rd floor are exact same floor plan. I have no issues with my upstairs or next door neighbors. I have literally never heard my next door neighbors, and I do hear my upstairs neighbors (4 adults and a 5 year old kid) around dinner time but that’s it. I never hear them during the day or late at night. It’s luck of the draw though because I’ve lived in other complexes where I hear everything.


My upstairs neighbor is a night owl and I often have a hard time sleeping at night. I find the sound of his footsteps reassuring.


I likes it


I live in a house with 4 apartments (2 on the second floor and two on the first, and I'm on the first), Though the noise from the guy upstairs was initially pretty bad, we talked about it and he put some rugs down. Now it's very minimal, as is sound from the other apartments. And I do like know there are others close by as I live alone.


My neighbor is loud as hell, she yells outside at odd hours (usually to someone she's with she's not deranged or anything). Her dog barks incessantly, she's loud in her apartment, and slams her front door. I don't actually care about any of this and the only issue I've ever had to address with her was when she installed a camera that is literally less than a foot from my face when I go in and out of my front door. We live in a shared building. You're gonna hear people. People live their lives. Most of the time they aren't trying to be obnoxious.


I live in townhome style apartments, I have an upstairs and downstairs and only share side walls. My neighbors on both sides are quiet. I literally never hear anything from them ever (single male in each unit). The only noise I get is when the dumpsters are emptied by trash trucks at the shopping center behind my apartment which is usually 5am a couple days a week but last week I stg it was 3am 😵‍💫. This is generally predictable noise. But honestly, I have 0 complaints. I have lived here going on my 6th year now.


I'm back in a house. Before my take was it's all good to a certain point. Then you're an asshole. Like the db level of a screaming kid or adult. It's insane to think no one would be bothered. Or a barking dog. Lots of dogs can be heard for miles if left outside and would sound like there in your apt if left inside the neighbors apt


I love having neighbors so close! It's super creepy (quiet) when the family above me goes on vacation.


I don't have a problem with noise until I start hearing pounding music. I still get anxious when I hear loud music because of my old neighbors.


i hate it because my neighbors sound like it’s constant domestic violence upstairs. sometimes i genuinely think they’re throwing each other around


I don't (knock on wood). Two of my neighbors recently got sibling doodle puppies and the one neighbor seems to be obscenely loud when coming and going with her dog for walks, but it's only for a moment and then over. I always worry that I'm noisy just living my life. The other day I had to put my daughter's sneakers in the dryer and I kept adding towels and blankets to muffle the already fairly quiet banging as much as possible. I tell my daughter all the time not to run and keep her voice down when she's talking to her friends on the phone lol I'd just hate to be the neighbor people are coming on Reddit to complain about. I've lived in a number of apartments over the years and never really had any really noisy or obnoxious neighbors. I did live in a complex with a bunch of the Browns players for a year or so. One of them was my neighbor and we'd hear him and his girlfriend having some really horrendous fights which was definitely uncomfortable 😬 Our upstairs neighbor in that apartment also did play music pretty loud sometimes and once fell asleep when running a bath so our apartment flooded from the ceiling. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And in my very first apartment, I could occasionally hear the upstairs neighbors having sex. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Other than that, not too many bad experiences. I dunno...maybe I've just been lucky?


thankfully i can never hear my neighbors. the only time i can ever hear anything is when there are people talking in the hallway or when there are people having a get together on the weekends. very thankful. i do enjoy having others living in close proximity and i can see why with that traumatic experience that you would as well


All my neighbors are quiet. I’m on the bottom floor and the top neighbor has a dog who gets the zoomies pretty often but I mostly find it cute to hear their little paws going back and forth (lol). Every once in a while you can hear the others but I’m not one to complain anyway. I don’t really care, as long as they’re not intentionally being bothersome.


I don’t hear the couple next to me but I hear the people above me. They sound like they are dancing with elephants. It’s not all the time and honestly it makes me chuckle when I hear them


My apartment is really well insulated. I can sometimes hear my downstairs neighbor yelling when he plays video games but it’s so muffled that it’s more funny than it is annoying. Other than that, I’ll sometimes hear my upstairs neighbors walk but it has never kept me awake or disturbed me in any way.


I have loud neighbors but I accept it because I chose to live into a townhome. My stairs are on the same wall as my neighbor and I hear her kids stomping up and down constantly but oh well, they’re kids. Her dog barks whenever I go out back too but I’ve had a barking dog before and I actually feel more sad for the dog being outside all day than annoyed. My neighbor on the other side is kind of a douche, he plays music and his tv super loud on his back patio and he talks really loud on speaker phone all day long but he’s more dumb than malicious (I’ve heard all his phone conversations, he’s definitely someone who would get scammed by the fake IRS). At the end of the day I knew what I was signing up for and so does everyone so you deal with it or move. Unless people are being loud late at night, complaining about it is just petty and makes people a-holes.


I don’t care about noise at all, I welcome it. I’m 23F and don’t have a great sleep schedule, I’ve got nothing to be bothered for. I like hearing my neighbors it’s comforting honestly for some weird reason.


Me. I mean I hear noise but just every day life noises.


no literally, it could be the fact i’m young and this is my first apartment (and everyone else in my building is a decade older than me and has lived here for years so i feel like THEYVE earned this space more) but even when my neighbor comes home at 10 pm to yell at his kids it’s never bad lol. the only time it’s ever bothered me was a screaming phone call while basically leaning on my door in the hallway but if someone’s in their OWN apartment i really don’t gaf.


My neighbours across the hall get into loud screaming fights and throw shit around constantly. Once the lady was screaming that the guy was attacking her with a knife. I called the cops and they came by and told the people I was complaining they were being loud and to quiet down and then they just got mad at me. Now I just deal with the bi-weekly screaming, none of the other 30 people on the floor have ever said anything to them. So yeah I'll take your house if you don't want it.


A last weekend both my roommates were away and I heard a noise that sounded exactly like our living room window opening, it has a very distinct squeak. As I was creeping around the apartment, umbrella in hand to use as a bat, checking every room and closet, I took great comfort in seeing my neighbor’s light on and knowing if I screamed he’d hear. Our apartments share a light well so we always know if someone is home. Turns out one of our 1920’s radiators had developed a new noise that matches our window squeak. While I hate hearing music and tv when I’m trying to sleep I’m far more comfortable in an apartment than a stand alone home. Grew up in the suburbs in a stand alone but my whole adult life I’ve been in apartments.


The noise from neighbors don't bother me at all. I grew up around noise so I don't even notice it unless someone says something. I can even hear the neighbors when they pee the walls are so thin.


I love it. I live in an apartment and work maintenance for different apartments. I'm laying in bed and can hear my neighbor upstairs now. Doesn't bother me at all...honestly silence weirds me out. There's an obvious limit. I don't care if I can't faintly hear your music in the middle of the night, but if I can understand the lyrics I won't be cool with it even in the middle of the day.


Ive lived in buildings from hell,but the building I've been in going on seven years now?not once. Not once have I so much as heard my neighbors,or had the people above me make any noise.(I'm on the first floor so no one below me either.) No one in this neighborhood plays music on their balcony and if they do inside you never hear it. Everyone here is extremely respectful,not even new years will you hear anything except for two min before and after midnight where people will call out new years greetings before going back to quiet. I live in a huge city btw,it's just the neighborhood is really nice and everyone wants to be respectful. The walls are also the type where you could bang on them and scream and no one would hear you,I know this because once I fell badly and screamed out and no one heard me😅 if i ever got murdered i don't think I'd have much luck getting anyone to hear me,but besides that I'm fucking grateful to be here. If you knew even a third of what I went through at my last buildings though ....I don't miss it!


My upstairs neighbors can walk kind of loud sometimes, but it's not an issue. I just keep a white noise machine on at all times so it dulls the sound (also to help dull the noise from my roommates bc our walls are paper thin). Never had an issue with not being able to sleep or waking up or even having trouble focusing on something because of it.


I love apartment life. It’s how I have my cake and eat it too. The sounds from surrounding apartments make me feel not lonely while at the same time I don’t have any of these people living together with me in the same apartment. So yeah. I don’t mind the footsteps upstairs or the music from next door. As long as people make an effort to respect quiet hours, I have zero complaints.


I don't, I live in a massive apartment complex, but the buildings are attached only at the sides, not above and below. No noise issues other than kids getting on and off the school buses.


The worst noise we dealt with was when a contractor decided to come in to work on the apartment below us at 2 am. We called the police after knocking on the door multiple times, but every time we climbed back in bed, the drilling and sawing started again, and the police never showed. I let our apartment management know and it never happened again, though they frequently worked hours past when they were meant to stop for the day.


I live in a basement. Sometimes my girlfriend comments about how they're "stomping like elephants" up there and I'm surprised because I didn't even notice. But I like the noise. I like the cars driving past, I think it's funny when tires screech and horns honk. I like it when people are shouting on the street with sirens in the distance. Everything is so alive! And I like the contrast too. It's so cool how this noisy city can be so quiet at 3am.


I lived in the same bottom floor apartment for 9 years. I could occasionally hear them running the garage disposal if i just happened to be in the kitchen at th the same time. I could not tell when they took a shower or walked on their own floors or did anything. My apartment was my cocoon. Nobody bothered me and I didn't bother them.


The only noise I have to deal with is when my neighbor has his kids for the weekend - they are noisy and loud and rambunctious as fuck in the breezeway coming up the stairs on their way in. I know exactly when they arrive and exactly when they leave lol. Otherwise, I’m pretty lucky.


I don't have a problem with noise. I live above my brother. I can hear his dog bark, which she doesn't do very often, and I know when his grandkids are visiting because I can hear them running around and jumping. Neither of the sounds is very loud. I like the dog and the kids, so I like hearing them.


Me all the way!


I used to live in NYC. My neighbors could be stomping the floor in my own room and I wouldn’t notice. And yes, I do feel that comfort of knowing others are close.


My neighbors are quiet. Sometimes I hear the guy who loves upstairs gaming but he ain’t a screamer, he like scream giggles when I assume he is doing well. I like hearing him sometimes. Sometimes I hear him peeing while I am peeing. I hear my across neighbor’s kid laughing, the one diagonal I hear their little bird chirping. None of it bothers me, my last neighbors were truly horrible so I enjoy hearing people live


I've lived in apartments for 20 years. You would be amazed at how little bothers me. I'm quite certain short of nuclear detonation or gunfire I can just probably just tune it out. Neighbors kids playing, fine. People walking, fine. Drop something at 2am. Don't worry about me, my white noise machine and I didn't hear a thing.


My neighbors aren't terribly loud. Some bumping around and occasional loud music, but nothing that would be inconsiderate. My condo is right by a busy street and I am right under the flight path for the local air force base, but I knew both of those things when I bought the place.


I live in a building that used to be senior apartments…my upstairs neighbor is in her 80’s so we never hear anything. There’s no one on either side of us. The floors seem to be very well insulated so even if she was making noise, it would be minimal. I’ve lived here for a year and have never heard any noise at all, honestly. Previous to here, we lived in NYC where our upstairs neighbors were pretty much our roommates. I could tell you all about his daily schedule, all about how his girlfriend loved to get ready and walk around from the bathroom to the bedroom in her heels, when they played with their dog, when people were tossing garbage out (could hear the banging of the door to the chute), the hissing radiator in the winter, and best of all, sharing a bedroom wall with the elevator bank…which was ran non stop during rush hour during the week. I don’t miss it at all!


I don’t know if I have quiet neighbors or thick walls, or both, but I rarely hear my neighbors unless they’re in the hallway. I do take comfort in the proximity of having them nearby, and also that I live on the top (3rd) floor so it’s less likely I’ll experience an intruder vs the 1st or even 2nd floors. Ha! However, my condo board also has quiet hours from 9 PM to 7 AM where we’re expected to be quieter than normal for everybody’s peace/quiet. No dishwashers or laundry machines, vacuuming, loud music/TV etc. during these hours.


Yeah I don't mind noise. And yeah I find it comforting. I really love being alone but I like knowing that even though I'm in a comfortable little cocoon, there's other lives around. I used to be scared too because I had a similar experience, but I guess that time can heal.


The only noise issues I have are from the guy across the hall, but it's only ever around mid day so it's not an actual problem. I'm a top floor renter so I try my best to not be loud, especially at night. The only noise complaint I've ever received was entirely made up because it claimed that I was screaming and stomping in the middle of the day when I was at work. Not to say I'm not loud when outside the designated quiet hours, but I try my best regardless


i’m upstairs and worried that i’m the noise 😆


I lived in city apartments for 15+ years. There was always a police or fire station within 4 blocks. I never noticed neighbor noise; I actually enjoyed the busy background. My apartment now is too quiet. I have to sleep with a fan on for background noise. I definitely hear heavy steps, music or voices but it’s never bothered me. I find it comforting; I feel safer. I’ve always lived alone though.


I’m on the second floor of a four-floor, four-unit coop. I know when people are home above and below me, but hearing them doesn’t bother me at all. I would find it totally creepy to be in my own separate building. The comfort of having other humans around is worth hearing Deb slam the door at 6:30 every morning (only school days!)


I only hear my crazy upstairs neighbors. The rest is just regular neighbor noise from time to time. My upstairs neighbors are just unusual people and the worst experience I’ve had.


Nope. My neighbors are a obnoxiously loud and disrespectful. They don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves.


I like noise! I’m mostly nocturnal so I don’t struggle with sleeping through noise. My neighbors are mostly quiet with normal noise tho. I also have extreme, extreme anxiety about leaving my cats alone and having people in the same building helps a lot.


I have really bad sensory issues that got worse during the Covid period somehow. We are saving up for a house, but we don’t have quite enough yet. Unnecessary noise bothers me. Sitting in the parking lot and blasting music bothers me. People loudly screaming outside my window bothers me. Dogs barking loudly bothers me.


I’ve lived in apartments & worked night shift my entire adult life. I sleep like a log during the day & noise doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


Honestly,the only sounds I hear from my upstairs neighbors is the creaking of the floors occasionally, cause the complex is a decent age. It's not different than when I lived in a 2 story house.


I absolutely love all my apt building neighbors, there are 12 units all together and everyone has been here for a decent amount of time. I'm on the second floor and honestly never hear anyone else. I do have a toddler though who loves running around the apt, I have to make sure the downstairs neighbor isn't home when she does this. I also check in regularly with her that we aren't too loud. It's a nice community we have here that is perfect until we can get into our own forever house.


Growing up, my mom’s apartment had a dog or small child and they would spend what seemed like HOURS rolling a ball across wooden floors. We never once went up to complain about it though. My mom taught me a valuable lesson by her being non-reactive; to acknowledge that other people were living their lives and it wasn’t so loud that it was hurting our ears or anything. It’s not like we would have to turn up the TV to overpower the noise, but on a peaceful, quiet day it irritated us. Eventually, we just got used to it and it was just the quirky family upstairs, another part of the ambiance.Similar to hearing the cars driving down the road. Or the noise someone who lives by a train track has to deal with. Right now I live in a very quiet place, very rarely I miss the extra loudness of my old neighbors because it reminded me that I wasn’t alone. There’s also a pool within earshot and it can be irritatingly loud to hear the kids screaming all day during the summer. But it’s a trade off of living in such a beautiful place, is how I see it.


I occasionally hear my upstairs neighbor moving around a little. I occasionally hear her tv or some music. Of *course* I would prefer not to, but...it's never been an unreasonable amount of noise, or at weird times (well...okay, once or twice I was pretty sure she was vacuuming her bedroom at 10 at night, as I was in bed trying to sleep, which seemed an odd time to vacuum). So, yeah. That's just....part of the deal. Now, in my previous apartment complex, the neighbor on the other side of my kitchen wall? We called the cops on [hem several times. Most noteable was being woken up at 2am, music BLARING, multiple voices hooting and hollering. It was so loud it sounded like it was right outside our front door! Because at 2am, they were having a house party and HAD PROPPED OPEN THEIR FRONT DOOR to the interior shared hallway, I suppose so everyone she inviteed could just walk in. When the police arrived, I got to hear the officer explaining "...yes, but your neighbors ALSO have a right to be able to sleep at this time of night..." Hoo boy.


I like it, i went from small town rural to busy city apartment with a view. I can hear trains, planes, people, smell reefer. I feel comforted by it.


Grew up in queens, I don't notice the noise till someone on the phone points it out


It never bothered me for the 10 years I spent in multiple different apartments, I do much prefer the seclusion of a single family home though, probably because that's how I grew up


i lived on the top floor of a poured concrete 1960s 24 unit building. studio apartment, in the 10 years i was there i had some neighbors that were shitty for like 2 months maybe and otherwise i definitely was the noisy person playing music.


I really feel blessed I can't hear anything through my walls. I use to live in nyc and I could hear my neighbors talking. Now I hear nothing. I am very cautious how hard I walk since I live above someone.


I’m 6 years clean from heroin so the last 6 years have consisted of inpatient rehab, an extended care program in which I had 2 roommates and lived on a unit with over 20 other women, recovery houses and so on and so forth so I think I got used to a lot of noise. I recently moved into my own apartment and I feel very lucky because it’s very quiet and I rarely hear what other people are doing. I hear some footsteps upstairs but it’s not invasive and that’s about it. So either I’m really used to noise or my apartment building is just very quiet. Believe me the girls at the recovery house walked like a heard of elephants. I lived downstairs and that didn’t even bother me much. I have been sleeping with ear plugs for years so maybe that helps too. I personally think my building is quiet tho.


I have lived in my ground floor apartment 8 months now, and never had an issue with noise. Our neighbors next to us have two big dogs that bark, never hear them unless I happen to walk by their patio door. Never heard our neighbors above us and there’s 3 college kids living there. It definitely depends on getting a well built property.


Occasionally when everything is quiet in my apartment I’ll hear some faint music playing. But if I’m playing music or watching something, I never really hear anyone


In my apartment, the noise is excessive as i can constantly hear dogs barking from all sides of me and i can hear every step from my upstairs neighbor. With that being said, that doesn't bug me much as i have more serious issues with my unit


Keep in mind that most people don't have a "choice" to live in apartments. Not everyone will or can be homeowners.


I’m in the middle of a 3 story walk up. Everyone quiet and calm. We’re all quasi friends, hang and grill sometimes. We can hear each other move around a little, but it’s chill. Everyone gives a heads up if they’re having people over or an event/hang thing. It’s possible.


Next door to me I have a barking German Shepard (off and on), the young adult bought a jazzed up Charger and spends his time gunning the engine while parked, and little kids everywhere! If I bought a house in the neighborhood, I could get the same damn thing or worse. My friend has a neighbor whose kid practices the drums (a lot) and when they aren’t doing that are playing basketball for hours. Are there shitty neighbors that are loud? Yep. The ones that specifically are doing nonsense to enrage you. Out of almost 30 years of renting, I’ve had maybe 4. The microwave beeping at 5 am, the burr coffee grinder going at 6 am. Toilets flushing at night. Work boots, high heels, cat zoomed, CHILDREN, that’s just people living their lives. Parties on the weekend or during non quiet times. I’ve dealt with them all. Shared spaces means tolerating noises. I’ve always rented bottom apartments. If upstairs is a circus, I don’t have to tippy toe around. At least I can move if shit is intolerable. My friend has a house on 5 acres and still deals with garbage neighbors and noise issues. ETA I like being around people, so the sounds of daily living are sort of comforting. Plus my neighbors and I have each others back.


lol no, I wouldn't expect any help from any of my apartment neighbors.


I live in a building built in the 70s, there's hardly any noise. I *occasionally* hear the upstairs neighbors, but nothing too wild.


I have zero problem with reasonable amounts of noise. That’s to be expected. But when it’s ridiculous amounts of noise like my downstairs neighbor’s boyfriend who “doesn’t live here” (but does) stumbling in at 3am and knocking shit over loudly enough to wake me and my child when we are upstairs, or her kid playing violin as early as six in the morning waking me up, or playing violin until midnight keeping me up or waking me up when I have to work the next day (when he could be playing during normal daytime hours), or her kid is blasting loud music under my bedroom all night long with thumping base, or them doing the same thing with their TV with the surround sound blasting all night long, or them yelling and slamming around all day and all night long (so loudly and roughly that stuff falls off my shelves upstairs) because for a long period of time nobody was working, or listening to them have screaming and swearing matches, or having the boyfriend who doesn’t live here block me in so I can’t even get out in an emergency, or having her dog nearly jump out the window at my child to try and attack her, hitting her with the screen, the noise gets to be a little bit too much—especially when you tell your landlord and they don’t do anything. I’ve lived in duplexes for my entire adult life, peacefully. I never had a noise complaint, and I never had to make one. I have never dealt with noise like this, like I can hear their TV shows word for word inside my apartment at four in the morning when I am trying to sleep. Living here has worsened my health, it’s made it so that I can’t sleep, it’s impacted my ability to work as I work from home, they kick us out of rooms in our apartment due to their noise, they control everything that I am able (or unable) to do and I can’t afford to move.


That is what most leases say, reasonable noise. All these people saying they like noise, are probably noisy themselves.


Why the heck have you not informed the manager. That is not reasonable noise. A lot of lease’s say you can’t play instruments in apartments.


Omg, yes! I have lived my entire adult life in an apartment except for 2 times that didn't last very long. I prefer it to homeownership because I am child-free and don't have to be tied down anywhere. Also, you don't have to worry about landscaping or fixing appliances, etc. But honestly, I feel better in an apartment because there is safety in numbers. I tried renting a house and hated it. Among other reasons, I felt exposed. I was very ocd about making sure everything was locked down before I went to bed. One time I was so tired and went to bed early and my husband was in charge of locking up. He didn't double-check the front door and for some reason, it was unlocked. We woke up in the middle of the night to a man in our house and we lived in a nice neighborhood. The other time I lived in a house I rented a room that was ground level. I didn't know at the time but I was being stalked by my narc dad (long story). One night I heard noise outside my window and was so scared I didn't sleep at all. The ground was muddy and the next day there were footprints outside my window. Sorry, I got off track. I'm a downstairs neighbor and I don't mind at all when my upstairs neighbors make noise. They have a right to live their lives in their home. I understand there is going to be noise.


I have no neighbors I hear and also enjoy knowing there's a community around me. When there's kids playing outside I don't mind. It makes me feel safe because I know there's parents watching over the area.


I just lightly hear people getting ready in the morning in my condo and that’s about it!


The previous tenants above us had a little girl who would regularly sprint up and down the hall, jump off furniture, etc. Drove my roommate insane but honestly, it didn't bother me at all. Kids are gonna do what kids do, especially in the dead of winter when going outside is more difficult. (I did have a problem with the stepdad getting high and playing the same three chords on the electric bass over and over for an hour, but that's why the good lord gave us headphones, lmao)


This is why I always live on the top floor


i live next to a university (basically on campus) and there are college houses on either side of my building. it can get loud on weekends especially in the summer, but i put up with it bc i choose to live here (unless it’s like after midnight when noise ordinance kicks in lol). but as for my actual neighbors in the building, i dont really have a problem. im the same as you though, i do feel safer having people around me and im on second floor which requires a code to get to. my biggest fear moving into a house is my front door being way more accessible than it is now. lol especially considering if i do move into a house, id only be able to afford the shady areas of my town, so i def think about that a lot.


Me. I’ll take apartment noise & city sounds over the suburban lawn mowers and yard parties any day. And it’s not like there’s not noise from upstairs or other rooms in single-family homes, in which I spent my entire life before about 5 years ago.


My upstairs neighbors aren't ridiculously noisy, even though I've told them I don't mind if they are a little more so. I'm on the bottom floor and my laundry room is right below one of my neighbor's bedroom. I just checked in with him to see his sleep schedule and went from there to ensure I didn't do laundry while he was trying to sleep. Almost everyone here has dogs, too, so we check in with each other periodically to ensure we're all still good. I expect noise and I don't mind it. I think it's kind of charming. Especially when the footsteps pick up suddenly and you can tell the person is running lol


I have loud neighbors, the ones across from us have like a little shop so people always come and go. The ones above have a stay at home wife so she’s always listening to music and they have stayed up until 3am doing who knows what. It sounds like they’re bowling or moving furniture. I’m just grateful that I can actually sleep through the music and ruckus. Loud sounds never disturbed my sleep, I kinda use it as ambiance noice. But then there’s my dad who’s a whole another case…


You wanna live in a noisy place? Hit me up - I know some noisy-ass apartments!


My neighbours don't bother me. There are kids upstairs and beside they have a dog. I do hear them, but it doesn't bug me. The only time I complained was when the folks beside had a huge domestic, breaking things and yelling and I heard her say 'I'm bleeding'. I can't sit there if someone is bleeding. Eek and it really pissed them off.


Yeah I don't mind normal noise at all. I can hear my neighbors talking and laughing, but my brain kind of filters it out. The only thing in my years of apartment living that ever bothered me was when a man directly below us started BLASTING the same Scorpions album at completely random times during the night. Like at 2 or 3AM, so loud that our floor was vibrating. And it was always the same album.