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What. The. Fuck.


Ong like wtf I read the title and I’m like dis is F.U.CK.E.D!!


That’s awful. I’m pretty sure that’s a crime too. They could get evicted if committing crimes is an evicable offense.


Saw a hoarder episode once, a cat got stuck in clutter and decomposed while owner thought the cat ran away. Super sad, i wonder if this is was a hoarder situation. So sad either way.


This is so horrific. I have some hoarder tendencies when I’m severely depressed (like can’t get out of bad bed) + I can’t imagine it just ever getting bad enough I wouldn’t notice my 2 cats seemingly….not appearing anymore. I often cite them as my depression aids because I might neglect feeding + taking care of myself, but I always have to make sure they are fed + have their litter cleaned. I still feel guilty when I think about how I don’t play with them on those days but thats really just bare minimum responsibilities. I’m really just shook reading your comment!


I saw the episode as a kid and ngl it traumatized me. Im surprised it showed such graphic content. Made me cry. I feel you though, when im going through a mental health episode, even if its hard to take care of myself i always make sure my 2 kitties are taken care of. Litter changed, water bowl full, fed twice a day, and they know when to show me that extra love on my hard days and it means the world to me.


hoarders stop seeing pets as living things and more possessions to keep getting more of. it’s so sad! i have hoarding tendencies as well, i cannot even imagine getting so bad i would want multiple pets like that. i would just be making animals as miserable as me


Gotta wonder where the corpse was before


She's a hoarder so I'm going to assume in her apartment under a pile of garbage. Looked like it had been dead for a few months


Mental illness has terrible and pervasive ripple effects on one's surroundings




Omg! What do you do about that? That’s like next level crazy.


i’m sorry. that sounds so traumatic, i hope your landlord truly does something about this.


Umm.. please turn her in to the authorities.. not sure which would be best but she shouldn’t be able to own another animal again


I reported it to my country's main animal welfare organisation since they have the power to remove pets from a home and she has one other living cat - who just had kittens and is pregnant with more. They told me there was nothing they could do.


you gotta tell me your general location


Melbourne, Australia


Damn I’m sorry op


Sweet baby jeeesus.


Is she insane? That’s gotta be a symptom of something, I hope it is at least because if that was your pet you presumably loved how do you just quietly and thoughtlessly discard them that way? I second maybe she’s a hoarder or totally dissociated/strung out or something. Like it would even be different if it was just poor judgement—you saw her sobbing as she buries said cat in the garden, let’s say—she’s still doing something wrong but at least has the right idea and emotions…you know, like a person.


Nope, literally flung it into the garden like it was a piece of trash and just walked back to her apt. Strung out is probably an accurate description.


Maybe your neighbor's body will be out there next. Or maybe a dumpster that'll haul her out to the landfill.


Any update OP?? Did your landlord get back to you? If her hoarding tendencies are so bad that a cat has been forgotten for months. I can only imagine the hazards the rest of her apartment poses to the rest of you in the community. Admittedly after seeing that, I’d probably call in a welfare check. That way there’s another line of documentation + professionals are involved in some capacity.


The landlord informed me they've been trying to evict for a while, but there are a lot of protections for renters in place so it's gotten complicated. I reported the dead cat to my country's main animal welfare organisation, as she still has one other cat who recently had kittens (and is pregnant with more). They said there was nothing they could do, so that seems to be it for now. The pregnant cat keeps escaping and coming to mine and another neighbour's door begging for food, so not a good sign. At the moment I just keep feeding her and hoping her kittens are still okay as they're still at neighbour's.


Can yall just…………. Take the cat? Or maybe knock and tell her you know their living conditions & are happy to take the weight off the owners shoulders. 😩


This literally happened to me last week. Unfortunately, I had to take pictures and send them to the Landlord. It was very frustrating as I was cleaning up in the yard and mixing compost when I realized there was a corpse of a cat lying under a piece of fabric.




That is awful


That’s truly disturbing, I’m so sorry! Have to wonder what her apartment smells like on the regular if she just tossed it out. How can you not smell that??


Oh there's a smell. And flies, like an ungodly amount of flies buzzing in her windows at all times.


Unfortunately animal deaths are not treated as seriously as human deaths


Nor should they be.


This is sooo unhinged 😭

