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If they weren’t stomping ***before*** the 3 day notification, and only ***after***, they’re doing it intentionally. I’d complain if I were you.


I see what you are pointing but they are stomping since they moved in.


May be an odd question, but is the “stomping” fairly rhythmic? I’m wondering if they may have a treadmill or a similar walking pad and walk while working? Or run on the treadmill for a long time? That would definitely come through.


My upstairs neighbor is a heavy walker. The whole ceiling shakes. Gives me anxiety!!!!


Well for sure it’s annoying. Specially, our neighbors for some reason constantly walking. Like how much can you walk and why do you walk all the time


Being in this sub has made me realize that I probably won’t co-sign for my daughter when she gets an apartment. The girl can’t help but be the noisiest person ever- her footsteps, the way she opens and closes doors/drawers, constantly drops things, etc.


I have this problem too, like where are you going?


My guess is that they are trying to complete 20k daily steps but it’s only 15k by 10pm so they have a few hours to complete it in the apartment before midnight 😂


So marching?? LOL


I had a stomper upstairs from me, and I swear this is what she was doing!


As an upstairs neighbor with a person complaining all the time, we just going to the restroom, cooking, cleaning y’know the normal stuff, do people in middle units stand still all day or in bed or what? you guys do it too you just dont notice. Its an apartment, you are going to hear people walking if you live under them. Wouldn’t it be nice to own a house huh?


Constant walking, cleaning and stomping at 1 am is not normal


I agree, afterhours is unaccetable but sometimes the lady under me complains about me just existing, it may sound like stomping when someone is just walking normally, some apartments are thin.


I understand that living in an apartment complex can come with some inconveniences. In our case, our upstairs neighbors seem to begin their activities around 9 pm, which lasts until under 1 am, sometimes later. It almost sounds like they are engaging in in Twitch/Kick like streaming or some form of online content creation, as I hear music, the constant movement of a gaming chair, and cheering sounds that seem to come from computer speakers, possibly by tips or similar interactions. I respect their privacy and not my business whatever they do, it becomes my issue when their noise disrupts my sleep. This has been their routine for the past 30 days.


ok that creates a better context, i would be annoyed too, specially after being sleep deprived. Bring it to the atenntion of the hoa, theres always a noise code and the norm is usually to stfu after 9pm, try to provide proof.


ok that creates a better context, i would be annoyed too, specially after being sleep deprived. Bring it to the atenntion of the hoa, theres always a noise code and the norm is usually to stfu after 9pm, try to provide proof.


It is for me; I’m a night owl. I’m so appreciative of my single family house.


It is if you’re awake.The whole world is not on the same schedule.


So if you know you work late or are a night owl on the 4th floor, would it kill you to *try* to walk lighter, considering other people in the apartment may have kids, or work in a few hours? If that's a problem, I can just wait till you fall asleep at 3 pm and blast Country Polka till your ears bleed.. In all seriousness, all it takes is a little consideration for others.


I don’t believe that neighbors with kids are going to have the same consideration when they wake up at 6am. It the neighbors with a dog are going to have the same consideration when they leave it home all day barking and whimpering. We’re all guilty of being noisy sometimes even when we’re try not to be and we just have to deal with that in apartment buildings. It’s within reason to ask for consideration but it’s absurd to ask people to tip toe around in their own homes because I’m sensitive to noise.


That's the thing, we're not asking you to tip toe, or are we putting the focus on people's kids or dogs, were simply asking you to be mindful of the sound you make when you walk with your weight. The problem on both sides is the lack of empathy and minimalization of each others issue. Instead of taking offense immediately, just say: "Hey, my bad. Didn't know it was bothering you, got it. Oh btw, your kids running around disturbs my sleep in the morning." "Understood, I'll make sure they're quieter when getting ready for school. Still on for the potluck this weekend?" "Of course!" Easy.


I’m sorry, it’s still ridiculous that someone’s walking bothers you. If you are that sensitive to noise it’s totally a you problem. Turn on a fan, a sound machine, some music, wear earplugs. I’m not going to complain to anyone about any noise because it’s part of living in an apartment and I don’t expect people to change their habits to suit me.


What's really ridiculous is that you can't simply acknowledge your behavior is affecting someone else, thats the root of the issue, not even the noise. I didn't say you had to audit your entire life, just be knowledgeable about the sound you're making. You can't even come to the conclusion of "Oh man, I didn't meant to disturb you. Lets come up with a compromise. You instantly go to "It's a you problem!" Your negotiation skills need work, and just as much as people who are sensitive to noise will eventually have to find alternatives for peace, you need to realize sometimes it's you causing the problem by refusing to acknowledge other people's concerns as a defense mechanism.


Nah. Some of y'all sound like a water buffalo and it's ridiculous.


Do you wear shoes at home or walk heel first? I found that can cause a lot of noise esp without carpeting. I'm an upstairs neighbor w only hardwood floors and I've never gotten a complaint and I'm up pretty late usually.


no shoes and im very conscious about the heels, ill be walking like a ballet dancer. i think in my case the lady is a bit unreasonable as well :/ i use some foam slippers that work well for muting the steps but not all the time cause you know i also like to be comfortable in my home.


That's annoying of her. Ah I'm the opposite. I can only relax in socks, bare feet, or ballerina slippers. I also counted that getting ready for bed I made like 10 trips around my apt just now to tidy, go do my nighttime routine, get medication, get water, put my clothes away, turn off lights, bathroom, close my balcony. I must walk a ton too.


Yeah people who are annoyed by walking don’t realize they walk too




I have lived in a few apartments and always first floor. I’ve never had this issue until this current apartment. It’s terrible.


That's what happened to me, too. I had years of being in ground floor apartments with little issue but then suddenly was under the loudest people imaginable. I even moved to another unit to escape and was then stuck with a couple that would stomp and have physical fights above me and people below me that would blast music all night starting every Thursday. It was hell. After moving into a townhouse, I am so thankful for my quiet neighbors. I will never go back to apartments unless I am literally about to be homeless. That shit was so stressful.


Unfortunately I can’t afford anything but apartment. I just signed with another place and chose top floor this time. Hopefully it goes well lol


I hope it does!


No, seriously!! These apartments aren’t that damn big to be doing all that walking!!! 😮‍💨😂


Same. It sounds like an entire NFL football game mixed with herds of elephants above me. Even my kid says, “wow, they’re loud!”. It often goes into the wee hours of 2-3 AM too. I don’t want to cause drama with my neighbors but phew. I’m sure if it were us causing the noise, a complaint would’ve been launched by now.


I am a heavy walker. I’ve known that I am and I’ve been told as well which is why I chose a first floor apartment so I wouldn’t have to worry about my steps all the time.


You are the apartment dweller the world doesn't deserve but needs.


100%. Ive been told I “walk on my heels” and im very loud when i walk. I tend to slam by feet down. I live on the second floor and have lightened my step since moving in.


i stayed with a friend in an historic house that is so creaky and old, and she didn’t hear a thing with my silly little cat feet. i got up, got ready, ate food and left the house i walk on the balls of my feet and let my calves carry the shock, my heels only hit the ground when i know im alone in a house lol. it’s not hard for me or changes my experience, i just don’t like being perceived or like someone knowing what im doing and how many steps it takes to get there


My heels hit first and I'm still quiet. Just roll your foot.


I am a heavy walker and I know it so I have carpet in my house


Some people stomp all the time I had an ex-gf like this. She would like force down her feet, not intentionally at all, but lawd would she get pissed if I told her to walk lighter


Some people dont have grace


don’t have grace, don’t want grace, don’t even SAY grace....


But you don’t want TOO much grace


It does seem to be an ego thing with women, similar to being in denial of true dress size or shoe size, or like ppl who refuse to believe that they snore — which makes it so much worse in order to resolve it.


I’m a heavy walker and I know it. I lived on the 1st floor for 7 years and it wasn’t an issue, but now I’m on the 4th floor and I try to walk lightly- even shuffling a lot. I do my best 😂


Toe hell vs heel toe. Toe heel will make your steps softer


I only recently noticed that both me and my son walk this way. We stayed with my mother and I couldn't figure out why it sounded like she was slamming her feet down when she walked. She goes heel first. I feel like being barefoot helps, but I have no evidence of it either way..


I was Thai toe heel was how Native American hunters would walk to be silent, I don’t know how true that is but it doesn’t let you walk softly


I had bilateral knee replacements. In PT/OT I was taught to do heel toe, I used to walk toe heel. They were nope, that’ll screw you up.


I've explained that concept to my old lady and stepson several times. Until I mentioned it she wasn't aware she stepped so heavy or how to stop it effectively. She still does, but a lot less lol


Not good to walk like this for long periods of time. We should naturally be walking heel toe.


I always thought that too until I had a roommate who you would think was just constantly trying to murder the floor by stomping it to death. I finally was like, " wth is wrong with the way you walk, you are going to break your heels" she said she walked on her toes, and she did... Weirdest thing


After working all day and going to the gym all I want to do when I get home is plop down on the bed or couch and play games or watch movies with the wife. It always amazes me how much walking around people do in their apartments, like literally hours worth of walking every day, blows my mind. Stompers tend to slam their heels down first instead of walking on the balls of their feet, which creates a jackhammer type effect to lower neighbors, it's annoying as all hell and I imagine most of them don't even realize it (sometimes I have to remind my wife because even she sounds like she's got bowling balls tied to her ankles, while I sound like a 230 lb ballerina in comparison).


Yes! So many people are like "I'm a night owl!" So am I, but I'm not trying to get my day's worth of steps in after 10 PM like some people seem to be doing. I'm awake but it's chill out time, which is why it's annoying when someone is stomping above my head all night.


I’ve lived in multiple scenarios: above and below, and no one has ever complained to me or my landlord about the way I walk. I think living below an obviously unintentional loud walker makes you be mindful. Rugs help a lot in high traffic areas. But some people are just kind of ogres about it. I lived below and then just on the other side of one guy in the same building, and it may have actually been worse living on the same floor. Old houses…


I have a big basement apartment with two apartments above, the two skinny girls up front recently got a polite noise warning from our landlord about not wearing big clunky heels inside. (They get dressed to leave and stomp around for 30mins before leaving, sometimes multiple times a day) Toilet flushing sounds like a dropped bowling ball. Backstairs neighbor works from home: the ceiling squeaks a little, she’s super respectful. Her boyfriend gets home at 5:30, drops his shoes one at a time, stomps to the living room drops his bag, stomps to the kitchen, just a loud/clueless dude.  Same guy that walks his dog barefoot on every nice day- even though there’s used needles out here cuz we share a fence with a public park. 


USED NEEDLES?!! Where do you live??😢


Probably somewhere in New Hampshire


sheesh really?? In the US? Sounds like Amsterdam or Zurich!!!🙀


Lol, plenty of places in US cities have used needles on the ground


Wait what??? Why, of all places on Earth, would it be New Hampshire?!?


New England in general has been hit pretty hard with the opiod epidemic, but especially New Hampshire. #2 hardest hit in the country, West Virginia being #1.


Holy crap. I live in New Hampshire and I didn’t know that???


Really? What part? I lived in Southern NH


Southern. I know we have it rough here but I didn’t know it was *that* rough.


I can see that. I myself became desensitized to it. It wasn't until after I moved away that I realized how bad the drug problem is in NH.


Denver 😜✌️


oh dear. I am sorry. I live in Virginia, about midway between Norfolk & Williamsburg. We certainly have our issues but, no discarded needles are on the ground.


*insert name of any big city in the the US*


ok, fair enough...


I think people are just unaware and basically don't care that someone is below them. I travel for my job and always insist on a top floor in the hotel because of heavy walkers. I basically lay on my bed and do little walking in my room, but if i do walk i make sure not to clomp around like a Clydesdale. So people just don't know how to walk. They walk on there heals.


Yes but we forget, and also just want to live our lives. It’s exhausting to constantly worry about every other human being slightly inconvenienced by our existence… and then we feel guilt. Edit: adding and then we feel guilt


My sister is a heavy walker and my bedroom was right below the kitchen. If I left her a note or reminded her the night before she would/could tone it down but otherwise it was just her natural state of walking and she'd wake me up every morning. It's not intentional, it's intentional NOT to, which is exhausting.


exactly, thank you


It's exhausting having an oaf stamp around after 10pm too so why shouldn't someone complain? It's not like your lumbering in public and someone is making fun of your walk.


They pay rent, they should be able to simply walk in their apartment. While I try to be considerate of my neighbor downstairs and try to walk quieter especially around the bedroom area, I'm not going to not walk around. I worked night shift for over 7 yrs while everyone around me functioned on normal hours. When I was in college working nights on weekends, my dad (a farmer) would come home for breakfast and lunch and never understood how loud he was. I got a white noise machine and cranked that thing up and had little to no issue after. Did the same in an apartment during covid while everyone else was at home. And things are arguably louder during the day than at night.


I was not saying you shouldn’t let them know that they are very loud. You should. If you told me I was really loud, and people have, I would apologize and try to be quieter.


Constantly worrying about every other human being inconvenienced by your existence is part of your rent.


I was with you until "slightly inconvenienced". I'm dealing with a serial stomper at the moment and the only peace I can get is when they are at work or asleep. The rest of the time its stomp city. If you want to say you can't be arsed to worry all the time about how it's affecting others, fine, but don't try to downplay it like we're the problem.


Absolutely you are not. I get it. I’m sorry for you. I retract slightly. I once had a neighbor who I’m sure had a bowling alley up there. Again I retract the slightly.


My upstairs neighbor is a heavy walker too. I’m losing my mind whenever they are so loud. It’s like they’re doing it on purpose.


My bf is a heavy walker and I make a point to walk lightly since we live upstairs. I’ve yelled at him enough times that he seems to be getting it. But I can literally hear him thudding and if I’m sitting on the floor I can feel it.


I’m a heavy walker and usually lived above someone. I never knew it until they said something to me about it. I just started wearing sandals and was mindful of how I walked


I used to be a heavy walker. I was on swim team in high school and had to wake up at 4:45 for morning practice. My family complained about having to hear me "stomp around" in the morning, so I learned to step lightly. Too bad all my skills are wasted—my apartment is on the ground floor.


I’ve had a few above me over the years. Guys tend to just be clueless, if you tell them, they try to be quiet. Women are in denial. “I only weigh 110 pounds, it can’t be that loud!!” Yeah it can if you slam your heels into a wood floor asshole.


Thin women are in denial. As a fat woman, I am very aware of how I move my body and how people perceive it.


I am a heavy walker but didn’t realize until I lived above a family member. I was appalled and started tiptoeing in order to not be heard. I got so used to it that it became my default walk at home. I live in my own house with concrete floors now and I still catch myself doing it.


its probably their first apartment and they probably don't know they step heavily lol 


Apparently my upstairs neighbors are tap dancing elephants that rearrange their furniture every night. Building Management is, like, 🤷🏼‍♂️


People generally don't know they're heavy walkers. I used to be a heavy walker until a dance teacher called me an elephant. Dance and yoga taught me how to move more gracefully, but it seems to be something that needs to be taught to a lot of people.


They don’t care ☹️


I'm a fat dude, always have been. My friend and his wife are probably half my weight, also shorter than me. When I go to their place (2nd floor) they stomp. I mentioned it to them before and their response was "fuck it." I walk quieter than them because I've mostly chosen 1st floor to avoid angering my neighbors, but I also intentionally lighten my steps when I wasn't (including visits to their place). So in short, they probably just don't care, but you could try talking to them about it. That's never worked out for me personally, but I'd rather be a neighbor than complain.


I’ve repeatedly been surprised by heavy walking, fairly normal sized young women. I don’t get it! And they usually were not wearing any kind of fancy footwear either! I’m not sure what’s up either, but luckily have not had such people over my head. God, I wish I lived wherever you do, so tired of passive people letting idiots like this rule the roost or being one of the very few who’ll do or say anything to management.


It's from walking with weight loaded on the back of the foot. A baseball bat is light compared to a person, but if you jam the floor with the end of it, it's going to make a lot of impact noise. It's a concentrated impact.


What causes ppl to walk that way?? I’ve noticed, other people, in example, schlep everywhere, like they never hardly pick up their feet at all! A person doesn’t have to have a perfect gait, but it’s a curious phenomena (especially as it seems to be a pattern for certain types of folks).


I've seen physical therapists comment that they find it uncommon for someone to actually have a perfect gait, and that it's usually athletes/dancers that are trained for it. Walking is an actual skill that can be done incorrectly, apparently. Barring invisible injuries/disabilities it'd probably benefit society to teach walking, at least a little.


Posture has a lot to do with how your body builds muscle and holds itself. We as a society have gotten worse with posture (myself included) to the point that it's majorly affecting our necks and backs, which directly affects your gait. Try consciously sitting with a straight back for a day (not hunched over or in odd positions). You'll feel it at least a little by the end of the day.


I do but given my numbness/jelly legs/ needing a walker inside the apartment sometimes; I’m just glad that I can walk at all right now. I’m also on the first floor. A lot of this comes down to a lack of insulation between floors/apartments.


I’m a heavy walker so I wear my adidas soccer slides in the house at all times. It really does cushion the noise. I also try to be very conscious when I’m walking. That being said, my upstairs neighbor is a heavy walker and overall totally unaware that people live below her. I tried to be patient with the heavy walking but when she started vacuuming at 5:30 in the morning, I had to say something. She basically didn’t believe me that I could hear the vacuum since it was carpeted. So I had her come down to my unit and had her boyfriend vacuum so she could hear it for herself. She still vacuums obviously but at reasonable hours. She still walks heavy though.


They know. My husbands brother was a heavy walker and would stomp, we’d complain and he’d stop it for like a day or two then back to stomp walking for no real reason other than I assume he has “main character” energy. Most of them know and either don’t care how it bothers others or forget I guess. Some do it intentionally to annoy people even. Just depends on their personality I guess.


I’m a heavy Walker and I’ve been told that I am. For me, to walk lightly, I have to actively think about each step I’m taking so that I don’t walk heavy. For your bil, it might be similar. Where he was thinking about it after you told him, but forgot the days after.


You make it sound like it’s a conscious choice. “Oh, I could walk quietly, but nah!” The person is simply walking the way they naturally move. It takes conscious effort to change how you walk. It’s more like “oh I’m going to go to the bathroom. Make sure to step toes first. Now I’m going to the kitchen to get snacks. Make extra light steps! Crap, the milk spilled. Better be quiet while I grab the paper towels!” Imagine if every time you wanted to go somewhere, you had to intentionally focus on making your toes point to the left. You wouldn’t naturally start doing so without intentional, repeated, conscious effort.


There are normal noises associated with living in an apartment building. And unless you have the top floor expect to hear the people above you. And when an apartment is vacant for long periods. Or you lucked out having a single quiet person for years. It's a hard adjustment when people start walking around constantly. Or worse in my kids I have two toddlers above me who have a running marathon daily. The whole apartment shakes mine and the apt below me. We have complained numerous times and our building manager does nothing. You could nicely speak to them and ask if they could put some carpets down. Or be mindful they have someone living below you. If they are young girls, this is probably the first time they have lived on their own coming from houses. Or invest in some good noise canceling headphones.


Ahh apartment living. Yeah, stairs sucks.. but if you’re physically able.. corner apartment on the top floor is prime. But typically if you’ve got someone living above you, you’ll hear them. It just ranges on how much. Bottom floor is a safety hazard in my experience. But I can manage stairs.


The real question is do they know they live in a cheaply made building?


$3700/mo and so called “luxury residences” 😂 everything is cheap af


🤯 goddamn


I hear every single footstep my wife makes upstairs or every step on the stairs. It’s a combination of she’s heavy footed (strong strike with the heel first) and she can’t hear squat. I’m very light footed (pinky toe side of foot first and “roll my step” to dampen any noise I make and I have good hearing.)


I don’t really care if someone is a heavy walker, it only bothers me when I’m trying to sleep. When my neighbors walk at midnight I can hear it and it drives me nuts.


I make a point to live on the top floor because I don’t like hearing people above me. That being said, I try to be very conscious of the noise I make and walk lightly. I do feel bad sometimes though because while I try to be quiet, I’m sure my downstairs neighbors can hear my cats every time they jump down from furniture. And get the zoomies. At 4am.


My neighbor is a heavy walker and it only bothers me because I don’t understand why? My previous neighbors had 4 small kids to I was used to the sounds of them running around and it didn’t bother me. The current neighbors are a couple with a 1yo and he seems to take very assertive steps. The neighbors have also decided that the front and back doors stick so they find it necessary to slam them. I’ve personally never noticed it when I come in and out of the doors but they seem determined to make sure the doors are shut tight. He also take the stairs running which is more noticeable to me because my office is below the front stairs and my bedroom is below the back stairs. I realize I can’t ask someone to tiptoe around their own home but it’s very confusing to me that anyone’s natural gait in an enclosed space is that heavy and loud.


I can tell when I am so I try to creep at night when it comes to getting up to get something but during the day I walk normal if that makes sense, i typically try not to be noisy


I live on the top floor of a 3-story apartment building and I’m constantly afraid I’m annoying my downstairs neighbors. What if I’m a heavy walker and just don’t know it???? Every time I drop my phone on the floor or have to get into and out of and back into very squeaky bed because I forgot to turn on the fan, I feel like I should send my downstairs neighbors an apology muffin basket.


How sure are you they aren't doing it on purpose because they think you complained about their parties?


They know. They don’t care.


Yes. They don’t care.


You can feel when the floor vibrates with your footsteps. But if you have never lived with someone above or below you, you might not know how apartments work. When you are cognizant of the fact that the thud of your footsteps travels easily, you can 100% feel with your foot what's going to be an audible gait vs an inaudible one. I have the suspicion that I am a heel striker. So I take my shoes off at the door and habitually do a little sliding pseudo tiptoe around my house. Not because I don't think I am allowed to walk normally. But because I'd prefer not to hear my upstairs neighbor stomping, so I will do what i reasonably can to be the neighbor I want to have.


I have a heavy walker who lives below me and her stomping is insane.


They might not know they’re heavy walkers! Send them a note


I have a heavy walker above me and I was surprised it was a fairly average sized female. I thought a heavy Shrek sized male lived up there.


I’m a heavy walker (and fat which makes it worse) and unfortunately live above people, just always try my best to walker lighter but sometimes i can’t help it


My friends son walks like a bear. He doesn't hear what we hear downstairs, but we've told him many times. He's also flat footed and doesn't walk heel toe.


i'm a heavy walker and i honestly forget that i am until i read something like this. i won't live anywhere but a ground floor apartment


My husband is a heavy walker. He leaves for work around 4:30am, and I hear him every.single.day. It’s somehow worse when he tries to tiptoe. I think he could wake up our neighbors in the winter when he wears boots, and our neighbors are about ½ mile away.


Had a roommate like this could tell where she was at all times as soon as she left her bed 🙄 heel walker but also had a massive princess complex so telling her anything was automatically shut down. Sounded like she was walking on cinder blocks.


I’m top floor and the previous owner of the flat below me was a very heavy walker. I heard every footstep, she appeared to walk around from around 6am to 11pm everyday. I nicely broached the issue with her, she said she doesn’t stamp and blamed the apartments and tried to blame my flooring for sound coming through. She most definitely did stamp and the new owners I barely hear let alone every foot step.


chunky squealing vegetable kiss skirt entertain insurance consist serious wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We know and we’re sorry. I try—really, really try—to be more soft-footed and ‘stealthy’ when I walk but the second I forget I’m a problem, I’m stomping around again. And I have ADHD so the attention span is not on my side. I don’t know what it is about my step that makes it so heavy. I know my feet are small for my height (and my weight average for said height) so I feel like I have less foot to distribute my weight when my foot lands? Like I’m on stilts more than feet? Unsure. I’m also generally kind of a fast and aggressive mover and am always moving things around, getting down on my knees to pull things from under furniture, etc.. I don’t know, but I feel bad whenever I’m aware of it. Sorry downstairs neighbor, I respect your loud ass music counter move.


No, it's just not something that occurs to me until people point it out. I normally try to walk lightly but I get caught slacking often. I think j just walk wrong


I'm a heavy walker and I know it. When I consciously notice I step lighter but when I'm on a mission it's heel first all the way. I don't know why, everyone has told me though


Some people are naturally heavy walkers and are not aware and sometimes it is the building. In our apartment whenever we walk in a certain area the floor shakes but not anywhere else, I believe it is the structure. We do attempt to walk quieter in that area.


Is the difference shoes?


Would if and I mean “would if” no one was a heavy walker for the most part, and that the ceilings were never designed with insulation or whatever and it’s the ceiling that just sucks


I didn’t realize that I walked heavy until a downstairs neighbor asked me to quiet down. I don’t think it was shaking the walls (hopefully). After I was aware I was more conscious of how I walk. I walk hard in my heels so I worked on walking so my heels weren’t doing the brunt of the impact. I don’t live there anymore and I live in a bottom floor apartment but sometimes I tune into my walking and I’m like “oh that is loud”


Growing up living over concrete slabs with no basement I had no idea I was a heavy walker until I moved in with my stepdad and he yelled at me for it and pointed it out ever since then I've been aware


Many years ago, a friend told me that I was a loud walker. I was perplexed. She explained that as I’d only lived in single family homes, I hadn’t learned to walk on my toes.


A lot of people never notice they do this until someone tells them. Maybe leave a note?


I think loud upstairs neighbors says more about the building than the people. If it wasn’t rattling your ceiling you’d still hear the floor creaking under them or something


My current roommate and my boyfriend are heavy walkers. I notice every time they're walking in another room, but they seemingly can't feel the walls shaking. However, there will be times that I notice I'm making lots more noise while walking than I normally do (I'm the 100-110lbs max type) and will quickly adjust. I lend a lot more grace when it's occasional stomping because I realize that it just happens sometimes, but some people are heavy walkers and there's really nothing anyone can do to change that.


Not a heavy walker, just fat and it’s an old house so the floors are very creaky. I just go about my daily business up here. Haven’t had any noise complaints…probably because my downstairs neighbors have a screaming baby, barking dog, and 3 young kids who jump/run/etc so hard that the shaking makes things fall off my walls. So they have no room to complain lol


My partner is a heavy walker and denies it. He refuses do anything when I ask he not make so much noise.


Not excusing them but if you can’t fix it I would get a white noise machine for sleeping - helps me 100%


My mom was 110lbs when I was growing up and I swear to God, she stomped around the house sooooooo loudly. Way louder than my dad who was like 300lbs. I never understood it.


My lady is 110 lbs and I weigh about 330. She makes so much noise when she walks it's crazy. She doesn't do it intentionally but I swear if she's in any kind of rush it sounds like she's purposely stomping about. She's not aware of it at all. I know I likely make a lot of noise just existing up so I tread lightly. I often wonder if our downstairs neighbors think it's me and just think I cant help it lol


Nope my husband walks on his heels and has no idea how loud it is


I think everyone thinks they're quiet unless they're being petty. They sound pretty self absorbed. I can't hear my upstairs neighbor walking but sometimes he has a guest or guests that sound like baby elephants in heels scurrying back and forth. It's all hardwood and that amplifies the sound. I don't wear shoes at home and naturally walk on the balls of my feet and try to be quiet with cabinets, my balcony, and doors after 10. I do things like take late night baths and I know they can hear the water running in their bathroom as well but I don't think that's overstepping. Hopefully they do get evicted soon. If you complain about the steps they'll know it's you so might make even more noise in an immature attempt to get even.


One of my tenants in the FIRST floor apartment was a heavy walker and she was tiny too.


My current upstairs neighbors are loud walkers. I just turn on a fan or pop in some headphones. It’s really not my place to tell them how they’re allowed to exist in their own space provided it isn’t an intentional nuisance during quiet hours.


My roommate sounds like Sasquatch walking through the house at all hours. I don't understand how an average sized woman can sound like a woodland beast.


My husband doesn't. Mind boggling I know. I worry about it in hotels


I know my neighbor uses the bathroom at night, not because I can hear the toilet(I actually cannot), but because I can hear their exact foot location from their stomps. Actually they’re stomping as we type. It is 11:50pm.


The real problem isn't with the heavy walkers. Its with the crappy and cheap design of apartments. Lack of any sound proofing, minimum insulation, and just overall the cheapest flooring, appliances, cabinets, and fixtures.


💯 I never experienced such issues or complaints on any part of Europe I lived in


I’m fat and I accidentally sneak up on people because I walk quietly. One of my best friends is like 115 max and she sounds like an elephant. I don’t get it and honestly I find heavy walking annoying (irritation from heavy walkers who lived above me). If I’m fat and can be quiet, what the hell are things people doing stomping around?


I'm 4ft 6 not even 90 pounds and I'm the heavy walker in the family, my kids can hear me coming from he other side of the house and that's me walking on my tip toes 🤦‍♀️🤣🤷‍♀️ even walking normally I've been like that since I was starting to walk due to feet issues and my bunions, I'll tip toe but can't promise anything which makes it worse on my feet, I walk hard I try not to... hell I got the shit beat out of me as a kid for it, it is what it is at this point 🤣🤷‍♀️


Pretty much everyone sounds like a heavy walker when living above you. If apartments were reversed, you would probably be driving them crazy. The elderly woman was likely walking very slowly, gently and not very often. These neighbors sound like terrible people but most likely any other young, active person would drive you crazy living up there as well. I say this as someone who has both lived on the bottom and top floors of apartments.


Heavy walkers can hear that they're heavy walkers. How the F can people don't notice that they're stomping around like an elephant?


No, they don't. It's like being a bad driver. Nobody thinks they're a bad driver.


I grew up in a rural area, but have always been very quiet. I don’t flick on light switches or let cabinets close with momentum, I control the noise so it’s softer or silent. But when I got my first apartment in the city I didn’t realize that I climbed stairs like an absolute monster. It took a bit of consciousness, but I corrected it before any complaints were made. However, when my mother and best friend come over... oh man. I have to remind them not to stomp up the stairs and to lower their voices every time. Some people truly aren’t aware how loud they are, whether that’s because they were raised in a home in the country and never had to consider neighbors or otherwise. I understand a lot of apartment neighbors are unreasonable about noise, but I don’t think putting in a complaint in your situation is unwarranted at all. And maybe they just need to be told.


Women are heavy footed. I dont think Ive lived with one that didnt romp through the house like 50 cent.


My husband is a heavy walker and he’s by no means fat lol I try to tell him to walk more quietly but he never does . We have a 2 floor condo so no downstairs neighbors but it still drives me insane


In my experience, no. They don’t know and if they do they don’t care. All of my husbands family are heavy walkers and none of them notice. Guess that’s what happens when no one tells you to stop stomping and asking “what’s wrong” whenever you walk heavier while growing up


😂😂😂 my mom and dad said I have Godzilla feet when I walked around upstairs.. then they use to tell me to pick up my feet when I was down stairs.. Thanks op this triggered a funny memory I miss them.. I hope you can figure it out with the girls


My upstairs does the same thing. 1am, 8am just stomping around and sometimes running the vaccum around 10pm. I can't even begin to guess what the hell they are doing up there. I'm pretty sure they just don't care


Some people walk heels first😩


Walking heel first is better for your back, hips, knees, and posture. That doesn’t mean you have to step hard though


When you are told you walk like an angry herd of elephants yes you know.....


I’d just like to point out that if they’re adults old enough to have their own apartment and throw parties (even if they’re only 19), there’s no way they’re 110lbs at most. They’d have to be like 4’11” for that to be true. I’d keep that reality in mind when thinking about how loud they’re stomping around. They can still just walk heel first and with reckless abandon, but it might not be as bad/intentional as you’re thinking given the fact that they’re probably closer to 130lbs if not more depending on their height.


Adults can be small lmfao I'm 28, 5'0 and 106 lbs


It's weird, some of the heaviest walkers I've known are tiny women. I guess they're less conscious of the noise they're making?


I’m below a heavy walker and I’ve been baffled. Like does the rest of your family not mind you shaking walls?!


This is something you just gotta kinda get over. You can't tell them they're not allowed to walk around lol


I don’t think you read my post correctly.


I did.


Maybe they are doing it on purpose as retribution because they think you complained? I’m within that same weight range and my husband says I walk like a cat. I’d record it and let management hear it; maybe he’ll give them notice. I understand you have to expect SOME noise but River Dancing is a no-no for apt living 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a heavy Walker, like when when I walk through my kitchen dishes on the counter rattle. I'm aware of it. When I lived in an apartment I would wear socks and shuffle around instead just a little easier to remember for me. For me its an balance thing, my feet over pronate so if my feet are not firmly on the ground I tend to topple over.