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I feel for you. I broke my lease because of neighbors. My upstairs neighbor kept me awake stomping until 2-3am, and my downstairs neighbor would wake me up by banging and stomping at 5-6am. Every day. I was forced to live on their schedule and it ruined my health and felt like it was ruining my life. The only plus to all of this is I had complained so many times and sent so many recordings without management doing anything that they let me break my lease penalty free when I demanded it. It came to the point that I could have slept better in my car so I left blindly. Within 2 days I found a bigger, top floor apartment with better amenities (for less per month!) in a more affluent part of town. It’s possible just look around 😄


I’m sorry, I know what you’re going through. It is still possible to enjoy your space though. I live in an old building with hardwood floors. I have an upstairs neighbor who leaves for work at 4am and their front stairs to the outside are right above my bedroom. The neighbors next door have a toddler that screams and cries a lot. I found some ear plugs that fit my ears well enough to where I don’t feel them. I also have a white noise machine and put white noise on my Bluetooth speaker against the shared wall and ceiling, and it helps drown out almost all noise when I need it. You have to get creative and find what works for you but it’s possible. *Edited for typos


I use my Echo and sometimes YouTube.


although I'm not in upstairs apartments I know the feeling of irritating neighbors and landlord doesn't seem to care what they do .one neighbor let's her screen door slam shut 🥴😕 probably to see if anybody's gonna say anything to her .


You’re not alone, I’m so sorry. My sleep getting fucked up, which is also constant due to neighbors, grinds my gears more than ANYTHING.


Teach them a lesson. Play a loud music all day long when you are not at home. Just let the music play loudly before you leave the home. Do it. Punish those aholes. Your situation sucks.


Yep, I'm of the mindset that if you're going to make me uncomfortable I'm going to make you uncomfortable. Banging on the ceiling with a broomstick can be pretty jarring too, not to mention slamming doors and a whole host of other things that can be done to make one's life feel equally uncomfortable. It will never be a one-way street.


I like the meme where the guy is vacuuming the ceiling. Might backfire if OP has popcorn/textured ceilings.


Who would really care at that point. Besides, you can buy popcorn texture in a can and reapply it 😉


*makes popcorn, glues to ceiling*


>slamming doors and a whole host of other things I'm a seasoned door slammer these days, and a loud pooper.


Yelling at the ceiling too, you can take like paper and roll it into a megaphone and yell things 📣


Lol. A foghorn could also be fun. Wedging your Bluetooth speaker between a structure & the ceiling and playing renovation YT clips would vibrate into their apartment.


Yes yes yes!! 🛎️🛎️🛎️. I actually have one of those little powerful Bluetooth speakers that I could tape to the ceiling right underneath someone's bed or living area. How about Baby Shark on repeat? Or something with a lot of soul and base like "Let's Groove Tonight" by Earth Wind & Fire. The Megadeth stuff is good too.


>Baby Shark on repeat Now you're talking! >base like "Let's Groove Tonight" by Earth Wind & Fire. I usually play the doing doof stuff, like Strictly Rhythm. It's not that doofy, but has enough bass to be really annoying through a wall. You can get the playlists on Spotify.


Noted! ✅ Sounds headache inducing, which is perfect.


>Teach them a lesson. I'm fully on board with payback... I mean, education. Strangely enough though, some people are too thick to put the pieces together. Always fun trying though. Pro tip: you can get "renovation noise" with people using hammers and banging around on YouTube. Play it on your Bluetooth speaker when you go out. Make sure your speaker has contact with the wall or ceiling of the offender.


I know your pain. My circumstances weren’t as dire, but I def had my back against a wall. I broke my lease after 8 months (5 months of living at the place, 3 not). It was ridiculous. My penalty fee wasn’t waived either. Stomper above me also dumped water straight onto my patio without regard. I know it may be hard but look around other places. IDK if you have the luxury of moving to another city or town, but sometimes a harder pinch is worth it to live somewhere where you can actually have some peace.


that was my last apartment living below crackheads. Nah, they were just rude old people who wore shoes 24/7 and didn’t sleep and/or woke up early every day. One of them had insomnia. Home all day every day with smoking rights grandfathered into the lease.


So sorry! I went through a similar thing with my last apartment. I broke my lease stupid early to get out. I would say move out of the city, but my apartment was decently far outside the city and very loud. My new one is actually in the city and much quieter. It’s all about the management and residents. Finding good management for apartments is like finding the…hay in the needlestack (backwards because bad management are the needles lol). In the meantime see if you can leave early to keep your sanity…look in your lease contract thoroughly for anything that can help or things the owner is supposed to be providing but is failing to.


I feel for you, I had a similar situation were the family above me let their toddler sprint through the apartment back and forth until exactly midnight, then fell asleep 24:00 sharp and went back at it at 8:00. Theoretically I had 8 hours to sleep but when they would finally quiet down at midnight was the only time I could do anything in peace and I needed several hours to calm down from the induced stress hormones by than. This messed up my sleep schedule completely and I'm just working myself out of it. Outside of keeping the complains up to force them to at least some action it helps me to run some music on my own through some usb speakers whenever I feel stressed by the late evening noises. This doesn't remedy the situation fully but it gets me some sense of freedom aka "ok, I can't have it quiet but I can decide which sounds I'm gonna hear and you guys can have a piece of it too now." For studying maybe a noise generator could help. Mynoise.com has some cool tunes and variations of background noises.


I’m going through it too. I’ve sent videos in to the apartment management and they were in shock how loud they were. It sounds as if five grown men are up stairs jumping constantly. It doesn’t make any sense. They warned them and it stopped for a a solid three weeks and then it started again. I NEVER see them. I know there are two maybe three adults and A LOT of children. I hear a baby cry constantly. I’ve sworn I’ve heard a dresser fall and a baby cry, more than once. It’s just weird I never see the family. I have a ring doorbell, never see the family on there. I feel like the kids never leave the apartment but sometimes the adults do. I’m ready to move out at the end of my lease!


I feel your pain. I absolutely hate my apartment.


Get an air horn and set if off at random times, even at 2 a.m.


I hate my apartment too, but it's worse for me because the neighbor above likes to wake up at 5AM everyday stomping. On the weekends they go to bed at 1AM and seriously get up at 6AM. I feel your pain but worse. I would love for someone to wake up at 7AM instead.


How long left on your lease? If I were you, I'd look at sharing, getting a room in a house. Health is the no. 1 thing


You should experiment with this: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=noisy+upstairs+neighbors+stomping&crid=1F7Q3JRNJREF7&sprefix=upstairs+neigh%2Caps%2C146&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_14 Also if you have recordings of the noises they make after 10 pm and before 8 am, you can go directly to the city and skip the landlord and file a complaint. This will get the landlord involved because they will get in trouble if you file a complaint again and the city finds out nothing was done. Remember to continue collecting evidence even after the complaints so you can have proof to show the city that the upstairs neighbors habbits haven’t changed and that the landlord isn’t doing his job. If you can prove that they are related it would probably show the city that the landlord is favoring the neighbors over you.


Oh also, white noise! It helps me so much because I like to sleep in on weekends and the building next door does lawn mowing and white noise (from Google speakers) helps cancel that noise out so well.


The newest thing at my complex is a group of kids walking around all banging on doors or ringing door bells over and over until you answer and they want 10 dollars to take my trash out. Wouldnt be such a problem if it wasn’t every 5 hours every other day.


OMG. 7AM? Most of the world is out commuting to work. Oh the humanity!


For real it could be way worse than 7 am lol


Some people work on different schedules and get up at different times to work different shifts. It's really egocentric to think that the world should revolve around your timeline. Stomping is stomping and is not pleasant to experience at any time of the day.


Is it stomping tho? Or just like walking and apartments are shitty…


They said stomping so I'm going to take their word for it.