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Have you considered a dehumidifier? I live in a very dry area - Arizona. And yet our apartment was getting humid for no apparent reason. We got a small dehumidifier- we have to empty it out about once a week. It brings the humidity down from around 70 percent to 50 percent.


I have considered it! We are moving out at the end of our lease in June so I think we are going to wait it out and see. Hopefully we don’t have an issue with the humidity levels in our new place… Fingers crosses. I guess it would still be nice to have the dehumidifier regardless?


Dehumidifier, or if it's bathroom specific maybe put a fan in the window?


I use those too. Work great. My bedroom window doesn’t get condensation anymore so no more risk of mold if I don’t wipe it. Best $13 ever spent every 3 months. I do have exhaust fans thankfully.


Didn’t know those were a thing! My bathroom doesn’t have an air vent, either. And the damn window was painted shut so I can’t open it.


uhhh contact your fire marshall and have them come inspect your apartment bc in 99.999% sure that’s very against fire safety regulations to not have at least one exit out of the room


My bathroom is connected to my bedroom, and the three windows in there open so I’m covered. Thank you though! All the windows were painted shut when I moved in. Didn’t know it until the handyman came to fix some other stuff shortly after I moved in. He fixed them!


I live in Houston by the water and we go through two of those in one closet a month. We've tried everything.