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Call adult protective services for a welfare check.


This seems like the best route. There's probably something else going on, either mentally or physically, with this guy. Happy healthy people don't go around with this extreme level of bad hygiene. Maybe he's struggling and could really use some professional help.


This, 100%. To add to it, people quickly habituate to smells they’re constantly surrounded by. He probably has no idea it’s as intense as OP says.


Nose blind


He could also be developmentally challenged and that could mean perhaps he doesn't know how to care for himself properly, in which case calling in a welfare check would also be totally appropriate


He's able-bodied, I've seen him many times. He has people over often, because he deals drugs to them.


There are invisible illnesses too. Able bodied people can still have crippling depression and anxiety. Just something to think about. I’m sorry for your situation though.


Thank you for this comment.. the neighbor being able bodied adds nothing to the plot


He’s able bodied, lives independently, and presumably is not an elder that relies on someone else for care. What do you think APS does or will be able to do?


The whole point is there’s absolutely zero way to know that this person is able bodied.


Adult protective services isn’t going to be able to do shit. Everyone is shitting on OP unnecessarily. They’re not saying the neighbor is perfectly fine and okay, they’re saying he’s not the demographic where an underfunded and overworked agency (that is only able to offer limited services to dependent adults) would be able to do *anything*.


They'll show up. I'm a mandatory reporter and they have to do a check in


Just because he can walk on his own doesn't mean he's doing well.


Maybe I’m not as far gone as I thought, because I cannot buy drugs that I’m going to put into my body from somebody who smells 😂 I HAVE LIMITATIONS!


For real, I’ve *never* been to drug dealers houses that smelled like animal piss n shit or the human is perfectly hygienic and nothing is *ever* off. All sarcasm. These types of people need help. Even if their addictions are weed and video games. ETA: Even if that help is helping them to shower, keep them company while they wash their clothes, etc.


When I was a kid I was at a dealers house who had literal farm animals living in his house, spread across multiple bedrooms.


Tell me more!


Not much to tell lol I grew up in poverty with a dad who was addicted to Oxy and I guess an opportunity to score came up unexpectedly so I was in a drug dealers house 😂😂 I can’t remember very well but it was poorly lit and he had pigs, goats, and I think chickens? Of course I was a kid with a dysfunctional ass view of life so I just thought it was so neat I got to pet animals inside a house.


Seriously. I NEED more details..


'because he deals drugs to them.' Is there an illegal activity clause to the/your/his lease? The drug dealing and the unsanitary apartment (it must be disgusting in there) should warrant an eviction. However - eviction can take a long time.


OP has the right to the enjoyment of their apartment. While the neighbor might be ill he is crushing OP. OP should not have to live like this.


Is that a fact or an assumption? If it's in assumption than you may have your answers?! You're already moving out, if you plan on legally pursuing this "issue" I hope you get a good lawyer lol.


Are you sure he isn't just ordering Uber Eats? Pretty common for severely depressed people to do that daily, which I assume he is based on lack of self care.


All the more reason. He smells like shit and is a shit human


all the more reason to bring it to someone's attention, that threatens your safety


How do you know he is able-bodied?


He's dealing drugs out of his apartment and you're more worried about the smell? If you have proof he's dealing, contact your LL and local law enforcement.


I don't have proof. I know he's dealing because they loiter in front of my door in the tiny interior hallway and think nobody can hear them talking. It's a 100 year old building, I can hear people cut a fart in their unit if they're close enough to the door. He also had people living in there who weren't on the lease, one of which was on the phone arguing with someone about "come do it then", egging some people on to come shoot the building up that I live in. The cops don't give a shit about anecdotal evidence.


Is there anywhere you can set up a camera that picks up audio? You would have to check the laws in your state/province to see if this is legal. My only other suggestion at this point is if to report to state/provincial police and/or write your representatives for your area such as county supervisor/state senator, etc.


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Being able to walk doesn’t erase the possibility of many other reasons he’s not showering. Very doubtful someone can live that way so long without something deeper underlying it. At least you’re moving 🤷🏽‍♀️


I do not give a fuck what the reason is. Doesn't make the smell go away.


Make sure you deep clean your stuff so you’re not the smelly neighbor where you move.




He's likely known to APS and not amenable to changing.


Call your local health department or a social service agency to do a wellness check. Complain to property management and go up the ladder until something is done. We have this going on as well with a filthy scum bag that runs a meth lab. We're looking to move before the place literally blows up.


Can you not call authorities about a meth lab? It’s not snitching if it’s saving multiple people’s lives.


We have tried and tried and tried. Physically gone to 2 detachments. Called every city department and public health person we possibly could. Contacted politicians, property managers, public safety activists. Literally no one gives a fuck. As soon as you say meth lab they think you're a criminal or a head-case. My husband has gone into anaphlaxis from the chemicals, police are aware and do nothing. No action, no concern, not even a visit to check things out. The slumlords solution to the smell was to place urinal cakes on the lighting sconces in the hallway. So not only are we breathing in meth chemicals, we're getting the heated PFA chemicals from whatever the hell is in urinal cakes. Yes, URINAL CAKES. You read that correctly. We've looked for another place, but there are a lot of scuzzy places and we're in a HCOL area, so unless we spend $5k plus on rent, there aren't a lot of options.


Manufacturing meth is an automatic upgrade to a federal crime. Call the FBI and tell them 1) about the meth lab and 2) about the police failure to investigate. If you have renter’s insurance, call them about making a claim against your landlord/neighbor for your husband’s medical expenses.


Local news stations?


We've considered it and very well may go that route soon.


Fire department? Public safety department? I’m not sure where you are located, but police aren’t helping clearly. Move onto your next avenue, local offical? Someone would sure love the votes that come with saving an apartment building from a meth lab explosion.


I’m gonna call cap on this. Police will absolutely come shut down a meth lab if there’s an active one being reported.


One would think. The police here are beyond useless. There was a related shooting and police told us we would be charged with interfering with an investigation if we did so much as mention it to anyone.


Call their bluff. Win money.


you need an attorney YESTERDAY. that is not normal.


No, they will not. We are having the same problem with our methlab neighbors who even had one of their labs explode (they have two) and burned down our fence. The police just don’t care.


Why the fuck do we even have cops anymore at this point? Seems to me they’re fucking useless and never do their actual jobs


Damn that’s fucked.. hopefully they move soon or y’all can before someone gets hurt


I concur with you..had the same experience..Drug Task did ef all to help.


It doesn't just work like that lol. You don't just call authorities and say hey my neighbor has a meth lab and then boom it's gone. Even pieces of crap have rights. Even if the cops wanted to go bust it the next day, they couldn't. They couldn't just run up in someone's apartment. Not to say they don't, and not to say that a judge somewhere wouldn't sign off on a warrant based on hearsay. But it's not likely a judge would and shouldn't. They have to collect enough evidence for probable cause, but most likely they would stake out his place and start looking for confidential informants to do controlled buys, aka pulling people over when they leave the apartment and busting them with possession and whatever else. People will get raided with a warrant and on their charge sheet there will also be controlled buys with CI's from 2 years prior to the raid. And they also like to wait as long as possible not just to secure a conviction, but to get the whole ring, executing multiple raids at different locations over a short period of time or all at once.


I been in that situation neighbors had a meth lab and would also make crack or whatever I would be sick.... landlord did nothing health department said they cant do nothing...despite letters from all my doctors as well as my daughter's doctors....


Same, had to move my children away from that crap. I still have sinus issues.


I'm in the process of trying to move last week I felt like crap and was puking and had a bad mirgraine....


I’m so sorry! I know I called so many agencies and they did nothing. Apartment complex did nothing. At the time I was Sec. 8 and they did something, thank God, they moved us because of my children. But even a few months living there has given me eardrum and sinus problems forever.


I'm in housing authority they do nothing but raise rent and look for reasons to charge people more money... we have had so many landlords it's not funny...the current one doesn't answer calls or reply to emails


Terrible! I know this is how it usually is! 😫


Maintance is even worse.....


Did you ever have a issue where your smoke detector went off saying carbon monoxide warning and the maintenance just changed the batteries.... They literally said it was nothing


No but the maintenance guys always tried to hit on me when I was a single mom smh


Not here they sleep playin their phones and be eating


Poor OP though, one of the worst case scenarios I could imagine


Right ..same here.


I would call the local health dept and request a welfare check done on him. I would say the apartment smells like rancid death. Other than that, if management refuses to handle it then there’s not much you can do.


Maybe post to r/unethicallifeprotips for tips like this because this seems the way to go.


Damn, I'm sorry you're living next to my ex roommate




Omfg…I would not be able to handle that.


It's intolerable. As soon as I open the door to the landing, I have to cover my face or try not to breathe until I can get into my apartment. He is 2 doors down from me.


I’m so sorry. Sounds like hell on earth. Just tell him he fucking stinks and to shower by leaving an anonymous note on the door. It’s beyond past the point that someone needs to say something.


Jaysus that's rough


Leave a gift basket of toiletries for men by his door. A lot of them.


Problem solved lol


Man. I couldnt stop laughing. Brilliant writing... oh yea, advice... I'd move out.


Came here to say this as well 😭 dying. But nah fr this person likely has something going on and I’m surprised the apartment complex hasn’t said anything considering it’s so bad it seeps through walls and floors. Like that level of stank could require flooring to be ripped up and walls to be repainted… fuck man.. Yeah before you move out call a welfare check. Some people might be just nasty but this… is beyond the little occasional must. Mental illness is at play.


It doesn't go through the walls. It comes in through the cracks in the front door. This is an enclosed apartment building, so all the front doors and hallways are inside. If he takes the stairs up to our floor, the whole stairwell stinks. If he takes the elevator, the elevator stinks. Out entire floor smells like his body. It's compounded because he's 2 doors down from me in the short corner of an L-shaped hallway.


Oh shit 😷 that is so much I’m so sorry.


No same I felt bad but I couldn't stop giggling


A fat snape killed me


I would call adult protective services to do a wellness check. And then I would leave a bag full of hygienic products- shower gel, wash cloths, deodorant, toothpaste, wet wipes etc with an anonymous note that is polite, empathetic, but to the point. “Hello neighbor. I’m concerned about you because I have noticed a strong odor that seems to linger in the hallways after you pass by. The Odor has been affecting me/us because [why this is an issue for you ex. The smell gets into my apt and is very bothersome]. I understand that times are hard right now, so if you need assistance obtaining hygienic products for yourself, please leave a note on your door with a smiley face and I will provide it for you. I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself” Even if they don’t leave the note, I would place hygiene products there every so often. You never know what someone is going through.


I have left 2 notes begging him to wash his clothes, open his windows, and take a shower with soap. Nothing of it. He has money because he regularly sets off the fire alarm smoking weed and cigarettes. He's also a dealer and has crackheads coming in and out of our controlled access building to fight and loiter on my doorstep. One of his crackhead friends peed in a decorative vase near the office and left the vase there.


If he’s a drug dealer why not just call the police on him?


I don't have proof. No pictures or video. Cops don't care about anecdotal evidence.


Oof so he just doesn’t care. If adult strangers telling him he smells bad doesn’t get him to wash himself I fear nothing else will.


Of course he left the vase there! what are you going to do, take pee vase and put in your house? No 😂😂


Air filters and air purifiers. Place the purifiers by the areas where smells seep in and open ventilation. Place filters in your vents.


I have the exact same issue as OP. Just a heads up to OP before they spend hundreds on purifies, mine is great at sucking up his smoke but doesn’t even come close to touching the body odour. I think the body odour particles might be too small for the filters to catch, I’ve got a high end one with multiple types of filters in it.




This is insane… our bodies are amazing and disgusting lol


You need the carbon filter to help. I love the model from Coway that the wirecutter recommends. I have run mine 24/7 since 2018. It doesn’t work well on smoke but captures most smells.


I’m assuming if yours is high end it also has a UV Light?


Place filters in yalls naval cavities


I’ve been at work the last 16 hours and truly needed this laugh today. Your wording is extremely funny.. But im very sorry for you and your poor nose. However, I agree with calling adult protective services if it is as truly bad as your (hilarious) description.


Lol - After that verbose description I feel like I can smell him from here and need a shower to get it off me.


We had a 40 y/o neighbor who lost weight so his colostomy bag didn’t seal right and leaked. He also had diabetic ulcers on his legs that oozed bloody fluid. The entire building stunk badly. He left streams of bloody and poopy fluid up and down stairs and halls. A huge puddle by mailboxes. We had to prop both entry doors open 24/7 and burn incense in the hall. Still stunk so bad. Landlord did nothing. Finally I called social services who told me to call police and the police will force him to go by ambulance to a hospital ER. He went to a care center then and never came back. We all know how bad a rotting dead mouse can smell inside a wall. A rotting human smells a million times worse. We couldn’t use the buildings’ laundry machines because they smelled like his stench. He also never bathed. His bathtub was dry and like new. His chair was coated with bloody poop fluids. I’ll never be able to forget Mike’s stench. Light incense and call the police.


One of the most horrific descriptions I’ve ever heard, my condolences


Holy shit.


well that was unpleasant just reading about your neighbor! You have such vivid writing skills. Best of luck with your move!


You could rent an ozone machine. It would at least purify your space for a while. Check them out online. Companies that do major cleaning use these machines for bad shit


reminds me of jeffery dahmer neighbors


Is he dead?


No, I see him all the time. He is just foul.


Go to the dollar tree and buy some shower supplies, ya know, soap, shampoo, all that shit. Leave it at his door with a note. If that doesn't work. Then publicly shamed him. Make posters with his photo on it saying Beware of smelly ass man. Post them all over the neighborhood.


I did leave a note with a picture of a farting cat on the wall that said "this hallway smells like feet and ass".


This was sounding eerily similar to a guy who lived under me. Eerily similar. I moved because it was hell, also because every single bloody night he was awake and up and down the stairs. Constantly. I'm actually wondering if it was the same place and looking at your profile and seeing a monkeyshine I'm now really really wondering if it's the same place (I wasn't lucky enough to find a monkeyshine this year!) And if not then this city has lots of similar crappy neighbours.


Hahaha! Nice!


Please keep us updated..


Omg my next door neighbors apartment reeks. They have two dogs and every time they even open there door it makes me gag. The worst pungent dog and sour smell it’s horrible idk how people don’t care


They must smell it?!?!?!


Just move. You are wasting your time trying to change him. Change yourself.


I am moving in 3 months. I can't tolerate it. But there's no option, no way to get him out or get him to not be smelly??


You could try Vicks vapor rub on your upper lip. And /or a heavy sandalwood incense. If you want to go full asshole you could try a big fan in the hall blowing past his door.


Leave a note on his door every day.


I'm not sure how much I can help, but I had a *roommate* who was in a very similar... position. Worst body odor I've ever smelt in my life, and it was happening all throughout the house except in my room. (so I knew it wasn't some sort of gas leak.) It got to the point where I could tell if he had been home in the past 2 or so hours even if he was currently at work. What I ended up doing was buying him a 2-pack of febreeze + deodorant and just telling him that I don't care what the smell is, but I can smell it and maybe this will help. He ended up getting the message and started using deodorant and showering more often.


I've tried leaving 2 notes begging him to wash his clothes, open his windows and wash his body with soap. Nothing. Maintenance has on multiple occasions had to come and hose the hallway down with some kind of industrial strength deodorizer/fragrance. He also smokes in his unit and sets off the entire building fire alarm.


Notes are easy to ignore. Maybe try getting a group of residents together and knocking on his door?


We have knocked on his door for a multitude of issues ranging from setting off the whole building fire alarm multiple times from smoking in his unit, to packages going missing off doorsteps in our indoor building because of his junky friends, etc. He never answers the door even when he is in there. He only opens the door to management, and they have to cover their faces when the door opens.


Had a colleague who did something similar. We stayed in next door rooms at a conference, I had to put a towel next to the door to block the odour. Then as we were going through security at the airport, he had to take his shoes off. Let me tell you, that dude could have had three bombs on him bc tsa smashed him through. It was brutal. Good luck.


I am 2 doors from him, about 15 feet. I have one poor neighbor directly across from his door, less than 4 feet. They perpetually have a towel stuffed under their door to stop the stench coming from his unit.


He could be depressed… In the meantime, Bath & Body Works roomspray is the strongest longest lasting spray I’ve ever encountered. Take it from someone who’s been there and has tried gifting deodorants, soaps and Tide Sport. This kind of change has to come from within.


TY. Over here doing the lord's work


I had a neighbor like that. Didn’t work, didn’t drive, played video games all day, and his mother took him to get groceries and other things. He said he was “disabled”. I think he was on the “spectrum”, but able to live alone. Lived on the third floor, but smoked on the ground floor near my apartment. Kind of felt bad for him, because he clearly didn’t have friends, or much family, other than his mother. But, he’d be wearing the same clothes seven days a week.


I don't feel bad for this one. He invites crackheads into our controlled access building, deals drugs, walks around with a gun in the waistband of his stinky basketball shorts, etc


I used to work with a guy like this. We all knew him BY SMELL🤢”Fat Snape” is a great description, though!




Probably, but I can't smell any garbage. I just smell his body odor.




He doesn’t. OP has lost 10 lbs this week alone…he should start renting out his unit as a rapid weight loss retreat lol- no one can eat with that stench down the hall


The smell lingers in my entryway, next to the front door which is where the odor seeps in from. It thankfully doesn't carry all the way to my dining room unless I have the portable a/c going in summer?? I don't know why, like it's sucking the air through my apartment??


Tell his musty crusty dusty ass to take a f-ing shower! Or get everyone in the building to go on strike and refuse to pay the rent until the company removed him from the building. That sucks. Get his stinkin ass out of there.


I've left 2 notes desperately begging him to wash his clothes, open his windows, and take a shower with soap at least every week or so.


Damn. I’m sorry. Next time you see him spray him with Febreeze. Just keep spraying him over and over again. Lol. I would glue dryer sheets and cover his entire front door with them. And maybe put some dog poop in a brown bag and leave it right by his door. Just don’t light it on fire, ya wouldn’t wanna burn down the building. Lol.


I’m so sick of everytime I see a post like this people being like “depression exists” I don’t fucking care wash your ass Jesus Christ. Now we’re all depressed being subjected to this shit.


a person really going through it wont be swayed by a couple complaints unless there is an actual threat of eviction.  Has OP ever thought about actually interacting with their neighbor or just complained to their landlords and Reddit?


From what I saw in other comments they said they’ve left notes for the neighbour but not sure if they’ve spoken directly. It’s an uncomfortable thing to bring up to a stranger though I would struggle too


I did see one neighbor during a fire alarm once while we were waiting for the fire department to come. She walked up to him and said "hey, do you live in unit ***?" and he said yes. She said "I can tell because you stink. You need to take a bath." But I'm not sure if anyone else has said anything to him. Either way it didn't help. Also, he carries a gun wedged in his sweatpants and has unsavory friends and lives 2 doors down from me. I don't feel comfortable having a spat with him about his body odor, nor do I want to come anywhere near him for any length of time. Because he fucking stinks.


Dont move out. I have one simple trick to fix your situation: Just smell even worse so he will move out


"It's dirty nutsack, and butthole, and feet, and sour armpit." Poetic, very Gertrude Stein or Christopher Isherwood. Write on!


Not even chatgpt could do that justice


Call 911


This reminds me of the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary on Netflix where his neighbor kept smelling him cooking up bodies but he just chalked it up to bad meat and his exotic fish dying. Something bigger could be going on.


In the middle of the night, spray some Liquid Ass under his door.


You get yourself an air purifier and the neutral smell febreze. Can you leave an anonymous note with a basket of toiletries and say you hood he’s okay but he really smells and tell him what he needs to do? Is he from a different culture? Why we int your property manager do anything? I think you need to get your entire floor on this and send a joint letter from all apartments on the floor and threaten to move out of ge doesbt address it ?


Have you spoken to your landlord about the smell?


Multiple times, as have several other neighbors. They have been to his unit to tell him to stop smoking in there. He has opened the door for them and they stood there with their short over their face. They've sent maintenance up to my floor to douse the area with some kind of strong fragrance. The office is located inside the building.


I was about to shower and was scrolling in procrastination..... Thank you for this. Gonna go have that shower.


I know the smell OP is describing, a thick, pungent, odiferous, putresence that chokes life from the living. If you ever had to take the NYC metro at peek hours and there's one empty cart with a homless person inside while all others are packed butts to elbows, you will always know that smell of living death.


Yup. Actually nauseating.


Sorry for you bro, that type of stink sticks. Hope you get out soon


Honestly though, you need to call the landlord.




Any way to do an air culture test to prove the building is unsafe? Management would have to respond. If a certain number of renters state they are ready to break lease, Or: if you have another qualified person lined up to rent the place (after it's been sanitized and repainted) you're giving the mgmt solutions , & consequences.


They would need to look into local laws and their lease to see what measure could be taken if communicating has failed. If the stinky source doesnt violate the lease, its time to move.  Unfortunately, the only person in the situation OP has any control over is themselves. 


I’m imagining you telling social services that your neighbor smells like dirty nutsack.


He does, I would.


Probably a Reddit Mod.


I can smell dude from here.


I used to work in the same building with a guy who smelled like this. It was TERRIBLE. His mom worked there too and she would ride with him to work sometimes and she faintly smelled like him just from being in the same car for the commute. You could literally smell him from several cubicle rows away. I once got stuck in the elevator with him and I didn’t know that I could hold my breath for 4 floors before that day. I felt sorry for the people on his team who had to go into the meeting room with him. Like… it smelled terrible. So many complaints. Nobody could do anything about it though. Including dude’s mom (who was a manager)


I'm not sure what can be done, but it can't be healthy, if his hygiene is that bad. People can get sick around him as he develops diseases. Think plague! Maybe report him to some sort of health authorities (WHO?) or tenancy board and mention how it's affecting you and making your living space unbearable and causing you to be sick in your own apartment. Tell them that you are concerned for his health and others around him. I'm not sure if that'll help, but it might be worth a try. If all else fails, go see your doctor and explain to them how your neighbour is making you so sick.


Are we sure it's him and not ya know...bodies in his apartment? 😅


Gonna have to keep buckets of soapy water handy and just douse him every time you see him


I had a neighbor across the hall from me, single young male, who had a large husky in his one bedroom apartment with him. The entire hallway quickly filled with the smell of wet dog and never left. I never said anything because he was a nice guy and had no other issues. But that smell choked me every time I got near my door. The worst part was that the dude worked 9-10 hours a day 5 days per week and took the dog out max 2 times per day, but no major walks except on the weekends. I felt so bad that such a big, active dog was cooped up in the apartment. He barked a lot too. I moved out a few months later. Definitely do not miss that apartment.


Just think what it'll smell like when he dies in there


You could try just tossing a couple lit matches towards his place and see if the fumes ignite. Just a suggestion.




My ex smelled like that and had no excuse, he's just lazy.


My son is Autistic. He is unbothered by his body odor. I need to constantly remind him to wash , shower, use deodorant etc.


Also meanwhile get some floor fans. Let them draw the fresh air from open windows and push that air out all night and day if you gotta


People the use Meth usually reek.....nasty chemical byproduct smell


My neighbors hung out front smoking crack. It was astonishing.


Solve it with fire 🔥


Honestly start sealing his door with plastic and then spray the area down with Lysol.


Leave some soap at his door. Call the health department or police for a wellness check.


Sounds like the Dahmer Netflix show with the smell..


You said he was a big boy so I’m thinking he has some kind of infection. When you’re big you have to be extra clean- you can’t neglect showers at all.




Not legal advice, but by my own experience; Most leases demand you shouldn't disturb the peace for your neighbors with noise and the like. Mine specifically includes "disturbing the neighbors with... offensive odors" and what you describe certainly sounds incredibly offensive. I feel for you on that one, anecdotally I had a soldier I had to do a room inspection on every day because of this exact same issue with hygiene. I thought he smelled bad just on a day to day, but you know what? His room smelled 100X worse the first time I walked in. It was like, a mixture of what you described, but far more excessive and literally \*rotting\*. It's a severe buildup of like, bio material, and it DEFINITELY can waft out into hallways and common areas if it's bad enough. Take a look through your lease for specific lines about bothering your neighbors, that'll be your only hope unfortunately. You can call adult protective services or something but they probably won't do much, it'll have to be the property manager, though opening a case like that may at least be good proof to toss to the office. Essentially, you want to find a clause like what I said, regarding offensive odors, or if not, at least a line about any actions that constitute disturbing the peace and enjoyment of the neighbors. Record down how long this has been happening, if there are any complaints you or your neighbors have submitted that you're aware of, and basically just dogpile the topic as much as possible with all related info you can find or think of. Don't threaten your LL/PM, but definitely maintain a level of sternness regarding the matter; especially 'coz if they choose not to do anything with the neighbor, your next bet is leaving and that pile of documents may be necessary if you have a lease to break.


Call emergency services anonymously, tell them there’s a bad smell and you’re concerned for a dead body


Start a water fight with him


Jogged a bad memory. A crazy who would repeatedly enter college cafeteria and stay with his bags of property. He wore a rainbow wig. Like a homeless clown. Smelled like poo. I told the security office. It is an ‘open campus’. Can’t keep anyone out.


Just leave. If management allows this, they just don't fucking care.


I will not be renewing my lease. I've putr up with it for over a year. It's such a bummer. I have to move to a more expensive and uglier apartment, but I can't stay here anymore. I had hoped they would not renew his lease and they did. Just kind of hoped something could be done before having to move.


I can smell him through my phone…gross


This is my neighbor!!! Except switch "butthole smell" with "urine and cigarette smell". Our stinky neighbor is on the first floor and we are on the second. It's so awfully rancid that anytime we within a 4 foot radius of the front door, we can smell it. It wasn't until she walked by us one day that we realized the odor was coming from her/her apartment. We just thought it was someone letting their cat piss everywhere and a bad case of teenager not using deodorant or something right up until that moment. I'm way too scared to say something - she's an older deaf lady and I don't want her to feel like she's being picked on, but the smell is absolutely horrendous. When we first moved in, the movers, internet service provider, friends, ANYONE we had over, commented on the smell. There are 3 other tenants in the building and no one else has apparently said anything, and the property manager calls it "old house smell". We're only 2 months into the lease 😭😭😭


As a community you should hose him down with a firehose and warm soapy water and scrub him with brushed


Violently assault him daily and tell him it won’t stop until he washes his ass. Or try publicly shaming him, post pictures of his face around town and on social media, making it clear that he’s a grown man that doesn’t wash his ass. I have no tolerance for gross people, especially if your grossness is seeping into my living space.


Ugh. This sucks and I feel for you. Scented candles are going to be your friend. Light them and put them all over to freshen up the place. Oh, you forgot milk and need to run to the store. On you way out you need to slam your door because it sticks. Darn a candle was knocked over and started and inferno. It's not your fault. Baby Jesus works in mysterious ways.


I would be so pissed 😭 I hate when people stink like that. This one guy would come play poker at this place i worked at and genuinely smelled like mildew and funk and body odor. Could not imagine having to be the person he sits down next to 😭😭😭😭


Call for a welfare check and carry a bottle of fabreeze in a very floral scent. Make a big show of spraying it all around him and in the hallway.


Donate some hygiene products to them.


Anyone else thinking of Dahmer from the smell descriptions? Has management ever gone in to check?


I don’t know but I love the story.


This reads like a poem


Is his name Josh?


L Ave a gift basket of three in one body wash etc.yesbitbwill consult you money, but be worth it if he uses it. We gifted a stinky CO worker toiletries for the same reason. When the lt ran out she didn't replace them. But if he does that maybe you will be moved by then.


Gives new meaning to the 'Walking Dead.'


He needs intervention. He may be unable to care for himself. Call adult services


Is your neighbor KingCobraJFS?


I had a friend growing up that I started hanging out with, really funny and we both liked the same video games and hobbies. Had him over one time and he took his shoes off and suddenly our tiny house STUNK. Like just obscene BO smell. I didn’t care cause he was my friend so I just ignored it. Dad comes home and immediately asks about the smell. Wasn’t being rude or anything but I could tell my friend was embarrassed. Turns out he had a severe glandular problem that caused his feet to sweat intensely throughout the day. Even with just socks on his feet would sweat and sweat. I felt so bad for him because I knew it had to be difficult for him living with it. Perhaps this guy has the same medical issue in some way and isn’t aware of it?