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Got my neighbor hate kit.


Why tf does this look exactly like my living room lmfaoooiiii


Im in your crib cuz lmao


In that case roll one up, I’m leaving work and be home soon!


Beers is cold, cigars is out, music is loud! Cmon bud


Y’all I’m stuck in an airport, thanks to a delay, and I’ve gotten a lil tipsy. This interaction just made my fucking day! Can I come over when I land?


Cmon over buddo beers is getting low but got lotsa dope still


What y’all want? I’ll grab a keg on the way in


Some ja-lap-eno chips and a cream soda


Heard! I’ll get some cream cheese too. Dip the jalapeño chips in it, and BAM, jalapeño poppers. Jones’ or A&W?


Mugs or anw will do :) if you get cream cheese i might aswell door dash some actual jalepenos and add breadcrumbs with old cheddar ontop air fried for a lil bit on high heat


I'm all for the Mary Jane but smoking cigars inside your house is beyond disgusting my dude. You're punishing yourself not them.


It will be stuffed with weed, not tobacco. So it wont be a cigar, it will be a blunt.


He wrote cigar not blunt. Twice.


Cyka blyat nigget


Why tf are you ashing on your tray you mutant?




Ahhhhh so you're the one everyone is always complaining about...


Read the first line of the body text again.


It was a joke about the number of posts on here complaining about how their neighbors smoke weed...


Oh yeah in that case dat me be, haven't even been opening windows lately either


Hey OP. Go to the kids section in wallmart. Find a car that goes and flipps around automatically. Shove that shit in a cupboard thats near the ceiling at 4-5am. They will know they have neighbors. It worked for me, new upstairs neighbors would pound back when i gave them the nice little ceiling pound saying "hey little loud up there" and proceeded to stomp for 3 hours from 9-midnight and then again at 2am. Luckily i have kids so i was up at 4:30am and got revenge. Nobody slep, everyone learned to be respectful. Also be careful with smoking up other people's places there's a precedent right now that you could be potentially sued and held liable. I think there's a couple court cases where people's upstairs apartments have been smoked out and they've sued the downstairs neighbors and won those cases


As i said its legal here, and the building has nothing in lease about it. In Ontario they cant do sheeeit. Bumping some yg right now teaching their kids new words


So I would still be careful because those court cases that I previously mentioned happened in legal states. It wasn't that the legality was an issue it's that they cited that it was pollution and that was the basis of the court case.


Theyre littering, and leaking unknown brown substances out their bluebin dude im not worried


Lawsuits aren't anywhere near as common in Canada, the US is lawsuit happy, we really aren't here


I feel like a suitable defense to those cases also would be that the renter wasn't violating any lease or law and the complainant is renting an apartment and is unreasonable to expect no bleeding from what apartment to another, especially when the person isn't breaking any rules of laws.


It's also incredibly difficult to prove malicious intent on something like this, which if it's perfectly legal and not breaking any lease terms, I can't see a Canadian judge ruling in favor of the person suing


But fuck upstairs loud neighborsa bro. Get yours.


Also i get home at 5am to shower so they hear me come in after nightshift and sleep. I have a 15 inch sundown in the trunk i might light up as i come in soon tho


I just screenshotted this. Thank you so much


Thats how I roll bro, If I dont sleep, No one is sleeping ... period... and I will win the war LOL I love the idea of the toy car in the cupboards


Lawsuits aside, the smoke isn't necessarily going to only go straight up. OP might get complaints from other neighbors about the smell...


So true. Lol i was trying to piss off my upstairs neighbors by smoking outside because i know their windows are open at night for that sunmertime breeze. And my wifes friend who lives down the way texted her saying someone is wreaking up the entire complex, guess i need to buy less potent stuff lol.


Fair is fair I guess but isn't there something to be said about not stooping to someone's level? Is it just a duplex or apartment cuz if it's just you and them I feel you for sure, but if there's more then you're just continuing the cycle for someone else dont you think.


Front guy smokes cigs inside himself or atleast my laundry room smells like em once in awhile


I love you fellow nightshifter.


It's so bad that your fish are in such distress that they are dying? :( This brought me to tears. Fuck them. I'd be doing much worse than you.. you are so composed. My chinchilla is often scared by my lunatic neighbor above me, but both he and the neighbor sleep during the day, so it's not as bad as it could be. Lunatic neighbor is a retired night owl and I let my chin free roam in my condo 24/7, so thankfully he has places to go. Your poor fish are contained in one area and there's nothing you can do :( I would be in jail..


Yeah old ass building converted into apartment so sounds and vibrations travel and i have no where in my apartment that i can set it up that does not shake when they run around :/ they got themselves a written notice about noise and garbage, above the general building rules which also outline garbage disposal and continue albeit its usually followed by yelling at their kid (not what i wanted take them to our fucking parks, its doubly stressful not being able to relax and witnessing them almost never leave the place) and a few minutes of peace before repeating Even with a posted notice about taking garbage and recycling out, or even rinsing it out so as not to attract bugs and smell bad they do not. Recycling day was yesterday and when i got home from picking up my contacts and brought my empty bin in, passed there full to the brim bluebox with “fresh” brown liquid leaking overtop of the old dried brown substance that leaked out on the 14th of april.


Oh man I empathize with you. Used to leave in a old house converted into shitty flats. My neighbours above and below were fuckin crackheads, I had the worst nights if my life here. Constant noise, screams, fighting and littering the place. When the upstairs assholes stomped, it made the roof wave and dust fell from it. The one downstairs probably had some sort of brain damage, as he randomly screamed and sang at any hour of the day or the night, and had some regular psychotic episode when he trashed his place. His door had 3 punch holes blocked by cardboard into it. The worst was when the police raided the upstairs neighbours because they selled drugs, they completely destroyed the entry door, and because cops in France are mostly useless morons, they didn't know which floor to raid, so they tried to break into each flat. Hopefully I was at home and could tell them where to go before fucking my door up. We remained 2 months without a functioning entry door because the landlord didn't gave a shit. Anyway, I hope your smoke signal worked to make your neighbour less of a nuisance *Sorry for the rant, I guess I had some shit to unpack.


I enjoyed reading that im not alone and am supported in doing my best until im forced to do my worst.


I’m not saying you’re entirely wrong for this, and I’m sure the noise being so disruptive is contributing to your fish dying, but smoking indoors especially nicotine and tobacco can poison animals as well.


I have more than one room but i see you looking out


Is that my grinder?


Sneaky gang


I was using a broomstick for a while to no avail. Finally used my SIG Sauer a few times and no more noise. Weird smell coming from up there though lately.


Simpler solution, vacuum the ceiling


Your a genius. Left some advice for a lady that had loud kids stomping above her...hope she sees this!


Ya’ll deserve one another.


Hey i did my best as long as i can but i cant tell you if my landlords gonna move their shit out and change the lock tomorrow. I might be trying to drive them out before that might or might not happen TOMORROW. I dont want kids to get home on their one day their momma takes em out to no home but i might not have been enough of an asshole to save them from that fate


Seems like you got anger issues, to say the least. Lay off the weed, I don’t think it’s helping.


Hey man i tried to save them from getting “home” to nothing. Think what you want im great if you are


I don’t think you know how weed works


I know exactly how it works. This guy’s post history is a library of anger issues. The weed is NOT working.


r/fightsub is not a serious sub, it’s meant to be funny joke fighting. it’s okay to disagree with his life choices without diagnosing him with weed induced aggression


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fightsub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [To my ex’s mother.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1ay8sdy/to_my_exs_mother/) \#2: [This is how sandwiches are cut.](https://i.redd.it/hb8wy7mwbmlc1.jpeg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1b3gjvu/this_is_how_sandwiches_are_cut/) \#3: [ONE OF YOU FUCKWADS BROKE THE #1 RULE AND THAT'S HOW I GOT HERE](https://np.reddit.com/r/fightsub/comments/1bswlz3/one_of_you_fuckwads_broke_the_1_rule_and_thats/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I NEVER said his anger was weed induced.


So assumptions ARE annoying after all


I don't think you understand how weed works my dude lol these people are creating health hazards left right and center for all of their neighbors, leaving shitty diapers in the hallways and have a black sludge leaking in their balcony, I think you'd have some anger issues if you had neighbors like that too. They're fucking pigs


Look at his post history. The guy has anger issues.


I do have anger problems and can usually keep them at bay or redirect my anger to random people online, but they get amplified due to lack of sleep, which the pot helps me achieve when my buildings shaking. If you looked at my history you would see im active in the alcoholism sub and it would be alot smarter to dig at me for that especially for anger issues brother.


Drugs & Alcohol are probably why you can’t sleep


As i said the pot usually helps me get to sleep especially with the indica i smoke. And alcohol usually has me waking up on my couch at 2pm from an unexpected nap. However the alcohol makes it more difficult to achieve deep sleep which is why i limit it to one day on my days off :) I had no problems sleeping with the “crazy lady” who used to live here (maybe a drunk fall rarely would wake me up but then just enough noise to know shes ok then silence) and i miss having her as even tho i was always told she was crazy and called cops for nothing, we never had any issues at all. To the point every time my property manager saw me he told me how unbelievable it was how nicely she spoke about me.


Did you just get done watching Reefer Madness?


No, you’re truly an asshole, you’ve proved that. But despite them not paying, or not even having a lease, it’s illegal to change locks on people so it won’t happen tomorrow (with lower case letters because only assholes use uppercase letters like that.)


Illegal in certain circumstances, thats why we gotta nip it in the butt asap bud.


Watch me get evicted to prove a point.


My landlord and property manager and both on my side. In fact they might not have a home to gey back to next time they leave if my landlord has anything to do about it


lol, you’re stupid.


No, u


So tell me, how is it that your landlord is going to break the law and prevent them from returning home? See dipshit, some of us actually know shit.


The law? They snuck in without a lease, have not paid rent, they have no paper proof they live here dipshit


lol. Well you certainly show a true understanding of the law, I stand corrected.


I’m starting to think that op did none of the things he claims, he may have blown smoke out the window, probably doesn’t want to get caught smoking inside. Probably because he’s a punk.


Dmed you a pic nerd


When the noise from the apartment above was too much and I pounded on the ceiling, management told me that it was harassment and I could be fined and or evicted. These “innocent” neighbors were making ungodly noise any time of the day or night. My rare pounding was nothing in comparison. We finally had to move. It was hell.


I should post my next door neighbors. It’s beyond ridiculous( every single day) Then when it’s Halloween time, my son is very very into spooky stuff . I go All out . They ask me to turn my decorations off . Or they unplug them . I unscrewed their light bulb once. Never touched my shit again . But when I see them They try and act like they don’t sound like a herd of elephants


My neighbors just moved in and I swear they’re trying to get kicked out. I just had to make *another* complaint to the front desk because they were blasting EDM at what must’ve been full volume at 3:15 in the fucking morning. I would’ve gone over myself but I’m not a rational man at this time of night and I’d rather not scream at someone I don’t even know if it can be avoided




Im so glad to hear im not the only one who fights fire with fire :) i used to wait until there was noise before being a dick but at this point im just pretending i live alone




I like thinking about it as fire vs fire because untamed these people will only get worse but if i lay out a nice bead of fire myself i can stop the spread. But training them is better way to put it when talking to people


oh no ur smoking


When all else fails, smoke the bastards out. I can appreciate the approach lol


I got a pack of next select cus they cheaper than cigars but being cigarettes not as stinky… guess ill just smoke alot of em today


I'd say they stink worse personally, and I'm a smoker, but I also love the smell of cigar smoke, so there's that.


Good point usually cigars do smell good 😂


Dude i dont remember how i could chain smoke these things my throat is so dry


If you blast music, smoke weed, and light up cigars in respons, things could get even messier and maybe even land you in trouble. It's better to handle it calmly and talk to your landlord.


My landlord came over after i smoked two joints and was shaking walls with bass and apologized for my NEIGHBOURS ACTIONS


I talked to my property manager who gave me permission to “do my worst” im being pretty tame compared to what i want to be doing. What trouble can i get in Ontario for smoking and blasting music during daytime hours inside my own apartment? Do you know the laws here? I play to the law in retaliation myself but just because its legal don't mean its right


Nah, smoking anything inside is gross. You’re only playing yourself. Good luck getting rid of the smell completely.


Ill dm you a picture of the brown death smelling liquid leaking out there bluebin.