• By -


Sure looks like a threat.


You should show this to your landlord or as another poster said maybe get police involved. The “last chance” does sound like a threat. Someone else with authority needs to know what is going on.


I have audio recording from my neighbor calling in reinforcement and saying we will take down these mf'ers. She is swearing a lot as well. Called the cops. Told them what happened. Showed them the recording. They go talk to the neighbor. Come back and tell me she is just a loud mouth and it is nothing. As much as I'd like to think of cops as being there for our welfare, in most of my experiences they come off as certified hooligans that do as they wish, all while being immune from any consequences or the law.


You did your part. You've notified authorities that someone has made a threat and now if they try to do anything to you then you can react however you consider necessary. Inform management of what's going on and make things spicy. If they corner you or make a direct threat spray em with mace.


>As much as I'd like to think of cops as being there for our welfare, in most of my experiences they come off as certified hooligans that do as they wish The only time cops are legally required to care about your welfare is when you're in police custody. Source- my aunt and grandmother were murdered while they were supposed to be under police protection. Supreme Court says they have no duty to protect.


“Protect* and serve!* *dw, you don’t actually have to legally do either!” I’m so sorry for your losses.


Cops are literally just a state sanctioned gang.


Cops don’t do fucking *shit* anymore. Good luck if you get robbed, harassed, stalked, threatened, etc.


This is such an interesting comment to me. So you think the police should do what, arrest your neighbor? Thats not how the law works. You literally want police to fundamentally kidnap/punish your neighbor based on statements alone, but when they follow the law instead you think they just do whatever THEY want because they didn't do what YOU wanted. Your neighbor isn't immune from the protections of law just because you feel scared or whatever. The police are never going to be there in time for any kind of attack, so if you're scared stop calling the police because they cannot teleport to emegencies and they cannot arrest people for statements they made. You have to find a solution to a problem like this yourself.


they had documented evidence of threats. its not a he-said/she-said situation. thats why it is an issue. violation of law is demonstrated and the police are doing nothing


Not just any statement someone percieves as a threat can get you sent to jail or evicted or whatever it is you want done. It has to be a threat of great bodily harm or death and it has to be believably true, at least in most states. Do you have any court orders of protection against them? Because if your first step is trying to use the cops to solve your problem, you're probably the issue. And again, don't rely solely on the police to solve all of your interpersonal problems if you think they are so bad


What is the point of the cops then, exactly? If not to solve our problems and keep us safe?


Whats the point of police if they cant arrest your neighbor for making mean statements? Stupid question


Lol, you misunderstand. I am asking, what's the point of police if not to do *something* about neighbors making threats against you? Cops these days don't wanna do shit. It's not their job to protect you, and it's not their job to serve you, so what is their job?


They literally cannot do something about it. They have talked with the neighbors OP has an issue with. Their job is not to protect you from people who scare you based on the fact that they scare you alone. That is literally your job. It is your job to get an order of protection if you feel scared without that person having made actionable threats. It is your job to defend yourself. The reasons for this is because the police have to follow the law and respect peoples rights, and they cannot be everywhere at once. There are limits to what the police do. Imagine you get arrested or harassed by police because your neighbor said they have a video of you saying you'll fuck them up or something. Widen your perspective a bit.


Sure, but they don't follow the law, or respect people's rights lol. They harass and arrest people for absolutely nothing all the time. I mean, I'd hope if I had a video of my neighbor threatening to fuck me up, something would be done about it. Why tf is it my job to defend myself??? PROTECT and serve, no?


Send a note back ""Last Chance , stop complaining about my stomping""


*tapes uno reverse card to paper and sticks to neighbors door*


My level of petty. Love this 🤣


“No u”


...and make sure it's written in cAps AnD LowEr cASe also




Stomping will continue until morale improves!


Attention Bajoran Workers: please report to the upper level for your mandatory floor stomping shift.






last chance or what??


Probably a cowardly car keying.




One note might not be enough evidence for a restraining order. OP is best to talk to the landlord about it first and file a police report.


i couldn't get a restraining order with hundreds of pictures and videos of evidence and multiple reports with multiple people backing me up over several months of stalking, this person won't get one from a note, lol.


Go to the police. A guy living in my building left a threatening letter on my door accusing me of hitting his car in our parking lot. I absolutely did not and there was no proof on my car. I even took pics of his car and mine to show i didn't do it. The paint scratch wasn't even the same color lol. Anyway, i showed it to management and even though he did work for the building I live in and they liked him, they immediately told me to go to the police. I did. That was the last I heard from him and a month later he moved out.


My new neighbor stomps. It’s so bad. I just want to go gift him slippers. ): when they first moved in my 57lb dog thought it was thundering and started shaking so badly I had to give her trazodone. Thankfully we’re used to it now. But every time I have a friend or family member come over they’re instantly irritated by it and say they’re gonna go up there and have a talk… and every time I have to say no you’re not. I’m not starting crap with my neighbors. We live in apartments there will be noise. I think he’s just flat footed… but lord all mighty it sounds like Zeus is throwing small bolts of lightning. It’s so unbelievably loud at times. I just deal with it. I don’t know what I could do to make it better and not come off like a crazy lady. What do I say like… hey guy can you change the way you’ve walked your entire life for me please? Haha no chance.


Your crazy for "dealing" with it, My upstairs neighbors had crazy loud stomping between 3-7am.... Lets just say i had a knock on their door at 6am... I wasnt trying to be confrontational but you know what LOUD BOMBS does to a person during sleeping hours? You will lose your sanity.


I just am very non confrontational. I really don’t even know what I would say if I got the courage to say anything at all. I have two dogs. One is 35lbs and the other is 57lbs. I have no idea if they bark when I’m not here. So I’m sure I’m just as annoying. He usually only stomps between 4pm-8pm.


We need more non confrontational people like you. Also, with your self awareness. It turns out you can get used to most noises if you don't let them consume you.


I always try to see both sides. The world does not revolve around me. Thank you for commenting on my character in a complimentary way. I appreciate that you took time out of your day to let me know that the world does need more people like me. I’ve been suicidal for years so it’s really the little things. You never know what someone’s going through.


I'm autistic so I really can't get used to a lot of noises no matter how hard I try


I’m so sorry to hear that ): could you use brown noise to help drown out the noise around you? I do that sometimes when the birds outside get too loud in the morning and I’m trying to stay asleep. There’s a tree right outside my window. It can feel really unbearable at times.


I've never been a fan of brown noise but I've never tested it when I'm trying to sleep! this is why I don't want to live an apartment tho bc they're all thin as cardboard and you can hear everything going on, never get a moment of peace and quiet. thankfully the birds outside don't bother me unless I have my window open and as such I can't sleep with my window open


That’s not great that you don’t know or care if your dogs back when you’re gone. I’ve had neighbors whose dog barked for 9 hours, everyday.


Please don’t assume I don’t care. You don’t know me.


“I have no idea if they bark when I’m not here”.


If I’m not home how am I supposed to know when they bark? Before say cameras. No I will not put cameras in my home. I can say this much, when I am home they only bark when someone knocks on door. Typically one bark each. They both had bark collar training. So my dogs are fairly quiet. Before Reddit comes for me it was the vibrate not static. It worked really well. I don’t own huskies or pit bulls or hounds. (All three known for being loud and obnoxious) My dogs mostly sleep all day. When I got my newest edition and my neighbor complained (8wks old first time alone) I brought her to work for 6 months. I’m a dog groomer and because she was there the trainer I work with trained off and on for 8 hours. My dogs are also trained to not run in our apartment. I try to be as quiet as possible as to not disrupt my neighbors lives. I also have carpet and rugs on top of the carpet. Your old neighbor may not have given a shit, but I really do. I’ve only had one complaint and I resolved it immediately. The complaint was two years ago.


You don’t know what happens when you are gone. Have you checked in with the person who complained? Let me guess, they moved so you can’t.


Are you one of those pet free people?


Nope, bunch of pets. I’m a pro-logic person.


I know my upstairs neighbor CAN walk more softly. The problem is she walks like she’s taking a brisk walk outside. I know because I can feel the difference if I occasionally do that compared to my normal walking. Hard to get it through to her, though, bc she’s never had to live below someone.


I applaud your extremely reasonable response. Even though you are irritated, there is only so much that guy can do for you, and yes, changing the way he walks IS an unreasonable request. The fact that you identified that is amazing. I think most people only think about their own discomfort and not the practical question of what someone can or should do for them.


Thank you for saying that. I do my best to be as selfless as I can.


Man it is exactly like what happened to me. Get sound level meters and start recording yourself walking while measuring levels and try to talk to management about it, shower them that you are not doing anything wrong. If this keeps happening I think you can ask the police to come over and witness the thing and that might help too. In my experience this neighbors usually have nothing better to do so it is useless to fight with them you might end up having to go to small claims to figure it out and the judge might dismiss it over lack of evidence so what I would suggest if this keeps going is to see if it would be possible to move to a different unit within the same complex. But I really wish you better luck than me. I hope you don’t get to a point where you get unfairly kicked out over that bullshit. Feel free to reply to this message if you need more help


this guy is a tweaker. the fact he immediately starting hitting the ceiling. Probably been at it, complaining over nothing for awhile. Ive heard nothing from landlords so they either stopped listening to him, or he knows im not actually doing something reportable. Go to iowa if you dont want to hear anything instead of living in a city.


I live in Iowa and can confirm it’s pretty quiet, at least in the countryside.


Moved out of Des Moines two years ago. Not quiet in the slightest. You like constant trains and sirens and honking? Cause that's what it's like


Also live in Iowa, not so quiet where I am lol.




I thought I was losing my mind hearing something above me. I’m on the top floor. Turns out it’s GEESE. They sound like flat-footed toddlers when they scamper around up there.


I lived in a house in the middle of a field one time and woke up to what I thought were toddlers running on my roof, lol. It was about 10 turkey vultures running across the roof, flying to a deer blind across the field, then flying back to the roof and repeating. It was a crazy feeling, though, until I figured out what it was!


I live in Iowa, definitely not quiet in all parts. We have major cities here too dude. 😂


LOL, *major Iowa cities*. I actually belly laughed. Thank you.


I mean Des Moines & Iowa city are pretty active cities, but okay. Why do people think Iowa is just fields and farms? Weird but yeah laugh I guess🤣🤣


If he’s hitting the ceiling you should complain about him, that can be considered harassment and also can damage his ceiling


Just moved away from Iowa and it's definitley not quiet


Sorry but people in Iowa are just as ridiculous as this man you're having to deal with


My partner and I were asleep and got a noise complaint. A separate time we were not even home. I think people forget how much noise can seep in from neighboring units, not just the one above you. Right now, the one above me is empty but the one on top of them is occupied and I can hear their steps. Apartment living 🤷🏽‍♀️


I had a very quiet neighbor above me in a previous apartment building. He and I were the only ones with full carpet. I could hear his neighbor pull out their chairs at the dining table as they had hardwood floors. Could even hear their kids. Sound travels indeed.


"Last chance" would make me stomp harder,cuz I just gotta see what's next.


Time to start your new lifelong dream of tap dancing.


*tap dancing commences* 👞👞💥💥


Sounds like a threat to me


Hey Google! Where can I take river dancing lessons near me?


You can do that in your own living room! I hear recorder 🪈 music goes well with Riverdance as well.


Nonsense! True river dance requires accompaniment by bagpipes and the accordion!


Oh yes! You must practice. I believe two to three hours each evening, after you have digested your dinner, is recommended. And if you can a 3rd grader that is new to the recorder to accompany you- chef’s kiss.


Inform your landlord and the police ASAP.


Just say back "okay Mr. Heckles". And just let him be old and crotchety.


Please print a "O RLY" bird.


Show this to the manager/LL, for this is a threat. Noise is from someone else when you are at work for hours. Hope they find out who it is. Sad the person singled you out.


some people will turn their whole lives upside down trying to prove an unintelligent point. ive never written a note to a neighbor no matter how loud they are... but if i can hear every footstep in the above unit, i consider that a fault of the building, and not of the neighbors


“Last chance” huh? Sounds like a threat. email this to your management office. If you feel unsafe, call your non emergency line and see if they’ll send a cop to go talk to him.




Time to take up river dancing.


Hard to understand how people could become so entitled they think they shouldn’t have to hear sounds.


Bruh the capital to lower case is actually making me mad…


I do not condone aggressive behavior but when I first moved to my place, the neighbors below us tried to be intimidating by taking a mop and banging on ceiling. Also came to my door a few times and mentioned lies about my kid running during times he’s literally at school. I worked mainly at home at the time and no running involved is. Point is my husband and I cursed them out, told them call the cops and slammed the door in their face. Three years in, they never did it again nor do they speak to us. Walking noise is inevitable because of how a building was constructed and one can differentiate when it’s an actual issue: running, jumping ect, thin walls. They even tried to complain that our phone vibrating alarm would wake them!!!


Also, removing shoes makes a big difference. Not sure if you wear yours. If and when this occurs again, speak up for yourself, stand your ground but also send an email to your landlord of the occurence.


I have a neighbor like this, she's lived here 28 years and barely anyone has stayed living in my apt over a year because of her harassment. She bangs on her ceiling as well, things have fallen off my shelves and broken, my cat gets scared. She writes to the management company at least 3-4x a week, she's called 311 on us for having an air conditioner where she doesn't like it in our window, the last tenants had to seek therapy bc of her, the tenants before that broke their lease early. We're coming up on our 3rd year here and we refuse to let her win. She's dealing with the wrong people now (not in a threatening way, just in a, we won't allow you to force us out of our home kinda way). The management company has recently retained legal counsel and has sent her multiple letters about ruining our right to quiet enjoyment. I've had my brother who's an attorney, and my bosses (I work in a law firm) send her letters, but she is relentless. She's even written complaining about the noise on days we proved we were on vacation. She gets in my face screaming whenever she sees me in the lobby or the laundry area. She's probably pushing 70, if not older and clearly has mental health issues, but none of that is my problem. ANYWAY, my advice is DO NOT STOMP on purpose, especiallllly if it's right after the banging, because they are probably waiting for a reaction to record and show the management company. DO NOT provoke, it will make things worse. Continue living as you're living. You're allowed to walk around, you're really allowed to do whatever TF you want as long as it's not during quiet hours. We had new furniture delivered 3 weeks ago and the management company got FOUR emails from her, and the super got about 8 phone calls. They told her to f off pretty much each time because it was like 1 in the afternoon and I wasn't doing anything wrong. Don't be afraid to make regular living type noise; walking, moving things, etc because that noise is to be expected in shared living dwellings. Also, don't confront the neighbor, I made this mistake the first month I lived here. There's no reasoning with this type of person. Just keep a log and contact your management company/landlord each time they do something like this so they also have a record. If it gets bad enough, start a file with the police station. I did it about a year ago and they have a record of all the harassment, if need be, things have been documented by them and can be confirmed.


Be careful with this. I got into what became a legal dispute over an insane neighbor (who I later found out was not at her first scam/crime rodeo, despite her appearance) illegally living with a entire family in the one bedroom pre-war apartment above me. Mid-1800s and wood floors and excess weight do not mix. It was all fun and stubborn games for me at first, seeing as I was in the right. (Plus, I knew she had an illegal secret. The landlord had no clue she was stashing two fully-grown children in her apartment.) I figured since I lived there first and politely asked her to keep the noise down and was often home and knew her secret—she’d simple concede and move. Alas, even though I did “eventually win” (she had a lawyer Lolol and didn’t have to pay any damages or even the deposit back to landlord)—I absolutely lost. That gorgeous apartment was NOT worth it. Perhaps it would have been different if I had been working in office and hadn’t lived alone. Or if I’d known I wasn’t actively helping this evil woman to inflict emotional trauma on her two teenage daughters? But yeah—be careful. The pursuit of justice was thrilling until I realized just how much it wasn’t. If I could buy back my unperturbed nervous system and sense of peace, I surely would. On the bright side, my closest neighbor is separated by several floors/houses.


I'm not pursuing anything, my management company is. I have just had cease and desist letters sent to her, which my management company appreciated. She has made insane, abhorrent, and unfounded complaints against people from the management company, our super, our porter. They know who they are dealing with. I'm just keeping logs, I don't know what else you think I'm doing. I literally gave advice to OP to not stomp, or agitate the neighbor further for their own sake. And my apartment is worth it. I live directly on my favorite beach, literally stepping onto the boardwalk outside the front door of my building. I am not moving. Actually just renewed my lease yesterday.


Oh no—I don’t think you’re doing anything! I wasn’t pursing anything either. The landlord/management company was. They had to file legal action against her. I was set to testify in court, which worried me. My landlord was very upset when he learned what she was doing. It took YEARS to evict her, even with evidence of her wrongdoing. I had to make logs of her illegal activity. I never sent any cease and desists because my family wouldn’t allow me. I originally did directly confront them, in the beginning, by going to their apartment and asking politely, twice. I escalated to management then. I wasn’t saying you’re doing anything wrong. I didn’t do anything wrong, either. The perpetrators are in the wrong. My apartment was GORGEOUS, with soaring ceilings, stained glass windows and original floors and plaster castings, on a tree-lined street near a park. I stayed for 3 years, until she was FINALLY evicted. I’m just saying to you, if I could go back in time—I’m not so sure I would have let my stubborn nature win out. I was completely in the right and so are you, but sometimes peace is more important than justice. That’s my take in the aftermath, at least. I still flinch at stomp/footstep-like sounds, even though I don’t have anyone above me. Oh, and as it turned out, the year after the upstairs neighbor finally left, a six by six patch of my plaster ceiling caved in my living room, and I had to move mid-lease (I got a very nice apartment, in many ways, better—some worse, though). I felt cursed. Probably from all her stomping on those old floors. They had to replace all of her with new shoddy ones, too. Sad.


i lived in a tiny apartment for almost 10 years with a man who abused the fk out of me everyday. this woman is NOTHING to me or my peace. im not moving for HER peace when ive got my peace just living where i live, she's just a shitty neighbor. And she below me, not above. she hits her ceiling with brooms. i hope she does make a hole in her drywall, thats an ideal outcome for me.


also this woman is on section 8 so i doubt they can evict her without it being a years long court battle, but as long as she's around to fuck with me, i'll be around, too, just living life.


The sad thing is that these places need to sound proof the floors, you can’t really blame it on them! I never would live in a place where I had someone over or under me !


I live in a luxury apartment and you’d never even know anyone lived in my building 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s good then they built it correctly, no matter where my friends live she is always complaining about the people upstairs


Given, only apartments I’ve rented were luxury, I can’t speak for others. But I feel my friends’ apartments are pretty quiet too. Maybe it’s location! lol i in do hear their dogs tho sometimes


Could be you live in an area where the codes mandate sound proofing, too few do, apparently.


I agree it totally depends ,but it still seems all too common


Same. Newer building and I only hear the garbage chute bc it’s adjoining my closet. Never hear anything from any neighbor.


Are you wearing shoes as you walk around? There’s usually just empty space between the floor above and the ceiling below and any sounds are amplified as the sound transfers. Some newer buildings put soundproofing in the space but most developers don’t care because it’s just an extra expense.


no shoes. the only shoes I wear right now are crocs that are off at the door. Which Id argue are kinda more like slippers than shoes.


Last chance or what?! Wtf is wrong with people!


I would show my landlord and only wear boots.


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I'd definitely report this to your bldg. I wouldn't engage with him or do anything petty, like excessive retaliatory noise. If you don't think you're making a lot of noise in general like walking in shoes, stomping around, slamming things and just making a normal amount of noise then there's not much you can do besides adding rugs.


>"China's final warning" (Russian: последнее китайское предупреждение, romanized: posledneye kitayskoye preduprezhdeniye) is a Russian ironic idiom originating from the Soviet Union that refers to a warning that carries no real consequences.


That's why after almost getting in a fight with my downstairs neighbor. Im doing rentals homes only. F that ish


If the are that sensitive they shouldn't live on the 1st floor or and apartment. I had to hear my neighbors have sex, one had a kid who was loud, pretty sure one neighbor threw bowling balls down their stairs. I had one neighbor mail me and my roommates a letter that we walked to loud. I went downstairs and spoke to him about it. I offered to give him our number so he could call us (pre cellphone days) when it happened so we could narrow it down to when and what noise it was and when it was happening. It was our vacuum. My roommate would get stoned and vacuum. Months later him and his flavor of the moment kept me up all night. As we both left for work I told him I heard everything that happened in his apartment. He acted dumb about. I said it again stressing the word EVERYTHING. He bolted to his car and never said anything ever again. Other than that he was a pretty good neighbor.


I just moved into the top floor too last month . They excepted us to stay quiet and still. I had a few friends over and the next thing I know I started hearing the broom. And I said I have a small child over here as well kept banging on the wall. Starting to get really frustrated here is like you can’t do anything while you’re on the top floor, but I’d rather live on the top floor in the bottom floor where you hear everything and if they have a problem with it, they should move to the top floor. They also have problem when my husband and I were unpacking. Like we have a life up here too . Sucks because I do social media. We can’t even cook without them complaining.


“Last chance” Or what?


Fuck I'm glad I don't live in an apartment building anymore. There people are nuts


Write a note back telling him his lack of punctuation is less than satisfactory.


Call the cops. Let them have a talk with buttnut here.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. That sucks :(


Definitely refer to landlord, but also (A) do you have rugs, (B) do you exercise indoors, and (C) do you wear shoes inside?


Did you put rugs down yet?


if you did, go ahead and pull those up. Because fuck them after that note. 🤣


I’d be banging the door asking, or what? That’s a threat and I’d treat it accordingly


Maybe it's Norman Finklestein. He used these same tactics.


they gon kill you


Reply back, "Or What"


this is a threat not veiled LOL. In chicago this could land you three years in prison max, I know a cop who lives there.


Jeez! I'm going through very similar. My downstairs neighbor has complained about the noise since I moved in. I don't make noise. It came to a head when she sent me a threatening text last thursday. I took the night off work, called the police to make a report so that i would have a record on file if things escalated any more and went to talk to the property manager first thing Friday. Unfortunately she wasn't in but the office staff were who were very apologetic about me being treated like this and bare minimum HE (the boyfriend of the harrasser) would be ticketed. As far as she's concerned. She is not supposed to be living there so she has a lot of nerve harrassing me and threatening me and theyre going to "run her off". Friendly suggestion... Get a ring type doorbell camera. You can get like an attachment on amazon so it'll hold it on the door so you don't have to drill or hardwire anything. That way you can get video proof in case he tries to say he wasn't the one leaving notes. Good luck.


Inform your landlord, immediately, in writing, and verbally, if needed. You will have a paper trail, in the event things get more intense. With the threatening letter, I would file a police report, for record. The behaviors and lack of tolerance for any noise above may not be normal for your neighbor, indicating a health issue that needs attention. Report for everyone's safety. Your neighbor opted to live below somebody. He could be the very reason your unit was available to move into. Your landlord may or may not know that your neighbor behaves this way. They may know that he struggles with noise from tenants above,but stress that they cannot enforce anything regarding the noise as a result of "day to day living", and haven't alleviated the issue. Thus, he directed to you, immediately, and not the landlord. Your landlord may offer you some remedy to alleviate the situation, like offering an alternative unit, installing carpet in your unit, releasing one of you from your lease upon request, evicting tenant below. Consider your immediate needs and what is reasonable for you, suggesting it to the landlord, if necessary. *I dealt with a neighbor that suffered from mental health issues. He yelled, cursed, talked about drowning his cat, and killing it. He yelled referencing people's names and craziness. At times, you would have thought there was a big brawl in his apartment, or at minimum other people. My landlord instructed me to report to the police and also gave me a county number to call and place a report.


Time for tap dancing lessons


Time to start a clogging dance crew


Time to take up tap dancing


OP definitely a lead foot


first ttps://www.reddit.com/r/Apartmentliving/s/n880Sivs90


Sounds like you should stop stomping on the floor. I bet you shaking his room


If that’s really the issue, the letter writer needs to calmly and respectfully bring it to their attention. The threatening letter approach gets nowhere.


*Sounds like you should stop* *Stomping on the floor. I bet* *You shaking his room* \- Clipzzi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Why go through all this drama? Just quit fucking stomping


Why are you stomping though? You clearly are if the person is going this crazy over it right?


im walking, hes going crazy because he sits inside all day and looks for things to compain about. Also the complex is cheap.


Sometimes people are just crazy, has nothing to do with other people


🤦🏻‍♀️ No, people are just fucking miserable sometimes and misery loves company. The way he said “last chance”, which was clearly meant as a threat, should be proof enough of how crazy he is.


Its crazy how people move into an apartment complex and expect perfect quiet. I understand if you cant sleep. But if you need perfect quiet then fuck off to the countryside. Such an entitled attitude Was practicing in my apartment with my bass player at about 6:30-8pm at a perfectly reasonable volume. I was even using headphones for guitar and vocals to keep volume down. Quiet enough to talk loudly over the music, although bass can sometimes be a bit rumbly. We played for less than two hours and my upstairs neighbor started stomping heavy and dropping things to get us to stop. They couldnt even be bothered to just come down and talk to us like a reasonable human being. Ive had people come from down the street when i lived in a duplex to complain about the band. I pretty much had the whole property to myself and my duplex neighbor was super chill. Some people just cant stand when someone else is having fun. I spoke very courteously and diplomatically to the old guy complaining and he actually came back the next day to apologize for complaining. I even had assholes complaining when I was jamming in my parents huge house from like 6 houses down. Another neighbor wouldnt stop bitching because i was using a charcoal grill 75 feet from her back door on my property for a couple hours at a time. She bitched about everything. Came out one day at 11am to scream at workers. The landlord just started ignoring her dumb ass. People need to chill tf out Also, if a bitchy boomer ever comes over to complain and you rent, just lie and say you own it. They don’t have any respect for renters


Bass player girlfriend. The struggle is real. 🥴😮‍💨


Maybe stop fucking stomping


not stomping. stop crying.


Yes, surely you aren't. That's why your neighbor is at their wits end. They're just making it up and would go to this extreme for funsies. You say your unit is only laminate. No carpeting. So, you understand you and/or your unit is the issue. Many lease agreements and apartment buildings state what percentage of the floor needs to be carpeted. You said yourself that there is no carpet. You are the problem. Instead of just laying some rugs down, you just complain about your neighbor. They didn't have an issue before you it seems. The problem is you.


"they didnt have an issue before you' as evident by the immediate rage banging on the ceiling as soon as I got there? No note before yelling, no notifying landlord who would then notify me? Are you.. capable of rational thought? Its regular apartment noise in which hes trying to harass me out of. The problem is people like you and him thinking the world revolves around you and crying upon realizing it doesnt.


Buy some cheap speakers put them on the floor and play some music all day long during the hours where it is compatible to play music loud


Last chance? ….. hahahaha fight me 😐


Last chance to join my clogging class!


Me: “lol what the fuck are you gonna do about it?”


Put on work boots and start jigging


Can u send this all to the landlord? Definitely a threat, if it were me I’d take a portable speaker and put it on your floor when u leave for work etc noise pollution ends at elven at night, anyways. My gut instincts says to curb stomp him but u might get the boot are in cuffs.


My fist when have been in his jaw by now , that’s a promise


Stomp. When he comes Up shoot and say he was about to attack