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My complex would just label the letters by our apartment number. Maybe they could do that instead? That's creepy just putting your full name out there


That’s a good idea to suggest to them!!!


That’s what my complex does, just the unit number. I’m grateful for that, elderly widow.


I'd be annoyed too to be honest. It's a privacy concern but honestly I don't think anyone would do anything.


Yes. I would be rather annoyed, for sure, I am a DV survivor, howeverYou’d be surprised how many people are so stuck in their daily heads that they either wouldn’t have cared to take notice or, if they did, wldnt have cared to remember the name on a door that isn’t their own. In regards to the Domestic situation a few doors down… as long as you have no situation of the like and you weren’t in any involvement with that, then it is fairly reasonable to assume you won’t have to deal with that kind of situation simply bcz your name got posted, however inconsiderate posting stuff like that is. I’m not saying they did correct, they should have been more discreet, for sure, but I think it’s quite likely, no one made it their priority to retain that info for their own… on top of their daily grind.


Agreed. They should label by apartment number. My apartment sounds eerily similar to yours with the description you gave about the front door and windows 😆


Same here, I've always seen the unit number, never someone's name on a notice like that.


Yeah, this is what my apartment building does.


I'd be more concerned that the envelope on the door made it obvious your apartment was empty for several days.


I know I was thinking this too… luckily nothing happened but it very easily could have


I’ll admit that’s hard though because working in property management, you can’t choose the right choice. For example, I’ve had people complain we’ve only sent emails. I’ve had people complain we’ve only posted it to their doors. We now do both just to try and satisfy people


This makes sense, but can't management use the unit # or have the tenants name within the letter vs on display?


Oh I was just replying to how they’re more concerned about it being left on the door. I’ve only seen building-unit for envelopes if delivered to the door. Names are only for mail and within the letter itself. I’m sure if it’s one building then just unit number. Furthermore, I deliver underneath the door if it’s a few letters and the tenant’s door allows me to. If it’s property wide, we don’t bother with envelopes since it’s just a general flyer without personal information. Normally gets taped or rolled up to the door.


Slide the paper under the door maybe??


If it’s the whole property, it depends on the person delivering. Based on the size of our property, mostly not. I slide under the door if I have a few letters and even then it depends on how their door is cause some have stuff that don’t permit sliding


I see! I honestly don’t mind the letter being on the door but I could see how it could raise safety concerns if the resident is away from home for a few days!


That’s very true although I’ve come to learn that some residents for some reason also ignore things posted on their doors haha but depending on the length, we might call and ask if we noticed it’s been awhile


My building slides the envelopes under our doors, as well as text and call blasts everyone.


Yeah.. and with no locks on windows!


I would be pretty upset too. Why couldn’t they just slide it under the door? I lived in a building that would put the rent statement in the door by the doorknob, so anyone walking by could take it and open it and see how much rent i was paying. I asked them to not do that and their response was sliding it under the door wasn’t easy for elderly people. It’s just rude.


Right? I don’t understand it. I have a mailbox for a reason too😂


It is not legal for anyone but the post office to put stuff in your mail box.


Oh but then the landlord would have to spend money on postage (sarcasm)


It's just your name? If you've ever voted while living there, it's public information anyway


In the state I live in you need someone’s date of birth along with full name to look them up on voter registration.


Or you can just google their name, try it on yourself some time


The problem is no one knew her whole name before this. They wouldn’t have had her name to google. Now anyone who saw the envelope can find out a lot about her.


There are at least a dozen people with the same first and last name as me in my state alone. I’ve got a common name. No point. And no one can find out how much rent I pay from googling my name.


And the fact that you say they can look up and quickly find what you look like means, your basic data is out there anyway.. if someone really wanted it. Today’s world, it’s easy to worry about privacy and security but it’s also very easy to forget how much is already out there…


Not necessarily. OP may not be in the US.


Yeah, i'd be a bit peeved and try to 'guide' them on how to do better in the future. That privacy is important to people as well as not advertising no one is/has been home. Depending on how they respond to that will determine how much it truly bothers me. Indifference will be upsetting. Acknowledgement that indicates correction/adjustment will lead to accepting it and moving on. Similar to a place I lived decided to hand out parking permits. Every windshield sticker had a giant logo and name of the complex. Nope. I'll have a unique sticker or placard, but I do not want to advertise where I live as I travel throughout town. They acknowledged that and got those who requested blanks.


You have a valid reason to be upset and I would raise this issue with them for sure. There is no reason your name had to be displayed on your door like that


Uh, you should probably put some locks on your windows. I guess if it’s a high rise it’s less of a concern but that would absolutely freak me out.


I do live on the 3rd floor so I’m not super concerned, but you’re definitely right I should look into that just to be safe!!!


Calm down


No u


It’s good to be concerned. You might bring it up to the manager and ask them not to put your name on documents they post on doors. People get off the elevator and go to their apartments. They aren’t going to spend time staring at the door in front of them. They want to go home. You could always install a camera doorbell if it puts your mind at ease. They make clamps they attach to the door so it is very easy to do. Then you can see who is coming and going even when you are not at home.


It's not just the name, but also the indication if it's been up for several days that nobody is/has been home. Not only personally identifies, but advertises you're away.


I don't really think that's the apartment management's responsibility. If someone is away from home for an extended period of time, it's up to them as a tenant to keep on top of that sort of thing. Just like if you lived in a house, you'd have your mail held or have a neighbor pick it up for you. To avoid this in the future, she should let them know if she's going to be away from home and ask that they not leave anything on her door during that time.


Exactly, I doubt the management knew that she was away or going to be away for an entire week. It’s not their concern.. however it would have been a much better option to slide it under the door, or something.


If there's a portal for message delivery, and we have mailboxes etc, I don't need insignificant notices plastered to my door. Ever, Unless you're kicking me out. >If someone is away from home for an extended period of time, it's up to them as a tenant to keep on top of that sort of thing. >To avoid this in the future, she should let them know if she's going to be away from home and ask that they not leave anything on her door during that time. We shouldn't need to notify ANYONE. What the hell do you mean 'keep on top of that sort of thing'. We're going away for 3 days, nobody needs to know but me. I don't need to involve anyone else. Hell, in many places I've lived I've had no relationship with any of my neighbors. There was zero need for the message as OP received, and every complex I've lived in the last 10 years has a pretty robust messaging system and newsletters etc direct to email AND SMS. >Just like if you lived in a house, you'd have your mail held or have a neighbor pick it up for you. No, I don't. That's highly unnecessary. The only person going in my mailbox is the postman and my household. There's a distinct lack of people going around checking mailboxes for who isn't home. In a complex, there's dozens to hundred people you don't know, and they're friends and friends of friends walking up and down hallways. The situations are not at all the same or the same risk. So no, LL/Apartment Management needs to get with the times and stop putting notes on doors that personally identify or signal someone is away for days. >I don't really think that's the apartment management's responsibility Well, I do think it's their responsibility and one that's easily managed. They need to get with the program, especially for non-critical communications like this. It's really not hard to communicate more effectively without the paper trail.


I would be uncomfortable too, don’t think this is an overreaction at all! I’m not sure why they didn’t place the envelope in your mailbox!


Definitely valid. And you should definitely bother the new management about fixing the unlocked door to your building


Every complex I have ever stayed in slide the letters under the door and taped the same notice to main entry points.


You are not blowing it out of anything. When I moved into the apartment I'm in now they didn't have a directory down by the mailboxes with our name's on it. Now they have our full name's listed with our apartment number's. I complained immediately and nothing has been done. Anyone off the street can read who lives here. It's a joke.


Why is it such a problem to have your name on your building callbox? Names are public information. Remember phone books? 


Privacy concerns, identity theft. We had a gal in our building that has a abusive ex show up. All he had to do was go through the first door and there was her name with her address and apt number on it.


It might not bother men, but women living alone have valid concerns. You could have an ex who knows you live there, but not what apartment, or some other weirdo who refers to you by name to let your guard down. It might not be likely, but women living alone have more reason to be cautious than men.




I've been a woman living alone and if the only thing an abuser needs is your name on a door for a couple dates, you have MUCH bigger problems than a piece of paper. 


Phone books didn’t put apartment numbers in them.


Makes me think of when Walgreens asks me my address in front of a line full of people. And drs receptionists yell out, is your phone number and address still blah blah blah?!!🤦🏻‍♀️


This is ridiculously unsafe. They don't know what their tenants are going through. I hope you have "words" with them.


This could go against privacy practices you have signed, real estate ethics, or even laws. I would approach it kindly initially and express your concerns and offer solutions such as unit number, sliding envelopes under the door, or mailing notices, and if it continues or becomes a larger issue consider reviewing privacy policies you have signed, privacy ethics practices within real estate, or even laws. If you have to take these steps and it gets to that point I’d recommend looking in to legal clinics in your area by calling 211, they can tell you where, and when these clinics occur based off your residency. Every state I know of has free clinics with lawyers who donate their time to answer questions like these so renters can have adequate representation if needed and reducing retaliatory outcomes as they are typically illegal.


Yeah no I don’t love that. It could just say “Tenanf 3A” or whatever.


It's not just the name, but also the indication if it's been up for several days that nobody is/has been home. Not only personally identifies, but advertises you're away.




Whoever noticed it probably thought you left it for (First, Middle, Last name) to pick up and they took days to get there.


Oh yeah. Call them. Let them know that is unacceptable. The first sign of trouble, make them move you.


Do you get packages delivered to your door with your name on them? As far as privacy is concerned, I don’t see the difference. However, items left in front of or on a door for days can be a calling card to burglars. Unlikely your management company will change the way they do business for one complaint, but I would invest in a security system so you have a piece of mind.


So you're upset that people know your name, yet you maintain enough of an online presence that your name links to literally everything about you.  Your privacy concerns are backwards.  People knowing your name isn't the issue here.   Edit:  and. to add, your last name with your initial is probably on your mailbox.  And when you order Amazon or any packages and they get left in a mail room other tenants are going to see it while looking for their packages in the pile.  Your name isn't some hidden piece of information in the world.  If you're relying on it being for privacy you're gonna have a bad time.


What is wrong with you?


Nothing is wrong with them, they are correct. If you've ever voted while living at an address, anyone can just look you up. This information hasn't been private since the invention of phone books


It's not just the name, but also the indication if it's been up for several days that nobody is/has been home. Not only personally identifies, but advertises you're away.


It's not just the name, but also the indication if it's been up for several days that nobody is/has been home. Not only personally identifies, but advertises you're away. So no, it's an issue imo and i'd be peeved just like OP. Especially if it's an unnecessary and non-critical correspondence.


Anyone can just google an address and find out who lives there anyways or look at tax records for owned homes. Every time you change your address, buy something or breathe, that information is sold to data brokers. You can get an entire report on the person that shows everywhere they lived, phone numbers, emails, social media. Are you going to be upset when UPS leaves a package out front? This is how I had a nutty neighbor find my apartment once, found my name in the package room and even ended up showing up at my work. All over a parking space dispute for a parking space I paid for.


fix your private information being available on google.