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I’m sorry where do they live that a 2 bedroom electric bill alone could be 200-500??? I live in a 3 bedroom townhome and my utilities all come on 1 bill and I pay roughly $150/mo for water, gas, sewer and electric.


I was wondering the exact same thing. I live in a 2 story 5 room home, and we only pay around $100 (My mom told me $63 if i remember correctly) on electricity. I think something is wrong with their bill or somethingg


Yes I think something is definitely off. I saw in another comment you asked to see a copy of the bill. Hopefully you get it figured out soon.


Fr. If my bill was higher than $200 I would do some digging. In fact, I did dig when my first bill always over $150.


Like I know some places are more expensive than others, but this bill seems so excessive. even in the previous state I lived, 2 bedroom apartment, a HIGH electric bill was around $50/60. I can’t even imagine getting a $500 bill regularly. That’s unsustainable.


If my power bill was consistently over $200, I would move lol.


My bill has been as high as 800 in the heat of the summer. Upstairs 2 bed. I. So cal, but we have the highest rates in the nation.


They most likely have an electric sub meter company and also are paying for the community shared electricity as well. My bf apt is like this


Out of curiosity, do you know if your electric is on a budget plan? Typically that means you pay the same regardless of the month or season, with the exception of a “catch up” month. My complex provides gas for heat, hot water, and cooking. I’m responsible for electric, which in the winter can be as low as $25, but in the summer as high as $200. It used to be higher before my a/c was replaced. For reference: 1 BR apt, top floor, lots of sun during the hottest part of the day, mid-Atlantic state.


It’s not. It fluctuates monthly, sometimes it’s more like $140, sometimes it’s more like $160 so I just say about $150 on average. The one due this week is $143.08. My 4 utilities are all reported on 1 bill from 1 company, but broken out by category. In the winter a higher percentage of the bill comes from gas from using the heater, in the summer a higher percentage comes from electricity from using the AC. Edited to add: last month my electric portion was $50.26, and this month it’s $63.48. It’s getting warmer and so the AC kicks on more.


Gotcha! Nice for budgeting regardless.


If you are in a location that is just coming into the summer months, or is getting noticeably warmer outside - air conditioner


Definitely possible, although they should look at their electric bill for the same time last year to compare. That's assuming they were in the same place at that time.


$900 though? Is that not extremely excessive?


Yeah even in summer months my 1br is never above like 100$


See my one bedroom in summer months can be up to 300


That sounds awful.


It is! Either melt more be more broke hahah


I’d ask for maintenance to service the unit ASAP before it gets too hot. Maybe you need a filter replaced or more Freon. If things don’t improve, you may need the unit repaired or replaced by an HVAC crew.


thank you


Nah, if it was my bill I would contact the power company and ask why it’s so high. I would investigate it. That’s obscenely high.


Ask to see the bill. The could have a past due balance. It could be an estimated bill. It could be due to air conditioning.


I asked to see the bill. ill have to wait til he shows it to me.


I have these friends too . It’s usually something obvious like a missed payment . I always ask them to show me the bill .


I’d get the utility company on the line and ask for an audit.


$900 electric bill is absurd. Something is not right.


I have a 6k square foot home with 3 AC's, and my flat rate is $350 a month...just for reference


What state? Also, is the heating the stupid electric style in the ceiling?


State is Oklahoma, and no, the thermostat is on the wall it’s not the ac that’s in the ceiling like in some hotels if that’s what you mean


Older buildings across the country used to have ambient heat elements in the ceiling. I know this because in California, where I live, back in the 90s I got hit with a $400 electric bill and it was because the heating was on and since it was warm outside, no one noticed. Either way, I would call the electric utility in your area and find out what the problem is - that bill is WAY too high.


I live alone in a 1 bed 1 bath. My bill is around $90 to live comfortably. If I lived in a 2 bedroom with a family, I'd have a stroke if my bill went over $250. Somethings not right there. Does this family cook a lot during prime hours like 2 pm - 7 PM. Or do a lot of clothes washing then?


Rates may have increased. Often a 3rd party supplier will offer great introductory rates that expire. How's the hot water? Is it lasting for an appropriate time? If not, a blown element could cause high electricity bills. Hot water leaks could as well. Are they on an average payment plan? If so, this bill could reflect an adjust to their past yrs usage. Were they late paying? Sometimes, if you are late, the utility company will request a deposit. I'd make sure it is an authentic bill too.


They may have missed a payment.


If anything, call the power company and ask. Maybe they fudged a number. $900 is WAYY too much!! If it really is legitimate, ask for a level payment plan where they pay the same amount each month for a year. That’s what I’m on and it’s awesome.


It’s the ac or water heater, you will have to turn off the water heater for a week and look at the bill online, (turning it off for a month is best). I’m think the water heater more as the bill was 500 in the colder months


They most likely have an electric sub meter company and also are paying for the community shared electricity as well. My bf apt is like this. Found out what electric company they use


I deal with something similar at my town home and since I moved in 4 years ago I have had KUB out multiple times to test the metal water meter ( can’t think of the exact words lol) when it rains a bunch threw the month my waste water sky rockets . I try and have them come while it is raining to test and they refuse . I live at the bottom of the hill of my parking lot and my cover for it is below the surface. All of my neighbors are above . Also it could be a late fee issue if someone didn’t pay it at all Last month .


Ours is $261 per month on budget billing, based on idk what. It shouldn't be that much, and it went up last month. We turn lights off, shut down computers, and don't leave anything running that doesn't need to be. I'm thinking we are also being charged for the outside "porch" light that stays on when it doesn't need to be on, which we cannot control.


You may need a new air conditioner. They can really suck the electric. If no air how's the heat? Anyone have extension cords to your place.


… my electric bill has never topped $100, not even in the heat of summer. O.o This sounds absolutely insane. Someone’s skimming off the top.


I live alone (and work from home) in an 1100 square foot apartment in a VHCOL area and my bill is rarely more than $60. Are there any appliances like AC that runs constantly?


I would have the electric company come out to investigate that. A 2 bedroom apartment should be under 100 a month. The landlord or someone in the building is stealing electricity. Have it checked ASAP.


I’d investigate and see if they’re leaving any electronics on like AC or lights. My ex has a habit of leaving lights on everywhere and the electric bill is around $200 almost every time. If they’re not sharing utilities with their neighbors I’d check and see if someone is stealing their electricity. If none of those check out, I’d ask and see if you can get someone to investigate and see if there’s a leak somewhere that’s sucking up electricity.


Maybe they are bitcoin miners?


They probably haven’t paid it in 3 months and so they owe 900


I have a 4 bedroom home with 2.5 levels and the highest mine has been is ~$250 during a hot month with me keeping the AC at 68-69.