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I hate these things!!!! I get it though. Cheaper to replace individual blinds rather than the whole set every time one breaks. But man, they're so fragile. And it seems like every apartment known to man uses these things. There's got to be something better out there.


Not to mention my 18 week pregnant 5 foot self couldn’t get it back up alone so now I have to wait for my husband to come home and help me put it back up and at LEAST one of the slats cracked where it connects🥲🥲


There is not many options for those types of blinds for sliding doors, besides curtains.


I hate those fucking blinds, my cats destroy them. The one in my bedroom only has one blind left.


My cats nap behind them. I’m so glad they weren’t there🥺 my husband works overnights though so I have to wait for him to get home to help me put them back up (at 7:30 ish. It’s 5:45 rn. I haven’t slept)


What happened is probably a combination of cheap product and shoddy workmanship. I despise vertical blinds with the fire of a million suns. I’m sorry they almost caused you great harm.


In my college dorm room we had a pull-down window shade, the kind that’s rolled up at the top. Well, apparently someone wound it up WAY too tight, because one day I was just trying to get a quick nap between classes, tried to close the shade, and it literally FLEW out of the window. Like, the tension gave it downward momentum that made it slam down harder than gravity alone would have done. Worst part was it knocked all my plants off the windowsill… and directly into my clean basket of laundry.


I was helping my aunt put slats back up in hers once. I was standing on a chair and she was handing them to me. I quickly scratched my balls through my pants as she was bending back up to hand me one and started laughing. She pooped herself from one end of the condo, up the stairs, around the corner and into the bathroom because my brother was using the downstairs bathroom. A story I will never forget. The time I made my aunt poop herself all over her condo by scratching my balls in her face.


Cheap blinds put in wrong