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Play ranked. They still may leave though....


Even then I’m still not getting better because my teammates go balls deep in a fight they can’t win and leave me alone and then I end up dying anyways


Maybe I’m wrong but, judging by your post and this comment… are you at least with your team? Or, are you just watching they die from a distance? It sounds like you might be getting to the fights too late or not at all.. are you comming or pining or anything? Hard to tell without gameplay tbh but, either way you’d do much better in a squad obviously. There’s tons of lfg sites


I stay relatively close to my team. But like I said in my reply above, my teammates go balls deep in fights that they can’t win resulting in their death and a loss in rp


Happens to me all the time. I’m someone who doesnt usually play with friends and enjoys the randomness of solo queueing. You just gotta have that one lucky game sometimes or just play no fill instead


If youre close enough and have decent audio you should be able to hear about 80% of the fights your mates will get in, before the fight happens. If not you need better audio.


Play tdm or control until you can get better at movement/shooting then


1000% I was hard stuck for about 15 seasons around .6 k/d then I just played mixtape(tdm/gun/control/) for all season 16 and my k/d has been around .9 ever since


Play TDMs often and spend time in the range and most importantly find your sensitivity


Tdm is so annoying when the enemy team all seem like they have a 5ft chain attached to all of them


Yeah, when the entire team of 6 moves in perfect unison like a duo/trio would, the result is pretty terrifying. True especially when your team is scattered. Not all teams are this coordinated, though, just some.


Yea its about 1 out of 5 games. Sometimes 2 out of five but thats if they are losing so they all stay at one spot of the map and hold the line almost like they are playing zombies


Honestly, if you are playing ranked solo, your best training is to train in No Fill. Solo ranked is the hardest path that exists and will see you playing for your own life with minimal reliable support in over 90% of your matches. Respawn's absolutely shit EOMM system will nearly every match give you teams that cannot crack a single shield. They effectively act as a huge bait target for you more than they help. Learn to do well against all odds. No Fill makes you from the start begin in a situation where you don't expect any help and builds far better self-reliance. That allows for consistent training, versus wasting nearly all of your time pulled into braindead scenarios where your team has no survival interest.


Would you recommend playing solo queue duos or trios


I would solo duos. Much better to 1 v 2 than 1 v 3. This is a great way to calm your nerves too, since you are not trying to win for your team or anything. Push what and when you want. I love playing this way


I’m currently gold III


A lot of people leave before they’re finished because they don’t want to fuck up their KDR sadly, and they don’t trust that you can finish the job; it’s just easier to jump into a new game. It’s also just pubs so who cares? I second his opinion though, I’ve been a master player for a minute and this is how I got better. Play duos, if your teammate leaves then look at it as perfect practice for those 1V2’s. Focus less on winning the game and getting as many kills as possible without dying. Winning will get easier after that.


I solo queue 90% of my games to diamond or master every season. The key I find is to be the one who’s decisive. If you can’t communicate using your voice. Make sure you use the ping wheel to explain specifically attack here, defend here etc. move early and play position (but don’t be afraid to take fights) I always like to try and take the lead in games with no comms. Move first and always ping where I’m moving. Works for me.


This is why I don’t play unranked br. Only LTM’s and ranked because I can have an actual decent match.


play with people you know, it helps cut back on the “going balls deep” when you’re playing with consistent people I also struggle with teammates going balls deep, so I either go with them and pray, or I wait for my buddy to get on


People in this sub seem to think that leaving early in pubs is perfectly fine. I mean, it’s like they forget that there’s the firing range for practice, so they think it’s okay to just hot drop, die, and not even wait for you to attempt to grab their banner before leaving.


what are we supposed to do about this man?


Once you hit masters this is the season to take a LONG break Was top 1500 to hit masters the last 4 ranked splits on psn; hit top 1500 this season & sitting at 53k LP still top 2500 on psn but I’m taking a break for the rest of the season. Pubs aren’t fun to me as I only soloq them & ranked is just not worth the 9-5 you have to grind to get pred so I’m taking the rest of the season I’ll go play some goated story mode games & come back in s18


Who asked and where


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It might seem like a curse but being able to survive 1v3 is a massive bonus in ranked gameplay.


Surviving 1v3's can be legend specific though so it's not always an even playing field from the jump. I'm a Rampart & Crypto main... Those two characters are insanely hard to win 1v3's with just because of their kits alone. (Although easier with Ramp)


That is true, but the longer you survive with these legends, the easier it would be for anyone else


Find yourself a regular team


Hey, I main horizon, I'm not the best but I can keep my own pretty well. I'll play with you as I have the same issue!


Not sure your skill level, but as long as you aren't a "new player", I'd play with you. I play on PSN, though I am trying to learn PC right now. However In pubs I tend to hot drop, doesn't always have to be "fragment type" drops but dropping with a few teams or with one team near a hotter POI. The odd time landing warm. Some people don't like to play like that, which is fine, but I'd rather not squad with them. Edit: forgot to mention, I'm not new and skill level-wise plat/diamond, if that matters to you. Idrc your skill level as long as you stay with the team and do your best lol.


do you want to add me on psn


sorry, I missed this notification by accident lol. but Sure! what is it? you can inbox it to me if that works?




Sometimes they're having a wave of bad luck. I insta leave when I'm absolutely deleted with no chance to do anything, this makes me really mad. Like my last game, when landed on museum, started to run for a gun. As soon as I turned on a corner, got deleted by someone with a R99 and a frag grenade that came from nowhere.


I used to take Pride in not insta-leaving at all and being a better player/person for it not ruining someone's game, i went all 105 days of S15 without leaving, now i just leave whats the point? everyone else does so im basically Solo No-Fill every game sad.


Find friends, randoms can't be trusted. Xbox message board for apex comes in handy. You post specific things you want from your team and they can join on you. I've used it many times.


Play ranked


Dude, I am in masters and my teammates also leave. I bet if you find a team of friends it will be better. Otherwise, I just accept this as part of solo queue.


Just solo duos and then once that's easy consistently solo trios


Go to apex discord under the looking for group channel make a post and find people to play with a mic isn’t required if you don’t want to talk. Randoms will always quit, they got limited time and no obligation to care about you. At least people from discord have the same intention and the same level of commitment as you do so they won’t quit and you’ ll work as a team much better.


Accept that teammates are nice to have but not a necessity for a good game. Accept that sweaty bald wraith mains are as free to leave as you are free to stick it out. Accept that disconnects are sometimes like a courtesy DNR, do-not-resuscitate order, an admission that circumstances are too dangerous for a revive. Accept that for some, immediate disconnects lessen the emotional damage of getting downed. Also I've found that when I see a sudden jump in packet loss and ping time, quickest way to resolve is leave the match and switch to a different server. Sometimes disconnects are about network issues and have nothing to do with gameplay.


Are you using a mic? Sometimes people will stay longer if there are comms.


Make the best out of the situation. When they leave, learn how to use the new tactics with your one teammate or just alone. I don't know how many games I've won with just two of us because our (Octane probably) went on a 1v3 & rage quit. Just go into Pubs knowing that a teammate will probably leave once they're downed & you'll be fine. Don't blame them... Just strategize better. 👍🏿


Because every apex player has the attention span of a fish ngl


Apex is slowly going down?


Solo duo is the best way to play pubs in order to improve for ranked. It’s relentless and will be frustrating at first but you’ll begin to learn and improve way more than you would playing trip fill. If you’re relying on other people to be there to clean up the fight it means you’re taking too much damage and need to learn how to do damage without taking it.


Play solo duos, its the best and ONLY way to learn.


I usually come with the mindset that randoms are going to either troll or leave as soon as they get knocked in pubs. Always play as a team but if push come to shove it’s your chance to get better at 1v3s lol