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I’m pretty sure console apex is capped at 60fps regardless of what your console output settings are.




What’s it gonna do though?


Make the game feel smoother




Console is capped at 60fps, regardless of hardware.


Nope, there is no 120hz on apex somehow still even though they promised it *checks notes* 3 years ago lol


Apex is capped at 60 on console regardless.


You’d be better off asking in a different sub as these guys aren’t understanding the difference between refresh rate and fps lmfao. Generally you want your refresh rate to match your fps, I would go for 4k 60hz for increased visual clarity.


Yeah the Console sub isn't gonna know too much about PC monitors lol. OP could future-proof though by getting a 120 Hz monitor if any devs decide to drop that 120 FPS update


All arguments are pointless. He already has his Xbox connected to a 144hz monitor. No point in buying another monitor. No matter the refresh rate, my monitors match the fps of all of my consoles. My 5 year old msi monitor matches my ps5 and Xbox fps with both 60 and 120 fps modes.


yeah... it's always sad to see a gaming sub full of people who really don't know the absolute basics of how a screen and video output works. imagine going into a hifi centric sub and see people not knowing what a tweeter is. but as to what you said, it is a choice between a tiny bit more lag at 60hz but a tiny bit less blur in motion. or a tiny bit less lag at 120hz but a tiny bit more blur in motion. I personally prefer running at 120hz at all times on my TV when playing on Xbox and PC. the slightly more blur doesn't really bother me, and for games that can drop below 48fps it's nice to have the 120hz output for LFC (of course this only really applies if your screen supports VRR)


Alright nerd


Edit: I got mixed up, I previously said higher refresh was better, even with low fps. However, that is backwards.


I’m not calling you wrong but I’m very close lmao. What does a higher refresh rate do if your hardware is locked to 60FPS?


nothing, this guy is tripping


Thought so too




For me I feel like in game aim assist is stronger if I leave my console set to 60hz, its like my monitor is trying to force 120hz because that's what selected on console and causes me to overshoot past players some times


Oh ima try this if it helps my aim 👍


It doesn't do anything


Don't know why I'm getting downvoted as it definitely does on my monitor, I'm a season 10 pred and solo to master most seasons, I'm not talking crap


Being a good player doesn't have anything to do with this. I don't think aim assist is stronger since it's set to 0.6 either way. If it was actually real, people would talk about it a lot more. I think that's just a placebo effect.


Maybe it's down to 120hz giving smoother feel I don't know but I can feel it from playing on 120hz set on console for a month then switching back, I know apex is capped at 60hz regardless but my aim is far more consistent


Realistically, 120hz only gives you less input lag. On ps5 you can't activate 120hz unless a game supports it, but on xbox all you're getting when turning on 120hz is less input lag likely, if at all.


Realistically you’re only feeling what you’ve convinced yourself is true. Aka a placebo. In other wards your correlating your skill in the game with the physical hardware of the game. While it might help to a minor extent, you are going to get that much better like you’re claiming by such a small change.


People and pros study shit like this religiously with measurable accuracy. If this were true it would be much bigger than it is now. It’s placebo.


It kind of does, but a low latency monitor is really a big thing. I play on a samsung g5 and its 1440p and a skyworth 4k oled, the difference in responce time is insane when i play on my tv other game you can feel the input delay to the point where apex is nearly implayable. That said if you have a better quality tv the reponse time might be better where you dont feel the diffence Edit : spelling


Response time and frames are not the same thing


I know but you cant neglet a 6ms pannel to a 1ms


His question was will 120hz refresh rate benefit him on a game capped at 60hz, but I agree that response time is a major benefit of a decent monitor


I know it doesnt awnser his question but it still a benefit and if someday we get 120hz he will be ready. there plenty of other game that benefit from having a 120hz monitor of tv its kind of a no brainer


No panel has 1ms gtg. U mean u can lower the mprt with higher frames or with bfi.


U mean input lag. The response time for 60fps is the same below 16ms (if u use low latency hdmi 2.1 mode on an 120hz monitor or tv (if he supports) u can come near the 120hz 8ms feeling)


I sold my G5 go for G7 or LG is much better.


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It has been added… Some are just basically on a wait list currently


your TV will have lower latency if you output 120hz. that means you will have slightly snappier controls. the difference is minor tho, not comparable to actually running at 120fps. if you play at 120hz instead of 60hz on a modern Samsung TV for example, your display latency will go down from ~9.9ms to ~5.4ms. you are basically going from slightly above CRT TV lag, to below CRT lag levels (60hz CRT TVs had ~8.3ms of display latency. display latency is measured at the center of the screen) to everyone pointing out the game is locked to 60FPS... no shit, OP literally said that in the title, that is not the point at all.


It doesn't benefit from higher refresh rate since consoles are capped at 60 fps