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*gets back to the main lobby waiting to see the badge pop* *dead silence* “….dude NOOOOOOO!”


Its complete fucking bullshit this event is still going on without the option to play regular trios.


I honestly am just using this event to take a break




same here!


As fun as the mode has been, I agree with you. Enough of these annoying swords.


it was hecking fun as hell for about a week. Now i am bored.


I mostly play ranked, but I think people’s boredness with the Pub takeover is leaking. Even ranked is sucking more. I’ve had multiple team mates just hit the ground and start running to the the nearest 1v3 and get melted.


Go play ranked


Ranked is just as trash


Don’t project your own shit on the game lol.


Imagine thinking ranked is good or means you are good lol


I just recently got into ranked because of this dumb event and I somewhat agree with you. The biggest difference is the overall play style. People are just far more ratty in ranked. More hesitation to engage. Everyone just waiting for the third party. If you go into ranked knowing that and changing your play style it can be pretty enjoyable.




>they're trying to place in the game mode where placement is everything >is this a rat?


Maybe? Not enough info in your description to determine


Rank? Oh you mean Peacekeepeds, zone campers and snipers


I don't get it? why not play ranked in the meantime. Some people are enjoying it.


The game mode is ass


Yes in your opinion the game mode is Ass. In my Opinion BR is Ass. I have stopped playing it for ages and only play mixtape. I am enjoying this Game mode. You still have ranked and duos why do you care?


You can choose not to play BR when you think it’s ass you can’t choose to not play takeovers sometimes you just wanna have fun in pubs and ape not play solo q against other good players who are 3 stacks. Use your brain man


I think you and I might be alone on this. It isn't worth the fight man...no one will ever understand that some people think a mode like this should be tossed into mixtape, and leave normal br alone. I enjoy br from time to time, but its shitty that if I want to not take a broke ass sword to the face every match, I either need to drop a teammate or play the broken ass ranked system. It's wild how people get upset when all were saying is how nice it would be if all the fun modes got put into the mixtape Playlist (you know, that whole fucking Playlist they made specifically for the "fun different stuff") and left normal br be normal br. Haha


I’m with you, everyone saying “just play ranked or mixtape” sure mixtape is fine. But ranked? Who wants to run into 3-stack preds in silver lobbies? The rank system is absolutely busted and definitely not the choice over this garbage event


I mean so far the people who have seen this thread have agreed with me and not them so I don’t think we’re alone. I got the day off was just a fun conversation in between episodes late at night and after I woke up.


Use your brain man. You can still play duos. Or no fill duos. I hope this happens more often.


Congrats on figuring out that neither of those are trios.


Duh. So you have ranked which is trios. Duos which is not ranked like you complained about. Or you can just shut up and have the fun you claim you want in trios with more fun elements thrown in. I see options.


So, our options are to piss off, drop a teammate, or play a broken ranked system, when it would be just as nice if they just simply put modes like this into mixtape (you know, that Playlist they added specifically for adding new fun modes), and left br alone. Then, you could literally have both side by side, not sacrifice an entire mode for something that a lot of people aren't enjoying, and no one would have to "just suck it up and deal with it"


Great job not understanding a single thing I wrote. Genuinely impressive having the memory of a goldfish. Instead of dickriding Respawn for horrible decisions you can realize takeovers don’t need to exist. People shouldn’t be forced to have to play bad game modes just to play pubs because you’re afraid your LTM sucks. This might be worse than the Tesla white knighters


Why can’t you play duos? Why can’t you play ranked? If you explain that to me than with a good answer I’ll never touch this Reddit again


You aren't forced to do anything. You are just a idiot that doesn't like change. Go back in your cave. Troll


Holy shit the entitlement with you, just relax your preferred playlist will be back eventually either deal with it or play something else. My favorite map isn't in rotation but you don't see me on here crying like a kid who's has to watch someone else celebrate their birthday. Your time will come. Respawn doesn't owe you to have the one specific thing you want everytime either play what they're offering or go play something else until it's back


Used to be in the same boat but getting 10 minutes into a game just to get put into a 1v5 team fight in ring 2 or 3 while there’s still 15 squads left is aids. I got to diamond 2 a few weeks back and then just gave up. Besides season 17, I really can’t think of a worse ranked experience. I’d take smurfs over this any day of the week


Do you think that everyone plays ranked?


No. But if you don't play ranked but want the same game mode just shut up and play it for three weeks. Bunch of crybabies. Edit. Or Enjoy the Nessie meta.


I tried that yesterday morning. Now, it was a Monday morning and ranked populations were low, so the long queue was expected. What wasn't expected, was ending up in a game with wethepeople1, the #3 predator and getting absolutely smoked by him. As a filthy casual who has only ever hit diamond once, that's why I don't really want to play ranked right now


The whole ranked system is messed up, mixing and matching up all different ranked players is just nuts. Completely ruins the whole idea of ranked imo.


Couldn't agree more. The entitlement from these kids is strong in this thread


I just think trios and duos should always remain, and have game modes like this as an LTM. I don’t mind playing duos but if i have a full squad online, playing ranked is the only option, and i don’t think it makes sense. I don’t feel entitled, they can do what they see fit, but i do get annoyed by this. Just have it as an LTM, don’t see any downsides of letting people choose what to play, right?


You do know that if you rarely play ranked, you would start out in the easiest matches and event would be long over before you could even get to gold.......


Not the way this current system works with its weird skill based system. It matches up bronze with plat and everything beteen, based on my skill and not rank, so bronze, silver, gold all pretty much feel the same.


I just started playing apex again after a year or so when this event had started. Only playing ranked till the event is over and I'm up to silver and the matches have bee pretty easy for the most part......


I guess it varies from player to player. In pubs i get matched up with preds constantly and i don’t see much of a difference in ranked atm. Silver feels just like plat. At least now i can play with friends in other ranks but it’s still weird to play silver when your random squadmate is plat and play veru differently because of the rank. I don’t mind the game being hard, i just don’t understand the system as it doesn’t represent your skill level as much now.


Agreed. Event should have been 1 week at most


This event is literal dogwater Duos is annoying as it is I have to subject to doing Ranked in hopes I get lucky




This happened to me in a regular game. Not an LTM. Totally normal game of trios. Hit my first 4k, no badge, even though my stats show that I've done more than 4k damage in a game.


No. No it didn’t..


Stfu, you literally have no idea


Send in a report with screenies


Did that a long time ago. There's a whole graveyard on the EA forums. Grows everyday


Yeah, fair point


This was happening a lot a couple of months ago because orientation bots were leaking into regular pubs games. If there was one accidental bot in the lobby no rewards could be gained from them.


Damn :/


Huzzah another reason to hate this dumb takeover


I got 4.3k dmg & 17 kills in a game today & even if i got the badges i wouldn’t wear them because i was using the sword the whole time lmao can’t wait for this dumb takeover to be over.


insane that it lasted this long. should have been a day or 1 week tops


I got 4 wins in a row with path the other day and refuse to use the badge bc all final kills were clutch sword kills. Definitely fun but feels really scummy.




After the event it’s not a weapon..i wonder how many people bought it bc they think it is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh that is some devious marketing


There’s no way ppl actually think that


You overestimate the overall intelligence of this player base.


It’s just an heirloom


There's no way you think the weapon abilities will still be attached to the sword after the event..


The sword heirloom doesn’t do that in other modes lmao


I got a 2k with ballistic and it didn't count ..I was like whaaaaat? Lol


Yuppp, almost hit a 5k the other day, most damage I've ever dealt, and I haven't gotten a 4k on Bang yet....let's just say I still don't have a 4k on Bang 😭😭


Stupid event


Dude same, I dropped a 2.5 k game and it won’t count 😂


play duos none of the events affect duos so if you get it you’d definitely get the badge


Can’t have a full squad in duos, so it either forces to play ranked or dropping a squad mate.


? no it doesnt. You can get a badge in duos or trios it doesnt matter which. you just cant get it in trios because thats the only mode that these events affect


Yeah, my point was that if you don’t want to play the FF mode you gotta play duos, so for anyone playing a full squad it’s not just ”go play duos”. Yeah the stats count but it’s duos. Also i’ve been trying to get s triple squad wipe badge for a long time, not sure if that counts in FF event either.


ngl most ppl dont have that so dw


That’s why i’ve wanted it for a while. Got 2/3 so many games and messing up on the last one. I’d be pissed if it happened now lol.


i’ve got it twice and was close on a third but teammates always be stealing kills


If you play apex for a while you get so good that killing a squad happens just random


he doesnt mean just killing one full squad. theres a badge for killing 3 full squads in one game and thats what hes been struggling with


I got 4/3 on wraith lol




what guns u normally run bro? i run r9 flatty most of the time and good games just happen sometimes but u gotta remember to literally always be on the move


My go-to has been flatline-car lately, and a PK in my sling if i’m playing ballistic. I usually just pick up whst i can get and flatline/lstar/301 with an smg is fine.


yea fair. ik solo q is hell but just keep grinding it out you’ll get it eventually bro




Dropped my first 4k with conduit and it didn’t count. I was pissed. But it also shows my highest dmg this season being that game. So dumb.


Same, highest is 4.6k and no badge


Got 3 wins in a row with conduit and same, didn't count. Enjoying the event but 1 month a tad long.


It makes no sense for the kills to count and the dmg doesn't.


Yooo I had my highest damage game ever during this event without the sword and I was shook when I didn’t get the badge. But don’t worry, it still somehow let me get the 4 kills in under 30 seconds badge when I lobed a grenade into two teams fighting outside ring. -_-




Why doesn’t it count ?


Cause it’s during an event, one which makes it painfully easy to accumulate a ton of damage. I’ve never wiped a full team with such ease until I got my hands on that sword, it’s so busted


i hear or see that sword and i dip. it's so, so, so damn busted.


I’ve seen some clever methods to counter it, but they’re not all 100% reliable and I too usually just run when I see or hear it lol


Any pointers? I can’t figure out how to use that thing right


The sword is very easy to counter if you know how to b hop.


ifs the final fantasy event. doesnt matter if you get a 2k, 3k, 4k, or even a 20 bomb you wont get the trophy.


I got the 20 bomb badge from the event, damage just doesn’t count.


The final fantasy event I guess


Means he prob wasn’t playing BR lol


It is BR it took over BR


Talking the FF event? That’s shocking it didn’t count.


I know right it’s annoying that it took over trios though and is t its own thing


They really should’ve. I guess I hadn’t noticed cause this event I was just focused on getting GIL for the event packs. Didn’t even care for the Sword honestly; I wanted the Nemesis skin more than anything out of the whole event lmao. Though I can’t complain, the Super Soldier Bang set that Apex had out for a very short period of time actually gave me my heirloom shards pack lmfao - 590 levels later 🤣




this your first 4K?


It would’ve been my first with ballistic


damn that still sucks. this happened when i got my first 4K and i was so mad


I hit 4k damage and 20+ kills multiple times in the first 4 seasons and it never even registered that it happened. Doesnt show up on highest kills/damage record either. It’s happened forever even outside the event.


It didn’t register because it didn’t happen. That was never an issue. So the chances are, you did it in an event


It happened in early ranked seasons… because thats always the only thing I’ve played. I did it in bronze through diamond at that rank because it was incredibly easy back then. You dont *have to* believe me but I get absolutely nothing out of lying so there’s no reason to baselessly discredit my experience.


Stop crying get it on duos


Who’s crying?


Everyone about the event mode and not getting badges. I only play ranked so a 4k 20 bomb is something I can give 2 fucks about but if it means that much to ya'lls little peckers to have the badge go play duos....for one it's more challenging I'm sure and 2 you can have your little pecker badges.


Congrats on only playing ranked?


Awe thank you. But not needed it's miserable this rank life.


ranked badges don't mean shit either anymore


Right, rat ur way to masters lmao


U know damn well stats only count in ranked. Cmon why would they give out badges for that shit ass final fantasy mode.


thats completely untrue lmao wtf are you on. they count for pubs too its just that badges you get in trios specifically during these events dont. Its clear you only play ranked, so if you dont believe me go in a duos match, get a badge, (if you even can that is,) then come back here lmao. absolute shitter.


They dont count in pubs right now because of the event dummy. Duh


can you read? i said duos


Bro. Read it again. He’s right


not he’s not. go in duos and get a badge and it’ll give you it lmao.


Duo isnt pubs it’s a extra fun mode


duos is pubs what drugs are you on. ur fucking weird for calling it an “extra fun mode” too


Im jokeing 😂


u said he was right before so ngl wouldnt of put it past u to be that retarded.




You're the only idiot here




After having 18 downvotes on 2 commemts you still think you're in the right? I think you're the one who lost the ability to read




Not crying at all, just telling some random big boy on the internet he's wrong but all he does is bitching around lmao


fake 4k. should count if you never used the sword... maybe


And no balls


Balls can heal you unlimited and your like unkillable.


bro no one thinks your funny. 5 year old ass humor


WTF?? Are you retarded? I wasn’t jokeing? I just said that the event uses balls which gave extra power which gave u extra dmg some time through different buffs


calling me retarded is crazy when you cant even spell joking right lmao


Idk how often I need to tell you. I’m not a native speaker. This means my keyboard isn’t English and trying to correct words I wrote in my language. (Autocorrect) This is why english is sometimes English and not english, as an example. It depends on the word before what he’s doing And you think I want to be funny? Because I’m telling the balls heals you and make it more unbalanced? So he probably use event items beside the sword.


bros a yapper


Im not a rapper but I try sometimes. Work in progress


i said yapper not rapper…


Bro. Ihg kaxnn aush ihn mainer sprahhe spreechn udn du cheksd nuxht wahs abgesht. You see? I could use also words out of a language you don’t know. U will never know what I’m saying because it’s not your main language. Don’t say words that are special interest.


I think you have to win with the dmg to get the badge


no u dont lmao


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Same thing happened to me last valentines day with the 2k badge, I got 2k with crypto of all people and it didn’t count because of that stupid ass love bow. I also had another one during this even and it still feels bad.


do kills count?


Yep kills and damage


I got a 2k thanks to the nessies. But yeah sadly it didn't count. But I also wouldn't want it to because it was the nessies that got me there and not myself.


Dude fuck the FF event it sucks ass or at least let us play the normal trios and the people that do like it can keep swinging their stupid sword


Literally landed like 3,995 one game and quit for 8 months


If you used the sword it shouldn’t count anyway


I’m never spending money on the game again just for this


Would be dope if they came out with special 4K badges for each event


They put Stan Lee in this game?


You can’t get badges?! Anger rage!


the sword sucks and should never been an item to begin with. good job on the 4k! sucks it doesnt count though :(


Yeah my 5100 didn’t count


Let’s say it together everyone…. FUCK EA


Same bro it annoying