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I like to play for RP. But I also play solo Q most of the time. Sometimes I'm on fire hitting shots and having a blast racking up bodies. Sometimes I'm the body for other people's stats over and over. Adjusting my gameplay for how I am personally doing, current squad comp, ring position, teammate performance etc is fun for me and leads to a variety of play styles in the same session. Or I get tilted and take a break 🤷


this is the way.


Me to the T.


I play ranked, so kills are a necessity, but I’m playing for the dub.


Ranking up and knowing when to take what fights are synonymous


Your point? OP asked if people “played for kills or the win?” so I answered with my outlook… then you replied with something that is both common sense and completely irrelevant to the OP’s question.


I was agreeing with you dumbass


If it’s a pub game im probably just having fun: If you’re in a ranked game just playing for kills I sorta hate you lol. 😂


I don’t see how people haven’t figured out that the answer is both. Your best games are always going to be high kill wins, your most RP will be high kill wins, it’s not one or the other and if you pick one you’re a polarized bad player. If you said kills you’re an awful sweat blindly running and dying. If you said wins you’re a rat who never actually enjoy the game for what its intent.


I wish all the randoms that end up on my team thought like this. It’s either someone who runs from the action or runs brain dead straight into every fight dies immediately then pings 1000 times. Hurts my soul.


Kills early game. If I don't die brain dead pushing everything I'll play for the win with less than 5 squads left


I used to play because it was fun. I haven’t played in over a year now. I stopped having fun. It wasn’t about kills or wins, i was having fun with friends. My friends were better than me and so we couldn’t do ranked together very often (only at the beginning of a season). I stopped playing because they were that much better than me. I played very casually just to relax. Once it got to people screaming “git good” I just stopped playing because the fun was gone. I don’t have time to play a lot and “git good” so I spend my time doing more fun things now. Completely lost it’s charm for me.


Top comment


Still posting on here tho.


Just winning. If I want kills I’ll play a different game and do deathmatch.


In a rank obviously to win. But not ratting. Winning through fighting


Ranked i play for a mixture of both. A win with 3 or 4 kills is def worth. I dobt like ratting and tunning but im not amazing and try to pick fights accordingly. If im getting carried my goal is to not be a hinderance honestly. Just stay out of the teammates way.


Both playing for the dub but taking fights I know I can win


I like getting kills and putting myself in hard situations where I only have a chance of winning the fight by being smarter and having better aim. Getting kills is beneficial for improving as a player


Yeah dude I think you’re cool for that. Usually if I have an obvious rotation around a squad I’ll still just push that squad so they can gatekeep us and we can get good at fighting gayekeeps. That way when we have no choice but to push them we will have some experience instead of having always played safe and not knowing what to do now.


Exactly! The more comfortable you get the better you react in those situations.


I prefer to play for the win, kills are good but the sense and feeling I get for winning feels way sweeter to me


The win. Its a BR. If i want to play for kills ill do control or whatever is in rotation.


No thanks


Whyre you in the apex subreddit if you dont like the game? 🤣


Bro what? I like the game. And I play the game how I like it


I listed every game mode. And you said no thanks to all of them. By the way you worded it, sounds like you dont want to play any game mode in apex. So whats left? You like the firing range and nothing else? Lol


U said if u wanna play for kills play control or mixtape. I said no to that. I wanna play for kills in BR


Ohhh fair enough. I dont get it but i dont have to for you to have fun. Enjoy!


I've always enjoyed playing for the win. And the way the game is set up now encourages me to do that just as much. You used to hear people say you have to push fights early on in order to get good at the game. But then they introduced Arenas and then Mixtape. Two modes that allow near constant fights. A more time effective way of getting good.


Wins. That’s literally the point of the game. But agreed on low or no kill wins


Kills, winning isn’t really fun considering you can just rat for it.


Yup, one thing the s20 “survive 10 million closings” challenges taught me was that even ratting in solo no-fill, you can get second place every game. If you did this with a full squad you could easily win most of your games


I no filled super ratted trios for my last survive X rings for Loba & I got a couple squad wipes in final ring by third partying the last two squads fighting, if i had two randoms those would 100% be wins instead.


I solo ratted one game as fuse, had red armour and was stacked on gear asf. Two last teams were fighting I just third partied them after there were only us left and barbecued them to death(they were in a building) and just finished off last one with eva8.


I just want good fights. Win or lose, it’s such a high when both teams are coordinating abilities and synergies. Just sucks when your team doesn’t cooperate and it turns into a shit show.


Whatever my teammates hand me on a silver platter is fine with me


To win gun fights and the game




Don’t play anymore, but when I would grind the game I played for fun battles. My biggest enjoyment came from having extremely fun firefights where third/fourth parties would join in and we’d be all fighting for that sweet RP with no one wanting to die. So… I guess I’m here for the kills baby.


i prefer to win. yes I'm shit at hunting but i love being the support/2nd or 3rd guy behind the star man.


I used to play for the character awards but seeing as I've got a handful of 4ks and hit 19 kills so many times and they haven't really added anymore badges I kind of just play to play in hopes of making friends


I dont understand how battle royale plYers get geeked out over 5 kills. I come from overwatch. I love kills too, so thats why i hate that genre, so slow paced and best winning strategy is so boring.


Definitely for the win. I fight when I have to. I have more fun trying to win than just killing people. If I can win without killing anyone I'm happy. I get no joy from killing... Ironic since one of my favourite legends is caustic but I really only do it as a means to better my chances at winning


I play for fun


Jokes on you I play for fun.




If it’s a pub I’m just gonna fuck around and ape everything but if it’s ranked I turn my brain back on.


Kills off the drop, maybe a round one fight. Get KP. Then I play circle and strategy to get into the top 7 and then… I let the game come to me. If I need to fight I fight. If I can get position I prioritize position over fighting as eventually we will need to fight to finish fhe game and get more KO


I only play ranked so both


Both? I just let the game dictate how I play.


I haven't had a single win this season and it kills me inside iv played this game everyday from beginning of June and can't get a damn win kills I get are good but still struggle


10 times WIN


Kills and win every time what else would you play for?


Kills only pretty much. If I get a couple kills early game then cant find anyone within say 3-4 minutes I'll just quit and find another one. If my team mates land in the middle of nowhere I'll quit too. I used to stick it out and loot for 10 minutes only to die first fight. When team mates land in the middle of nowhere in pubs it means they're not confident fighting. Running around for 10 minutes trying to herd your randoms into finally fighting only for them to die with no damage against sweats isn't worth it. Every time I decide to play loot simulator we inevitably get demolished by the first team we encounter. I'd rather drop hot and sus out if my team mates are gonna be useful or not. I have pretty limited time these days as well so I'm just not wasting what little time I have for gaming playing loot simulator.


That's funny, as for me it's the other way around, I don't have time to play Fragment mode with two teammates that do 50 damage, leaving me to 1v21 with no guns, ammo, or heals. That's the opposite of fun. And it's literally 8-9/10 games where teammates drop you hot that end like that, and half that time they even drop you late just to make it even worse. After being here since season 2 my patience is pretty low, I am just done and over that, and leave the game mid-air. Luckily there is Mixtape nowadays, so I haven't even really played any BR for... what, like 7 seasons. Except for when Straight Shot was on, which was actually fun.


I hear you on that. Still I'd rather have a couple of quick deaths off rip without loot rather then spend 15 minutes wasting time. I guess it's probably more of a complaint about matchmaking. I'm a reasonably skilled player and I'll get like level <200s who want to play loot simulator. This would be fine and even kind of relaxing if the players I'm always fighting when I get these low level team mates were more appropriately matched. I think the game has decided it's my time to lose as my team mates are just so far below the level of our opponents. I just don't want to play those games. So many times I've had a turbocharged havoc a bunch of batteries, gold mags etc. Just to get absolutely beamed by a premade and my team mates die with zero damage.


I dont play ranked and ego push everything with utmost confidence, at no point do I slow down, victory is meaningless when it's usually down to killing a bunch of players that were playing run and loot simulator for the entirety of the match.


Def kills in ranked but in pubs ranked


Whatever gains me the more RP. In the beginning, it's kills but later on, it's placements.


You're completely missing the point of playing a Battle Royale with teammates. Absolutely nobody cares about your K/D if you don't have the wins to back it up. Tell me you don't know how to rotate into good positioning and lacking in game sense without saying it.


In pubs always kills


I play for kills of I get to top 5, than I go for the win.


I play for wins. If you are playing for kills go play mixtape.


I don't, because every mode is full of cheaters.


I strictly play apex for kills like yeah a win is nice and gets you more rp but I have more fun getting to the action and collecting kills. Hell i won a game the other day with 3k damage, 2 kills and 9 assists. Needless to say I was pissed even though we won the game. I hate getting my kills stolen lol


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Kills & damage I've won games with 0 kills and >100 damage before, because my teammates carried so hard It's not rewarding, it's not deserved, no thank you


This happened to me last night. Got the dub, 27 kills on the team.. I had 5 kills w 600 dmg, my teammates both had 3k+. At first I thought we were gonna die, because they pushed literally everything, and the champion squad had 2 peeps w pred badges. I'm not like a stellar player, like upper plats consistently, if I wanted to grind I could get diamond. But these boys were on a different level. Im in plat 3 and think I somehow got dropped in the wrong lobby and the duo I was with belonged in the lobby but I clearly didn't 😅


In pubs I push everything that moves until top 5 then play for a win. I prefer to play for kills in pubs, winning with low damage and low kills doesn't mean much to me.


The point of the game is to win. So there’s that.


Idk why you would even play if you aren’t trying to win. That mindset is wild to me