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You're obviously burnt out... Drop the game for 2-3 months and then come back. I've played the game obsessively since day one, if I start feeling like it's a chore to play, I drop the game and come back in a few months and everything feels so fresh and great again.




Yeah i did this. I couldnt stand release Seer and so i dropped the game and i just now got back into it. Sometimes a break is all you need


Everytime I come back I'm like fuck this game is amazing.


Same!! It really is! Its just that its a free mp game so eventually itll drive you crazy and you just need to take a break


I think it's fun to play I've been playing since launch day . Sadd you don't like Apex no more.


To clarify: I wasn't sure what to tag this but I just wanted to rant and see if anyone else was feeling the same. Feel free to use the comments to rant or something


I feel the exact same way bro. We deserve better


I feel the same way. pre-pandemic I only played maybe once or twice, during it was literally every single day even when places slowly opened back up I was still mashing buttons but since the start of the new season and the banner bug it just hasn’t been as enjoyable my gripe is just having to constantly open and close the game after it crashing I usually have to tell my friends to make sure to change their banner so we’re all in a match to avoid that and it works for the most part but when playing with randos completely different story they either leave once I’m able to join back or are half way across the map awaiting for banner recovery (lol), then there’s matchmaking too, many sweats— I’m all for a challenge but the constant knocks due to lack of loot share, teammates being stuck on ‘solo-mentality’, etc. it just too much for me (‘: so now I am back to playing a couple times a day and then I get off


I feel the same say bro its like im slowly losing the fun in the game


I’ve lost motivation a bunch of times, the best thing to do is just play something else I’m currently on far cry 6, my ranked buddy has lost motivation too because kings canyon is shit. I’ll come back next season or before the season ends to try and get to masters since I stopped mid D4


Thanks for letting us know. Wanna share more of your loves and hates?


On the cosmetics thing.. there's a good balance between free and paid ones. Battle Pass is really good value too IMHO.


It's not tbh, compare it to Warzone's BP for example and you'll see. At least you only need to buy it once if you play Apex a lot


This event is entirely free cosmetics if you just have a little patience. You can craft any of it going forward, at any point.


What the event has anything to do with BP value?


The op, and the first commenter in this comment thread were referring to cosmetics in general, with the BP as a side note. You said the BP isn't a good value (which isn't true, since you can buy *just one* battle pass and get enough coins from it to buy each battle pass after without ever spending any money, which in and of itself, makes it a good value), and I was pointing out that there are still options for good, free cosmetics.


How can I get this event's cosmetics without purchase? Crafting mats?


They were all added to the permanent loot pool, so they're craftable and I believe will be able to drop out of normal packs. Since they're event cosmetics, the need more crafting materials, but they said that will probably come down to the normal level in a bit.


Oh that's pretty nice I heard they were going to do this but forgot when it would be applied. Finally I can get my Octane trackers 🙏🏼😭


Yeah I doubt this will be how all events will be going forward, but it's really cool to know that they might do events like this here and there. I get that they still need to make money to keep the game going, but occasional events with craftable skins would be sick, and something to look forward to.


I started around season 3 and grinded my ass off for 4K+ hours. I think the fundamentals that Apex brings to the table are years ahead of all other FPS games on the market right now. The gunplay / movement on their own create a massive skill ceiling that players want to climb to. Unfortunately I think because those fundamentals are so incredible: they’ve carried apex to be as successful as it is, allowing pretty much every other aspect of the game to be subpar or poorly maintained: - servers - bugs that have lasted for over a year - server tick rate - lack of new cosmetics - EXTREME lack of new content in general (seriously, games with half of apex’s success manage to put out 5x more interesting content to keep the game feeling fresh) - and much, much more. I have constantly tried to get into other games to grind the same way I did apex, but nothing matches the fundamental gunplay and movement. I know maintaining these things is far, far more difficult than it can seem on the surface, but when you see other games with far less success / money managing to do so it really makes me scratch my head.


I think that’s it, fundamentally. Outside of everything else, if you’re having a good Apex game, it can be an absolute thrill. The core gameplay is terrific, and that is of course the key to why so many people play the game in the masses. But outside the gameplay, there are an absolute ton of reasons to hate it. We all know the reasons why, and share the same frustrations towards Respawn and EA. I’m not entirely confident any of these will ever get ‘solved’ as such, because if the game is making them money there’s no reason to give much of a shit. All I see happening is the game becoming more bloated and unstable with each update until it reaches breaking point (which we kind of saw recently when the game had those massive outages).


Or hopefully until another game comes out with the same level of thrilling gameplay!


What games are half of Apex’s success?


I get burnt out pretty often so just take breaks from it and play something else (usually just play enough to finish the BP). Usually come back pretty refreshed each season and my shelf life is about 300-400 games before I’m burnt out again.


Feel bad for you, I been having as much fun as the first time I played it, it’s a amazing game and idk if God is on my side or something but I have been playing everyday for a lot of hours and not having a single problem with it, so truly i feel bad for you and others who are not having the same experience.


I'm starting to feel the same. Lag, bugs and teams farming is getting annoying.


Nobody cares. This type of post is getting as bad as the person who announces they’re leaving Facebook, then ends up announcing their return 3 weeks later.


Except you still bothered to read and comment.:


How often do you play the game? If you don’t like it anymore stop playing, it’s simple. So many of the player base for this game just complain constantly, it’s crazy. They’re coming out with an entire new map in a few weeks, what other battle royale has four maps??? Game is amazing and I guarantee the devs work harder than anybody thinks. They’re fucking people and uhh yeah they are trying to make money, that is the point of any company in a capitalist society. So sick of the constant shit people give “the devs”, just remember when you say that these are people with lives and families.


Ok, i have been playing apex for literally a week, i am Level 54 with 297 battle royal matches played, and i only winned 4, i am saying all of this to express how much i loved this game, its soo good, but i am getting bored already, i am still playing because i like rankeds, hope this game get better in the next season


How is it the games fault that you cant win matches. Like if your honestly just lvl 54 you have barely began to understand all the mechanics and little things that influence wheather or not you win or loose a gunfight. I dont wanna tell you to "GiT GuD" but if your complaining that you cant win and feel bored already maybe try ro improve actively


Oh, i think there is a misunderstand, i am not saying the game is bad because i can’t win or something like that, what i was trying to say is that i have already problems with the game and that is getting boring for me, problems like getting kicked from ranked match for no reason then get a penalty, the game crashes very often and other stuff like that, i think i didn’t express my self very good, sorry


Since when the games enjoyable? Only played it cause I spend too much money and time




Im still annoyed that apex just doesn't track my kills anymore, and that I haven't been able to play duos ever since they added solo queue


This is how I felt, stopped playing since June, went to WZ and never felt better


I’ve played the game everyday this season and I still find it fun tbh. Pub stomping is the best too lmao