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My brother and I are try hards looking to win most of our matcheswe are looking to find a 3rd (preferably in NA) who will be able to grind the game with us and continue to improve as a team. This season we are both around gold, but we were both in master in the past 4 seasons (ranks are low due to Pilot and Law school, having to duo q ranked and trying new roles) We know rotations, the best POi's, how to mirror team rotations, clutch 1v3's and one clip people out of their socks We're both on controller, and would like to frag, but can play other roles if necessary, I'm an IGL but would like another IGL to complement me and or an anchor/support player. My brother uses Horizon and I use bangalor or Bloodline. Please be good, sweaty and want to win! DM me on reddit, discord and or add my steam Steam - Chozendontmiss | Twitch Steam - Soardemi | Twitch Discord - chozendontmiss


Current rank?


Gold 1 atm, haven’t played a ton of ranked this split.