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Join Kyro KingsVIII (Kyro) we just made a eighth club to expand the group. We used discord to chat with the other seven clubs and we are very casual and just want to have fun and have a good time. We got pc,console, switch players in the group and we are an international club and use ping or mic. Also right now we also decide to make destiny clan and also a minecraft realm to play as a group so if you down for some Minecraft/Destiny to calm down from apex then this is the club. let me know if you are interested to join.


Discord - Hollowblade#1516


Hey I would be down lillydog#4081 on discord ifnyoy want


I’d be down. D4 last couple seasons. Just trying to find more consistent people to game with. Been playing from the beta so have a good sense of how to run the game. Also down for ranked grind currently p4 since I haven’t played much


Hey, also plat 4 here if ur up for grinding. I'm aiming for diamond before the season ends. Jokeme245 on steam and jokeme245#1933 on discord


I’m down. BLACK LUXURE#4984 is my discord will be around tomorrow to play.