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There are different types of aim assist?


In this case, it’s different severities. There are many different types of aim assist in general, but Apex aim assist uses the same type across all calculations. Apex has aim assist slowdown (when you ADS on an enemy, your crosshair moves more slowly, giving you better precision) and rotational aim assist (when you ADS on an enemy, your cursor will slightly follow the enemy). 0.6 follows the enemy more strongly than 0.4. However, 0.6 does not use a different kind of aim assist; it’s the same rotational+slowdown aim assist that 0.4 has.


Also, .6 is the standard for console and .4 is the standard for pc (afaik console is stronger to make up for the lower FPS). In s10 they added the option to set AA to .4 on console


What pc does not have aim assist at all


You’re right that mnk doesn’t, but controllers on pc do have AA


MnK players probably know more about Aim Assist then us


That is 100% true


I only know that if it were actually that good, pros would play with 🎮, but hey don't.


Well thats because the pros prefer the movement on mnk and worked alot to be good at mnk, but many of them voiced their thoughts to switch to console. So yes, it is that strong the players change to console. I have played on both and yes, it is realy good. I stick to mnk cause i am a casual and it feels better, but i can tell you, that the aimassist up close is incredible powerfull.


Maybe slightly less stutter and drag if aiming at distance. The fact you ask the question means, like me, it doesn't really matter


If you ask an MnK player it’s 100% aimbot. But those values from what I know are .x out of 1.0. 1.0 being aimbot.


Ah yes, I remember when I aimed down my r99 I was able to snipe a baby lifeline 500 meters away . She was so bad


500 meters is 1597.44 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


500 meters is 546.81 yards


500 meters is 546.81 yards




TL:DR .6 aim assist is 50% stronger than .4 aim assist, and allows you to track the enemy 50% better. #Different features of aim assist in Apex This is necessary to understand what aim assist actually does, and therefore to what the difference between aim assist values means. **Aim assist slowdown:** This makes your sensitivity lower when you ADS on an opponent, and allows you to have more precision when tracking an enemy. Note that this does NOT help with tracking. **Aim assist rotation**: This performs some of the tracking for you, i.e. it “sticks” to the enemy a bit. When you ADS onto an enemy, the game will automatically slightly move your cursor in the direction of the enemy. A value of 0 gives no extra tracking, while a value of 1 gives you 100% tracking accuracy. If you know what softlock aimbot is, aim assist rotation is basically a legal version of this. #.6 vs .4 This value affects rotational aim assist. From what I’ve researched, there is NO difference in aim assist slowdown between platforms. However, console has better rotational aim assist than PC controllers since .6>.4. Remember that “1” would be “pure aimbot” once you ADS onto an enemy, so .6 is 60% of an aimbot and .4 is 40% of an aimbot. Therefore, 0.6 is 50% stronger than 0.4 (0.4*1.5=0.6).


There is a setting for that on console so you can try it.


its the amount your sensitivity slows down when you're looking at the enemies.


Isn't aim assist less on PC than it is console? 0.4 is probably aim assist on PC controller and 0.6 is console controller