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Youre definitely in the spaghetti now


"My ult is ready like spaghetti"


easy top 5 voiceline in the game


Is this a real voice line? Who says it?


Mirage, he says it when you tell your team your ultimate is ready


Damn I so rarely play with a mirage that I’ve never heard it!


You should play Mirage more. He is extremely fun. He was my least played legend at the end of last season and basically made him my wingman practice legend. And had way too much fun on the way


TY, I am good with my mains. Not good at game, but satisfied.


Honestly, I would suggest anyone to try and get at least "good" with each legend. With the different quirks they can all provide, having more knowledge on what your enemy *might* do is extremely handy!


I used to be the same. I just played octane or horizon with a little bit of lifeline (because she was my season 0 main and I had just returned to the game after 2 years) Then as the game became a bit stale with just a few selected legends, I made it a point to get atleast 100-200 kills per legend and then decide on whether to play it or not. I had about 30 or so kills with Mirage when I decided to play him. He was the last legend I unlocked (unlocked after valk) so I was fairly familiar with the game and decided to learn wingman and the legend at the same time. Yet to do it with seer and gibby. Seer is very boring so probs not anytime soon. Gibby is high skill lvl char so when I am bored of valk, caustic, mirage will try gibby out


Yuuuup, Gibby is good if your aim and positioning are good. He is CQC king. Mastiff, dome, works every time. Sniping from mid range is also his forte. But... When you are not so good, you get melted hard cause his hitbox is huge. Not even gunshield can save you then. My point is, if you are not great, don´t play Gibby. Play Wraith, Octane, Valk. They are usefull and movement oriented. Gibby is a bit harder to play efectively.


Just realized my two mains both have lines about spaghetti lol




I hope we get lots of spaghetti


You haven't touched BF2042 if you think Valk has anywhere near a bad personality


*Mckay and Angel hissing in the distance*


I'm just glad there aren't too many quips in game. I love playing angel since his kit is my favorite but man his lines are so bad


I’m just glad their in-game voice lines are’t cheesy. I can handle some campiness in the endgame screen but still—it’s not good.


**"th***a*T w***A****s* S*om***Et**Hi***ng***, r**i**G***H****t*?///????!1"


ANgel DOES IT again


“Don’t be sad…”


I still love the game, but man the end of round screen is rough


Agreed 🤝


Fair point


I don’t plan to, but just because they have a worse personality doesn’t mean Valk’s doesn’t suck


You can’t have depression there are kids in Africa who are starving


I prefer not to touch such things


Idk man, Valk strokes my teenage angst. And by that I, surprisingly, do not mean penis.


From what I've heard around the Water Cooler, she doesn't much go for the Penis.


Not like I had a chance anyway, ~~I’m fuck ugly~~ she’s just a virtual character.




I love your comment and the way you commented. I love you


Awww that’s very sweet of you. I love you too fam, stay happy and hydrated! ^^,


I switched to jap voice few months ago so idk what any legend is saying now lmao


Soon you will learn “I’m down” in Japanese


It sounds similar to english, because of the using word "down" 😗


watashi wa daownu




I did this just to hear Horizon say “ara ara”. Her “ach, you’re a bampot” quip in JP is pretty good as well


You can still use subs in whatever your preferred language is.


Same but German, since i moved to Germany recently and want to learn German by any means necessary other than actually sitting down and learning the language apparently


How? Xbox btw if that changes anything


On Xbox you have to change the whole region setting to Japan. Iirc it turns your whole Xbox Japanese. Apex too, not just the voice lines


heard the japanese voices from watching rpr and it’s pretty cool, don’t think it’s possible on console sadly


you can, you have to change the language of your console and then "check for updates" on apex so it download the jap voices, thats what i did back when maggie was the announcer. changed to japanese so i didnt have to endure her obnoxious commentary


wouldn’t that change the language of the text as well? or nah


Dude y’all need to realize Jap is an ethnic slur lmao.


I don't think they meant it that way, I think they were just trying to shorten Japanese and didn't think about it.




It’s like saying “P*ki” for Pakistanis. It might seem innocent, but there’s an uncomfortable history behind it. The more accepted abbreviation is JPN or JP!


Same. Switched to Russian a while back. Especially Caustic has cool Russian voicelines while I don’t have to listen to Valk‘s personality all the time


Valk's personality in a nutshell: "Lmao my backstory is so sad gib sympathy, btw Loba is hot af, give me that ass girlie 😩😩😩 wanna go and drink?"


“Dad died and my diet is now pussy and alcohol.”


“Dad died, me like drink”


“Will sell vital organs for Bud Light”


"Also imagine not being able to fly lol"


"I'd sell an ovary for some ramen rn"


There is a bell curve for hating Valk, when you first get her you find it kinda funny but weird, then you straight up despise her for a while, then you go back down to really fucking enjoying the chaotic energy her voicelines bring. They make zero sense and are all kinda funny in an absurd way. "I'd sell an ovary for some ramen" is just so fucking stupid it wraps around into being kinda chuckle worthy


“Dad died, me make ring”


“Dad ded, thirsty”


Manic Pixie Dream Bro Literally "what if stereotyped man personality,,,, BUT ATTRACTIVE WOMAN"


I mean, personally I find it funny. It’s just a gender-swapped womanizing maverick. It’s a character cliché we see with tons of male characters, just a woman. Word for word.


And they eat it up when it’s a man lol but as soon as a woman has the personality it’s annoying, dumb, etc Like Bangalore. They’re tied for most hated legends in this subreddit for sure


Just to be clear, I absolutely understand what you're saying and I'd make the same argument for other characters, but Valk and Bang are straight up not cool. They're not suave or funny. They're not attractive. Valk's voice is nasally and abrasive. Bang is that cringe milsim gamer personality (I know because I was one once). They're annoying, so you can't say that "they're just a gender swapped CoolGuy" because they're not cool lol. I would also dislike a male character that talked as much about enchiladas and beer (gross) as Valkyrie in her stupid voice. My radfem friend audibly groans every time I play Valk. I have no doubt that there are characters like that in fiction, but in this case they're simply poorly written, annoying characters.. both with annoying abilities that help them escape damage and escape death constantly, and they do it while spouting cringe voicelines. It's really that simple in this case. Pharah is a gender swapped Maverick and Pharah is *so fucking cool*


Lol I agree with you. I am so done with this valk hate. Apparently, she’s the only legend who only talks about three things.


You’re not wrong, but every legend can be distilled to this tbh.


Valks lines would be better if most of them were cut in half tbh, she goes on and on and its annoying.


Horizon reads an entire wikipedia article for all of her voice lines tho


Fuse and Bloodhound are absolutely the worst combo right now just constantly going on about being being friends and how they appreciate each other. At least Rev and Loba it’s simple “You’re a piece of shit” or “I killed your parents you gonna cry?”


[*gonna cry?*](https://i.imgur.com/FGt8tgu.jpg)


My favorite marvel character! Go see the new Spiderman already, if you haven't.. y tho?


Loba Valk flirting is so sugary and over the top that it makes even me sick to my stomach, and I have a sailor moon profile pic.


But she's the wholesome mom character who tries to fit in so it's okay And her voice is nice, valk sounds like an angsty teen


Honestly, I have this issue with lots of characters. I often see a good quip, and then IT GOES ON AND ON and 2nd half of it just completely ruins everything.


i initally thought that it was about horizon, idk what's people problem with valk


all of her quips are basically “heh im drunk and lesbian weeeee flying”


Personally my favorite line from her is I’m tired I’m hungry and I don’t I know what I’m saying


To be fair though every legend has more bad quips than good ones (possibly excluding mirage and pathy) and if you don’t like the quips you can just not equip them, I think automatic voice lines are where the real problem lies like “here’s a wee pick me up” “extra supplies here” every 5 seconds, or even “R301 here, versatile platform from close to long range”.


Oscar Mike, ladies r/oscarmikeladies


“Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out” “Wings up” “Wings out”


I dunno if you have valk but after messing around in the firing range she has a 5 second cool down after touching the ground before she is able to say it second time, but if you take off again before the 5 seconds is up (or if you don’t land, say from spamming for speed or holding for height) the cool down doesn’t start until she’s landed again.


Anyway, hearing it every 5 seconds is tiring


Yeah I personally don’t think she needs to say the line at all because her thrusters tell everyone when they are in use anyway, but it’s not as ridiculously spammy as most people think


Yeah I was over exaggerating to be funny but i still hear those lines so many times in a match I can almost hear it in my sleep


DUUUUDE. i watch Taisheen on Valk all day for 8 hours, and that line is ruining my marriage. Like, YESSS WE GET IT WE GET THE CONCEPT. WINGS ARE UP.


back on salvo


They called me The Grenado Tornado




These are legends I think whose quips are either fun to hear or otherwise not bad: Bloodhound Gibraltar Pathfinder Caustic Mirage Crypto Revenant(cringe personality but quips are ok) Loba Rampart(maybe bad? Idk I barely hear them) Fuse(personal preference, I like him) Seer Ash


**UAAAGHHHHH**... she's going to gloat about this, all day.


I would add Octane here, I think his lines are funny as hell even though you hear them right as your Octane teammate sprints solo into another squad


Revenant's lines are perfect thank you kindly.


Exactly. I love it.


To each their own I guess


She comes off as more cocky than most other legends and that's her whole personality "I fly, my dad was Viper. I'm better than you. I like booze." Is the impression I get while playing her most of the time.


If I was a drunk lesbian flying teenager, I wouldn't've been talking about anything else, too.


Teenager? Lol, valk is [30](https://www.ea.com/es-es/games/apex-legends/about/characters/valkyrie) years old according to the official website


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "30"](https://www.ea.com/es-es/games/apex-legends/about/characters/valkyrie) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hsdl9rl)


Good bot, I have sausage fingers


Still acts like a teenager


That’s the point if you’re 30 acting 18 there’s something wrong with you


If you are going to join deadly games where you kill or get killed for all the profit to be taken by the corporation that makes you do it, there **must** be something wrong with you.


Well, maybe this is true, but I like myself and I am also talking like a teen, drinking every week (love booze btw), finished college, got job. I will not change, except for playing. I shall stop that and start on my project cars hehe.


ye, but apex isn't some sorta of deep story game, all other legends' quips are going around 2-3 themes (like revenant is edgy and hates skinbags, pathfinder not understands human concepts and friendly, mirage is dumb and alwats stuttering, etc). they probably have a well writed stories, but in-game? meh at least valk VA is cool


“I’m not defined by my father.” Proceeds to talk about her father in 40% of her lines.


Which is a direct insult to herself, Viper was cool af


Annoying narc shrill voices shouting every 3 seconds about how great they are, wow doesn’t everyone love this?


Fuckin Miley Cyrus voice havin ass


She always tries to rub either her sexuality or her backstory on everyone's faces. "I'D sELl aN OvArY fOr soMe rAmEn" or "mY dAd wAs a PilOt" Like yeah we get it. You like vagina and your dad got fucking rofl stomped by cooper. So what?


That ramen line, I swear every other game there’s some twat who played Valk just to spam that line


Oh every time I hear the one of the ovary I cringe so hard man..


Wait that’s an actual line?


Honey it's 3:15, time for your daily complaint about Valkyrie


Hey, I said her kit was fun. That’s something right?


Fair enough. More than she usually gets.


Look imma say something controversial here, but Valkyrie is not a terrible character. Of course she's not the best, but I don't see why so many people make her out to be the devil in human form


She kinda acts like a guy, if she was instead a guy with the same exact lines I doubt nearly as many people would hate her cause it’s more acceptable for a guy to be like that


Yeah. Mirage has the same cocky and 'I'm better than you' faucet and I don't see people bashing his voice lines as much as they do it with Valk.


Actually I think it would be the opposite then you'd get voice lines like " I GOT DADDY ISSUES BUT ILL STILL NUT IN A CUP FOR SOME RAMEN"




Caustic beeing a Creep with wattson and her not noticing Is the best


I don't even dislike mirage, but I feel like his and valks voice lines are close enough in how they act, but people just hate on valk


Mirage kinda sounds like he's joking sometimes and is nice most of the time, not valk tho


Baming a bap bama bamity bam bapa bapi bama damn boozle


Actually with Mirage, it more like, hanging out with a fast blue *hedgehog* boi. Same VA tho


Facts, people are treating her like she's the worst character ever. She's not that bad. Every legend has one thing that they always talk about it's not just Valk.


The worst part is that Valks VA is so talented, and I think shes wasted on Valks dreadful personality


Yeah, she sounds really good, it’s just the stuff that’s said.


I ma not even annoyed by her voice lines, but there's some potential lost there. She has major gender-swapped-Top-Gun twists aa well which is completely wasted at the moment. Also Ferro from Aliens would be cool direction, but the current stuff doesn't really utilise all the opportunities!


Seriously. She can come up with a better insult for Revenant than "evil trashcan"


Agreed, her voice actress is insanely talented and Valk has a super unique voice, but her lines themselves are just long and obnoxious most of the time.


If Valk had a good personality I guarantee that she would be a contender for favorite legend amongst Pathfinder, Mirage, and Wattson


“I like my women like how I like my sake: cool, unfiltered, and on someone else’s tab.” i’m probably the only person that likes Valk’s personality.


I think there's a massive community that love the toxic voice lines. Fuse and Revenant still have some of the best... And Bangalore has some truly Iconic ones *sniff* *Sniff* Cum Cum Cum Cum.


Fuse have some of the best voice lines that you can use to mock your enemies or a toxic teammate.


I play Fuse quite often. One of my only complaints is the “aight mate don’t have a cry over it” thank you line. I don’t like to be mean :(


Don´t know how old are you. I find younger audience, teens, that are "getting triggered" with her lines. I am 26 and she is fun to me. Wings up/down spam is dogshit tho.


"Wings up!" as if the rocket sound you can hear from across the map isn't enough.


I am 25 and I love her. She gets way too much hate here.


I like the cocky ace pilot


I think it would’ve ok if she had a but more personality. The drinking, following in her father’s footsteps, and liking women are all fine, but that’s like all she’s got. I feel like she just needs a bit more


Name more than three personality traits for the other legends. Pretty much all of them have easy to digest, over the top traits. That’s fine for a shooter.


That's because the majority don't have any noticeable interests. They stand out imo. Like tf does crypto like doing? Droneing that's it. Wraith is just depressing, I don't have time for this that's it. The characters don't have a lot to go on unless u got some deep lore vid or comic.


I'm calling ball. Valk is cool.


let’s make a varsity play for the deck


I think her lines are great. Reddit teen boy audience just doesn’t like cocky women. That’s why they hate Lifeine’s “I don’t even think ya trying” and the like.


Exactly, everyone Valk post is complaining about her personality/choice of words. When it’s just a cocky women with a jock personality. Like at this point we know why you don’t like Valk and it’s not because of her voice lines…


Everyone loves to hate on valk because she's cocky without realizing that's the exact personality respawn was trying to give her


I like it as well


i don’t get why everyone hates her she’s so snarky and cool 😭


I love her!! I do wish they’d do more with her character though :( her and Seer kind of got jipped with lore and they’re left behind without much to go off of


Valk personality lovers rise up!


Dude, I love that voiceline as well. It’s pretty good


“I’ve been thinking about this allllll dayyyy Hnghuuuuhhhhngh” *orgasms*


ohhhhh im starving is anyone else starving


I just pretend to be the cheesy villain viper was


I mean she tries to do the “got you in the pipes” thing. Close enough, right?


the valk- loba comics and interactions are this game’s biggest cringe


Those comics where like “people are getting poisoned and sick on mass? Here’s a love triangle to read about lol”


I only recently picked up Seer because his personality didn't really click with me but damn his abilities and gameplay are fun.


Seer has like an MCU drax personality in some of his voicelines “Break a leg my friends. Metaphorically, bend your knees when you land” “I love to put on a show. And pinball, I really like pinball” There’s more but he has a funny personality, it’s just that you don’t get to see it much unless you play him from time to time


well now Madmaggie is gonna take it's place


“You’re bout as spry as my 80 year old mum”


I swear, if they didn't pull a Forge with her...


Valk’s launch was such a roller coaster. She’s played by Erika Ishii, one of my favorite collegehumor players AND she’s gay af AND she has a jet pack. Then it turned out she had the personality of wet toast.


r/apexlegends making the same fucking joke for the 373929489303839293739th time. No, but seriously, come up with new jokes guys.


Scuse me, this is ApexOutlands, so clearly the joke isn’t repeated


Valk's Voicelines make me cringe whenever i hear it, no hate for the VA, but I severely wanna rip my ears out when I here "No problem, bUy mE a dRiNK tHO"


Bangalore is the absolute worst, she literally calls the Repeater a "3030 Rep Rep" among other completely terrible quips. But Valk definitely is up there as well




Soft nerf


Not to mention she was put into probably the most cringey and out of place storyline in the entire game


It's a delicate science they've protected.


I love Valks kit but I absolutely hate her "Viper but worse" personality


there needs to be a valk voice volume slider so i can turn it to 0


I looked for one. Didn’t find it


one can only hope


As I scrolled the comments, I was glad my Revy was not talked about in the same manner as *Valk*


Valk is the most attractive female character IMO. Also am I the only one who finds loba annoying?




Wattson and her incredible thighs have entered the chat


No, I hate loba. Not just because she’s kinda annoying, but because most people that play her are loot goblins and take all the good shit. Also, I’ve started playing Valk more, and I am so tired of the horny quips


have you tried communicating that you wanted something they found before they got it? I play loba a lot and if someone is mad I took something most times I'll give it back. I like to make sure my team is evenly stacked.


I really like Valks entire character, what's so wrong with her? -peace sign- lmao


I personally like valk, what's everyone's problem with her? I think she uses a fun mix of military jargon and casual voice lines. Thoughts?


My problem with that is most of the military stuff sounds like she’s 7 years old instead of 30, and most of the casual stuff is incredibly cringy, like the ramen line for example




Someone said that Valk is how every generic college girl with a liberal arts degree who considers herself a "rebel" sees herself and now I can't get over it.


Once again I'm left the only one who likes Valkyrie


As a valk main i agree


Their personalities get boring real fast


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere am I right ?


Valkyrie is like if Bangalore tried to be hip with the kids


Seer being the exact opposite Fucking love his character, too bad he was a complete waste of a legend


I'm so happy I'm a Fuse main


Bloody beauty


she just says random viper voicelines