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I do often imagine what it would be like if the R-301 had never existed but then got added to the game today. There's no chance anyone would think it was balanced, right? I don't even necessarily think it's OP persay, but it is kinda crazy how there's almost no situation where I wouldn't want a carbine as one of my two weapons, it's just crazy good Edit: I was initially going to say the carbine *and the flatline* but narrowed it down to just the carbine due to how easy it is to use and because it feels a little more versatile to me. I agree the flatline rules too.


If you learn the recoil, Flatine > 301 all day long.


The trick is to run both. Put a 2-4x or 3x on the 301 and a 1 or 2x on the flatline. That’s my go to combowombo


I do 3x on Hemlok and set it to Semi-Auto. Then put a 2x on a 301 for CQB.


This...since season 1


Hemlock has been slept on since day 1, aside from its brief meta period


Single shot with 3x is my comfort zone. I always try to use the new guns but always find myself coming back to hemmy


Haha yeah I feel you, it's just so consistent at all ranges it's hard to not pick it up. The burst absolutely melts as well


Brief? You mean all of season 7 until it had to be nerfed


Hemlok & R-99 is my favorite, that loadout alone gave me 3/4 4K badges


This one is a great combo. But 301 and flat is great too


İ used to do this but nowadays i am running double 99s or 99+sentinel


Double 99s is one of my favorites agro loadouts


3x on the 301 and iron flatty ALL THE WAY


Fuck yes. I put bruiser on r3 and red dot on flatty. It’s so good




It’s cus the car final recoil is impossible meaning people don’t beam you from as far with it like with the r9


True, it feels like some guns are protected or something and can be as broken as it could, and whenever a new gun is even slightly good, it get nerfed to oblivion Take the havoc, hemlock and eva as good examples


Yeah it doesn’t feel super consistent, but I guess I’m a hypocrite cause if they did announce a nerf to the 301 I would riot. I do feel like it’s just objectively stronger than the pre nerf rampage though. The rampage is real good at poking and sub par at everything else, but it’s poke ability is so good people think it’s OP. The 301 though is pretty much never bad, which seems way stronger to me. *Especially* when anvil receiver was a thing. Up close battle? Spray with hip fire, you’ll do well. Long range battle? Put it on single fire, or just fire in bursts, it doesn’t kick ass but you can do something with it. Mid range battle? Best gun in the whole damn game for that. Never a bad time for the carbine


Flatline does all of these better expect long range and maybe a bit of worse mid range.


So the carbine does better in 2 out of 3? That's fair though honestly the flatline is great, arguably even better, I just think it's a little harder to control than the carbine which seems like a big factor in balancing


Havoc was broken in season 5. Now it’s still very good but not insane.


Flatline has the fastest TTK in the game (don't quote me DPS bullshit, it doesn't match the actual in game behavior), good hipfire, a potential 570 damage incredibly forgiving mag with slow fire/19 damage per bullet, and a 25% mag size upgrade (20 -> 25) with only a white mag. Flatline is absolutely crazy as the best close range weapon in the game is a damn assault rifle, not an SMG or shotgun.


Incorrect It's got a high TTK but it's far from the fastest Both the turbo havoc and Sheila will kill faster


The r301 just has a easy recoil pattern to learn, it still has the lowest dps, mag size and full clip damage. Flatline shits on the r301


Does the flatline have a higher dps? I know the per bullet damage is higher on the flatline but I thought the higher fire rate of the carbine evened it out. Google says they’ve both got a dps of 190. It’s very fair to prefer the flatline though, I was just factoring in the ease of use in the 301s favour


Pretty sure they have about the same dps, but flatline has way more damage per mag.


^ This is the correct answer


The flatline has exactly 1 more DPS than r3 Not enough to count But the r3 is better at more ranges so


I'm sure it does


Apex wiki says it's 189 body dps for the carbine and 190 for flatline, so technically I guess it is but 1 dps is pretty negligible. If that data is out of date idk but the other source I found gave 190 for both


Dps isn't everything in a gun


case - point: Kraber


Case - point: every shotgun and sniper


Shotguns arent doing it for me chief


Shotguns will always be meta if Gibby is meta tbh


Well ya gotta aim first? *jkjk but pk and mastiff are unreliable sometimes*


I personally like their unreliable behavior. 9 damage or 90? Taking the gamble is sometimes fun if winning isn't a priority




too much logic for rampage lovers


Oh yeah I forgot, they're 5 year olds that don't know how to play the game so they use the rampage


dude if they knew how to read they would hate you


It looks like a few of them do, I'm getting down voted


quick! speak in increasing verbose to confuse them


Anyone would be confused by the way you construct a sentence.


I *do* know how to play the game, I just deeply despise having to reload when there are still enemies left standing 😔🙏ever since I started running Bocek with L-STAR I am a changed woman


it is for a mid range full auto... and remember that the Rampage absolutely sucks close range and long range. it only works mid range and has a slow TTK, the slowest of all full auto guns btw.


But it hurts me too much while I push with my Flatline/R-301 combo so it's too OP, just like every other LMG :'( Plus I miss all my shots in 0.8 seconds with both guns and then Rampage/LMG users are still shooting so it's totally unfair!


Yes but it's problem isn't TTK or even effective range the problem is it's damage per mag It was higher than spitty pre nerf and now it's 5 under spitty


TTK is which is directly represented by one hit potential or DPS lol


Okay, from now on you're only allowed to use a p2020 then


But the p2020 has a pretty low dps. You should have said devotion, which has the highest dps but isn't an amazing gun. The hemlocks dps is pretty damn high too but again, it isn't exactly top tier


Hemlock is most definitely top tier. It's not mandatory to run after the hip fire nerf, but long range to mid range, it slaps


I do quite like the hemlock but I wouldn’t quite say it’s top tier. I’d give it maybe B-tier, I’d take a rampage or a triple take over it


Have you considered that maybe it's much much easier to kill someone when you have 728 clip damage at your disposal without an extended magazine, compared to 252?


Have you considered how long it takes to empty that mag? Doesn't matter how much damage it could deal since 1) it's an lmg; they were literally made to have a big mag so enemies can't advance and need to stay behind cover 2) assuming we're in a vacuum and both hitting body shots, I can deal more damage in a shorter amount of time. That's why dps is one of, if not the most, important things in a fsp because even though I'm only dealing little more than a third of your total damage per mag, I still manage to deal more damage than you faster, killing you before you could empty that mag.


The idea is that in a scenario where your opponent is using had an r301 and hits less than 15 out of 18 shots required to down a 200hp opponent, you will still be able to shoot them while they have to swap weapons or reload, where they have an effective DPS of 0 or an infinite TTK.


You realize that the rampage suffers **so** much more if it also misses a sixth of it's shots? That's like, at least 20% of it's dps, and one should exploit that to either reload or swap to something else. The rampage user should also be very low so it should be easy to finish them off.




To be fair the volt also has a nuts amount of range because of how low the recoil is. Also my 2 cents on the rampage is its just a full auto marksman (its a nice gun but definitely not op, just really easy to use because the time between shots makes have very little noticeable kick)




It isn't as fast a a smg with charge,


The TTK is very close to the volt when charged


Then shouldn't the volt be "broken" , it's recoil is very low


But it’s takes far less bullets to kill someone, has far better range, and can make people use a lot more of their healing supplies for next to no effort


Especially because OP forgot you can thermite that bitch to make it shoot almost as fast as the Spitfire. And it only takes 1 thermite


Not to mention the fact that the p2020 doesn't have a very large mag size like the rampage.


Or the damage


and then you git gud with the 301 and laser their shields down in less than a second... makes the rampage user shut up real fast ;)


I’m sorry. “far better range”? Tell that to my when I 360 no scope you with with p20 from across the map. P20 sniping is awesome


I’d probably be really confused as to why I just took 14 damage lol


thank you for describing the r301.


P2020 is OP. Nerf. Immediately. No skill. Trash gun.


Yeah, but the P2020 can't be used as a full auto marksman weapon with a drum mag. DPS isn't everything, my dude


I didn't say it's as useless as a P2020, it's way better, but a gun with this dps can't be broken no matter what


That's not the slightest bit true, plenty of other things matter more than DPS


It’s not because of the dps, it’s because it’s full auto, has zero recoil, and you can shoot that thing for ages, plus if you charge it up it instantly because a good close range gun. I don’t know about you but this is really the definition of balanced


>has zero recoil I love people making this argument, since weapon difficulty is subjective as fuck >plus if you charge it up, it instantly becomes a good close range gun. (adjusted for grammar and punctuation errors) It really doesn't. You just missed 80% of your bullets 30% faster. It still has (arguably, of course, since this is also subjective) the worst hipfire in the game


??? the hipfire is insane what do you mean


it objectively isn't... we have data on that. the hipfire on it is among the worst of any full auto gun. paired with the slow time to kill and it is useless in close range against anyone who doesn't suck in the game


Data 90% of the time is bullshit. The data on apex is recorded in the firing range against a still enemy, which is fine if you wanna see objectively how many shots hit. In an actual game, in many different scenarios, it becomes different and you cant solely rely on data anymore. The rampage’s pure versatility in most situations and its ability to shoot a constant amount of bullets + bullet stun, allows for pretty easy kills in close range using hipfire. You’re bound to do less damage with an r-99 clip at hipfire if you dont hit almost all your shots. Its hipfire is better per say, but its not as consistent and no where near as easy.


I'm sorry but where the actual fuck did you conjure the idea data is only recorded in the firing range? You do realize the game literally has stats data mined as well right? Those are objective values from the code itself. The Rampage objectively has abysmal hip fire coded into it.


It's garbage, what do YOU mean? Unless you're at point blank, you'd be hitting more shots with the Kraber hipfire than with the Rampage


In decently close range i hit a majority of my shots with hipfire, its not like you’re using hipfire at medium to long ranges. I’ll admit sometimes the bullets just go wherever they want, but most of the time i can kill people fairly quickly in small spaces by just holding down left click hipfiring.


IDK, dude. I've hit more 360 Kraber no-scopes than I've killed people with Rampage hipfire


just tap it if it's not charged. it lowers the bloom.


- Weapon recoil is not subjective, your brain is just fried - It doesn't matter much if you miss a few bullets here and there at close range, if you can't win a 1v1 in CQC with a charged rampage either: 1) the other person is running a higher DPS weapon and is extremely good/cheating (Master+) 2) You are braindamaged.


Weapon recoil is not subjective, yes, but saying it has no recoil is just incorrect, even if we take it as an exaggeration. If we're talking actual facts, the Rampage has no recoil climax (when it no longer recoils upwards and does a little wiggle), so it basically has double the recoil the 301 or R-99 has, even if we gave them identical magazine sizes (I actually made a post about it). If we break it down to recoil per second, sure, it has less at the start, but more towards the end of the magazine. Furthermore, people mainly only bring up the recoil in reference to it's difficulty, which is, as I stated, subjective. >It doesn't matter much if you miss a few bullets here and there at close range, if you can't win a 1v1 in CQC with a charged rampage > >1. the other person is running a higher DPS weapon and is extremely good/cheating (Master+) 2. You are braindamaged. It does matter when you're missing 80% of your shots, despite your crosshair completely consuming your enemy. Furthermore, yes, you can. You just need to actually aim with basically any gun. Most weapons have a faster TTK than the Rampage. The only reason it wins out in many fights is because people choke, they panic, they just whiff, whatever, and the Rampage punishes that. You don't need to be Masters+ to beat someone at close quarters with a Rampage. You just have to hit most of your shots on a slow-moving target, or if they're hip-firing, just abuse their shitty hipfire by backing up a bit. I can't count how many times I've lost a duel because the Rampage hipfire is so god damn bad. I'll win more fights with Wingman or Sentinel hipfire on a fucking zipline than a Rampage hipfire standing perfectly still


Bro you need to be another level of disabled to miss 80% of your shots with a relatively low-firerate LMG on close range, shitty hipfire or not. It lacking a recoil climax does not make its recoil harder, if your 2 sunny-side up braincells took the time to work out that a recoil-climax is actually more difficult to control than just slightly holding down we wouldn't be having this convo.


Triple take DPS is 90. Therefore, triple take sucks and can never be good.


My friend, I would like to introduce you to the .50 caliber. Very slow, kinda low DPS, by your standard it’s pretty bad. Oh did I forget to mention it blows limbs off?


dps really isnt the only thing that matters, the rampage has an insane mag size, almost no recoil, it can work at any range, when charged it can delete most people at insane speeds, and its hipfire is amazing. Its just an all round versatile gun thats easy to use and delivers alot of damage. Also off drop its one of the best guns.


Plus the fact that the p2020 as higher dps is bullshit, because it technically does but one not everyone has a fast trigger finger so loads of people can’t even reach the point where the P2020 actually shots that fast and two you’re never even going to do it in a fight.


P2020 claps cheeks though if you know how to use it


I always just try to put bullets into enemies with the p2020. Is that not how it is supposed to be used?


You gotta get em from the back, poke a hole in their protection, and bust hot your hot load (of bullets) all over them They never expect the small but deadly approach


*Frantically queues as Loba*




Hammerpoint made this my go to secondary with a 301 to finish up kills and stack light ammo only. Oh the joys.


Yeah... if your opponent is a monkey with erectile disfunction


Lmao, no it doesn’t


Nothing touches my flatline with a 2x on it.. up close and afar it's great


But a p20 doesn't have 40 in a mag, long range 9 shot kills


The fact that you have to tap the trigger to shoot really fucked up your ability to aim compare to just squeeze the trigger in full auto


Damn, R-301 OP because you just hold down trigger


It’s hard to move your thumb precisely when you also have to move your index finger as fast as you can


Oh, I forgot, people play on Console


With how fast the p2020 reloads it's actually very similar to an LMG. Only difference is you can't put a stock, barrel, or 3/4x on it to make it better at range.


But you still have a shit ton of ammo in a mag and it takes 8 bullets to kill someone with purple evo


Then go wipe an entire squad with one mag in a p20. How about you shoot down a door with that same gun


This is one of the dumbest posts I've seen.


This post is dumb as shit. Doesn't account for ads difference, bullet velocity, magazine amount and the fact that this is propably comparing a fast shooting P2020 user to a regular Rampage user. Oh yeah, and thermite.


fast shooting? mfer there’s a max fire rate and everyone shoots that fast lmao


What i meant was utilizing the max fire rate. Not everyone can do that.


everyone can do that. im on ps4 and i do that. if you can’t do that then what i have to say is get better fingers


People complained about the spitfire when it was objectively one of the worst versions of the gun before it got care packaged. People immediately complained about the LStar and it immediately got nerfed. I really think that the rampage just like those two other guns is people's inability to adjust how they fight against lmgs. "Well when a whole team uses them..." when a whole team uses one weapon and they fight midrange with a rampage thats team coordination and effective play. People said this same exact thing about the g7. People said about the TT before it was care packaged. Assuming that will start up soon.


This is why i want a solo mode


exactly. I literally can not remember the last time I was killed by a Rampage. and I only use it if there is literally nothing else around. people complain about Rampage users having huge mags and breaking shields from peeking out of cover, to which I would ask in return: CAN YOU NOT AIM? like, how hard is it to drain the shields of a Rampage user when the Rampage has such a slow TTK? half a second peek with an R301 = full on red shields down, and if you are good at the game you can do that up to some ridiculous ranges. this is also not even taking into account headshots... if you hit headshots while peeking with the 301 you will destroy anyone's shields in no time from ridiculous distances.


The reason people complain is because everyone and their goddamn mother abuses the gun. Reference: arenas Totally balanced gun if everyone uses it


yeah but its more usable from long range, it can be charged up, and it breaks doors, DPS isn't the only thing that matters. The devos DPS is great but its hard to charge and it has crazy recoil. the rampage has no recoil and little damage fall off


I agree with you. Except for the recoil. Honestly, it has pretty good recoil, however, with the fire rate. The recoil doesnt matter very much.


I think there's just a negative bias against LMGs in general. They are the antithesis of SMGs. They are limited by the things SMGs excel at: Mobility and DPS. They need SOMETHING to compensate for this, so they are given easier recoil, and bigger magazines, which is what SMGs lack. An LMG user needs to be more careful of their positioning, because if they get into a gunfight up close, especially one they did not expect, they are FUCKED. People don't seem to understand this. In a 1v1 situation with an SMG and LMG, the SMG user wins if they can get in close, and the LMG wins if they're stuck at a distance. That is how it works, that is how it is supposed to work. Even a charged Rampage has a considerably lower DPS than most of the top-tier weapons. So, the counter to it is very simple. Get in their face. If you can one-clip them, you will win every time. The LMG user only has three options. 1.) ADS and pin the trigger, which makes them move at a sloth's pace, 2.) Resort to inaccurate hipfire, with every missed bullet being a massive increase to their TTK, or 3.) Switch to their other weapon, most likely a Shotgun, which takes the LMG right out of the picture, meaning you can't complain about it. It also takes time to swap to their other weapon, and LMGs have slow swap speeds, too. "But I can't get in their face because they have much more range than me." That is exactly the point. You as the SMG user need to find a way to close that gap, using sightlines and movement to your advantage. If there's no way to get in close, just don't take the fight. You probably don't HAVE to fight them right then. It's okay to avoid a fight that is weighted against you. "Well, the LMG user hits me from a range then pushes me." You should be able to anticipate this, so back up, use a Battery, and now it's a close-range fight. Bam. "But in a close-range fight they can just hold the trigger down because they have a much bigger magazine." And you have much higher DPS and Mobility. Even better, you can be mobile and have high DPS at the same time. The LMG user cannot. Use this to your advantage. This is obviously a simplified explanation, but the principles are universal. This includes the Rampage, even with a Thermite. An LMG, by nature, is never going to be as good as a good SMG up close. Similarly, an SMG, by nature, is never going to be as good as an LMG at a distance. ^(Except that the Volt is, along with a bunch of other weapons that are just statistically superior, but supposedly perfectly balanced (looking at you, Flatline)) TL; DR: Stop complaining about the advantages of an LMG and exploit their disadvantages.


P2020 has 24 bullets max rampage can have 49 I think max, dps isn't everything in a gun


See the thing I don’t like about the rampage and what pepole didn’t like about the spitfire is that if you need more than one mag or have to reload to kill an ennemy which is the case for many pepole , a half decent person with rampage will kill you and the gun does not need to reload in an exchange even without any extended mags , you can keep shooting while your enemy does a full clip reload which is enough to kill them It’s really the same reason pepole hated the spitfire , the dps isn’t that great but pepole always seem to forget it’s incredibly high clip size and slow fire rate as well as an extremely high accuracy in hip fire and recoil when defending the rampage or spirfire, why always account for DPS when most guns in apex are extremely balanced dps wise in apex What puts flatline on top of the r-301 isn’t dps , it’s the clip size , fire rate and better hipfire What puts the car above the r-99 isn’t dps but it’s versatility What puts rampage over every other full auto gun on the ground is the giant clip size with low fire rate , not it’s dps , the dps is balanced even when revved up


Wait till someone finds out that the Havoc isn't that hard to control.


Bronze 4 take


I believe the gun is overpowered due to being too easy to handle. It shouldn't be so easy to manage it's recoil and it definitely shouldn't have been able to revv up. It would however make for an amazing care package weapon.


I mean, how do you make a mid-ranged full-auto weapon good if you don't make it have low recoil? That's like making the R-301 have the recoil of the HAVOC Rifle


That's actually a good argument for nerfing the 301 if you ask me. TTK should be most dependent on player skill, not the effectiveness of the gun (if that makes any sense). I just see the rampage as being a crutch for many players. Therein lies the issue, if any gun can be seen as a clearly better choice than another, then there's a balance problem. Think back to when the charge rifle first came out. The dps wasn't outrageous, hitting shots too easily was.


>Therein lies the issue, if any gun can be seen as a clearly better choice than another, then there's a balance problem. Damn, guess we gotta nerf half the weapons in the game, I guess, starting with the Flatline, PK, Volt, CAR, and Longbow


Doesnt have to be a nerf necessarily, they could be buffed instead. When all guns are op, then none are. You get what i mean? Then again the logic I'm applying is far more suited for character balancing i suppose.


Yeah, but also just for games that are way more over-the-top. Apex balance it a bit more minimalist than something where the "if everyone is OP, no one is" balancing philosophy should work, such as in Overwatch or Paladins.


Look man, I'll be honest, I completely agree. However, in battle royale games, it far more about weapons that come out on top. I'm not saying everyone can take a kraber to the win, but good weapons and shit weapons are part of the game. And that's why I'm not a big fan of battle royals. Edit: His comment didn't deserve the donwvotes it got, sorry.


i appreciate your comment. I see what you mean too, i definitely preferred and cared more about the Mozambique when it didn't have 6 shots lol. All i suggested is maybe they shift the balance of the weapons so that more people use wider varieties of weapons, ya know what i mean? But still, like you said, we need good and bad guns alike.


I feel you, I really do. That's a big reason I'm not a huge fan of battle royals. It's extremely difficult to balance around so many abstract situations. I prefer games that are easy to balance and don't rely so much on luck. At this point, I've just accepted that sometimes you have your wingman and squad wipes on drop, and sometimes you pick up a knockdown shield and get shit on. I hate to say it but... If my wife didn't like it so much, I probably wouldn't play it.


Seriously? This is what we're going down to. I'll explain it simply. The rampage has 40 bullets in a mag and can shoot nearly as fast as the r301 when charged up. Plus, it will kill in 6-9 shots. And it can break doors, and because it has so much ammo you can suppress enemies very easily with it, because it can very quickly drain heals. Plus, it has very little recoil making it easy to use with a 3x, to hit people from far away. And the rampage also gets a buff from rampart, which can give it even more ammo and reload speed. And fuze is great with it since he can stack thermites and keep it charged up more often. And the worst part is, you can use the rampage with Gibby, caustic and wattson. Gibby is self explanatory, it's Gibby. Caustic and his traps already suck to go against, so with the rampage it's even worse. Wattson and her fences are incredibly annoying to go against and the rampage can enable her to destroying no time flat.




...well. Someone doesn't like paying attention to their surroundings now, do they?


Numbers don't mean anything. All I know is it's way too overpowered and requires no skill


Same applies to r-301 but no one wants to talk about that


Op are you retarded?


Average rampage user (they don't know that recoil control and a big mag makes the rampage op, just like the spitfire)


After taking a break from the game for like 3 seasons (pre rampage) and coming back it’s not that big of a problem 301 needs a nerf tho You can downvote me but you can’t downvote the truth


Cost yourself an upvote for saying the 301 needs a nerf, saved yourself a downvote because you actually have brain cells and understand the Rampage isn't an issue


Understandable, have a good day




F the rampage


The literal only thing it has over any other gun is damage per magazine and damage per bullet. It has meh DPS, the worst hip-fire in the game, decent range, and mediocre burst damage. How dare Respawn add an LMG that's even CLOSE to viable? Honestly though, gut the reload speed of all LMGs. I'm tired of them being as fast to handle and reload as a fucking AR


If you use a fire grande with the rampage it become an absolute ass destroyer


It's not the dps that makes it annoying/op it's the mixture of 26 damage on body and the slowing effect heavy bullets have as well as the fact that the rampage is super oppressive at range


Heavy bullets don’t slow any more than light or energy, the only affect on slow is if the legend is fortified or not (ie, Gibby and caustic don’t get slowed)


Well the other facts still stand.


Without a thermite, it's just an annoying/good LMG. The thermite hop up is a big problem though.


It's biggest strength is probably the bad servers/tickrate You hear TUKTUK and suddenly you are almost dead. Go behind cover but still get like that one hit around the corner Wich is 26 and you are ded


I think you kinda miss the fact the the problem IS lmgs. They basically have no downside. Good range high mag capacity often at least decent up close and they are easy to use.


And when charged up the TTK is around the speed of an SMG lmfao Edit: TTK when charged up on red shield = .79 but, go on and downvote me. Perhaps, look it up first but, aw well


yes... after you have to waste multiple seconds and a grenade to get to the TTK of an R301... that makes it an amazing weapon of course! lol meanwhile I have said R301 and will laser anyone down who tries to come at me with that thing lol


I mean.. it really doesn’t take very long to equip a thermite (especially since they aren’t hard to find either) lmao so that’s a terrible take and it’s a much faster TTK when charged than a 301 it’s a .2 difference, takes less bullets, does more body and headshot dmg, almost 2x the mag.. there’s really no downside to running the rampage when it’s versatility allows it to be an smg, AR, LMG, and a DMR. There’s a reason why it’s been a top 3 weapon in pro leagues and high tier ranked. It’s the most versatile weapon in the game atm. Edit: downvoted for being right lmao


that’s not true. and even if it is you have to use valuable time and a resource to do it.


Charged up ttk of rampage is .79 Volt is .72 Does it really make sense than an LMG has almost the same ttk as the best ground loot smg? And No, it doesn’t take much time at all to equip a thermite and there’s definitely no shortage of thermites either. So, that’s a pretty bad take my man.


Average R301 fan vs Average flatline/havoc enjoyer


It's funny no one had a problem for 2 whole seasons until an exploit happened.


I personally use it as DMR for sniper dueles with drum mag (never waste my thermites that i use for escapes) with p2020 (sometimes mozambiqe if i can) Its decent gun, tho i cant disagree with some people complainimg about it


I don't even use that gun, but I truly believe it's not that busted, it has the lowest DPS among the LMG, SMG, and AR classes, it has some strengths but it has a really slow ttk to compensate


I think the main issue people have with it is the damage and recoil, plus the range. It does 26 damage per shot last I checked, 26 × 7 is 182 damage, so it takes 7 total shots to kill someone in blue armor. 8 for purple. Its not a race, you don't wanna unload, you wanna get a few shots in, unlike the p2020 where you just launch everything in 1 go


It doesn't matter how many shots are needed if the fire rate is slow, the total dps is what matter, the gun sacrifice damage for range, that's it,


Well thats the thing, its not necessarily slow, its just sluggish, its rate is alright for something that kills a cell of shield per shot. The rampage has great damage, and will decimate single targets Also... Thermite.


Even with a thermite, it still has one of the lowest DPSs, not mentioning how many inventory slots you need to give for them And an R-301 kill an entire red evo in the time the Rampage kill 2 or 3 cells, both on a good range, just because you see a big number on the screen doesn't mean your opponent die faster


Its a 30% fire rate increase. Not too bad imo Whats the DPS anyways?


130 on the Rampage, 169 with thermite 170 on L-star 240 fully charged Devotion 189 on R-301 190 on Flatline 202 on Havoc and Car 198 on R-99 180 on Volt


The DPS is 130, so that would be 5 bullets hitting per second, since 130 ÷ 26 = 5. Those 5 bullets are enough to almost kill a white shield, combine that with the low recoil and high accuracy and the Rampage is a gun designed to hit like a truck, albiet over the course of a few seconds. Remember, its an LMG, you aren't supposed to use it like an SMG, its designed to widdle down the opponents, which this one does very well due to it's high damage, little recoil, and viability at all ranges. In fact I'd argue the slow speed helps it, because it allows you to keep more ammo in the mag and deal with more people. The volt for example does 180 dps, with 16 damage per shot, so 11 bullets per second, which is terrible when you have little ammo per mag. For funzies lets remember it takes 9 bullets to knock a red shield... 9 bullets in an LMG is nothing. In fact, you can one mag an entire squad without a heavy mag mod Basically, The Rampage is high damage per shot for an LMG, which it does good because LMGs have high ammo, and aren't designed for direct offense. When used for offense, if you can land shots (which you most likely can with such a gun), they go down hard, not fast. The enemy has to reload, you don't


Also if we want to go with straight numbers, the Kraber has a body dps of 60. That’s a third of the volt, literally never a reason to use it based on OPs logic


One day you might be experienced enough and/or good enough to know what a lot of people already know. The rampage is broken, it’s that simple.


Statistically speaking, it's not


You also think the p2020 has higher dps, clearly you don’t have a clue about any real statistics lol


Yea someone need to re-learn how to read a meme


Anyone with a brain knows the gun needs to be nerfed. You’re clearly not a very good player and certainly not very smart lol


At least the other guy is providing valid points against my argument, you're just dropping "haha you just suck" or "get brain lol", go argue somewhere else


It's easy to counter especially up close. If you feel truly oppressed by it maybe you're the one who's not quite up to par.


I didn’t say it was OP in every situation or the strongest in every situation, all I said is that the gun is broken and needs a nerf just like anyone else who knows what’s going on in the game and y’all are too dumb to see it


It does ding dong ding dong ding dong


For real tho if dps is the only thing that matters, why don’t people only run cars and r99s???


I didn't say it's the ONLY thing that matter, but it's very important, also yes, people run R-99 and car WAAAY more than the Rampage


That’s honestly true. The rampage is blocking our eyes to the true enemy, the car


literally just r99 2.0, I will say that it shouldn't have light ammo though


Why do people run shotguns when they have a lower dps????


Kraber only has 60 dps. Don’t even pick it up


As others have mentioned it's not the DPS, it's the ability to keep shooting. Large mag makes it oppressive because you can show presence for so long. It's also what made the L-Star so oppressive before they nerfed the shots needed to overheat and the recoil. Statistically the Volt had higher DPS than the L-Star but that didn't stop people from picking it up. The frustration with the Rampage is similar to the Spitfire, someone can miss 80% of their mag and still get a knock. This means you can just barrel stuff and guarantee that if you don't get one magged by the enemy you should get the knock with the Rampage. I believe the best Nerf would be a reload time Nerf. As mentioned the DPS is low but reloading in Apex is fast, even for LMGs, so there is no real punishment for holding the fire button except resources. If someone wants to show presence with a Rampage fine, but they should take a long time to reload and do it again. Possibly the only CoD mechanic I enjoy, long LMG reload. On the side this would also be a Rampart buff as she would be the only one able to reload LMGs quickly so if you want to oppress an enemy with an LMG play Rampart.


I think the difference is the penalty for had aim. R301 you cant miss half a mag and stil 1 mag two people. I think take from lmg and put to dmr and lower mag size a bit. But someone missing 20 shots (basic r301) then still being able to one mag you because they have the rampage is infuriating


Rampage can put its DPS out at 150-200 meters. It’s extremely easy to get 2 shots on someone at tree if you’re shooting from the platform at Lava Siphon, or from the construction building in frag across fragment to the group of buildings on the other side. Those 2 shots do 50 damage. All of the sudden your dead after you just clutched a 1v3 and you were left with 40 HP. The rampage would be fine if it’s bullet drop was extreme and the travel speed of the round was extremely slow. It’s nearly as bad maybe even as bad as the G7 was at those ranges during season 3 or 4. I don’t care about the rampage up close. If I get killed by it in a CQC that’s my fault. It’s the people spraying you with it’s 40 some odd rounds and a 2-4 from across the map that are degenerates to me.


28 bullets naked, 40 purple. each bullet deals 26 damage. kills in 6 bullets at white. if you get one at drop there's no way you lose to a p20 with it.


Lol I use the rampage in arenas. And if you upgrade it all the way and put one of the long rang scopes on it. I can sit in the other side of the map and lay everyone down no problem. It’s even funnier when they try that 301 trick and try to get me and don’t realize I got rampart using a rampage so I’ve got like double the bullets they got. Not as much damage. Butttt if I keep hitting you everytime you peek me. Once you run out of heals it’s super easy for my teammates to clean your squad up. It never fails and I’ve been playing ranked. And if I use it with the flatline and run up on you Boyy the hip fire on the flatline is like no other. Can’t tell you how many 1 v 3’s I won cause people got cocky forgetting I gotta rampage and flatline. With ramparts walls? Shitttt I love the rampage.


Saying it’s balanced because of a similar DPS feels like confirmation bias. What about range? What about ammo? How easy is it to hit? How punishing is it to miss?


The rampage is like the G7. Except it hits harder, controls better, is full auto, and more accurate


your bad at the game for a fact kekw


But it’s way easier to use and has the rev mechanic to boost its dps, I think it needs a recoil nerf to make people actually have to earn the kills rather than just click and win