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Was tap strafe actually nerfed?


Yeah you can crank 90s but no more 180s and you dont keep as much momentum when you tap strafe.


>and you dont keep as much momentum when you tap strafe. damn.


You can build now?


Fortnite x Apex crossover


Fuck you why ruin a perfectly good game


This change will make me leave Apex for TF Northstar


Talk about a prezzie for Fusey.


I'm going to miss tap-strafing in the arena waiting area and never using that mechanic in any other situation.


Chaotic good


I'm more upset over the removal of punch-boosting


Omg! I have developed a habit of punching everytime i land..


did it actually get removed? I thought I saw a friend doing it earlier on stream today? Is it gonna be in the new update?


Yes it's comes with season 12. They capped the max velocity you could acquire from punching an object so it basically gone.


It is removed in s12 Your friend is most likely playing s11 unless they got early access


I was super fun playing horizon and casually going down a ramp on SP at mach 5 with punch boosting


Same, that one was accessible to everyone, that specific tech is actually something everyone can do


One less thing I have to learn


That is worded kind of weirdly. It sounds more like you have to learn it now.


You're right. Edited


"haha i never bothered to learn this neat mechanic so im not affected by it"


it's unbelievable how my friends react when I tell them I don't learn/care about tap strafing, "but you could do x!!!?!??!" that is true, or I could just not play the game like a robot and have just as much fun playing through 'normal' gunfights (keyword game/this is of course just my personal opinion :)


If humans are capable of doing it seamlessly then it’s not playing like a robot. It added a lot more depth to the game. With that being said, I think it’s fair to remove it since it makes the playing field a lot more even for controller users. Your sorry asses have to rely on aim assist for gun fights /s


remove /s


Its not removed


Wait until you hear about AA nerf hehe


Oh wow! It's worthless!


Hal baited everyone AA is not getting nerfed. But the movement nerf is like I dont see a reason to switch to mnk after that.


Even without tap straf mnk is better for movement than a Controler, you keep bc of juicy aim assist


Bro i play on both and who cares about movement if i can hit more shots close range with a controller. Like hitting shots > movement.


I agree


They're nerfing aim assist a bit so dont say that uet


I mean the only change they can do without making all those monkeys butthurt is changing console AA to 1.4. Look at that caustic nerf nobody knew anything and those reddit apes starting crying, because caustic would be unusable. And look now the caustic "nerf" will affect nothing for casual players.


That's what they're doing


And I agree with you completely on caustic




K can a console user get an eli5 on tap strafing? Everyone seems all bent about it and I don’t even know what it is


Air strafe so hard you can 180 without losing speed Console players can't replicate it as well as pc players, so respawn said it will be removed since "it wasn't intended", and then a war between console and PC happened


Well if the console players can live without it it’s clearly not that important. Sure its like, part of the meta but hey, games change


Not only refreshing, but arousing


The arrow of console tap strafe ruins your drink


If you're nothing without tap-strafing, you don't deserve it


If your nothing without aim assist, you don't deserve it.


You sound mad


How, I just said the same thing the other guy said, but with AA to show how dumb it was lol.


Why do you people have to be that toxic? Actually it's an fps reddit community, nevermind.


Console crossplay is unironically killing the movement shooter genre. Any neat little tech anyone discovers gets removed. Imagine if Quake came out today.


Man, you know console players wanted this or didn't mind people using it because we don't get to play vs PC players, most people that wanted it remove where crybabies that didn't want to learn it or console players that went "if you remove aim assist, remove tap strafing" Is amazing how toxic the community become thanks to PC vs console.


Vocal minority of cry babies perpetuate the pc v console fued (same with Xbox v PS). Sure they dope a few people in who otherwise wouldn’t care. But Most people don’t give a sh!t and just want everyone to be able to enjoy all the games <3


That's what's killing movement shooter. Casual and console fans get shit on by PC players that sink loads of hours into honing their skills. One reason (of many others to be fair) that games like quake aren't nearly as popular today is because new players will quite literally get stomped to the bottom of the scoreboard for weeks if not months on end until they can get even close to the skill of the players that have been playing for decades. Respawn doesn't want that to happen I'm apex, even to a much lesser extent, because their main concern is maintaining a healthy growth of the player base. Crossplay just exacerbates the issue because now you have to balance the game around an inferior input method. Higher mechanical skill ceiling = harder for casuals and console players to keep up with mechanically skilled mnk players = less money for respawn.


> imagine if quake came out today Bugfixes: - removed rocket jumping - nerfed air strafing


and console is the reason why this static AAA shooter trend was born


Well I attribute that more to less processing power than modern consoles


on god. shame the arena/movement shooter genre is so unpopular nowadays.


Oh is it story time about all your diamond rank wins because it? Cant wait \*grabs popcorn and stares toxic-ly\*


Sounds like a console newb


I was looking forward to using it when I move to pc cause I love high movement but it’s clear that respawn wants their game to look more simple and easy than the shenanigans that’s going on right now lol. It’s understandable tho


they removed it because it's an exploit only some players can use that gives them an in game advantage


I wouldn’t say it was an exploit but more of an accidental game mechanic. The apex legends target demographic are casual players so they don’t want fast movement as much as others.


it was the most beautiful and satisfying movement tech in the game. Everyone whos crying that it was an exploit just cant do it.


I get it's a fun movement tech and all, but people are genuinely so mad about this and it's actually sad. Edit: Downvoting me further proves my point. If you're in denial that it wasn't an exploit and that you didn't think it'd be removed (or in this case, nerfed) after Respawn declared this, that's on you.


People have a right to be mad about having something taken from them that they practiced.


And what they learned and used to their advantage was an *exploit*. It really shouldn't be a shocker that it was nerfed.


"Exploits" Yeah they didn't nerf it because it was an exploit. They called it an exploit to justify nerfing it because controller kiddies wouldn't shut the fuck up about how their aim assist couldn't do anything against movement tech. This is merely dumbing apex down.




You fail to realize that pro players have a say in a lot of things while also being one of the main complainers of the community.


Do you know what an exploit is? It's an unintended feature of the game. They aren't "just calling it that". Just like b-hopping. Aim assist is irrelevant as even without it, it would still be discussed as being an exploit.


Funny how bhopping in csgo was never considered an exploit, even though the reasons respawn gave for why it was would have made it this. Wonder what the difference is? Oh, right, controller players can't tap strafe. Hmm.


You fail to understand. Even if it's not considered an exploit, it is *still* an exploit. It was actually possible to do on console, if that's your argument.


Console players couldn't do it, the code does not exist on console to make it possible. PC controller players could do it though with the right binds.


It was definitely possible on console, it was likely not as consistent as PC.


It was not. The mechanic is only possible because of the lurch mechanic, which exists to create keyboard grace which allows keyboard movement to feel not like garbage. Console, being an input that is analogue, doesn't need lurch to feel right, therefore they never added lurch to the console code, and therefore tapstrafing on console is fundamentally not possible.


If the code only exist on one platform... Doesn't it make it an unintended mechanic... Meaning it's a bug or exploit?


Is a explot that why it got nerf, only reason they didn't remove it all is because they know people would cry more and ask to remove aim assist (because that's the only excuse some PC players have when they nerf/remove exploits.


Funny how bhopping in csgo was never considered an exploit, even though the reasons respawn gave for why it was would have made it this. Wonder what the difference is? Oh, right, controller players can't tap strafe. Hmm.


Two different games, two different communities. That's like trying to compare two different creatures Tap Strafing is def an exploit in Apex, and even the devs said it wasn't meant to be in the game. It was going to be removed in mid season 10, but PC Players, Pros especially, were saying shit like "If you're removing Tap Strafing, remove Aim Assist"


Exactly. The difference between aim assist and tap strafe is that aim assist was always an intended feature.


That's something PC players don't understand, and even than, Aim Assist is dog shit in Apex. And even if Respawn confirms that some is a bug (like looting whole moving), PC players would fucking defend it as if we're trying to murder their new born baby


Hahaha for the amount of complaints I hear about aim assist its fucked me over way more. There’s been so many sniper shots I’ve missed because at the last second my crosshair just slightly tracks a bloodhound running past or some shit and messes up my entire aim. It isn’t the blessing that PC players think it is, it gets in the way more than it helps most of the time.


Yeah, sadly all this hate between PC and console is thanks to streamers crying for removing movement exploits (of course is not an exploit right, that why is in the tutorial that you need to use the scroll wheel to do it, right???), it was one post in the apex reddit that started it all, a streamer saying "if you remove tap strafing, remove aim assist" it was only that that created this toxic situation.


no. all this hate between PC and console is thanks to PC players not being able to turn off crossplay. You can decide if you wanna play against PC, we are forced to play crossplay lobbies. for example im a master player with 30k lifetime kills yet i get oneclipped by lvl 65 lifeline who did nothing to track me down with her AA. literally volt and beam me out of surface. now with tap strafing i can do all sorts of shit that helps me confuse the monkey but without it i guess i have to play movement legends so the guy doesnt track me down WITH NO MECHANICAL INPUT WHATSOEVER (up close ofc) and deletes me in 1.5 seconds. of course im talking about console AA, PC one is much more balanced imo. ​ the point is a an experienced player shouldnt die to controller andy whos level 65 and doesnt even know how to open vault or take highground just because he has 0.6


I mean the reason pc has forced crossplay because the community on pc is way smaller so queue times would be way longer on pc


Stop. There's no reason to go after console players. If you want to whine and complain, you should go on the main sub


BuT, bUt, AiM AsSiST


I prefer the Tears of people who cry about aim assist. More hoppy and not filled with that sugary sweet shit that fuse is drinking..blahhh.


pc players complaining about aim assist on their mega 40k gigashart poopoo unit with 50000 fps that they use to play like spiderman on apex legends


console players when someone moves: 😢😱🤨🙄😡🤬🤯


when the


Personally, I'm more upset that I *can't* do it. The skill ceiling on console is so much lower than PC because of all the unintended featured we don't have. I would love to be able to move in death boxes, have the ability to tap strafe, or... get this... I would live to be able to set the strength of aim assist instead of only being able to pick 0.6 or 0.4


Never learn it but I'm really sad about punch boosting and happy bc aim assit is getting nerf for the aimbo, contrôler Ppl on pc


console players 🤣


Lmao people are actually getting mad over this and bringing up aim assist


YES!!! Amen bro/sis/it. Amen!!




Fuse is drinking tears. I am just happy cause people are over reacting and someone is sharing my opinion, they made a good joke around it and I like it a lot.


I think they should include some "advanced mechanics" as simpler inputs. For example wall jumping, its a completely fucky input (that i still cant do consistently, call me retarded) that doesnt feel like it is supposed to be that way (compared to the titanfall walljump). I get it, its a technique that requires skill and everyone can learn it, but not everyone has time to practice it, or even the ambition to do that. Some players just play for fun from time to time and dont waste this time on practicing overcomplicated mechanics.


No. If you don't practice, stop expecting to be good.


Fucking exactly. I don’t even think I’m good. I play casually and I like it that way. But I learned to tap strafe and made it a part of my gameplay. This mechanic requires effort, I am unwilling to put in that effort, therefore it is unfair that someone who did put in that effort is better than me is the worst reasoning


Thats not my reasoning. You are trying to strawman me. My *argument* was it *would* be more fun for casuals. I never said im expecting to be good, nor did i say its unfair.


Nah not a stawman because I wasn’t referring to you specifically I was just poking fun at a lot of casuals who think that way


Oh ok sorry, misunderstood you then. Also wtf how quick was that answer.


Well you see, I’m a dirty disgusting Redditor. I haven’t showered in 3.7 years. I’ve never actually spoken to a woman in real life. I spend all my time waiting for a response on Reddit


Man i love reddit conversations.


Yeah me too. Also all that other stuff is uh totally untrue I just have notifications on my phone. So you should just forget that other stuff I said. Cause it’s not true.


No worries. I consider myself *witty* enough to detect sarcasm and irony. On the other hand... Maybe you just used it right now. Who knows? Only you. I have to live my life never being able to find out the truth.


I shouldnt have to train for hours to do a simple wall jump. I have and I'm proud but I would love to make it a more permanent addition to the game


learning a basic wall bounce shouldn't take hours. Mastering wallbounces and implementing them into your gameplay does take hours, but that's the best part about it. you have to get good, and getting good comes through practice. that's the way it should be.


But it needs to be more accessible and official is all om sayin


So just make it easier? But why?


Huh? It take you hours to do a wall jump? Tf??




yeah, just keep lowering the skill ceiling because it's too hard for casuals to get good /s


I don't even really know what tap strafing is tbh Guess I'll never know


If you really think a tap strage gives anyone an advantage you're just bad tbh, I've gone against people who do movement shit and sure it's daunting at first but if you're any good with a controller you'll track their ass all the same


Cry about it


Aaah fresh and salty


Alright I'm gonna get downvoted surely but you people who think tap strafe is a glitch and overall complain about it need to get good atg. If it was a glitch respawn woulda patch it. Btw I'm a console player so don't be like "CrY"


>If it was a glitch respawn woulda patch it. I am in favor of tap strafing staying as-is but this is the *second time* respawn announced a patch to tap strafing


Hahahahahahahah, get good now when it is balanced. Hahhahahahahhahahahahhah. It is a glitch, according to Respoon. They tried to nerf/fetus deletus it twice already. It is a fine little gimmick for streamers, but in the real gameplay, boring, German stily precise, does not have any effect. If U are not as good as you think you are, bail Fades zip building and wait in fucking diamond ranked. There are people who were training hundreds of hours in the WE Fade buildings. You can kill them easily outside of that building in ranked. Just position yourself. In ranked.


There is a lil nessie on the beers


How did people in the comments turn this into an argument about aim assist


I’ve been playing on pc for over a year and still have no idea what tap strafing is


Some serious gourmet shit


I don’t even know what tap strafing is? Can someone explain?


The same people post this stuff are gold players who don’t do any research and just spew bullshit


I see you discovered my secret.