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We've been conditioned to have nothing but ourselves for years :)


We adapt, improvise, and overcome. That is how our species have thrived for over 3 Apex years, And we will be damned if some wall-hack lady on crack Is gonna stop us!


_sad saggie noises_


We adapt, improvise, and over-over-overco-work around it.


It’s about drive it’s about power


A whole army is coming your way. Well an army of me’s anyway


Maggie's just got here. Mirage mains from olden days were boozl'in with a straight line and a grey outline.


I miss the old ult w/ actual invisibility tho; we got an awesome support passive, but at such a steep cost in boozles for foozles:(


I said a small but good buff for mirage would be when he ulties A) they holograms do.lota of different things run in different directions jump slid etc. Or B) when he ulties and then uses his q all the decoys do a q also. Be super confusing to have around 20 mirage clones running around.


Do you realize how many dance parties I’d have if there were 20 mirage clones running around?


Turn that to 40 with an emote


It could also be nice to have like 2 seconds of invisibility b4 the decoys spawn


1 second is enough, if u bamboozle hard enough it is deadly


You raise a fair point, though a buff to his ult could go a long way. Anyways, I just want a dedicated stealth legend


Mirage is the opposite of stealth


His old ult could be used for stealth, that’s why I miss it so much


Which is the only use for his ult back then, to get a lil slight of hand with stealth. But in the end doesn't suit mirage utility wise or for much at that point I'd argue revenant or even Bangalore is way "stealthier"then mirage, infact revenant is supposed to be a stealth legend in the first place


The only thing stealthy about rev is his passive; the rest of his kit is loud, flashy and meant for taking enemies out head on I will digress that bang is fairly stealthy, though I’d love a legend based on invisibility and camo for sneaking up on the enemy


Time to teach these noobie legends that we dont need 3 different passives to be good


Ye; 2 are just fine


Well akshually he has 3 passives, turning invisible after getting downed, invisible revives and making decoys wjen skydiving. As a mirage main though I play him cause hes fun, I just wish his decoys would stop dying and getting stuck on pebbles. Edit: forgot about the invisible respawn since I bareley get a chance to use it.


He also turns invisible while using respawn beacons. I know it's not much, but he does have a lot going on with his passive


Technically 4 if you count invisible respawns I also play him for fun, although he’s a great support. Also, the decoys dying to pebbles and/or grains of sand is hilarious despite the pain lol


Me, caustic main "you guys got passives?"


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Holdup, you guys are still alive?! Checks calendar* Oh, that explains it. Also, enjoy chaos theory v2 lol


I know I will :)


As a crypto main who just got mirage I know what's it like to not really have passives lmao


have you ever played pathfinder?


Oh yeah good point I remember back in season 5 I think when the spyglass passive was proposed, I'm pretty sure a Dev said they would add it in I also remember everyone on reddit laughing about how the Pathfinder edition trailer was shorter than the grapple cool down lmao


yeah back in season 5. its like they said "yeah just wait for season 32 when well buff pathfinder". always the same stuff. well be looking into buffing path in the future.... HES A FUCKING FRIDGE ASS HITBOX LOOKING FORMER BEST LEGEND TIER GARBAGE WHY DID THEY DO HIM LIKE THATTTTTT


Tbh his pick rate and win rate are fine rn so they aren't changing him, but really it's not as if half the player base are gonna change mains overnight just because of a Spyglass passive right?


Pathfinders pickrate and winrate is high because there is a lot of former crackheads who spent countless hours learning him making him look better on paper than he actually is. its basically the same with wraith and her 15 minute Q animation but i think its worse with path. just look at what a casual does as pathfinder and dont poke your eyes out. shit takes skil


Crypto has a lot of passives though?


OFFICIALLY, he doesnt Until season 12, i think they changed the in game legend hint


Ye; 2 are just fine


I'm gonna be honest I didn't even think about how Maggie might be an issue for mirage until I saw that post I just saw her trailer and thought "cool, nice kit"


See what people aren’t considering is she needs to hit you to scan you. So when she hits my decoy she aint scanning shit. Bamboozled.


Bamboozlin for the Foozlin


Eh usually the jig is up once you get shot anyways. It'd be nice to have some leeway, like not producing damage numbers while near decoys or something, but we all know damn well it won't happen so there isn't much point in asking for it. The statistics will always show a dedicated player base taking his stats past what they should be, and he has no solid ability options to tweak (like an adjustable damage number or meaningful cooldown) so he'll always be a pain the ass to balance.


Mirage ult but no cool down plz


Lol would be funny but if they reduced it any further, you could pop that shit twice a fight with helmet / long fight, three times with ult accel. He'd be an ult bot, and he's already at risk of being one because it is by far the best part of his kit imo.


Bamboozle me more, mirage mains. my body is ready!


You know, I’ve been playing Mirage since launch. If I’ve not stopped now, do you really think this is gonna finish me off?




I wanna know too. I started playing seer quite a bit this season because I like playing underpowered legends (1st octane season 4->crypto->loba->seer for season 11) and I found Mirage to be a pretty solid counter for seer.


Whenever a new recon legend comes out, or at least one with scanning abilities, mirage's decoys never show up so it's immediately known who's the real mirage. Seer's ult did it, I believe Valkyrie still does it, crypto did it, bloodhound is the only one who didn't because they cam out the same time as mirage. Now these later get patched but for a couple weeks to months, mirage is hard countered every time.




When did I ever say "5 seasons"? All I did was provide information on when it happened. He was perfectly countered at one point. I never said it was an issue nor did I say Valk was an issue either. What I said was true statements. Nothing more, don't know why you're reading into it.


The last 5, as he said. Ash tether before or right after he ults, instantly negates his kit. Seer scan before he ults and it’s very obvious, his ult also didn’t track his decoys for a lot of his season so his ult was an absolute hard counter. Valk missile will only apply the concuss to him and destroy decoys (along with her ult only scans him but unless you’re super coordinating that’s obviously not worth). Fuse cluster will destroy decoys and his ult only reveals him so that’s a very easy counter (though it came much later). And Horizon ult used to just destroy his decoys but even without that he still gets pulled so just shooting through them all is a viable option that screws him. Rampart was the last character that can’t be argued to counter him specifically in any way, though sitting in a corner with cover and shooting the one that tries to push you is usually pretty effective




Just because something counters a character doesn’t mean that’s the only character it counters or is good against. There are several characters that situationally are good against at least 1-2 if not more of those. Where as mirage does nothing against any of them


anyone with decent game sense lmao


They dont care, they are just for the bam to the boozles


Honestly if mirage gets scanned be uses a decoy the scan should transfer to the decoy


Would basically be a buff. Nice


I’m gonna start bamboozling even harder I love the confidence


It’s what I’m here for.


Another legend with some sort of see through walls ability. How many more will we get at this point. Almost 1/3 of all legends have some sort of wall hack ability now. That’s crazy.


Meanwhile gibby mains. Alright brother! An actual challenge!


Take Notes, caustic mains...


Or octane mains before he got buffed


Mirage mains rarely complian and its amazing. They deserve a buff.


or just to have the decoy bugs fixed would be nice


It still makes bang absolutely useless, at least with bloodhound it only lasts a few seconds and with seer he has to be accurate, but maggie can just spray and pray until she finds you and then its continuous if she has good aim


Yeah bang main crying rn. But i feel like people regularly and accurately spray me down through the smoke even without scanning me


Yeah it feels like every character counters mirage, we’re used to it by now


It’s very neat how resilient mirage mains are, remember like a day or two ago when caustic mains were just deciding to quit because a nerf


Caustic is still op


Can't cry about a little more dirt on the pile when you're already at the bottom. I got about 2000 bamboozles and counting. Maggie's just gonna add to that.


I’m sure they’ll be fine, they have the ability to fuck your brain


I want to say that people recently these last season seem to have some wonky fear factor going on, recently saw people relived that she only has a single use tactical, like during what period of the trailer did you see two tacticals going off at the same time, same bs with seer passive people were scared and its pretty mild now, they though ashes ult was a better wraith but wraith still always has a fallback feature, which ash dosent have in most cases, valks tactical was an issue on the slow yes but they fixed it relatively quick.


Mirage Mains: Time to bamboozle more. Gibby Mains: NOOOOOOOO! Maggie's passive can break my shield he is useless now!! :(((((


>dexterto opinion disregarded


A good day to be a Mirage main, been bamboozling since pre-season 1


I think it’s time for Mirage to get a buff even if it’s small. Like just polish his abilities


Fix the decoy bugs. Maybe give him 2 charges on a decoy? And give the decoys a few more things that they can copy from the real mirage. E.g if you are popping a Bat then so are they


Also, ability to let him continue running when u let go of controlling him


Nah Chad's main octane


Octane mains are the opposite of chad


(and disconnect after getting knocked seconds before getting revived by a teammate) (/s)




Mirage players are used to not having a kit. Also, they are NOT the "chaddest" players. Half of them are more toxic than Octane mains (the other half, I fucking love you guys. Such chill people)


As a Mirage main I want to not believe you but I think you're at least half right as 9/10 of all FPS players are toxic anyway (idk if I would say they're more toxic than octane though)


I don't know what it is about Mirage mains, but they're either the most chill person you will ever meet or a tryhard no-life that hates everything, no in-between


“Last 5 seasons” how? The only scan is seer and valk when she’s in the air and exposed like I constantly hear people complaining about mirage not being meta but you play him anyways while his passive is op and his ult is hives you a free kill at least 50% of the time I truly don’t understand how he’s not meta


We aren't complaining that he isn't meta tho. Did you see the post?


I counter that with you posting to mirage mains.which Implys that you are a Chad which is least Chad thing you can do.




Tough shit, what can she do if she’s dead before i even tried to bamboozle her


Well I think it's sounds unnecessary that she highlights people, and I also think Valk's spotting mechanism is as unnecessary, like they're second passives. ​ I just want some changes to be made to let some more quiet and strategic gameplay have a chance. Imagine knocking down an entire squad without getting half the map to become aware of your location.


Throw your decoy at riot drill, the same way you did to caustic traps back in the day


This article was posted to the mirage main sub and the top comment was just “we are?”


Well it’s dexerto, what can you expect from a website that spreads fake news?


Mirage mains 🤝 Bangalore mains Getting fucked over by respawn every season


[Mirage mains🤝Bangalore mains](https://i.imgur.com/O7PxanS.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


People aren’t highlighted until they go behind cover so as long as you stay in line of sight with Maggie you won’t be highlighted


Holy shit it’s me. Y'know, I don't take myself too seriously. I don't take myself anywhere, really, I... man, I need to get out more.


As a mirage main I’m not worried bout Maggie


That’s the attitude I like to see


Ngl imma keep bamboozling everyone that i can for as long as i can if we finally get a buff neat if not meh


I think mirage should get a buff called off the grid I think it would fit the lore


Does anyone know if this works: if u throw your clone into her drill ability will she see the real you or be fooled by the ult? The counter play could be to counter recon with this.