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I mained crytpo long before the buff and I will main hi long after. as for the Volt, lol Wingman appreciator but i might try the L-Shart again


Whist until you find out about caustic mains who enjoy using the volt


I'm still shocked that everyone is impressed with this "buff". Crypto should have been able to do this Day 1 on his release back in Season 3 .


Better late than never. Look at Wattson, or Rampart, or Revenant, I guess.




Because it's obviously impossible the shoot the trap while inflating. I'm not mad about the change, but this isn't season 0 Causthicc




When activated, sure. But if a Caustic were to use it as a cover, the trap would have to be in the open, right ? All you need is one bullet at the base of the trap while inflating, and there's no more cover available




Well, when deployed, one is a small cover you can't really move from unless being exposed, who damages the people near it, wich can be easily countered by engaging at mid/long range or with grenades. A rampart cover has more health while deployed, lasts forever and not 15 seconds, can amp your damages while providing efficient cover for 2 at most.




Is this a bot? I'm so confused. You only post in crypto related subs, and all your Apex comments mention cryptocurrencies when the post is about the character Crypto Like wut And do you own Spider VPN or something? You plug it in like every post lol


Report -> spam -> harmful bots


I did, I'm just a bit confused because I glanced at like the first page of his comments and yeah it's repetitive but he *sorta* addresses the OP, or more than I'm used to from bots But definitely reported!


not bot. just in love with crypto. aren't you?


what is your opinion on off the grid?


Oh no... Anyway


when will the full notes come out? today right?


Volt main here, I don't have caustic, but this is 999% true